654 resultados para Microalgae dryer
Devido ao esgotamento de recursos não renováveis e o aumento das preocupações sobre as alterações climáticas, a produção de combustível renovável a partir de microalgas continua a atrair muita a atenção devido ao seu potencial para taxas rápidas de crescimento, alto teor de óleo, capacidade de crescer em cenários não convencionais e a neutralidade de carbono, além de eliminar a preocupação da disputa com as culturas alimentares. Em virtude disso, torna-se importante o desenvolvimento de um processo de conversão das microalgas em gás combustível, em destaque o gás de síntese. Visando essa importância, estudou-se a reação de gaseificação da microalga Chlorella vulgaris através de experimentos de análise termogravimétrica para estimar os parâmetros cinéticos das reações e através da simulação de um modelo matemático dinâmico termoquímico do processo usando equações de conservação de massa e energia acoplados a cinética de reação. Análises termogravimétricas isotérmicas e dinâmicas foram realizadas usando dois diferentes tipos de modelos cinéticos: isoconversionais e reações paralelas independentes (RPI). Em ambos os modelos, os valores dos parâmetros cinéticos estimados apresentaram bons ajustes e permaneceram dentro daqueles encontrados na literatura. Também foram analisados os efeitos dos parâmetros cinéticos do modelo RPI sobre a conversão da microalga no intuito de observar quais mais se pronunciavam diante a variação de valores. Na etapa de simulação do sistema controlado pelo reator solar, o modelo matemático desenvolvido foi validado por meio da comparação dos valores de temperatura e concentrações de produtos obtidos medidos experimentalmente pela literatura, apresentando boa aproximação nos valores e viabilizando, juntamente com a etapa experimental de termogravimetria, a produção de gás de síntese através da gaseificação da microalga Chlorella vulgaris.
O câncer é uma das maiores causas de mortalidade no Brasil e no mundo, com potencial de crescimento nas próximas décadas. Um tipo de tratamento promissor é a hipertermia magnética, procedimento no qual as células tumorais morrem pelo efeito do calor gerado por partículas magnéticas após a aplicação de campo magnético alternado em frequências adequadas. Tais partículas também são capazes de atuar como agentes de contraste para imageamento por ressonância magnética, um poderoso método de diagnóstico para identificação de células neoplásicas, formando a combinação conhecida como theranostics (terapia e diagnóstico). Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas nanopartículas de óxido de ferro por método de coprecipitação com posterior encapsulação por técnica de nano spray drying, visando sua aplicação no tratamento de câncer por hipertermia e como agente de contraste para imageamento por ressonância magnética. Para a encapsulação foram utilizadas matrizes poliméricas de Maltodextrina com Polissorbato 80, Pluronic F68, Eudragit® S100 e PCL com Pluronic F68, escolhidos com o intuito de formar partículas que dispersem bem em meio aquoso e que consigam atingir alvo tumoral após administração no corpo do paciente. Parâmetros de secagem pelo equipamento Nano Spray Dryer, como temperatura, solvente e concentração de reagentes, foram avaliados. As partículas formadas foram caracterizadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura, Difração de Raios-X, Análise Termogravimétrica, Espalhamento de Luz Dinâmico, Espectroscopia de Infravermelho, magnetismo quanto a magnetização de saturação e temperatura, citotoxicidade e potencial de aquecimento. Tais procedimentos indicaram que o método de coprecipitação produziu nanopartículas de magnetita de tamanho em torno 20 nm, superparamagnéticas a temperatura ambiente, sem potencial citotóxico. A técnica de nano spray drying foi eficiente para a formação de partículas com tamanho em torno de 1 μm, também superparamagnéticas, biocompatíveis e com propriedades magnéticas adequadas e para aplicações pretendidas. Destaca-se a amostra com Pluronic, OF-10/15-1P, que apresentou magnetização de saturação de 68,7 emu/g e interação específica com células tumorais.
Microalgae have many applications, such as biodiesel production or food supplement. Depending on the application, the optimization of certain fractions of the biochemical composition (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) is required. Therefore, samples obtained in different culture conditions must be analyzed in order to compare the content of such fractions. Nevertheless, traditional methods necessitate lengthy analytical procedures with prolonged sample turn-around times. Results of the biochemical composition of Nannochloropsis oculata samples with different protein, carbohydrate and lipid contents obtained by conventional analytical methods have been compared to those obtained by thermogravimetry (TGA) and a Pyroprobe device connected to a gas chromatograph with mass spectrometer detector (Py–GC/MS), showing a clear correlation. These results suggest a potential applicability of these techniques as fast and easy methods to qualitatively compare the biochemical composition of microalgal samples.
In the present work, a very detailed study of the reforming of syngas produced in the decomposition of Posidonia oceanica is done. The effect of the presence of different amounts of dolomite is analyzed. Also pyrolysis is studied, in nitrogen atmosphere, and gasification in the presence of air, oxygen and different amounts of steam. A detailed discussion on formation and destruction of tars is done. Furthermore, the effect of the heating rate in the decomposition and the residence time of the evolved gases are discussed. Syngas with ratio H2/CO from 0.3 to ca. 3 can be obtained from this interesting material. Marine species (microalgae) are usually studied with the aim of cultivating them for gas or oil production, but in this paper we draw attention to the possibility of using a natural resource with a very small impact in the ecosystem.
Resumen del póster presentado en Symposium on Renewable Energy and Products from Biomass and Waste, CIUDEN (Cubillos de Sil, León, Spain), 12-13 May 2015
The cell concentration and size distribution of the microalgae Nannochloropsis gaditana were studied over the whole growth process. Various samples were taken during the light and dark periods the algae were exposed to. The distributions obtained exhibited positive skew, and no change in the type of distribution was observed during the growth process. The size distribution shifted to lower diameters in dark periods while in light periods the opposite occurred. The overall trend during the growth process was one where the size distribution shifted to larger cell diameters, with differences between initial and final distributions of individual cycles becoming smaller. A model based on the Logistic model for cell concentration as a function of time in the dark period that also takes into account cell respiration and growth processes during dark and light periods, respectively, was proposed and successfully applied. This model provides a picture that is closer to the real growth and evolution of cultures, and reveals a clear effect of light and dark periods on the different ways in which cell concentration and diameter evolve with time.
Aquaculture growth has intensified the need for a diversification of nutritionally appropriate aquafeed ingredients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Spirulina, a blue-green microalgae, and soybean meal as the sole protein sources in grow-out Tilapia diets. We constructed 3 experimental diets with soybean meal and 0,15, 30, and 45% Spirulina (SBM, SP15, SP30, and SP45 respectively) as their main protein sources. We compared these diets to a commercial Tilapia diet (CC). Additionally, to evaluate the benefit of fishmeal inclusion, fishmeal was added (2 and 10%) to the most successful Spirulina containing diet (FM2, FM10). We evaluated these experimental diets based on their physical properties, palatability, growth potential, waste production, and overall cost. No significant differences in growth performance were found between any of the diets. Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and total phosphorus (TP) levels in each tank were significantly affected by diet (p<0.05). CC had significantly higher TP than the experimental diets and SP15 had significantly higher TAN than the other diets. Only CC was found to be significantly more palatable than the experimental diets, and Spirulina inclusion was inversely correlated to pellet stability. Lastly, SP15 was the most profitable experimental diet. We recommend eliminating fishmeal from grow-out Tilapia diets in favour of soybean meal and Spirulina. Spirulina should, however, be limited to 15% to avoid the negative effects it has on stability and profitability, and its possible effect on feed intake.
Se desconoce el efecto del sulfato de bario en los ecosistemas acuáticos donde se realizan actividades hidrocarburíferas y que vienen incrementándose a nivel nacional. Por tal motivo, se evaluó el riesgo ecológico del sulfato de bario empleando la respuesta ecotoxicológica de doce organismos no destinatarios a fin de conocer los posibles efectos que este compuesto pudiera estar ocasionando a los organismos relacionados a los ecosistemas marinos y epicontinentales donde se desarrollan actividades hidrocarburíferas. Las pruebas ecotoxicológicas incluyeron a las microalgas Isochrysis sp., Chlorella sp., las plantas terrestres Medicago sativa y Zea mays, los crustáceos Daphnia sp., Emerita analoga y Apohyale sp., al equinodermo Tetrapygus niger, al insecto acuático Chironomus calligraphus, y a los peces Odontesthes regia regia, Poecilia reticulata y Paracheirodon innesi. Las mediciones de los parámetros y protocolos para las pruebas como la determinación del riesgo ecológico siguieron las pautas y recomendaciones de la USEPA y otros autores. De los principales resultados ecotoxicológicos con sulfato de bario y sus formas solubles, se obtuvo un efecto negativo del sulfato de bario sobre el crecimiento celular de la microalga epicontinental Chlorella sp. (96 h), que registró una concentración de inhibición media (CI50) de 0,1 g/L y una concentración efectiva no observable (NOEC) de 0,02 g/L. Así mismo, se obtuvo un efecto negativo del bario sobre el crecimiento foliar de la planta terrestre monocotiledónea Z. mays (10 d) que registró una concentración efectiva media (CE50) de 0,0011 g/L y una NOEC de 0,0002 g/L. Finalmente, se concluye que existe alto riesgo ecológico (RQ) del sulfato de bario (RQ = 1,224) y sus formas solubles (RQ = 37 500) empleando la respuesta ecotoxicológica de doce organismos no destinatarios.
Species composition, cell number and biomass of pico-, nanno- and microalgae were estimated for open waters of the northern subtropical zone of the Pacific Ocean and coastal waters off the North America. Total phytoplankton abundance was also evaluated. Productivity of these waters was newly estimated. Distribution of phytoplankton, its size, and taxonomic groups were compared with chlorophyll distribution estimated during the same cruise. Dissimilarities between distribution of small and large forms result from their adaptation to various peculiarities of the environment.
In this study we reconstruct quantitatively the Middle to Upper Miocene climate evolution in the southern Forecarpathian Basin (Central Paratethys area, Northwest Bulgaria) by applying the coexistence approach to 101 well-dated palynofloras isolated from three cores. The climatic evolution is compared with changes in vegetation and palaeogeography. The Middle Miocene was a period of a subtropical/warm-temperate humid climate with mean annual temperature (MAT) between 16 and 18°C and mean annual precipitation (MAP) between 1100 and 1300 mm. Thereby, during the entire Middle Miocene a trend of slightly decreasing temperatures is observed and only small climate fluctuations occur which are presumably related to palaeogeographic reorganisations. The vegetation shows a corresponding trend with a decrease in abundance of palaeotropic and thermophilous elements. The Upper Miocene is characterised by more diverse climatic conditions, probably depending on palaeogeographic and global climatic transformations. The beginning of this period is marked by a slight cooling and a significant drying of the climate, with MAT 13.3-17°C and MAP 652-759 mm. After that, fluctuations of all palaeoclimate parameters occur displaying cycles of humid/dryer and warmer/cooler conditions, which are again well reflected in the vegetation. Our study provides a first quantitative model of the Middle-Upper Miocene palaeoclimate evolution in Southeastern Europe and is characterised by a relatively high precision and resolution with respect to the climate data and stratigraphy.
Front Row: Cheryl Pearcy, Kari Kunnen, Kathryn Gleason, Karla Kunnen, Patti Benedict, assistant coach Cathy Wylie,
Middle Row: manager Tim Dryer, Tracy Carr, Erin Martino, Kathleen Berrigan, Lesa Arvia, Mary Campana
Back Row: Amy Carlton (Sports Information), student trainer Amy Brim, athletic trainer Kate Hallada, Renee Swinicki, Kelly Forbis, Kelly Kovach, Michelle Silver, Kim Clark, assistant coach Carol Bruggeman, head coach Carol Hutchins
Parts I-II issued in 1 vol.
Mode of access: Internet.
William S. Gray, John L. Dryer, Rodney H. Brandon, committee to edit the proceedings of the convention.
Front Row: Cheyl Pearcy, Kari Kunnen, Kathryn Gleason, Karla Kunnen, Patti Benedict, assistant coach Cathy Wylie
Middle Row: manager Tim Dryer, Tracy Carr, Erin Martino, Kathleen Berrigan, Lesa Arvia, Mary Campana
Back Row: Amy Carlton (Sports Information), student trainer Amy Brim, athletic trainer Kate Hallada, Renee Swinicki, Kelly Forbis, Kelly Kovach, Michelle Silver, Kim Clark, assistant coach Carol Bruggeman, head coach Carol Hutchins