1000 resultados para Mercante, Víctor
The present essay is meant to provide some background on the evolution of the soil science community in Brazil, since its inception, to describe its current situation, and to outline a number of opportunities and challenges facing the discipline in decades to come. The origin of Brazilian agronomy dates back to the beginning of the 19th century as a subdiscipline of botany, and its association with chemistry would later establish it as a science. In the middle of the 19th century, agricultural chemistry was born as a result of this association, leading to the establishment of edaphology, a branch of Soil Science. Another branch of Soil Science, known as pedology, was established as an applied and scientific knowledge in Brazil during the middle of the 20th century. During the same period, the Brazilian Soil Science Society (SBCS) was created, merging the knowledge of both branches and gathering all scientists involved. Twenty years after the SBCS foundation, the creation of Graduate Programs made Brazilian Soil Science enter the modern era, generating crucial knowledge to reach the current levels of agricultural productivity. Part of a community composed of 25 Soil Departments, 15 Graduate Programs and a great number of institutions that promote research and technology transfer, Brazilian soil scientists are responsible for developing solutions for sustainable development, by generating, adapting and transferring technology to the benefit of the country. The knowledge produced by SBCS members has been particularly significant for Brazil to achieve the status of most competitive tropical agriculture in the world. In the future decades, Soil Science will still remain topical in discussions regarding environment care and production of food and fibers, in addition, it will be essential and strategic for certain issues, such as water quality, reducing poverty and development of renewable sources of energy.
In the best cultivation methods of orchids, in particular of the genus Phalaenopsis, liming is a common practice. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of lime rates (0.0; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0; and 5.0 g dm-3 of substrate) applied to the cultivation substrate (xaxim) on the growth of Epidendrum ibaguense seedlings. In a greenhouse, 1-L plastic pots filled with 0.8 dm³ of xaxim were irrigated such that no leachate was lost during the experiment. N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Zn, B, and Mn contents in roots, stems and leaves were measured. Leachate was collected by applying a sufficient water volume to obtain 25 mL from each pot. Fourteen days after lime application of 3 g dm-3, the pH of the collected leachate reached values above 7 and a value of 6.29 with the highest lime rate at the end of the experiment. The lime rate did not influence plant height, probably due to a Zn deficiency at high pH levels and a Ca deficiency in the control. Nevertheless, there was a large increase in leaf production, for number as well as for dry matter mass. There was no statistical difference between treatments in root dry matter production. Maximum dry matter production was obtained at a lime rate of 4.09 g dm-3. Zinc concentrations diminished linearly with increasing lime rates; the concentrations in all treatments were below the levels suggested as adequate in the literature (25-200 mg kg-1). Nutrient concentrations in leaves indicated deficiency of N, S, and B at the highest lime rates (4.0 and 5.0 g dm-3), and of Ca in the treatment without liming.
Orchid fertilization is fundamental for a satisfactory plant growth and development for commercial orchid production as well as in collections. Mineral and/or organic sources can be used for fertilization. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of organic and/or mineral fertilizers on the nutrition and growth of orchid (Laelia purpurata 'werkhanserii' x L. lobata 'Jeni') seedlings in greenhouse. The following fertilizers were tested: an NPK fertilizer + micronutrients; a Ca source in the form of calcium nitrate; two organic fertilizers, one prepared with a mixture of bone meal, castor meal and ash, and a similar commercial fertilizer. The organic fertilizers were distributed on the surface of the pots every two months and the minerals were applied weekly to the substrate in 25 mL aliquots of a solution containing 1 g L-1 of the respective fertilizer. The plant response to the application of mineral together with organic fertilizer was better, with higher dry matter production than by the isolated application of each fertilizer (organic or mineral). The treatments with calcium nitrate + NPK fertilizer did not differ significantly from the use of NPK fertilizer, probably due to the S deficiency detected in a mineral analysis of the tissues. Commercial organic fertilizer had a very elevated B level, leading to toxicity symptoms, reduced growth and necrotized tips of the older leaves in all fertilized treatments.
Alterações no pH da rizosfera de plantas fixadoras de N2 parecem exercer papel fundamental na absorção de micronutrientes que têm sua disponibilidade dependente de alterações da acidez do solo. Estudaram-se variações na absorção de B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn durante o ciclo de crescimento e desenvolvimento da soja, induzidas pela fixação biológica de N2 e pelo pH inicial de amostras de dois solos (um LV argiloso e outro arenoso), em um ensaio conduzido em casa de vegetação. Essas amostras foram incubadas com doses de CaCO3 + MgCO3 (4:1) para elevar o pH (H2O) a valores de 5,2, 5,6, 6,2 e 6,6 no solo argiloso e 5,3, 5,6, 5,9 e 6,3 no solo arenoso. Após 60 dias de incubação, essas amostras receberam 450 mg dm-3 de P e 120 mg dm-3 de K no solo. Sementes de soja (Glycine max (L) Merrill), variedade Paranaíba, inoculadas com Bradyrhizobium japonicum, estirpes SEMIA 587 e SEMIA 5019, foram colocadas para germinar. Foram cultivadas quatro plantas por vaso (2,2 dm³) e colhidas aos 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 46 e 54 dias após a emergência. Determinaram-se o pH da rizosfera (pHr), o pH do solo entre raízes - não rizosférico (pHnr), os teores de B, Cu, Fe, Mn e de Zn na parte aérea e raiz, o N apenas na parte aérea, o número de nódulos e o peso da matéria seca de parte aérea, raiz e nódulos. Observou-se que as mudanças ocorridas no pHr e pHnr foram dependentes do pH inicial dos solos (pHs) e da fixação biológica de N2. O acúmulo de B e de Fe na parte aérea não foi alterado pelos valores de pHr, modificados em função do pHs, exceto para o Fe no solo argiloso. Todavia, aumentos significativos no acúmulo destes nutrientes na parte aérea ocorreram com o aparecimento dos nódulos, a partir de 24 dias após a emergência. Para Cu, Mn e Zn, as diferenças apareceram sobretudo quanto ao pHs. O conteúdo de micronutrientes na planta revelou-se sensível a mudanças no pH rizosférico, principalmente após a nodulação.
No Brasil, com a intensificação da silvicultura clonal, o plantio de materiais genéticos mais produtivos e exigentes nutricionalmente tem aumentado o aparecimento de sintomas de deficiência de micronutrientes, principalmente de B e, mais recentemente, de Cu e de Zn, sobretudo em áreas de Cerrado. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar três métodos de determinação da disponibilidade de Cu (Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 e DTPA pH 7,3) para mudas de eucalipto cultivadas em casa de vegetação, em amostras de seis solos de Cerrado, e a influência de propriedades do solo na eficiência desses extratores. Os tratamentos foram arranjados no esquema fatorial 6 x 5, correspondendo a seis solos e cinco doses de Cu (0, 2, 4, 8 e 16 mg dm-3), com quatro repetições, em blocos ao acaso. Os níveis críticos de Cu em solos de Cerrado, para o crescimento de mudas de eucalipto, são iguais ou inferiores a 0,12 e 0,09 mg dm-3; pelos extratores Mehlich-1 e DTPA, respectivamente. Os teores e conteúdos de Cu na planta mostram estreita relação com os teores de Cu no solo pelos três extratores. Os teores de Cu pelo Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 e DTPA são altamente correlacionados entre si. A avaliação da disponibilidade de Cu para mudas de eucalipto pode ser feita com qualquer um dos três extratores. Entretanto, o Mehlich-1 é o extrator mais recomendado, pela facilidade operacional deste método em relação aos outros e por ele já ser usado na grande maioria dos laboratórios do País.
No Brasil, com a expansão da silvicultura clonal, o plantio de materiais genéticos mais produtivos e exigentes nutricionalmente tem aumentado o aparecimento de sintomas de deficiência de micronutrientes, principalmente de B, e, mais recentemente, de Cu e de Zn, sobretudo em áreas de Cerrado. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar três métodos de determinação da disponibilidade de Zn (Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 e DTPA pH 7,3) para mudas de eucalipto cultivadas em casa de vegetação, em amostras de seis solos de Cerrado, bem como a influência de propriedades do solo na eficiência desses extratores. Os tratamentos foram arranjados no esquema fatorial 6 x 5, correspondendo a seis solos e cinco doses de Zn (0, 2,5, 5, 10 e 20 mg dm-3), com quatro repetições, em blocos ao acaso. Os níveis críticos de Zn em solos de Cerrado, para o crescimento de mudas de eucalipto, são iguais ou inferiores a 0,23 e 0,05 mg dm-3, pelos extratores Mehlich-1 e DTPA, respectivamente. Os teores de Zn no solo pelos três extratores, assim como os teores e conteúdo na planta, aumentam com a elevação das doses adicionadas de Zn e são altamente correlacionados entre si. A avaliação da disponibilidade de Zn para mudas de eucalipto pode ser feita com qualquer um dos três extratores; entretanto, o Mehlich-1 é o mais recomendado, pela facilidade operacional deste método em relação aos outros e por ele já ser usado na grande maioria dos laboratórios do país.
A disponibilidade de enxofre (S) depende da dinâmica de suas formas no solo. Visando estudar o equilíbrio entre as reservas de S lábil e S não lábil, amostras de 10 solos foram incubadas com cinco doses de sulfato de cálcio (0, 20, 50, 80 e 120 mg dm-3 de S), durante 1, 8, 15, 30, 60 e 90 d. Para a determinação do S lábil, utilizou-se membrana de resina de troca aniônica em forma de lâmina. O S extraído com 48 h de agitação foi denominado de enxofre rapidamente lábil (SRL). O teor obtido com tempo de agitação superior a 48 h foi denominado de enxofre lentamente lábil e o não lábil (SLL+SNL), pela diferença entre o S do solo (extraído após calcinação) e SRL. A resistência que o solo oferece à passagem do S da reserva do SRL para a do SLL+SNL foi denominada de capacidade-tampão do S lábil (CTSL), sendo obtida pelo inverso do coeficiente angular das equações lineares do teor de SRL em função do teor de SLL+SNL. Constatou-se que tempo de incubação (reatividade) e as doses de S, na forma de sulfato de cálcio, influenciam a dinâmica do S entre as reservas de SRL e SLL+SNL. A CTSL é sensível às mudanças no equilíbrio entre as reservas de S no solo. O aumento da CTSL dos solos relacionou-se, principalmente, com a capacidade máxima de adsorção de sulfato, teor de carbono orgânico, goethita e gibbsita da fração argila dos solos estudados.
Nickel is a micronutrient involved in nitrogen metabolism and a constituent of the urease molecule. Plant growth and urease activity were evaluated in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown in soil-filled pots in a 2 x 8 factorial design with two nitrogen (N) sources and eight Ni rates, with five replications. Nitrogen was applied at 200 mg dm-3 (half the dose incorporated into the soil at seedling transplanting and half top-dressed later) using the sources NH4NO3 (AN) and CO(NH2)2 (Ur). The Ni treatments (0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24 and 32 mg dm-3) were applied as NiCl2. The shoot dry-matter yield, leaf urease activity, Ni levels in the lettuce leaves and Ni levels extracted from soil with Mehlich-3 (M-3) and DTPA were determined. In the plants supplied with AN, the shoot dry-matter yield was higher than in those supplied with Ur. There was no difference in shoot dry matter in response to soil-applied Ni. The leaf urease activity increased with Ni application, regardless of the N source. The extractions with M-3 and DTPA were efficient to evaluate Ni availability for lettuce in the Red-Yellow Latosol.
A dose de fertilizantes a ser recomendada para uma cultura depende do balanço de perdas e dos ganhos dos nutrientes no sistema agrícola (Lei da Restituição). Na UFV, o balanço foi modelado para recomendação de corretivos e fertilizantes para eucalipto (NUTRICALC), abacaxizeiro, algodoeiro, arroz, bananeira, cafeeiro, cana de açúcar, coqueiro, laranjeira, meloeiro, milho, pastagens, soja e tomate (FERTICALC) e teca (FERTI-UFV). A fertilização e a nutrição de plantas ornamentais tropicais baseam-se apenas na experiência de produtores e fabricantes de fertilizantes. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram desenvolver e apresentar técnica experimental que permita determinar: as taxas de recuperação de macro e micronutrientes por extratores de formas disponíveis, a demanda e as taxas de recuperação de nutrientes por plantas ornamentais e determinar a dose e os teores de nutrientes em fertilizante que suplementem os requerimentos das plantas. Para a modelagem, consideraram-se dois módulos: o módulo planta, que obtém a demanda e o requerimento dos nutrientes para definida produtividade; e o módulo substrato, que permite calcular o suprimento de nutrientes do vaso ou do canteiro a ser utilizado para o cultivo. A modelagem vislumbrou um novo método de pesquisa para recomendação de corretivos e fertilizantes para culturas com carência de informação, como para cultivo de plantas ornamentais, especialmente as tropicais. Esse Método Requerimento-Suprimento determina a dose e os teores de nutrientes no fertilizante-suprimento (FS), que suplementam os requerimentos das plantas. O método é iterativo e foi desenvolvido por meio de três tentativas. Na primeira tentativa, considerou-se a produção de plântulas de orquídea; e, na segunda e terceira tentativas, determinaram-se as curvas de crescimento com FS no cultivo de violetas, em vasos com substrato, e definiram-se os critérios para determinar as taxas de recuperação de nutrientes pelos extratores em análises químicas do substrato e pelas plantas. Por último, apresentou-se a técnica experimental projetada.
The synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles with monodispere size distributions, their self assembly into ordered arrays and their magnetic behavior as a function of structural order (ferrofluids and 2D assemblies) are presented. Magnetic colloids of monodispersed, passivated, cobalt nanocrystals were produced by the rapid pyrolysis of cobalt carbonyl in solution. The size, size distribution (std. dev.< 5%) and the shape of the nanocrystals were controlled by varying the surfactant, its concentration, the reaction rate and the reaction temperature. The Co particles are defect-free single crystals with a complex cubic structure related to the beta phase of manganese (epsilon-Co). In the 2D assembly, a collective behavior was observed in the low-field susceptibility measurements where the magnetization of the zero field cooled process increases steadily and the magnetization of the field cooling process is independent the temperature. This was different from the observed behavior in a sample comprised of disordered interacting particles. A strong paramagnetic contribution appears at very low temperatures where the magnetization increases drastically after field cooling the sample. This has been attributed to the Co surfactant-particle interface since no magnetic atomic impurities are present in these samples.
Inconclusive responses of the adult coffee plant to phosphorus fertilization have been reported in the literature, especially when dealing with application of this nutrient in high density planting systems. Thus, this study was carried out for the purpose of assessing the response of adult coffee plants at high planting density in full production (in regard to yield and their biennial cycle/stability) to the addition of different sources and application rates of P in the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The experiment with coffee plants of the Catucaí Amarelo 6/30 variety was carried out over four growing seasons. Treatments were arranged in a full factorial design [(4 × 3) + 1] consisting of four P sources (monoammonium phosphate, simple superphosphate, natural reactive rock phosphate from Algeria (Djebel-Onk), and FH 550®), three P rates (100, 200, and 400 kg ha-1 year-1 of P2O5), and an additional treatment without application of the nutrient (0 kg ha-¹ year-¹). A randomized block experimental design was used with three replicates. The four seasons were evaluated as subplots in a split plot experiment. The P contents in soil and leaves increased with increased rates of P application. However, there was no effect from P application on the yield and its biennial cycle/stability regardless of the source used over the four seasons assessed.
The electrical charges in soil particles are divided into structural or permanent charges and variable charges. Permanent charges develop on the soil particle surface by isomorphic substitution. Variable charges arise from dissociation and association of protons (H+), protonation or deprotonation, and specific adsorption of cations and anions. The aim of this study was to quantify the permanent charges and variable charges of Reference Soils of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. To do so, 24 subsurface profiles from different regions (nine in the Zona da Mata, eight in the Agreste, and seven in the Sertão) were sampled, representing approximately 80 % of the total area of the state. Measurements were performed using cesium chloride solution. Determination was made of the permanent charges and the charges in regard to the hydroxyl functional groups through selective ion exchange of Cs+ by Li+ and Cs+ by NH4+, respectively. All the soils analyzed exhibited variable cation exchange capacity, with proportions from 0.16 to 0.60 and an average of 0.40 when related to total cation exchange capacity.
Epigeous termite mounds are frequently observed in pasture areas, but the processes regulating their population dynamics are poorly known. This study evaluated epigeous termite mounds in cultivated grasslands used as pastures, assessing their spatial distribution by means of geostatistics and evaluating their vitality. The study was conducted in the Cerrado biome in the municipality of Rio Brilhante, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. In two pasture areas (Pasture 1 and Pasture 2), epigeous mounds (nests) were georeferenced and analyzed for height, circumference and vitality (inhabited or not). The area occupied by the mounds was calculated and termite specimens were collected for taxonomic identification. The spatial distribution pattern of the mounds was analyzed with geostatistical procedures. In both pasture areas, all epigeous mounds were built by the same species, Cornitermes cumulans. The mean number of mounds per hectare was 68 in Pasture 1 and 127 in Pasture 2, representing 0.4 and 1 % of the entire area, respectively. A large majority of the mounds were active (vitality), 91 % in Pasture 1 and 84 % in Pasture 2. A “pure nugget effect” was observed in the semivariograms of height and nest circumference in both pastures reflecting randomized spatial distribution and confirming that the distribution of termite mounds in pastures had a non-standard distribution.