976 resultados para Matrix-metalloproteinase Activity


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Hybrid materials with enhanced properties can now be obtained by combining nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes and metallic nanoparticles, where the main challenge is to control fabrication conditions. In this study, we demonstrate that platinum nanoparticles (PtNps) can be electrogenerated within layer-by-layer (LbL) films of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), which serve as stabilizing matrices. The advantages of the possible control through electrogeneration were demonstrated with a homogeneous distribution of PtNps over the entire surface of the PAMAM/SWCNT LbL films, whose electroactive sites could be mapped using magnetic force microscopy. The Pt-containing films were used as catalysts for hydrogen peroxide reduction, with a decrease in the reduction potential of 60 mV compared to a Pt film deposited onto bare ITO. By analyzing the mechanisms responsible for hydrogen peroxide reduction, we ascribed the enhanced catalytic activity to synergistic effects between platinum and carbon in the LbL films, which are promising for sensing and fuel cell applications.


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Food technologies today mean reducing agricultural food waste, improvement of food security, enhancement of food sensory properties, enlargement of food market and food economies. Food technologists must be high-skilled technicians with good scientific knowledge of food hygiene, food chemistry, industrial technologies and food engineering, sensory evaluation experience and analytical chemistry. Their role is to apply the modern vision of science in the field of human nutrition, rising up knowledge in food science. The present PhD project starts with the aim of studying and improving frozen fruits quality. Freezing process in very powerful in preserve initial raw material characteristics, but pre-treatment before the freezing process are necessary to improve quality, in particular to improve texture and enzymatic activity of frozen foods. Osmotic Dehydration (OD) and Vacuum Impregnation (VI), are useful techniques to modify fruits and vegetables composition and prepare them to freezing process. These techniques permit to introduce cryo-protective agent into the food matrices, without significant changes of the original structure, but cause a slight leaching of important intrinsic compounds. Phenolic and polyphenolic compounds for example in apples and nectarines treated with hypertonic solutions are slightly decreased, but the effect of concentration due to water removal driven out from the osmotic gradient, cause a final content of phenolic compounds similar to that of the raw material. In many experiment, a very important change in fruit composition regard the aroma profile. This occur in strawberries osmo-dehydrated under vacuum condition or under atmospheric pressure condition. The increment of some volatiles, probably due to fermentative metabolism induced by the osmotic stress of hypertonic treatment, induce a sensory profile modification of frozen fruits, that in some way result in a better acceptability of consumer, that prefer treated frozen fruits to untreated frozen fruits. Among different processes used, a very interesting result was obtained with the application of a osmotic pre-treatment driven out at refrigerated temperature for long time. The final quality of frozen strawberries was very high and a peculiar increment of phenolic profile was detected. This interesting phenomenon was probably due to induction of phenolic biological synthesis (for example as reaction to osmotic stress), or to hydrolysis of polymeric phenolic compounds. Aside this investigation in the cryo-stabilization and dehydrofreezing of fruits, deeper investigation in VI techniques were carried out, as studies of changes in vacuum impregnated prickly pear texture, and in use of VI and ultrasound (US) in aroma enrichment of fruit pieces. Moreover, to develop sensory evaluation tools and analytical chemistry determination (of volatiles and phenolic compounds), some researches were bring off and published in these fields. Specifically dealing with off-flavour development during storage of boiled potato, and capillary zonal electrophoresis (CZE) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) determination of phenolic compounds.


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RAGE mediates diverse physiological and pathological effects by binding a variety of ligands. Despite incomplete understanding of RAGE-mediated disorders soluble RAGE (sRAGE) has been identified as a potential biomarker for RAGE-related diseases and possibly represents a hopeful pharmaceutical against RAGE-mediated disorders. Nevertheless, the source of sRAGE remains poorly investigated. Currently sRAGE is thought to be derived exclusively from alternative splicing of mRNA. In this thesis it was investigated whether sRAGE can also be released as a result of ectodomain shedding of full-length RAGE. Using cells overexpressing RAGE as a model system, it was demonstrated clearly that RAGE undergoes ectodomain shedding in both constitutive and regulated manner. Several stimuli including PMA, AMPA, calcium and chelerythrine stimulated the release of sRAGE into cell culture medium. Moreover, possible mechanisms that regulate ectodomain shedding of RAGE were investigated and it was found that shedding of RAGE is likely independent from PKC and MAPK pathways. By using gain of function and loss of function approaches MMP9 but not ADAM10, ADAM17 or MT1-MMP was characterized as the metalloproteinase that mediates shedding of RAGE. Furthermore, it was shown that cytoplasmic domain of RAGE is not essential for shedding of RAGE. In addition, the potential cleavage site of RAGE by MMP9 was investigated and a lack of sequence specificity for the RAGE processing proteinase was demonstrated by mutation analysis. Finally the physiopathological significance of shedding of RAGE is discussed. In conclusion, for the first time ectodomain shedding of human RAGE and the underlying regulatory mechanisms were investigated. The data open a new field for modulation of RAGE shedding as a novel intervention approach against RAGE-mediated diseases.


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Hair cortisol is a novel marker to measure long-term secretion cortisol free from many methodological caveats associated with other matrices such as plasma, saliva, urine, milk and faeces. For decades hair analysis has been successfully used in forensic science and toxicology to evaluate the exposure to exogenous substances and assess endogenous steroid hormones. Evaluation of cortisol in hair matrix began about a decade ago and have over the past five years had a remarkable development by advancing knowledge and affirming this method as a new and efficient way to study the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity over a long time period. In farm animals, certain environmental or management conditions can potentially activate the HPA axis. Given the importance of cortisol in monitoring the HPA axis activity, a first approach has involved the study on the distribution of hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) in healthy dairy cows showing a physiological range of variation of this hormone. Moreover, HCC have been significantly influenced also by changes in environmental conditions and a significant positive correlation was detected between HCC and cows clinically or physiologically compromised suggesting that these cows were subjected to repeated HPA axis activation. Additionally, Crossbreed F1 heifers showed significantly lower HCC compared to pure animals and a breed influence has been seen also on the HPA axis activity stimulated by an environmental change showing thus a higher level of resilience and a better adaptability to the environment of certain genotypes. Hair proved to be an excellent matrix also in the study of the activation of the HPA axis during the perinatal period. The use of hair analysis in research holds great promise to significantly enhance current understanding on the role of HPA axis over a long period of time.


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Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Rolle der extrazellulären Matrix und insbesondere des Proteins Fibronektin bei der Leberfibrose und bei der Einnistung von Tumorzellen in die Stammzellnische im Knochenmark.rnrnHierfür wurde in einem Fibrosemodell das Peptid pUR4b verwendet, welches die Assemblierung einer Fibronektinmatrix verhindert. Bei der Verwendung dieses Peptids während und nach der Induktion einer Leberfibrose durch die Chemikalie Dimethylnitrosamin konnte eine Verminderung der Kollagenmenge (und damit des fibrotischen Narbengewebes) in der Leber im Vergleich zu fibrotischen Kontrolltieren beobachtet werden. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass dieser Effekt unabhängig von der Aktivierung der hepatischen Stellatezellen ist, jedoch zum Teil von einer verminderten Anzahl entzündlicher Zellen abhängig sein könnte. Eine verminderte Bildung von Gesamt- und aktivem TGF-β, welche zum Teil auf Effekte der verringerten Zahl der inflammatorischen Zellen zurückzuführen sein könnte, unterstützt den Effekt des verminderten Aufbaus von Narbengewebe. In vitro Untersuchungen zeigten, dass hepatische Stellatezellen bei einer Behandlung mit pUR4b weniger Fibronektin in die extrazelluläre Matrix einbauten als unbehandelte hepatische Stellatezellen. Insgesamt sprechen die Daten dafür, dass das Peptid pUR4b den Aufbau einer Fibronektinmatrix verhinderte bzw. verminderte, wodurch die Ablagerung anderer Komponenten der extrazellulären Matrix wie z.B. Kollagen gestört war und es daher zu einem Rückgang des fibrotischen Narbengewebes kam.rnrnFür die Untersuchung des Einflusses der extrazellulären Matrix und des Fibronektins bei der Einnistung von Tumorzellen wurde zunächst das Fibronektin mit Hilfe konditioneller Knockout-Mäuse in verschiedenen Zellen bzw. Organen der Tiere ausgeschaltet. Weder die Ausschaltung des zirkulierenden, noch des durch Osteoblasten und Osteozyten gebildeten, noch des zirkulierenden und von Zellen des Knochenmarks gebildeten Fibronektins beeinträchtigte die Einnistung von Tumorzellen. Auch die Bildung eines Hämatoms im Knochen hatte weder einen Einfluss auf die Einnistung von Tumorzellen noch auf die spätere Tumorentwicklung. Die Ausschaltung des tumorzellendogenen Fibronektins führte hingegen zu einer signifikant verminderten Einnistung von Tumorzellen. Diese ist wahrscheinlich auf die verstärkte Affinität dieser Tumorzellen zu Zellen des Immunsystems zurückzuführen. Diese Beobachtung konnte zum Teil durch eine verstärkte eCadherin Expression erklärt werden, welche die Bindung an verschiedene Zellen des Immunsystems vermittelt. Eine Untersuchung der osteoblastischen Stammzellnische durch die kombinierte Gabe von Parathormon und Zoledronsäure führte zu keiner Veränderung der Fibronektinkonzentration innerhalb des Knochenmarks der behandelten Tiere. Dennoch nisteten sich in dem Knochenmark der mit Parathormon und Zoledronsäure behandelten Tiere signifikant mehr Tumorzellen ein als in dem von Kontrolltieren. Dieser Effekt konnte auf einen synergetischen Effekt von Parathormon und Zoledronsäure zurückgeführt werden, der zu einer gesteigerten Osteoblastenaktivität und Änderungen der Zytokinkonzentrationen im Knochenmark führte.rnZusammenfassend zeigte sich, dass eine Veränderung der extrazelluläre Matrix und insbesondere des Proteins Fibronektin bei Leberfibrose zu einem veränderten Krankheitsbild führt und die Einnistung von Tumorzellen in das Knochenmark beeinflusst.rn


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Pergularain e I, a cysteine protease with thrombin-like activity, was purified by ion exchange chromatography from the latex of Pergularia extensa. Its homogeneity was characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), native PAGE and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The molecular mass of pergularain e I by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) was found to be 23.356 kDa and the N-terminal sequence is L-P-H-D-V-E. Pergularain e I is a glycoprotein containing approximately 20% of carbohydrate. Pergularain e I constituted 6.7% of the total protein with a specific activity of 9.5 units/mg/min with a 2.11-fold increased purity. Proteolytic activity of the pergularain e I was completely inhibited by iodoacetic acid (IAA). Pergularain e I exhibited procoagulant activity with citrated plasma and fibrinogen similar to thrombin. Pergularain e I increases the absorbance of fibrinogen solution in concentration-dependent and time-dependent manner. At 10 microg concentration, an absorbance of 0.48 was reached within 10 min of incubation time. Similar absorbance was observed when 0.2 NIH units of thrombin were used. Thrombin-like activity of pergularain e I is because of the selective hydrolysis of A alpha and B beta chains of fibrinogen and gamma-chain was observed to be insusceptible to hydrolysis. Molecular masses of the two peptide fragments released from fibrinogen due to the hydrolysis by pergularain e I at 5-min incubation time were found to be 1537.21 and 1553.29 and were in close agreement with the molecular masses of 16 amino acid sequence of fibrinopeptide A and 14 amino acid sequence of fibrinopeptide B, respectively. Prolonged fibrinogen-pergularain e I incubation releases additional peptides and their sequence comparison of molecular masses of the released peptides suggested that pergularain e I hydrolyzes specifically after arginine residues.


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Mammalian teeth are composed of hydroxyapatite crystals that are embedded in a rich extracellular matrix. This matrix is produced by only two cell types, the mesenchymal odontoblasts and the ectodermal ameloblasts. Ameloblasts secrete the enamel proteins amelogenin, ameloblastin, enamelin and amelotin. Odontoblasts secrete collagen type I and several calcium-binding phosphoproteins including dentin sialophosphoprotein, dentin matrix protein, bone sialoprotein and osteopontin. The latter four proteins have recently been grouped in the family of the SIBLINGs (small integrin-binding ligand, N-linked glycoproteins) because they display similar gene structures and because they contain an RGD tripeptide sequence that binds to integrin receptors and thus mediates cell adhesion. We have prepared all the other tooth-specific proteins in recombinant form and examined whether they might also promote cell adhesion similar to the SIBLINGs. We found that only ameloblastin consistently mediated adhesion of osteoblastic and fibroblastic cells to plastic or titanium surfaces. The activity was dependent on the intact three-dimensional structure of ameloblastin and required de novo protein synthesis of the adhering cells. By deletion analysis and in vitro mutagenesis, the active site could be narrowed down to a sequence of 13 amino acid residues (VPIMDFADPQFPT) derived from exon 7 of the rat ameloblastin gene or exons 7-9 of the human gene. Kinetic studies and RNA interference experiments further demonstrated that this sequence does not directly bind to a cell surface receptor but that it interacts with cellular fibronectin, which in turn binds to integrin receptors. The identification of a fibronectin-binding domain in ameloblastin might permit interesting applications for dental implantology. Implants could be coated with peptides containing the active sequence, which in turn would recruit fibronectin from the patient's blood. The recruited fibronectin should then promote cell adhesion on the implant surface, thereby accelerating osseointegration of the implant.


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Meprins ? and ?, a subgroup of zinc metalloproteinases belonging to the astacin family, are known to cleave components of the extracellular matrix, either during physiological remodeling or in pathological situations. In this study we present a new role for meprins in matrix assembly, namely the proteolytic processing of procollagens. Both meprins ? and ? release the N- and C-propeptides from procollagen III, with such processing events being critical steps in collagen fibril formation. In addition, both meprins cleave procollagen III at exactly the same site as the procollagen C-proteinases, including bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1) and other members of the tolloid proteinase family. Indeed, cleavage of procollagen III by meprins is more efficient than by BMP-1. In addition, unlike BMP-1, whose activity is stimulated by procollagen C-proteinase enhancer proteins (PCPEs), the activity of meprins on procollagen III is diminished by PCPE-1. Finally, following our earlier observations of meprin expression by human epidermal keratinocytes, meprin ? is also shown to be expressed by human dermal fibroblasts. In the dermis of fibrotic skin (keloids), expression of meprin ? increases and meprin ? begins to be detected. Our study suggests that meprins could be important players in several remodeling processes involving collagen fiber deposition.


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In recent years, enamel matrix derivative (EMD) has garnered much interest in the dental field for its apparent bioactivity that stimulates regeneration of periodontal tissues including periodontal ligament, cementum and alveolar bone. Despite its widespread use, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain unclear and an understanding of its biological interactions could identify new strategies for tissue engineering. Previous in vitro research has demonstrated that EMD promotes premature osteoblast clustering at early time points. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of cell clustering on vital osteoblast cell-cell communication and adhesion molecules, connexin 43 (cx43) and N-cadherin (N-cad) as assessed by immunofluorescence imaging, real-time PCR and Western blot analysis. In addition, differentiation markers of osteoblasts were quantified using alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin and von Kossa staining. EMD significantly increased the expression of connexin 43 and N-cadherin at early time points ranging from 2 to 5 days. Protein expression was localized to cell membranes when compared to control groups. Alkaline phosphatase activity was also significantly increased on EMD-coated samples at 3, 5 and 7 days post seeding. Interestingly, higher activity was localized to cell cluster regions. There was a 3 fold increase in osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein mRNA levels for osteoblasts cultured on EMD-coated culture dishes. Moreover, EMD significantly increased extracellular mineral deposition in cell clusters as assessed through von Kossa staining at 5, 7, 10 and 14 days post seeding. We conclude that EMD up-regulates the expression of vital osteoblast cell-cell communication and adhesion molecules, which enhances the differentiation and mineralization activity of osteoblasts. These findings provide further support for the clinical evidence that EMD increases the speed and quality of new bone formation in vivo.


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Mobility of naturally occurring U-238 and U-234 radionuclides was studied in a low permeability, reducing claystone formation (Opalinus Clay) near its contact with an overlying oxidising aquifer (Dogger Limestones) at Mont Terri, Switzerland. Our data point to a limited redistribution of U in some of the studied samples. Observed centimetre-scale U mobility is explained by slow diffusive transport of U-234 in the pore waters of the Opalinus Clay driven by spatially variable in situ supply (by alpha-recoil) of U-234 from the rock matrix. Metre-scale mobility is interpreted as a result of infiltration of meteoric water into the overlying aquifer which developed gradients of U concentration across the two rock formations. This triggered a slow in-diffusion of U with (U-234/U-238) > 1 into the Opalinus Clay as attested by a clear-cut pattern of decreasing bulk rock (U-234/U-238) inwards the Opalinus Clay, away from the Dogger Limestones.


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Thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) are a group of life-threatening disorders characterized by thrombocytopenia, fragmentation of erythrocytes, and ischemic organ damage. Genetic disorders, autoimmune disease, and cancer are risk factors for TMAs, but an additional, unknown trigger is needed to bring about acute disease. Recent studies suggest that DNA and histones are released during inflammation or infection and stimulate coagulation, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, and organ damage in mice. We show that extracellular DNA and histones as well as markers of neutrophils are present in acute TMAs. Analysis of plasma from TMA patients of different clinical categories revealed elevated levels of DNA-histone complexes and myeloperoxidase (MPO) from neutrophil granules as well as S100A8/A9, a heterocomplex abundant in neutrophil cytosol. During therapy of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, a subtype of TMAs often associated with severe ADAMTS13 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motifs, member 13) deficiency, plasma DNA and MPO were inversely correlated with platelet counts, and their levels indicated amelioration or exacerbation of the disease. ADAMTS13 deficiency together with increased levels of plasma DNA and MPO were characteristic for acute thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. A minor infection often precedes acute TMA and extracellular DNA and histones released during the inflammatory response could provide the second hit, which precipitates acute TMA in patients with pre-existing risk factors.


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Tannerella forsythia is a poorly studied pathogen despite being one of the main causes of periodontitis, which is an inflammatory disease of the supporting structures of the teeth. We found that despite being recognized by all complement pathways, T. forsythia is resistant to killing by human complement, which is present at up to 70% of serum concentration in gingival crevicular fluid. Incubation of human serum with karilysin, a metalloproteinase of T. forsythia, resulted in a decrease in bactericidal activity of the serum. T. forsythia strains expressing karilysin at higher levels were more resistant than low-expressing strains. Furthermore, the low-expressing strain was significantly more opsonized with activated complement factor 3 and membrane attack complex from serum compared with the other strains. The high-expressing strain was more resistant to killing in human blood. The protective effect of karilysin against serum bactericidal activity was attributable to its ability to inhibit complement at several stages. The classical and lectin complement pathways were inhibited because of the efficient degradation of mannose-binding lectin, ficolin-2, ficolin-3, and C4 by karilysin, whereas inhibition of the terminal pathway was caused by degradation of C5. Interestingly, karilysin was able to release biologically active C5a peptide in human plasma and induce migration of neutrophils. Importantly, we detected the karilysin gene in >90% of gingival crevicular fluid samples containing T. forsythia obtained from patients with periodontitis. Taken together, the newly characterized karilysin appears to be an important virulence factor of T. forsythia and might have several important implications for immune evasion.


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Morphogenesis of the secondary palate in mammalian embryos involves two major events: first, reorientation of the two vertically oriented palatal shelves into a horizontal position above the tongue, and second, fusion of the two shelves at the midline. Genetic evidence in humans and mice indicates the involvement of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). As MMP expression patterns might differ from sites of activity, we used a recently developed highly sensitive in situ zymography technique to map gelatinolytic MMP activity in the developing mouse palate. At embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5), we detected strong gelatinolytic activity around the lateral epithelial folds of the nasopharyngeal cavity, which is generated as a consequence of palatal shelf elevation. Activity was concentrated in the basement membrane of the epithelial fold but extended into the adjacent mesenchyme, and increased in intensity with lateral outgrowth of the cavity at E15.5. Gelatinolytic activity at this site was not the consequence of epithelial fold formation, as it was also observed in Bmp7-deficient embryos where shelf elevation is delayed. In this case, gelatinolytic activity appeared in vertical shelves at the exact position where the epithelial fold will form during elevation. Mmp2 and Mmp14 (MT1-MMP), but not Mmp9 and Mmp13, mRNAs were expressed in the mesenchyme around the epithelial folds of the elevated palatal shelves; this was confirmed by immunostaining for MMP-2 and MT1-MMP. Weak gelatinolytic activity was also found at the midline of E14.5 palatal shelves, which increased during fusion at E15.5. Whereas MMPs have been implicated in palatal fusion before, this is the first report showing that gelatinases might contribute to tissue remodeling during early stages of palatal shelf elevation and formation of the nasopharynx.


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Cleft palate is a common birth defect in humans. Elevation and fusion of paired palatal shelves are coordinated by growth and transcription factors, and mutations in these can cause malformations. Among the effector genes for growth factor signaling are extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins. These provide substrates for cell adhesion (e.g., fibronectin, tenascins), but also regulate growth factor availability (e.g., fibrillins). Cleft palate in Bmp7 null mouse embryos is caused by a delay in palatal shelf elevation. In contrast, palatal shelves of Tgf-β3 knockout mice elevate normally, but a cleft develops due to their failure to fuse. However, nothing is known about a possible functional interaction between specific ECM proteins and Tgf-β/Bmp family members in palatogenesis. To start addressing this question, we studied the mRNA and protein distribution of relevant ECM components during secondary palate development, and compared it to growth factor expression in wildtypewild type and mutant mice. We found that fibrillin-2 (but not fibrillin-1) mRNA appeared in the mesenchyme of elevated palatal shelves adjacent to the midline epithelial cells, which were positive for Tgf-β3 mRNA. Moreover, midline epithelial cells started expressing fibronectin upon contact of the two palatal shelves. These findings support the hypothesis that fibrillin-2 and fibronectin are involved in regulating the activity of Tgf-β3 at the fusing midline. In addition, we observed that tenascin-W (but not tenascin-C) was misexpressed in palatal shelves of Bmp7-deficient mouse embryos. In contrast to tenascin-C, tenascin-W secretion was strongly induced by Bmp7 in embryonic cranial fibroblasts in vitro. These results are consistent with a putative function for tenascin-W as a target of Bmp7 signaling during palate elevation. Our results indicate that distinct ECM proteins are important for morphogenesis of the secondary palate, both as downstream effectors and as regulators of Tgf-β/Bmp activity.


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Genetic evidence indicates that the major gelatinases MMP-2 and MMP-9 are involved in mammalian craniofacial development. Since these matrix metalloproteinases are secreted as proenzymes that require activation, their tissue distribution does not necessarily reflect the sites of enzymatic activity. Information regarding the spatial and temporal expression of gelatinolytic activity in the head of the mammalian embryo is sparse. Sensitive in situ zymography with dye-quenched gelatin (DQ-gelatin) has been introduced recently; gelatinolytic activity results in a local increase in fluorescence. Using frontal sections of wild-type mouse embryo heads from embryonic day 14.5-15.5, we optimized and validated a simple double-labeling in situ technique for combining DQ-gelatin zymography with immunofluorescence staining. MMP inhibitors were tested to confirm the specificity of the reaction in situ, and results were compared to standard SDS-gel zymography of tissue extracts. Double-labeling was used to show the spatial relationship in situ between gelatinolytic activity and immunostaining for gelatinases MMP-2 and MMP-9, collagenase 3 (MMP-13) and MT1-MMP (MMP-14), a major activator of pro-gelatinases. Strong gelatinolytic activity, which partially overlapped with MMP proteins, was confirmed for Meckel's cartilage and developing mandibular bone. In addition, we combined in situ zymography with immunostaining for extracellular matrix proteins that are potential gelatinase substrates. Interestingly, gelatinolytic activity colocalized precisely with laminin-positive basement membranes at specific sites around growing epithelia in the developing mouse head, such as the ducts of salivary glands or the epithelial fold between tongue and lower jaw region. Thus, this sensitive method allows to associate, with high spatial resolution, gelatinolytic activity with epithelial morphogenesis in the embryo.