963 resultados para Missions and Missionaries
This cross-country report shares first insights from the World's Largest Panel Study of Social Enterprises, which covers seven European Countries (Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom), China and Russia. It captures the behavior and characteristics of representative samples of social enterprises in these countries who are employers. The report covers a range of topics from profiling social enterprise directors and their social enterprises, to innovation activities and barriers, their entrepreneurial orientation, social missions, social impact metrics to summarizing policy recommendations that social entrepreneurs would like to see being implemented in their countries. Who should read this report? The report is written for social enterprises, social enterprises support organisations and policy makers who want to get an overview of social enterprise in the UK. Thank you to all the social entrepreneurs who made this report possible by participating in our study!
Méthodologie: Modèle interprétatif de l’archéologie phénoménologique.
L'industrie du ciment est l'une des principales sources d'émission de dioxyde de carbone. L'industrie mondiale du ciment contribue à environ 7% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans l'atmosphère. Afin d'aborder les effets environnementaux associés à la fabrication de ciment exploitant en permanence les ressources naturelles, il est nécessaire de développer des liants alternatifs pour fabriquer du béton durable. Ainsi, de nombreux sous-produits industriels ont été utilisés pour remplacer partiellement le ciment dans le béton afin de générer plus d'économie et de durabilité. La performance d'un additif de ciment est dans la cinétique d'hydratation et de la synergie entre les additions et de ciment Portland. Dans ce projet, deux sous-produits industriels sont étudiés comme des matériaux cimentaires alternatifs: le résidu de silice amorphe (RSA) et les cendres des boues de désencrage. Le RSA est un sous-produit de la production de magnésium provenant de l'Alliance Magnésium des villes d'Asbestos et Thedford Mines, et les cendres des boues de désencrage est un sous-produit de la combustion des boues de désencrage, l'écorce et les résidus de bois dans le système à lit fluidisé de l'usine de Brompton située près de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. Récemment, les cendres des boues de désencrage ont été utilisées comme des matériaux cimentaires alternatifs. L'utilisation de ces cendres comme matériau cimentaire dans la fabrication du béton conduit à réduire la qualité des bétons. Ces problèmes sont causés par des produits d'hydratation perturbateurs des cendres volantes de la biomasse quand ces cendres sont partiellement mélangées avec du ciment dans la fabrication du béton. Le processus de pré-mouillage de la cendre de boue de désencrage avant la fabrication du béton réduit les produits d'hydratation perturbateurs et par conséquent les propriétés mécaniques du béton sont améliorées. Les approches pour étudier la cendre de boue de désencrage dans ce projet sont : 1) caractérisation de cette cendre volante régulière et pré-humidifiée, 2) l'étude de la performance du mortier et du béton incorporant cette cendre volante régulière et pré-humidifiée. Le RSA est un nouveau sous-produit industriel. La haute teneur en silice amorphe en RSA est un excellent potentiel en tant que matériau cimentaire dans le béton. Dans ce projet, l'évaluation des RSA comme matériaux cimentaires alternatifs compose trois étapes. Tout d'abord, la caractérisation par la détermination des propriétés minéralogiques, physiques et chimiques des RSA, ensuite, l'optimisation du taux de remplacement du ciment par le RSA dans le mortier, et enfin l'évaluation du RSA en remplacement partiel du ciment dans différents types de béton dans le système binaire et ternaire. Cette étude a révélé que le béton de haute performance (BHP) incorporant le RSA a montré des propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité, similaire du contrôle. Le RSA a amélioré les propriétés des mécaniques et la durabilité du béton ordinaire (BO). Le béton autoplaçant (BAP) incorporant le RSA est stable, homogène et a montré de bonnes propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité. Le RSA avait une bonne synergie en combinaison de liant ternaire avec d'autres matériaux cimentaires supplémentaires. Cette étude a montré que le RSA peut être utilisé comme nouveaux matériaux cimentaires dans le béton.
Este estudio de caso busca identificar los elementos del portafolio de política exterior de Trinidad y Tobago que le permitieron promover exitosamente sus intereses en el Protocolo de Kioto. Al hacer esto, este texto analizará las limitaciones de Trinidad y Tobago en términos de vulnerabilidades de localización, burocracia y recursos. Posteriormente, una revisión del portafolio de política exterior de este Estado ilustrará el uso de estrategias de creación de capacidades y de organización como lo son el contacto con actores institucionales y no gubernamentales, la formación de coaliciones y estrategias argumentativas, entre otras. Finalmente, este artículo concluirá que dichas acciones permitieron la promoción de la agenda de política exterior de Trinidad y Tobago a través de la creación de hojas de ruta y la coordinación de la incertidumbre con el Protocolo de Kioto. Para hacer esto, este trabajo se concentrará en examinar conceptos como vulnerabilidad y priorización, asimismo contrastando diferentes artículos académicos en la materia junto con documentos oficiales de Trinidad y Tobago.
Jupiter and its moons are a complex dynamical system that include several phenomenon like tides interactions, moon's librations and resonances. One of the most interesting characteristics of the Jovian system is the presence of the Laplace resonance, where the orbital periods of Ganymede, Europa and Io maintain a 4:2:1 ratio respectively. It is interesting to study the role of the Laplace Resonance in the dynamic of the system, especially regarding the dissipative nature of the tidal interaction between Jupiter and its closest moon, Io. Numerous theories have been proposed regarding the orbital evolution of the Galilean satellites, but they disagree about the amount of dissipation of the system, therefore about the magnitude and the direction of the evolution of the system, mainly because of the lack of experimental data. The future JUICE space mission is a great opportunity to solve this dispute. JUICE is an ESA (European Space Agency) L-class mission (the largest category of missions in the ESA Cosmic Vision) that, at the beginning of 2030, will be inserted in the Jovian system and that will perform several flybys of the Galilean satellites, with the exception of Io. Subsequently, during the last part of the mission, it will orbit around Ganymede for nine months, with a possible extension of the mission. The data that JUICE will collect during the mission will have an exceptional accuracy, allowing to investigate several aspects of the dynamics the system, especially, the evolution of Laplace Resonance of the Galilean moons and its stability. This thesis will focus on the JUICE mission, in particular in the gravity estimation and orbit reconstruction of the Galilean satellites during the Jovian orbital phase using radiometric data. This is accomplished through an orbit determination technique called multi-arc approach, using the JPL's orbit determination software MONTE (Mission-analysis, Operations and Navigation Tool-kit Environment).
Hadrontherapy employs high-energy beams of charged particles (protons and heavier ions) to treat deep-seated tumours: these particles have a favourable depth-dose distribution in tissue characterized by a low dose in the entrance channel and a sharp maximum (Bragg peak) near the end of their path. In these treatments nuclear interactions have to be considered: beam particles can fragment in the human body releasing a non-zero dose beyond the Bragg peak while fragments of human body nuclei can modify the dose released in healthy tissues. These effects are still in question given the lack of interesting cross sections data. Also space radioprotection can profit by fragmentation cross section measurements: the interest in long-term manned space missions beyond Low Earth Orbit is growing in these years but it has to cope with major health risks due to space radiation. To this end, risk models are under study: however, huge gaps in fragmentation cross sections data are currently present preventing an accurate benchmark of deterministic and Monte Carlo codes. To fill these gaps in data, the FOOT (FragmentatiOn Of Target) experiment was proposed. It is composed by two independent and complementary setups, an Emulsion Cloud Chamber and an electronic setup composed by several subdetectors providing redundant measurements of kinematic properties of fragments produced in nuclear interactions between a beam and a target. FOOT aims to measure double differential cross sections both in angle and kinetic energy which is the most complete information to address existing questions. In this Ph.D. thesis, the development of the Trigger and Data Acquisition system for the FOOT electronic setup and a first analysis of 400 MeV/u 16O beam on Carbon target data acquired in July 2021 at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) are presented. When possible, a comparison with other available measurements is also reported.
Recently, the JPL's MarCO mission demonstrated that these probes are also mature enough to be employed in the deep space, even though with the limitations related to the employed commercial components. Currently, other deep space CubeSats are planned either as stand-alone missions or as companions of a traditional large probe. Therefore, developing a dedicated navigation suite is crucial to reaching the mission's goals, considering the limitations of the onboard components compared to typical deep space missions. In this framework, the LICIACube mission represents an ideal candidate test-bench, as it performs a flyby of the Didymos asteroid system subject to a strong position, epochs, and pointing requirements. This mission will also allow us to infer the capabilities of such microsatellites and highlight their limitations compared with the benefits of a lighter design and tailoring efforts. In this work, the OD and guidance methods and tools adopted for classical deep space missions have been tailored for the CubeSat applications and validated through extensive analyses. In addition, navigation procedures and interfaces have been designed in view of the operations foreseen in late 2022. The pre-launch covariance analysis has been performed to assess the mission's feasibility for the nominal trajectory and its associated uncertainties, based on conservative assumptions on the main parameters. Extensive sensitivity analyses have been carried out to understand the main mission parameters affecting the performance and to demonstrate the robustness of the designed trajectory and operation schedule in fulfilling the mission requirements. The developed system was also stressed by tuning the models to access different reconstruction methods for the maneuvers. The analysis demonstrated the feasibility of the LICIACube mission navigation in compliance with the mission requirements, compatible with the limited resources available, both in space and on the ground.
The topic of this thesis is the design and the implementation of mathematical models and control system algorithms for rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles to be used in cooperative scenarios. The use of rotorcrafts has many attractive advantages, since these vehicles have the capability to take-off and land vertically, to hover and to move backward and laterally. Rotary-wing aircraft missions require precise control characteristics due to their unstable and heavy coupling aspects. As a matter of fact, flight test is the most accurate way to evaluate flying qualities and to test control systems. However, it may be very expensive and/or not feasible in case of early stage design and prototyping. A good compromise is made by a preliminary assessment performed by means of simulations and a reduced flight testing campaign. Consequently, having an analytical framework represents an important stage for simulations and control algorithm design. In this work mathematical models for various helicopter configurations are implemented. Different flight control techniques for helicopters are presented with theoretical background and tested via simulations and experimental flight tests on a small-scale unmanned helicopter. The same platform is used also in a cooperative scenario with a rover. Control strategies, algorithms and their implementation to perform missions are presented for two main scenarios. One of the main contributions of this thesis is to propose a suitable control system made by a classical PID baseline controller augmented with L1 adaptive contribution. In addition a complete analytical framework and the study of the dynamics and the stability of a synch-rotor are provided. At last, the implementation of cooperative control strategies for two main scenarios that include a small-scale unmanned helicopter and a rover.
The navigation of deep space spacecraft requires accurate measurement of the probe’s state and attitude with respect to a body whose ephemerides may not be known with good accuracy. The heliocentric state of the spacecraft is estimated through radiometric techniques (ranging, Doppler, and Delta-DOR), while optical observables can be introduced to improve the uncertainty in the relative position and attitude with respect to the target body. In this study, we analyze how simulated optical observables affect the estimation of parameters in an orbit determination problem, considering the case of the ESA’s Hera mission towards the binary asteroid system composed of Didymos and Dimorphos. To this extent, a shape model and a photometric function are used to create synthetic onboard camera images. Then, using a stereophotoclinometry technique on some of the simulated images, we create a database of maplets that describe the 3D geometry of the surface around a set of landmarks. The matching of maplets with the simulated images provides the optical observables, expressed as pixel coordinates in the camera frame, which are fed to an orbit determination filter to estimate a certain number of solve-for parameters. The noise introduced in the output optical observables by the image processing can be quantified using as a metric the quality of the residuals, which is used to fine-tune the maplet-matching parameters. In particular, the best results are obtained when using small maplets, with high correlation coefficients and occupation factors.
The discovery of scaling relations between the mass of the SMBH and some key physical properties of the host galaxy suggests that the growth of the SMBH and that of the galaxy are coupled, with the AGN activity and the star-formation (SF) processes influencing each other. Although the mechanism of this co-evolution are still a matter of debate, all scenarios agree that a key phase of the co-evolution is represented by the obscured accretion phase. This phase is of the co-evolution is the least studied, mostly due to the challenge in detecting and recognizing such obscured AGN. My thesis aims at investigating the AGN-galaxy co-evolution paradigm by identifying and studying AGN in the obscured accretion phase. The study of obscured AGN is key for our understanding of the feedback processes and of the mutual influence of the SF and the AGN activity. Moreover, these obscured and elusive AGN are needed to explain the X-ray background spectrum and to reconcile the measurements and the theoretical prediction of the BH accretion rate density. In this thesis, we firstly investigate the synergies between IR and X-ray missions in detecting and characterizing AGN, with a particular focus on the most obscured ones. We exploited UV/optical emission lines to select high-redshift obscured AGN at the cosmic noon, where the highest SFR density and BH accretion rate density are expected. We provide X-ray spectral analysis and UV-to-far-IR SED-fitting. We show that our samples host a significant fraction of very obscured sources; many of these are highly accreting. Finally, we performe a thoughtful investigation of a galaxy at z~5 with unusual and peculiar features, that lead us to identify a second extremely young population of stars and hidden AGN activity.
On November 16, 2022, the NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) has been launched for the first time in the context of Artemis-1 mission where, together with the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, a set of 10 CubeSats have been delivered into a translunar trajectory. Among the small satellites deployed during Artemis-1 there is ArgoMoon, a 6U CubeSat built by the Italian company Argotec and coordinated by Italian Space Agency (ASI). The primary goal of ArgoMoon is to capture images of the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage. The ArgoMoon trajectory has been designed as a highly elliptical geocentric orbit, with several encounters with the Moon. In order to successfully fly ArgoMoon along the designed cis-lunar trajectory, a ground-based navigation system has been developed exploiting the guidance techniques also used for regular deep space missions. The navigation process is subdivided into Orbit Determi- nation (OD) and a Flight Path Control (FPC), and it is designed to follow the reference trajectory, prevent impacts with the Earth and the Moon, intensively test the navigation techniques, and guarantee the spacecraft disposal at the end of the mission. The work done in this thesis has accomplished the navigation of ArgoMoon, covering all aspects of the project life, from pre-launch design and analysis to actual operations. Firstly, the designed navigation process and the pre-mission assessment of its performance will be presented. Then, the results of the ArgoMoon navigation operations performed after the launch in November 2022 will be described in detail by discussing the main encountered challenges and the adopted solutions. The results of the operations confirmed the robustness of the designed navigation which allowed to accurately estimate the trajectory of ArgoMoon despite a series of complex events.
Over one million people lost their lives in the last twenty years from natural disasters like wildfires, earthquakes and man-made disasters. In such scenarios the usage of a fleet of robots aims at the parallelization of the workload and thus increasing speed and capabilities to complete time sensitive missions. This work focuses on the development of a dynamic fleet management system, which consists in the management of multiple agents cooperating in order to accomplish tasks. We presented a Mixed Integer Programming problem for the management and planning of mission’s tasks. The problem was solved using both an exact and a heuristic approach. The latter is based on the idea of solving iteratively smaller instances of the complete problem. Alongside, a fast and efficient algorithm for estimation of travel times between tasks is proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed heuristic approach is able to generate quality solutions, within specific time limits, compared to the exact one.
Characterized for the first time in erythrocytes, phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinases (PIP kinases) belong to a family of enzymes that generate various lipid messengers and participate in several cellular processes, including gene expression regulation. Recently, the PIPKIIα gene was found to be differentially expressed in reticulocytes from two siblings with hemoglobin H disease, suggesting a possible relationship between PIPKIIα and the production of globins. Here, we investigated PIPKIIα gene and protein expression and protein localization in hematopoietic-derived cells during their differentiation, and the effects of PIPKIIα silencing on K562 cells. PIPKIIα silencing resulted in an increase in α and γ globins and a decrease in the proliferation of K562 cells without affecting cell cycle progression and apoptosis. In conclusion, using a cell line model, we showed that PIPKIIα is widely expressed in hematopoietic-derived cells, is localized in their cytoplasm and nucleus, and is upregulated during erythroid differentiation. We also showed that PIPKIIα silencing can induce α and γ globin expression and decrease cell proliferation in K562 cells.
Bone marrow is organized in specialized microenvironments known as 'marrow niches'. These are important for the maintenance of stem cells and their hematopoietic progenitors whose homeostasis also depends on other cell types present in the tissue. Extrinsic factors, such as infection and inflammatory states, may affect this system by causing cytokine dysregulation (imbalance in cytokine production) and changes in cell proliferation and self-renewal rates, and may also induce changes in the metabolism and cell cycle. Known to relate to chronic inflammation, obesity is responsible for systemic changes that are best studied in the cardiovascular system. Little is known regarding the changes in the hematopoietic system induced by the inflammatory state carried by obesity or the cell and molecular mechanisms involved. The understanding of the biological behavior of hematopoietic stem cells under obesity-induced chronic inflammation could help elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in other inflammatory processes, such as neoplastic diseases and bone marrow failure syndromes.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the structural and molecular effects of antiangiogenic therapies and finasteride on the ventral prostate of senile mice. 90 male FVB mice were divided into: Young (18 weeks old) and senile (52 weeks old) groups; finasteride group: finasteride (20mg/kg); SU5416 group: SU5416 (6 mg/kg); TNP-470 group: TNP-470 (15 mg/kg,) and SU5416+TNP-470 group: similar to the SU5416 and TNP-470 groups. After 21 days, prostate ventral lobes were collected for morphological, immunohistochemical and Western blotting analyses. The results demonstrated atrophy, occasional proliferative lesions and inflammatory cells in the prostate during senescence, which were interrupted and/or blocked by treatment with antiangiogenic drugs and finasteride. Decreased AR and endostatin reactivities, and an increase for ER-α, ER-β and VEGF, were seen in the senile group. Decreased VEGF and ER-α reactivities and increased ER-β reactivity were verified in the finasteride, SU5416 groups and especially in SU5416+TNP-470 group. The TNP-470 group showed reduced AR and ER-β protein levels. The senescence favored the occurrence of structural and/or molecular alterations suggesting the onset of malignant lesions, due to the imbalance in the signaling between the epithelium and stroma. The SU5416+TNP-470 treatment was more effective in maintaining the structural, hormonal and angiogenic factor balance in the prostate during senescence, highlighting the signaling of antiproliferation via ER-β.