995 resultados para Missions, Canadian -- China.
Motivated by recent MSL results where the ablation rate of the PICA heatshield was over-predicted, and staying true to the objectives outlined in the NASA Space Technology Roadmaps and Priorities report, this work focuses on advancing EDL technologies for future space missions.
Due to the difficulties in performing flight tests in the hypervelocity regime, a new ground testing facility called the vertical expansion tunnel is proposed. The adverse effects from secondary diaphragm rupture in an expansion tunnel may be reduced or eliminated by orienting the tunnel vertically, matching the test gas pressure and the accelerator gas pressure, and initially separating the test gas from the accelerator gas by density stratification. If some sacrifice of the reservoir conditions can be made, the VET can be utilized in hypervelocity ground testing, without the problems associated with secondary diaphragm rupture.
The performance of different constraints for the Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium (RCCE) method is investigated in the context of modeling reacting flows characteristic to ground testing facilities, and re-entry conditions. The effectiveness of different constraints are isolated, and new constraints previously unmentioned in the literature are introduced. Three main benefits from the RCCE method were determined: 1) the reduction in number of equations that need to be solved to model a reacting flow; 2) the reduction in stiffness of the system of equations needed to be solved; and 3) the ability to tabulate chemical properties as a function of a constraint once, prior to running a simulation, along with the ability to use the same table for multiple simulations.
Finally, published physical properties of PICA are compiled, and the composition of the pyrolysis gases that form at high temperatures internal to a heatshield is investigated. A necessary link between the composition of the solid resin, and the composition of the pyrolysis gases created is provided. This link, combined with a detailed investigation into a reacting pyrolysis gas mixture, allows a much needed consistent, and thorough description of many of the physical phenomena occurring in a PICA heatshield, and their implications, to be presented.
Through the use of computational fluid mechanics and computational chemistry methods, significant contributions have been made to advancing ground testing facilities, computational methods for reacting flows, and ablation modeling.
This thesis consists of two separate parts. Part I (Chapter 1) is concerned with seismotectonics of the Middle America subduction zone. In this chapter, stress distribution and Benioff zone geometry are investigated along almost 2000 km of this subduction zone, from the Rivera Fracture Zone in the north to Guatemala in the south. Particular emphasis is placed on the effects on stress distribution of two aseismic ridges, the Tehuantepec Ridge and the Orozco Fracture Zone, which subduct at seismic gaps. Stress distribution is determined by studying seismicity distribution, and by analysis of 190 focal mechanisms, both new and previously published, which are collected here. In addition, two recent large earthquakes that have occurred near the Tehuantepec Ridge and the Orozco Fracture Zone are discussed in more detail. A consistent stress release pattern is found along most of the Middle America subduction zone: thrust events at shallow depths, followed down-dip by an area of low seismic activity, followed by a zone of normal events at over 175 km from the trench and 60 km depth. The zone of low activity is interpreted as showing decoupling of the plates, and the zone of normal activity as showing the breakup of the descending plate. The portion of subducted lithosphere containing the Orozco Fracture Zone does not differ significantly, in Benioff zone geometry or in stress distribution, from adjoining segments. The Playa Azul earthquake of October 25, 1981, Ms=7.3, occurred in this area. Body and surface wave analysis of this event shows a simple source with a shallow thrust mechanism and gives Mo=1.3x1027 dyne-cm. A stress drop of about 45 bars is calculated; this is slightly higher than that of other thrust events in this subduction zone. In the Tehuantepec Ridge area, only minor differences in stress distribution are seen relative to adjoining segments. For both ridges, the only major difference from adjoining areas is the infrequency or lack of occurrence of large interplate thrust events.
Part II involves upper mantle P wave structure studies, for the Canadian shield and eastern North America. In Chapter 2, the P wave structure of the Canadian shield is determined through forward waveform modeling of the phases Pnl, P, and PP. Effects of lateral heterogeneity are kept to a minimum by using earthquakes just outside the shield as sources, with propagation paths largely within the shield. Previous mantle structure studies have used recordings of P waves in the upper mantle triplication range of 15-30°; however, the lack of large earthquakes in the shield region makes compilation of a complete P wave dataset difficult. By using the phase PP, which undergoes triplications at 30-60°, much more information becomes available. The WKBJ technique is used to calculate synthetic seismograms for PP, and these records are modeled almost as well as the P. A new velocity model, designated S25, is proposed for the Canadian shield. This model contains a thick, high-Q, high-velocity lid to 165 km and a deep low-velocity zone. These features combine to produce seismograms that are markedly different from those generated by other shield structure models. The upper mantle discontinuities in S25 are placed at 405 and 660 km, with a simple linear gradient in velocity between them. Details of the shape of the discontinuities are not well constrained. Below 405 km, this model is not very different from many proposed P wave models for both shield and tectonic regions.
Chapter 3 looks in more detail at recordings of Pnl in eastern North America. First, seismograms from four eastern North American earthquakes are analyzed, and seismic moments for the events are calculated. These earthquakes are important in that they are among the largest to have occurred in eastern North America in the last thirty years, yet in some cases were not large enough to produce many good long-period teleseismic records. A simple layer-over-a-halfspace model is used for the initial modeling, and is found to provide an excellent fit for many features of the observed waveforms. The effects on Pnl of varying lid structure are then investigated. A thick lid with a positive gradient in velocity, such as that proposed for the Canadian shield in Chapter 2, will have a pronounced effect on the waveforms, beginning at distances of 800 or 900 km. Pnl records from the same eastern North American events are recalculated for several lid structure models, to survey what kinds of variations might be seen. For several records it is possible to see likely effects of lid structure in the data. However, the dataset is too sparse to make any general observations about variations in lid structure. This type of modeling is expected to be important in the future, as the analysis is extended to more recent eastern North American events, and as broadband instruments make more high-quality regional recordings available.
This article provides insights into a particular aspect of freshwater research in China and its wider implications for western researchers. The senior author has collaborated with Professor Zhang Zhaohui from Guizhou Normal University to investigate the travertines of China. Travertines are freshwater carbonate deposits accumulating in hard-water springs and rivers. In some areas they develop rapidly, forming picturesque ascades and magnificent travertine-dammed lakes. Some of China's most famous tourist sites are the result of travertine formation. The travertine-depositing environment is a unique fast-flowing ecosystem inhabited by specialist plants and animals. The authors examine the freshwater algae of the Doupe Pool travertine situated on the Beishuihei River in Guizhou Province and compare their distribution on travertines elsewhere in the world.
There are over 2,300 lakes over 1 km2 in China (total area 80 000 km2). In addition there are approximately 87 000 reservoirs with a storage capacity of 413 billion m3. These form the main supply of drinking water as well as water for industrial and agricultural production and aquaculture. Because of a lack of understanding of the frailty of lake ecosystems and poor environmental awareness, human activities have greatly affected freshwater systems. This article focuses on the problems of one water supply reservoir, Dalangdian Reservoir, and considers options for improving its management. Dalangdian Reservoir is described and occurrence of algal genera given. The authors conclude with remarks on the future of the Dalangdian Reservoir.
La economía china ha experimentado en las últimas tres décadas una profunda transformación, hasta convertirse en el momento actual en el centro de la actividad manufacturera a escala mundial. Tal evolución no ha sido ajena a la metamorfosis sufrida por la sociedad china, tras un convulso siglo XX bajo los mandatos en la segunda mitad del mismo de Mao Tse Tung y Deng Xiaoping. La Unión Europea (UE) ha tratado de estrechar los lazos mercantiles con el gigante chino, fundamentalmente a través de la firma de acuerdos comerciales, aunque obstaculizados por algunos conflictos que han surgido en los últimos años. El análisis de las relaciones bilaterales entre China y la UE refleja una progresiva intensidad del comercio entre ambas regiones y la tendencia hacia la profundización del saldo negativo para la UE, hecho que ha generado tensiones diplomáticas. En un entorno más conflictivo recientemente en las relaciones bilaterales, la UE debería así mismo introducir reformas para mejorar su competitividad exterior y optimizar el vínculo comercial con China.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar pontos de convergência nas obras de dois autores britânicos, Angela Carter (1940-1992) e China Miéville (1972- ). Os romances a serem estudados são Nights at the circus (1984) e The infernal desire machines of Doctor Hoffman (1972), de Angela Carter, e Perdido Street Station (2000) e The city & the city (2009), de China Miéville, e, como ponto de partida, ambos demonstram elos representativos com a ficção de gênero, evidenciados pelas obras escolhidas. Ao esmiuçar paralelos entre os romances, busca-se em especial dissecar as interseções temáticas e estilísticas, bem como as divergências e contradições que despertem interesse. Entre os temas investigados está a alteridade e o hibridismo ambos autores fazem uso de personagens ex-cêntricos e usam o hibridismo de modo a acentuar a Alteridade reservada ao Outro. Também será examinada a abordagem dos autores à ficção de gênero e o tratamento reservado aos tropos e clichês da Ficção Científica e da Fantasia. Por fim, a pesquisa observará o conceito que ambos compartilham de que discursos podem não ser uma mera reflexão da realidade, mas também criar e moldar o que tomamos por real. A todos os temas são aplicadas a teoria e crítica do pós-modernismo, além do material específico que lida com a ficção especulativa, Fantasia e Ficção Científica
Este volumen presenta ocho películas sobre Japón y China englobadas en siete artículos. Cronológicamente abarcan un espectro amplio, particularmente en el caso japonés, que ya era una potencia cinematográfica desde los inicios del séptimo arte. El caso chino es algo diferente, con películas más bien recientes, aunque en este caso la temática histórica tiene más fuerza que en el caso japonés, en que las películas de corte histórico están casi ausentes. Así, para China, Araceli Rodríguez (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) nos presenta La Linterna Roja, del genial Zhang Yimou, obra de temática histórica sobre la China rural de los años veinte. Fernando Martínez Rueda (Universidad del País Vasco) comenta la excelente ¡Vivir!, del mismo director, Zhan Yimou, que habla de la vida cotidiana de la China de Mao a través de los ojos de un propietario (afortunadamente para él) arruinado. Por su parte, Ricardo Martín de la Guardia (Universidad de Valladolid) nos presenta, en Juntos, la China actual con su contraste de modernidad y tradición y la difícil relación campo-ciudad que en todos los ámbitos se da hoy día en aquel país. En el caso japonés Carlos Giménez Soria (Film-Historia, Universitat de Barcelona) analiza dos películas de Kurosawa (El Ángel Ebrio y El Perro Rabioso), en las que se muestran aspectos del Japón de posguerra desde el punto de vista del neorrealismo japonés y del cine negro. En cuanto al principal trabajo de Yasujiro Ozu (Cuentos de Tokio), José Mª Tápiz lo analiza desde la perspectiva de la vida personal del gran director de cine. Otras dos películas merecen ser consideradas aparte: una de ellas de temática china (El Imperio del Sol) y la otra de tema japonés (Lost in Translation). Si bien entran dentro de la clasificación inicial, ambas han sido realizadas por directores extranjeros: la primera por Steven Spielberg y la segunda por Sofia Coppola. Podrían definirse como películas de introducción o aproximación, lo cual es de agradecer en dos culturas que, por ser muy diferentes a la nuestra, a veces requieren ser explicadas. Ambas fueron éxitos de taquilla, lo que invita a pensar sobre la utilidad de este tipo de género. A nadie se le escapa la objetiva utilidad de este tipo de cine, a la vez que el peligro que implica si se abusa del tópico. En los trabajos de Juan Vaccaro (Film-Historia, Universitat de Barcelona) y de Igor Barrenechea (Universidad del País Vasco) se nos intenta acercar al ser de ambas películas. El libro presenta también una lista, no exhaustiva, de películas chinas y japonesas que reflejan diversos aspectos de la historia de China y Japón en el siglo XX. Este volumen será de utilidad para aquellos que sientan interés por la cultura, la historia y la cinematografía de ambos países.
Early glasses (about 1066 BC-220 AD) unearthed from Xinjiang of China were chemically characterized by using PIXE and ICP-AES. It was found that these glasses were basically attributed to PbO-BaO-SiO2 system, K2O-SiO2 system, Na2O-CaO-SiO2 system and Na2O-CaO-PbO-SiO2 system. The results from the cluster analysis showed that some glasses had basically similar recipe and technology. The PbO-BaO-SiO2 glass and the K2O-SiO2 glass were thought to come from the central area and the south of ancient China, respectively. The part of the Na2O-CaO-SiO2 glass (including the Na2O-CaO-PbO-SiO2 glass) might be imported from Mesopotamia, while the other part might be locally produced. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[ES] Este trabajo trata de explicar objetivamente el crecimiento Chino para justificar el sistema de innovación actual del país. También describe ámbitos en los que esta innovación es usada, tales como las telecomunicaciones y el grafeno.
[ES] Análisis del desarrollo económico de Estados Unidos y de la República Popular China para poder comprender los principales problemas y realidades de la coyuntura actual. Es importante la percepción de como las apariencias y las actitudes de estas dos grandes potencias mundiales se forma y como estas tienen influencia sobre las políticas y la comunicación de ambos.
Esta dissertação investiga de que maneiras a representação do sujeito canadense pode ser encontrada em dois romances representativos da literatura canadense contemporânea: Obasan, de Joy Kogawa, e Alias Grace, de Margaret Atwood. Esta investigação também demonstra que a busca pela definição da identidade canadense tem sido tema constante e relevante da cultura deste país. A indefinição quanto ao que significa ser canadense também tem permeado a literatura canadense ao longo dos séculos, notadamente desde o século XIX. A fim de observar a representação literária da busca pela definição da identidade canadense, esta investigação aborda os conceitos relativos à representação de grupos subalternos tradicionalmente silenciados. A análise comparativa dos romances citados contempla a relação entre memória e trauma autobiográficos, assim como as semelhanças narrativas entre ficção e história. Esta investigação também verifica de que maneiras a literatura pós-moderna emprega documentação oficial, relatos históricos e dados (auto) biográficos a serviço da reescrita da história através da metaficção historiográfica
As relações sino-americanas passaram a desempenhar um papel ordenador fundamental na condução dos assuntos internacionais neste século XXI, ao ponto de alguns analistas criarem o termo G-2. A crise financeira de 2008, por representar um golpe profundo nos países desenvolvidos e nos direcionamentos de valores do estágio atual de desenvolvimento do sistema, levou a relação China-Estados Unidos a um outro patamar. Ao passo que os norte-americanos tiveram de se preocupar em resolver as turbulências causadas na economia doméstica, o país asiático passou a desempenhar um papel crucial no processo de recuperação da economia global. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo, então, de analisar de que forma a crise de 2008, também chamada de crise do subprime, impactou os ordenamentos centrais do Sistema Internacional neste período de recuperação e como as relações sino-americanas podem ser usadas para uma melhor compreensão deste fenômeno. Na busca por traçar respostas mais sólidas, a pesquisa delineia-se em três frentes principais de análise: as relações diretas entre China e Estados Unidos; as relações dos dois países com um terceiro ator, a saber, a África; e os posicionamentos adotados por ambas as partes nas instituições multilaterais. Para tal, primeiro buscou-se aliar análises qualitativas e quantitativas, baseadas em instrumentais matemáticos e também na Ciência Política, História e Economia Política Internacional, para alcançar os resultados definidos nos objetivos da pesquisa. A dissertação é dividida em cinco capítulos, onde os três primeiros tratam de introduzir o assunto estudado e as principais vertentes teóricas utilizadas ao longo do trabalho. Os últimos envolvem a aplicação prática dos conceitos interdisciplinares escolhidos como aliados do trabalho empírico e a apresentação dos resultados finais. Em linhas gerais, concluiu-se que a crise acentuou os aspectos de interdependência entre China e Estados Unidos em todas as frentes estudadas. Avaliando as relações sino-americanas e os rumos do sistema internacional pós-crise em três facetas, concluímos também que tal exercício analítico ofereceu recursos mais palpáveis no fornecimento das respostas procuradas pela dissertação.