999 resultados para Materiais porosos Escoamento Métodos de simulação


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The morphometric characterization of watersheds is of great importance in assisting the planning of these areas to preserve the environment and maintain the quantity and quality of water production. The aim of this study was to characterize the morphology and simulate the areas of permanent preservation according to the Brazilian Forest Code of watershed of the gua-Fria stream. The studied area is located in the municipality of Bofete-SP, between the geographic coordinates: 48 09' 30" to 48 18' 30" longitude (WGr) and 22 58' 30" to 23 04' 30" latitude S. The results showed a 5th order micro watershed with an area of 152.43 km2 and low drainage density of 1.04 km/km2. Circularity was 0.51 and form factor was 0.41, which is considered low, and therefore with an oblong/oval shape. The sinuosity index of 1.29 revealed a tendency of rectilinear channels with compactness coefficient value of 1.38 and distance of runoff flow of 520m. Simulation of areas of permanent preservation shows an ideal model as the way springs and watercourses should be protected according to the Brazilian Forest Code, amounting to an area of 10.02 km2.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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The civil construction sector in Brazil is, simultaneously, a necessity that drives the economy and an evil that degrades the environment. Simple choices adopted in an enterprise can make big difference in harm caused by constructive practices, minimizing its harmful to the environment and making it sustainable. These choices, however, involve the use of materials and techniques often unknown by the builders, since the construction industry is very traditional. Even worse, the eco-friendly materials and sustainable techniques also face another obstacle to its use: the prejudice. Builders and customers prefer traditional methods to sustain belief that they present lower quality and higher price. This work raises awareness of the urgency with traditional methods must be overridden, showing practical and simple ways for this replacement, as well as confirm the quality equal to or even higher in the use of alternative materials and techniques, without addition in cost. Thus, the benefits are generated for all parties involved, from builders to residents


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The optimization of energy generation systems has become a key issue for technological and social development, mainly in developing countries, where the electricity consumption rises sharply. Gas turbine cycle is an electricity generating system, which studies have demonstrated that inlet air cooling increases net power and thermal efficiency. Thus, this study intends to quantify these parameters for environments with different ambient temperature and relative humidity. Two types of air cooling were used: evaporative and absorption systems. The configuration parameters only with the gas turbine cycle were compared to those whose configuration allowed cooling. First, it was analyzed only evaporative cooling. Next, the absorption system was used for analysis. The last configuration mixed these two methods, dividing equally its flow. The results showed that thermal efficiency and net power increase in any case of cooling, with absorption system more advantageous in terms of generated energy, where an increase between 1 and 2 MW was observed, depending on the ambient conditions . When the two methods were working together at low relative humidity, it showed a thermal efficiency increase compared to absorption system, up to 2.4%. Evaporative cooling was less effective, but it is a good and cheap possibility to increase the cycle parameters at high temperature and low relative humidity


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The search for mechanical components validation methods, employed in product development sector, becomes more avid for less expensive solutions. As a result, programs that can simulate forces acting on a given part through finite element method are gaining more space in the market, once this process consumes less capital when compared to currently-employed empirical validation. This article shows the simulation of an off-road prototype suspension through such technique, using ground excitation history coming from field measurements and also by making use of a specific tool for obtaining dynamic loads from the model in question. The results shown at the end is key for future enhancements aiming mass reduction, for example, that may be executed on the prototype suspension system discussed here


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A seleo de pessoal visa a introduzir na organizao os candidatos mais apropriados as suas necessidades. Existe uma carncia de literatura behaviorista radical acerca desse tema, sendo necessrio o desenvolvimento de trabalhos que orientem atuaes coerentes com essa teoria. O objetivo deste estudo discutir os métodos utilizados na seleo luz dos pressupostos conceituais do behaviorismo radical. Os métodos de seleo existentes so analisados e discutidos em termos de aumento do controle das variveis presentes no contexto da seleo a fim de proceder identificao dos repertrios comportamentais dos candidatos. Prope-se uma anlise de cargo baseada nos conceitos behavioristas, discute-se a possibilidade de conduo de entrevistas de seleo focadas no comportamento bem como o uso de tcnicas de simulação que permitam a identificao de repertrios comportamentais. Conclui-se que necessrio desenvolver discusses tericas e instrumentos operacionais facilitadores de uma prtica psicolgica vinculada aos pressupostos behavioristas radicais.


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The civil construction sector in Brazil is, simultaneously, a necessity that drives the economy and an evil that degrades the environment. Simple choices adopted in an enterprise can make big difference in harm caused by constructive practices, minimizing its harmful to the environment and making it sustainable. These choices, however, involve the use of materials and techniques often unknown by the builders, since the construction industry is very traditional. Even worse, the eco-friendly materials and sustainable techniques also face another obstacle to its use: the prejudice. Builders and customers prefer traditional methods to sustain belief that they present lower quality and higher price. This work raises awareness of the urgency with traditional methods must be overridden, showing practical and simple ways for this replacement, as well as confirm the quality equal to or even higher in the use of alternative materials and techniques, without addition in cost. Thus, the benefits are generated for all parties involved, from builders to residents


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The optimization of energy generation systems has become a key issue for technological and social development, mainly in developing countries, where the electricity consumption rises sharply. Gas turbine cycle is an electricity generating system, which studies have demonstrated that inlet air cooling increases net power and thermal efficiency. Thus, this study intends to quantify these parameters for environments with different ambient temperature and relative humidity. Two types of air cooling were used: evaporative and absorption systems. The configuration parameters only with the gas turbine cycle were compared to those whose configuration allowed cooling. First, it was analyzed only evaporative cooling. Next, the absorption system was used for analysis. The last configuration mixed these two methods, dividing equally its flow. The results showed that thermal efficiency and net power increase in any case of cooling, with absorption system more advantageous in terms of generated energy, where an increase between 1 and 2 MW was observed, depending on the ambient conditions . When the two methods were working together at low relative humidity, it showed a thermal efficiency increase compared to absorption system, up to 2.4%. Evaporative cooling was less effective, but it is a good and cheap possibility to increase the cycle parameters at high temperature and low relative humidity


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The search for mechanical components validation methods, employed in product development sector, becomes more avid for less expensive solutions. As a result, programs that can simulate forces acting on a given part through finite element method are gaining more space in the market, once this process consumes less capital when compared to currently-employed empirical validation. This article shows the simulation of an off-road prototype suspension through such technique, using ground excitation history coming from field measurements and also by making use of a specific tool for obtaining dynamic loads from the model in question. The results shown at the end is key for future enhancements aiming mass reduction, for example, that may be executed on the prototype suspension system discussed here


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Com o grande crescimento tecnolgico e a necessidade de melhoria, um dos materiais que ganhou uma grande gama na rea da engenharia mecnica a cermica, pois possui vantagens fsico-qumicas e propriedades mecnicas significativas sobre o ao. Entretanto, sua usinagem um processo difcil e delicado, que requer ainda uma grande ateno em relao ao seu estudo. Assim, o processo de retificao um dos métodos que tem apresentado bons resultados, porm um grande problema acerca de tal processo o uso excessivo de fluidos de corte, o que se tornou uma preocupao mundial, j que os fluidos apresentam graves problemas socioambientais, alm disso, o fluido de corte responsvel por uma grande parte do custo final do processo, provocando, desse modo, um grande interesse em pesquisas referentes a métodos alternativos de forma a reduzir o consumo e melhorar as caractersticas do fluido de corte utilizado. Este trabalho visa comparar duas tcnicas de lubri-refrigerao, o mtodo convencional e a Lubrificao Otimizada. O uso do mtodo otimizado uma alternativa diminuio do volume de fluido utilizado, j que este tem como princpio a aplicao de uma menor quantidade de fluido de corte com uma alta velocidade, localmente aplicada, ou seja, com essa reduo benefcios ambientais e socioeconmicas so obtidos. A anlise do trabalho ser feita a partir da avaliao das variveis de sada do processo de retificao plana tais como o comportamento rugosidade e desgaste do rebolo, j que por elas possvel avaliar o processo em relao a qualidade da pea versus custo. Com essas analises, pretende-se avaliar se a tcnica otimizada vivel a substituio da refrigerao convencional na retificao plana de cermicas.


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Simulamos a separao dos componentes de uma mistura bifsica com a equao de Cahn-Hilliard. Esta equao contm intrincados termos no lineares e derivadas de alta ordem. Alm disso, a delgada regio de transio entre os componentes da mistura requer muita resoluo. Assim, determinar a soluo numrica da equao de Cahn-Hilliard no uma tarefa fcil, principalmente em trs dimenses. Conseguimos a resoluo exigida no tempo usando uma discretizao semi-implcita de segunda ordem. No espao, obtemos a preciso requerida utilizando malhas refinadas localmente com a estratgia AMR. Essas malhas se adaptam dinamicamente para recobrir a regio de transio. O sistema linear proveniente da discretizao solucionado por intermdio de tcnicas multinvel-multigrid.


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A anlise de dados de sobrevivncia tem sido tradicionalmente baseada no modelo de regresso de Cox (COX, 1972). No entanto, a suposio de taxas de falha proporcionais assumida para esse modelo pode no ser atendida em diversas situaes prticas. Essa restrio do modelo de Cox tem gerado interesse em abordagens alternativas, dentre elas os modelos dinmicos que permitem efeito das covariveis variando no tempo. Neste trabalho, foram revisados os principais modelos de sobrevivncia dinmicos com estrutura aditiva e multiplicativa nos contextos no paramtrico e semiparamtrico. Métodos grficos baseados em resduos foram apresentados com a finalidade de avaliar a qualidade de ajuste desses modelos. Uma verso tempo-dependente da rea sob a curva ROC, denotada por AUC(t), foi proposta com a finalidade de avaliar e comparar a qualidade de predio entre modelos de sobrevivncia com estruturas aditiva e multiplicativa. O desempenho da AUC(t) foi avaliado por meio de um estudo de simulação. Dados de trs estudos descritos na literatura foram tambm analisados para ilustrar ou complementar os cenrios que foram considerados no estudo de simulação. De modo geral, os resultados obtidos indicaram que os métodos grficos apresentados para avaliar a adequao dos modelos em conjunto com a AUC(t) se constituem em um conjunto de ferramentas estatsticas teis para o prposito de avaliar modelos de sobrevivncia dinmicos nos contextos no paramtrico e semiparamtrico. Alm disso, a aplicao desse conjunto de ferramentas em alguns conjuntos de dados evidenciou que se, por um lado, os modelos dinmicos so atrativos por permitirem covariveis tempo-dependentes, por outro lado podem no ser apropriados para todos os conjuntos de dados, tendo em vista que estimao pode apresentar restries para alguns deles.