895 resultados para Mass flow rates


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The Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars are hot luminous objects which are suffering an extreme mass loss via a continuous stellar wind. The high values of mass loss rates and high terminal velocities of the WR stellar winds constitute a challenge to the theories of radiation driven winds. Several authors incorporated magnetic forces to the line driven mechanism in order to explain these characteristics of the wind. Observations indicate that the WR stellar winds may reach, at the photosphere, velocities of the order of the terminal values, which means that an important part of the wind acceleration occurs at the optically thick region. The aim of this study is to analyze a model in which the wind in a WR star begins to be accelerated in the optically thick part of the wind. We used as initial conditions stellar parameters taken from the literature and solved the energy, mass and momentum equations. We demonstrate that the acceleration only by radiative forces is prevented by the general behavior of the opacities. Combining radiative forces plus a flux of Alfven waves, we found in the simulations a fast drop in the wind density profile which strongly reduces the extension of the optically thick region and the wind becomes optically thin too close its base. The understanding how the WR wind initiate is still an open issue. (C) 2010 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In an attempt to evaluate correlations between several properties of comets we report the results of a cometary research involving a criterious analysis of gas and dust mass production rates in Comets 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (main target of Rosetta Mission), 1P/Halley, Hyakutake (C/1996 B2), and 46P/Wirtanen and make a comparison between them. (C) 2009 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Severe climate changes culminating in at least three major glacial events have been recognized in the Neoproterozoic sedimentary record from many parts of the world Supportive to the global nature of these climatic shifts a considerable amount of data have been acquired from deposits exposed in Pan-African orogenic belts in southwestern and western Africa By comparison published data from the Pan-African belts in Central Africa are scarce We report here evidence of possibly two glacial events recorded in the Mintom Formation that is located on the margin of the Pan-African orogenic Yaounde belt in South-East Cameroon In the absence of reliable radiometric data only maximum and minimum age limits of 640 and 580 Ma respectively can at present be applied to the Mintom Formation The formation consists of two lithostratigraphic ensembles each subdivided in two members (i e in ascending stratigraphic order the Kol Metou Momibole and Atog Adjap Members) The basal ensemble exhibits a typical glacial to post-glacial succession It includes diamictites comprising cobbles and boulders in a massive argillaceous siltstone matrix and laminated siltstones followed by in sharp contact a 2 m-thick massive dolostone that yielded negative delta(13)C values (<-3 parts per thousand. V-PDB) similar to those reported for Marinoan cap carbonates elsewhere However uncertainty remains regarding the glacial influence on the siliciclastic facies because the diamictite is better explained as a mass-flow deposit and diagnostic features such as dropstones have not been seen in the overlying siltstones The Mintom Formation may thus provide an example of an unusual succession of non-glacial diamictite overlain by a truly glacial melt-related cap-carbonate We also report the recent discovery of ice-striated pavements on the structural surface cut in the Mintom Formation suggesting that glaciers developed after the latter had been deposited and deformed during the Pan-African orogeny Striations which consistently exhibit two principal orientations (N60 and N110) were identified in two different localities in the west of the study area on siltstones of the Kol Member and in the east on limestones of the Atog Adjap Member respectively N60-oriented striae indicate ice flow towards the WSW Assigning an age to these features remains problematical because they were not found associated with glaciogenic deposits Two hypotheses can equally be envisaged e either the striated surfaces are correlated (1) to the Gaskiers (or Neoproterozoic post-Gaskiers) glaciation and represent the youngest Ediacaran glacial event documented in the southern Yaounde belt or (2) to the Late Ordovician Hirnantian (Saharan) glaciation thereby providing new data about Hirnantian ice flows in Central Africa (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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The importance of investigating cost reduction in materials and components for solar thermal systems is crucial at the present time. This work focuses on the influence of two different heat exchangers on the performance of a solar thermal system. Both heat exchangers studied are immersed helically coiled, one made with corrugated stainless steel tube, and the other made with finned copper tube with smooth inner surface.A test apparatus has been designed and a simple test procedure applied in order to study heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop of both coils. Thereafter, the resulting experimental data was used to perform a parameter identification of the heat exchangers, in order to obtain a TRNSYS model with its corresponding numerical expression. Also a representative small-scale combisystem model was designed in TRNSYS, in order to study the influence of both heat exchangers on the solar fraction of the system, when working at different flow rates.It has been found that the highest solar fraction is given by the corrugated stainless steel coil, when it works at the lowest flow rate (100 l/hr). For any higher flow rate, the studied copper coil presents a higher solar fraction. The advantageous low flow performance of stainless steel heat exchanger turns out to be beneficial for the particular case of solar thermal systems, where it is well known that low flow collector loops lead to enhanced store stratification, and consequently higher solar fractions.Finally, an optimization of the stainless steel heat exchanger length is carried out, according to economic figures. For the given combisystem model and boundary conditions, the optimum length value is found between 10 and 12 m.


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Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) collectors are an emerging technology that combines PV and solar thermal systems in a single solar collector producing heat and electricity simultaneously. The focus of this thesis work is to evaluate the performance of unglazed open loop PVT air system integrated on a garage roof in Borlänge. As it is thought to have a significant potential for preheating ventilation of the building and improving the PV modules electrical efficiency. The performance evaluation is important to optimize the cooling strategy of the collector in order to enhance its electrical efficiency and maximize the production of thermal energy. The evaluation process involves monitoring the electrical and thermal energies for a certain period of time and investigating the cooling effect on the performance through controlling the air mass flow provided by a variable speed fan connected to the collector by an air distribution duct. The distribution duct transfers the heated outlet air from the collector to inside the building. The PVT air collector consists of 34 Solibro CIGS type PV modules (115 Wp for each module) which are roof integrated and have replaced the traditional roof material. The collector is oriented toward the south-west with a tilt of 29 ᵒ. The collector consists of 17 parallel air ducts formed between the PV modules and the insulated roof surface. Each air duct has a depth of 0.05 m, length of 2.38 m and width of 2.38 m. The air ducts are connected to each other through holes. The monitoring system is based on using T-type thermocouples to measure the relevant temperatures, air sensor to measure the air mass flow. These parameters are needed to calculate the thermal energy. The monitoring system contains also voltage dividers to measure the PV modules voltage and shunt resistance to measure the PV current, and AC energy meters which are needed to calculate the produced electrical energy. All signals recorded from the thermocouples, voltage dividers and shunt resistances are connected to data loggers. The strategy of cooling in this work was based on switching the fan on, only when the difference between the air duct temperature (under the middle of top of PV column) and the room temperature becomes higher than 5 °C. This strategy was effective in term of avoiding high electrical consumption by the fan, and it is recommended for further development. The temperature difference of 5 °C is the minimum value to compensate the heat losses in the collecting duct and distribution duct. The PVT air collector has an area of (Ac=32 m2), and air mass flow of 0.002 kg/s m2. The nominal output power of the collector is 4 kWppv (34 CIGS modules with 115 Wppvfor each module). The collector produces thermal output energy of 6.88 kWth/day (0.21 kWth/m2 day) and an electrical output energy of 13.46 kWhel/day (0.42 kWhel/m2 day) with cooling case. The PVT air collector has a daily thermal energy yield of 1.72 kWhth/kWppv, and a daily PV electrical energy yield of 3.36 kWhel /kWppv. The fan energy requirement in this case was 0.18 kWh/day which is very small compared to the electrical energy generated by the PV collector. The obtained thermal efficiency was 8 % which is small compared to the results reported in literature for PVT air collectors. The small thermal efficiency was due to small operating air mass flow. Therefore, the study suggests increasing the air mass flow by a factor of 25. The electrical efficiency was fluctuating around 14 %, which is higher than the theoretical efficiency of the PV modules, and this discrepancy was due to the poor method of recording the solar irradiance in the location. Due to shading effect, it was better to use more than one pyranometer.


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As a result of urbanization, stormwater runoff flow rates and volumes are significantly increased due to increasing impervious land cover and the decreased availability of depression storage. Storage tanks are the basic devices to efficiently control the flow rate in drainage systems during wet weather. Presented in the paper conception of vacuum-driven detention tanks allows to increase the storage capacity by usage of space above the free surface water elevation at the inlet channel. Partial vacuum storage makes possible to gain cost savings by reduction of both the horizontal area of the detention tank and necessary depth of foundations. Simulation model of vacuum-driven storage tank has been developed to estimate potential profits of its application in urban drainage system. Although SWMM5 has no direct options for vacuum tanks an existing functions (i.e. control rules) have been used to reflect its operation phases. Rainfall data used in simulations were recorded at raingage in Czestochowa during years 2010÷2012 with time interval of 10minutes. Simulation results gives overview to practical operation and maintenance cost (energy demand) of vacuum driven storage tanks depending of the ratio: vacuum-driven volume to total storage capacity. The following conclusion can be drawn from this investigations: vacuum-driven storage tanks are characterized by uncomplicated construction and control systems, thus can be applied in newly developed as well as in the existing urban drainage systems. the application of vacuum in underground detention facilities makes possible to increase of the storage capacity of existing reservoirs by usage the space above the maximum depth. Possible increase of storage capacity can achieve even a few dozen percent at relatively low investment costs. vacuum driven storage tanks can be included in existing simulation software (i.e. SWMM) using options intended for pumping stations (including control and action rules ).


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Esta Tese apresenta uma análise do comportamento térmico de um sistema de aquecimento solar operando por termossifão. Neste tipo de sistema o fluido no coletor solar é circulado por convecção natural, que acontece devido à diferença de massa específica da água ao longo circuito. Nestes sistemas a vazão mássica varia ao longo do dia e do ano, dependendo, dentre outros fatores, da irradiância solar absorvida, do perfil de temperaturas da água no sistema, da geometria, do volume e do perfil de demanda de água quente. Para uma avaliação detalhada do comportamento térmico de aquecedores solares operando por termossifão foram realizados ensaios experimentais e cálculos teóricos. Os resultados dos experimentos concordaram com aqueles apresentados na literatura e sua análise fundamentou o desenvolvimento do aplicativo TermoSim, um programa de simulação computacional do comportamento térmico de sistemas de aquecimento de água com energia solar. O tratamento matemático adotado no TermoSim compreende a modelagem dos coletores solares de acordo com a teoria de Hottel-Bliss-Whillier. O reservatório térmico é modelado com estratificação térmica, convecção e condução entre as camadas. A vazão mássica é obtida a partir do balanço da quantidade de movimento no circuito. Os modelos matemáticos empregados na construção do aplicativo TermoSim foram validados através do confronto dos resultados simulados com medidas experimentais. Foi demonstrado que a utilização destes modelos é adequada e permite reproduzir com precisão o comportamento térmico dos coletores solares e do reservatório térmico. Além do programa TermoSim, foi também desenvolvido o programa TermoDim, que é uma ferramenta para o dimensionamento de sistemas de aquecimento solar, que requer apenas o conhecimento dos parâmetros geométricos do sistema, dados meteorológicos em média mensal e informação a respeito do volume de demanda. O TermoDim é apropriado para estimar o desempenho de aquecedores solares operando por termossifão com tanques verticais e horizontais. O método de dimensionamento do TermoDim é baseado na correlação para a eficiência média mensal obtida neste trabalho a partir de um grande número de simulações.


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Na pesquisa em erosão, nas últimas décadas, está se formando um consenso de que é importante entender os processos básicos que regem o fenômeno. Uma alternativas para tentar compreender melhor as etapas do processo erosivo é separá-lo na fase de sulco (fluxo concentrado) e de entressulco. Dentro desse enfoque foi construído no Laboratório de Processos Erosivos e Deposicionais (LaPED) do IPH/UFRGS um canal de declividade para estudar o processo de incisão e o desenvolvimento dos sulcos de erosão. A estrutura experimental projetada e construída permite que seja controlada a vazão através de um medidor eletromagnético e que seja alterada a declividade do canal através de um sistema hidráulico associado a um nível digital. O solo colocado no canal foi um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico, as declividades de trabalho foram 3,0; 6,0 e 9,0% e a seqüência de vazões aplicadas foi 10,0; 18,5; 25,5; 38,5 e 51,0L.min-1. A estrutura experimental montada se mostrou de fácil operação e eficiente para permitir o avanço no entendimento dos processos de desagregação e de transporte de partículas sólidas pela ação do escoamento superficial, além de possibilitar a geração de sulco(s) de erosão na superfície do solo. O escoamento passou da condição de difuso para concentrado a partir do momento em que a velocidade superficial do fluxo alcançou 0,26m.s-1, a altura de lâmina atingiu 0,0102m, a velocidade de cisalhamento superou os 0,059m.s-1, a tensão de cisalhamento chegou a 3,50Pa e que a potência do escoamento atingiu pelo menos 0,22N.s-1. O processo de incisão iniciou-se com o canal experimental colocado em baixa declividade e em regime de escoamento sub-crítico e de transição. A velocidade de cisalhamento, no momento da incisão, foi, praticamente, o dobro daquela encontrada na literatura para solos siltosos e arenosos. Entretanto, para as três declividades a fase de sulco definido ocorreu somente em regime de escoamento turbulento. A tensão de cisalhamento foi o parâmetro que melhor descreveu a evolução da perda de solo. A potência do escoamento foi o parâmetro hidráulico que mostrou maior eficiência para separar as fases evolutivas dos sulcos. O desenvolvimento do(s) sulco(s) teve o seu início em uma condição de escoamento difuso (ausência de sulcos) e com a potência do escoamento oscilando entre 0,057 e 0,198N.s-1. O avanço do(s) sulco(s) começou com uma zona de transição (fase de incisão e de aprofundamento) onde a potência do escoamento varia entre 0,220 e 0,278N.s-1 e, logo em seguida, teve início a fase de sulco definido, com a potência do escoamento entre 0,314 e 0,544N.s-1. Na fase de escoamento concentrado foi preponderante o papel do processo de erosão regressiva para aumentar tanto o tamanho como o peso das partículas sólidas em transporte pelo escoamento superficial e assim fazer com que predominasse o transporte via fundo sobre o transporte via suspensão. As cargas de sedimento geradas nos solos de diferentes classes texturais foram separadas em grupos distintos em função da potência unitária do escoamento.


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The production of water has become one of the most important wastes in the petroleum industry, specifically in the up stream segment. The treatment of this kind of effluents is complex and normally requires high costs. In this context, the electrochemical treatment emerges as an alternative methodology for treating the wastewaters. It employs electrochemical reactions to increase the capability and efficiency of the traditional chemical treatments for associated produced water. The use of electrochemical reactors can be effective with small changes in traditional treatments, generally not representing a significant additional surface area for new equipments (due to the high cost of square meter on offshore platforms) and also it can use almost the same equipments, in continuous or batch flow, without others high costs investments. Electrochemical treatment causes low environmental impact, because the process uses electrons as reagent and generates small amount of wastes. In this work, it was studied two types of electrochemical reactors: eletroflocculation and eletroflotation, with the aim of removing of Cu2+, Zn2+, phenol and BTEX mixture of produced water. In eletroflocculation, an electrical potential was applied to an aqueous solution containing NaCl. For this, it was used iron electrodes, which promote the dissolution of metal ions, generating Fe2+ and gases which, in appropriate pH, promote also clotting-flocculation reactions, removing Cu2+ and Zn2+. In eletroflotation, a carbon steel cathode and a DSA type anode (Ti/TiO2-RuO2-SnO2) were used in a NaCl solution. It was applied an electrical current, producing strong oxidant agents as Cl2 and HOCl, increasing the degradation rate of BTEX and phenol. Under different flow rates, the Zn2+ was removed by electrodeposition or by ZnOH formation, due the increasing of pH during the reaction. To better understand the electrochemical process, a statistical protocol factor (22) with central point was conducted to analyze the sensitivity of operating parameters on removing Zn2+ by eletroflotation, confirming that the current density affected the process negatively and the flow rate positively. For economical viability of these two electrochemical treatments, the energy consumption was calculated, taking in account the kWh given by ANEEL. The treatment cost obtained were quite attractive in comparison with the current treatments used in Rio Grande do Norte state. In addition, it could still be reduced for the case of using other alternative energy source such as solar, wind or gas generated directly from the Petrochemical Plant or offshore platforms


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The oil companies in the area in general are looking for new technologies that can increase the recovery factor of oil contained in reservoirs. These investments are mainly aimed at reducing the costs of projects which are high. Steam injection is one of these special methods of recovery in which steam is injected into the reservoir in order to reduce the viscosity of the oil and make it more mobile. The process assisted gravity drainage steam (SAGD) using steam injection in its mechanism, as well as two parallel horizontal wells. In this process steam is injected through the horizontal injection well, then a vapor chamber is formed by heating the oil in the reservoir and, by the action of gravitational forces, this oil is drained down to where the production well. This study aims to analyze the influence of pressure drop and heat along the injection well in the SAGD process. Numerical simulations were performed using the thermal simulator STARS of CMG (Computer Modeling Group). The parameters studied were the thermal conductivity of the formation, the flow of steam injection, the inner diameter of the column, the steam quality and temperature. A factorial design was used to verify the influence of the parameters studied in the recovery factor. We also analyzed different injection flow rates for the model with pressure drop and no pressure drop, as well as different maximum flow rates of oil production. Finally, we performed an economic analysis of the two models in order to check the profitability of the projects studied. The results showed that the pressure drop in injection well have a significant influence on the SAGD process.


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A self-flotator vibrational prototype electromechanical drive for treatment of oil and water emulsion or like emulsion is presented and evaluated. Oil production and refining to obtain derivatives is carried out under arrangements technically referred to as on-shore and off-shore, ie, on the continent and in the sea. In Brazil 80 % of the petroleum production is taken at sea and area of deployment and it cost scale are worrisome. It is associated, oily water production on a large scale, carrier 95% of the potential pollutant of activity whose final destination is the environment medium, terrestrial or maritime. Although diversified set of techniques and water treatment systems are in use or research, we propose an innovative system that operates in a sustainable way without chemical additives, for the good of the ecosystem. Labyrinth adsor-bent is used in metal spirals, and laboratory scale flow. Equipment and process patents are claimed. Treatments were performed at different flow rates and bands often monitored with control systems, some built, other bought for this purpose. Measurements of the levels of oil and grease (OGC) of efluents treaty remained within the range of legal framework under test conditions. Adsorbents were weighed before and after treatment for obtaining oil impregna-tion, the performance goal of vibratory action and treatment as a whole. Treatment technolo-gies in course are referenced, to compare performance, qualitatively and quantitatively. The vibration energy consumption is faced with and without conventional flotation and self-flotation. There are good prospects for the proposed, especially in reducing the residence time, by capillary action system. The impregnation dimensionless parameter was created and confronted with consecrated dimensionless parameters, on the vibrational version, such as Weber number and Froude number in quadratic form, referred to as vibrational criticality. Re-sults suggest limits to the vibration intensity


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This document proposes to describe a pilot plant for oil wells equipped with plunger lift. In addition to a small size (21,5 meters) and be on the surface, the plant s well has part of its structure in transparent acrylic, allowing easy visualization of phenomena inherent to the method. The rock formation where the well draws its pilot plant fluids (water and air) is simulated by a machine room where they are located the compressor and water pump for the production of air and water. To keep the flow of air and water with known and controlled values the lines that connect the machine room to the wellhole are equipped with flow sensors and valves. It s developed a supervisory system that allows the user a real-time monitoring of pressures and flow rates involved. From the supervisor is still allowed the user can choose how they will be controlled cycles of the process, whether by time, pressure or manually, and set the values of air flow to the water used in cycles. These values can be defined from a set point or from the percentage of valve opening. Results from tests performed on the plant using the most common forms of control by time and pressure in the coating are showed. Finally, they are confronted with results generated by a simulator configured with the the pilot plant s feature


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With the increase of asphalt milling services was also a significant increase in recycling services pavements. The techniques used today are basically physical processes in which the milled material is incorporated into new asphalt mixtures or executed on site, with the addition of virgin asphalt and rejuvenating agent. In this paper seeks to analyze the efficiency of extraction of CAP (Petroleum Asphalt Cement) mixtures from asphalt milling, using commercial solvents and microemulsions. The solvents were evaluated for their ability to solubilize asphalt using an extractor reflux-type apparatus. Pseudoternary diagrams were developed for the preparation of microemulsion O/W surfactant using a low-cost coconut oil saponified (OCS). Microemulsions were used to extract the CAP of asphalt through physicochemical process cold. Analysis was performed concentration of CAP in solution by spectroscopy. The data provided in the analysis of concentration by the absorbance of the solution as the basis for calculating the percentage of extraction and the mass flow of the CAP in the solution. The results showed that microemulsions prepared with low concentration of kerosene and butanol/OCS binary has high extraction power of CAP and its efficiency was higher than pure kerosene, reaching 95% rate of extraction


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O algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum ) apresenta alta exigência de K e é muito sensível a baixo pH do solo. A maior parte do K chega às raízes das plantas por difusão no solo. Por existir interação do K com Ca e Mg, a calagem pode interferir no movimento do K no solo, afetando a nutrição da planta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito de calcário dolomítico e de 0, 15, 30, 45 e 60 g kg-1 de K no suprimento de potássio às raízes do algodoeiro. As plantas foram cultivadas por 40 dias em vasos de 5 L contendo um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro (68% de areia e 16% de argila). Houve um acréscimo na produção de matéria seca e na acumulação de K em função da adubação potássica. A intercepção radicular do K do solo foi também aumentada pela aplicação de K, mas não foi afetada pela calagem. O fluxo de massa e a difusão foram aumentadas linearmente com a aplicação de K até 60 mg kg-1, nos vasos com calagem. em vasos sem calagem a quantidade de K atingindo as raízes por difusão aumentou até 45 mg kg-1, decrescendo com a dose máxima de potássio. do mesmo modo, mais K entrou em contato com as raízes por fluxo de massa com a maior dose do nutriente. Isto aconteceu porque havia mais raízes finas nos vasos sem calagem e com a dose máxima de potássio. Com a diminuição da distância média entre as raízes, houve maior competição entre elas, culminando com a diminuição do K difundido até as raízes do algodoeiro.


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The aim of this study is to characterize and evaluate the Macro System of Regional Water Distribution Natal North (RNN) and Southern Regional Natal (RNS), covering 35% and 65% respectively of the Natal-RN City. The terms of the quality and quantity of water (surface and groundwater) were also evaluated in order to adjust the parameters that contribute to proper distribution and control in water reserves. The methodology of the work took place from collecting volumetric data of production capacity and distribution of the two treatment plants for Regional as well as the flow rates of wells. Yet the quantitative capacity of reservation, distribution and consumption of the main reservoirs, population numbers and consumption of members neighborhoods were collected. Data were tabulated and used in computational simulator EPANET to diagnose possible through the water balance, the offers and demands on the water supply system in the neighborhoods of the capital, linking them to specific distribution points. We also evaluated the wells in the levels of nitrate in water consumed. As a result it was found that some neighborhoods in the South Regional Natal, was ranked as critical supply situation: City of Hope, Lagoa Nova and Nova Descoberta, where demand exceeds supply. While in most Northern Regional Natal present deficiency in the supply system as: Lagoa Azul, the Parque dos Coqueiros, igapó, Amarante and Salinas. The rates of nitrate in the city were significant, but manageable with corrective and preventive measures. The averages were 12 mg /l-N in Candelária, 10 mg/l-N in Lagoa Nova, 9 mg/l-N in Satelite, 20 mg/l-N in Gramore and 15 mg/l-N in N. Sra. Apresentação. Therefore proper distribution of water abstracted and implementation of quality control ensures the supply required by the system, associated with preservation of Water Resources of the Metropolitan Region of Natal