940 resultados para Magic, Egyptian.


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La nostra investigació s'inscriu en la concepció dinàmica de la intel·ligència, i concretament en el processos que configuren el processament cerebral en el Model d'integració de la informació descrit per Das, Kirby i Jarman (1979). Els dos processos cerebrals que constitueixen la base de la conducta intel·ligent són el processament simultani i el processament seqüencial; són les dues estratègies principals del processament de la informació. Tota classe d'estímul és susceptible d'ésser processat o bé seqüencialment (seriació, verbal, anàlisi), o be simultàniament (global, visual, síntesi). Basant-nos en el recull bibliogràfic i amb la convicció de que apropant-nos al coneixement de les peculiaritats del processament de la informació, ens endinsem en la comprensió del procés que mena a la conducta intel·ligent, i per tant, a l'aprenentatge, formulem la següent hipòtesi de treball: en els nens de preescolar (d'entre els 3 i els sis anys) es donaran aquest dos tipus de processament i variaran en funció de l'edat, el sexe, l'atenció, les dificultats d'aprenentatge, els problemes de llenguatge, el bilingüisme, el nivell sociocultural, la dominància manual, el nivell mental i de la presència de patologia. Les diferències que s'esdevinguin ens permetran de formular criteris i pautes per a la intervenció educativa. Els nostres objectius es refonen en mesurar el processament en nens de preescolar de les comarques gironines, verificar la relació de cada tipus de processament amb les variables esmentades, comprovar si s'estableix un paral·lelisme entre el processament i les aportacions de concepció localitzacionista de les funcions cerebrals en base als nostres resultats, i pautes per a la intervenció pedagògica. Quant al mètode, hem seleccionat una mostra representativa dels nens i nenes matriculats a les escoles publiques de les comarques gironines durant el curs 92/93, mitjançant un mostreig aleatori estratificat i per conglomerats. El tamany real de la mostra és de dos-cents seixanta un subjectes. Els instruments emprats han estat els següents: el Test K-ABC de Kaufman & Kaufman (1983) per a la avaluació del processament; un formulari dirigit als pares per a la recollida de la informació pertinent; entrevistes amb les mestres, i el Test de la Figura Humana de Goodenough. Pel que fa referència als resultats de la nostra recerca i en funció dels objectius proposats, constatem els fets següents. En els nens de preescolar, amb edats d'entre els tres i els sis anys, es constata l'existència dels dos tipus de processament cerebral, sense que es doni un predomini d'un sobre de l'altre; ambdós processaments actuen interrelacionadament. Ambdós tipus de processament milloren a mesura que augmenta l'edat, però es constaten diferències derivades del nivell mental: amb un nivell mental normal s'hi associa una millora d'ambdós processaments, mentre que amb un nivell mental deficient només millora fonamentalment el processament seqüencial. Tanmateix, el processament simultani està més relacionat amb les funcions cognitives complexes i és més nivell mental dependent que el processament seqüencial. Tant les dificultats d'aprenentatge com els problemes de llenguatge predominen en els nens i nenes amb un desequilibri significatiu entre ambdós tipus de processament; les dificultats d'aprenentatge estan més relacionades amb una deficiència del processament simultani, mentre que els problemes de llenguatge es relacionen més amb una deficiència en el processament seqüencial. Els nivells socioculturals baixos es relacionen amb resultats inferiors en ambdós tipus de processament. Per altra part, entre els nens bilingües és més freqüent el processament seqüencial significatiu. El test de la Figura Humana es comporta com un marcador de processament simultani i el nivell atencional com un marcador de la gravetat del problema que afecta al processament i en el següent ordre: nivell mental deficient, dificultats, d'aprenentatge i problemes de llenguatge . Les deficiències atencionals van lligades a deficiències en el processament simultani i a la presencia de patologia. Quant a la dominància manual no es constaten diferències en el processament. Finalment, respecte del sexe només podem aportar que quan un dels dos tipus de processament és deficitari,i es dóna per tant, un desequilibri en el processament, predomina significativament el nombre de nens afectats per sobre del de nenes.


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A Obesidade é um problema em franco crescimento por todo o globo, com muitas relações com outras comorbilidades. Novos desenvolvimentos tecnológicos como a Ressonância Magmética Espectroscópica de Rotação do Ângulo Mágico (HRMAS) podem ajudar a acelaerar o nosso conhecimento deste complexo e principal tecido - a pele obesa. No presente trabalho os autores aplicaram a técnica de ressonância designada por 1H HRMAS NMR para estudar a pele de doentes obesos e assim contribuir para definir o seu perfil metabólico. Foram obtidas amostras de pele das regiões mamárias e abdominal de 5 doentes obesos e comparadas com idênticas amostras obtidas de 5 paciente normais. Os resultados, embora preliminares, sugerem a existência de diferenças entre os perfis lipídicos dos doentes obesos e dos pacientes normais, a nível da insaturação, especialmente reduzida nas amostras de abdómen da pele obesa. Assim a 1H HRMAS parece proporcionar um interessante meio adicional para melhor caracterizar esta patologia.


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La reconstrucción de una entrevista realizada en 1988 permite al autor hacer un lúcido recorrido sobre el valor de la obra crítica, narrativa e histórico-biográfica de Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco, y establecer un balance del aporte de la misma en varios momentos de la narrativa ecuatoriana del siglo XX: los años de las vanguardias, la década de 1950 y el período posterior al boom latinoamericano. El texto pone en relieve la talla humana de Pareja, y ofrece una muestra de esa extraña sintonía que los grandes narradores únicamente son capaces de establecer con el lector, provocando en éste la sensación de sentirse «tocado y transformado por el encanto de su palabra».


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Radiocarbon (carbon-14) data from the Aegean Bronze Age 1700-1400 B.C. show that the Santorini (Thera) eruption must have occurred in the late 17th century B.C. By using carbon-14 dates from the surrounding region, cultural phases, and Bayesian statistical analysis, we established a chronology for the initial Aegean Late Bronze Age cultural phases (Late Minoan IA, IB, and II). This chronology contrasts with conventional archaeological dates and cultural synthesis: stretching out the Late Minoan IA, IB, and II phases by similar to 100 years and requiring reassessment of standard interpretations of associations between the Egyptian and Near Eastern historical dates and phases and those in the Aegean and Cyprus in the mid-second millennium B.C.


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Five 12-hydroxy-daphnane esters were isolated from the leaves and twigs of Egyptian Thymelaea hirsuta. These compounds were identified as gnidicin, gniditrin, genkwadaphnin, the aliphatic C-12 ester, 12-O-heptadecenoyl-5-hydroxy-6,7-epoxy-resiniferonol-9,13,14-orthobenzoate and the novel aliphatic C-12 ester 12-O-butenyl-5-hydroxy-6,7-epoxy-resiniferonol-9,13-14-orthobenzoate.


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The complaints on the adoption of Arabic by the Copts that are voiced by the Apocalypse of Pseudo-Samuel have often been quoted as the expiring words of the dying Coptic language. This article seeks to show that they are not to be taken so literally, and that they should rather be inserted in the context of a rift within the medieval Coptic church over the question of language choice, and beyond this, over that of accommodation with the Muslims. The use of Arabic by the episcopal church of Miṣr and by some prominent figures around it, which was linked to their proximity to the Fatimid court, was resented and denounced by more traditional circles, centred on the Patriarchate and on some important monasteries such as the one at Qalamūn where the Apocalypse was written. The suggestion is also made that the text is contemporary with the beginning of Coptic literary production in Arabic and with the introduction of Egyptian Christians at the caliphal court, namely in the last quarter of the tenth century, at the time of Severus ibn al-Muqqafa‘.


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The pig is a single-stomached omnivorous mammal and is an important model of human disease and nutrition. As such, it is necessary to establish a metabolic framework from which pathology-based variation can be compared. Here, a combination of one and two-dimensional (1)H and (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR was used to provide a systems overview of porcine metabolism via characterisation of the urine, serum, liver and kidney metabolomes. The metabolites observed in each of these biological compartments were found to be qualitatively comparable to the metabolic signature of the same biological matrices in humans and rodents. The data were modelled using a combination of principal components analysis and Venn diagram mapping. Urine represented the most metabolically distinct biological compartment studied, with a relatively greater number of NMR detectable metabolites present, many of which are implicated in gut-microbial co-metabolic processes. The major inter-species differences observed were in the phase II conjugation of extra-genomic metabolites; the pig was observed to conjugate p-cresol, a gut microbial metabolite of tyrosine, with glucuronide rather than sulfate as seen in man. These observations are important to note when considering the translatability of experimental data derived from porcine models.


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It is well known that gut bacteria contribute significantly to the host homeostasis, providing a range of benefits such as immune protection and vitamin synthesis. They also supply the host with a considerable amount of nutrients, making this ecosystem an essential metabolic organ. In the context of increasing evidence of the link between the gut flora and the metabolic syndrome, understanding the metabolic interaction between the host and its gut microbiota is becoming an important challenge of modern biology.1-4 Colonization (also referred to as normalization process) designates the establishment of micro-organisms in a former germ-free animal. While it is a natural process occurring at birth, it is also used in adult germ-free animals to control the gut floral ecosystem and further determine its impact on the host metabolism. A common procedure to control the colonization process is to use the gavage method with a single or a mixture of micro-organisms. This method results in a very quick colonization and presents the disadvantage of being extremely stressful5. It is therefore useful to minimize the stress and to obtain a slower colonization process to observe gradually the impact of bacterial establishment on the host metabolism. In this manuscript, we describe a procedure to assess the modification of hepatic metabolism during a gradual colonization process using a non-destructive metabolic profiling technique. We propose to monitor gut microbial colonization by assessing the gut microbial metabolic activity reflected by the urinary excretion of microbial co-metabolites by 1H NMR-based metabolic profiling. This allows an appreciation of the stability of gut microbial activity beyond the stable establishment of the gut microbial ecosystem usually assessed by monitoring fecal bacteria by DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis).6 The colonization takes place in a conventional open environment and is initiated by a dirty litter soiled by conventional animals, which will serve as controls. Rodents being coprophagous animals, this ensures a homogenous colonization as previously described.7 Hepatic metabolic profiling is measured directly from an intact liver biopsy using 1H High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning NMR spectroscopy. This semi-quantitative technique offers a quick way to assess, without damaging the cell structure, the major metabolites such as triglycerides, glucose and glycogen in order to further estimate the complex interaction between the colonization process and the hepatic metabolism7-10. This method can also be applied to any tissue biopsy11,12.


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The Egyptians mesmerized the ancient Greeks for scores of years. The Greek literature and art of the classical period are especially thick with representations of Egypt and Egyptians. Yet despite numerous firsthand contacts with Egypt, Greek writers constructed their own Egypt, one that differed in significant ways from actual Egyptian history, society, and culture. Informed by recent work on orientalism and colonialism, this book unravels the significance of these misrepresentations of Egypt in the Greek cultural imagination in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E. Looking in particular at issues of identity, otherness, and cultural anxiety, Phiroze Vasunia shows how Greek authors constructed an image of Egypt that reflected their own attitudes and prejudices about Greece itself. He focuses his discussion on Aeschylus Suppliants; Book 2 of Herodotus; Euripides' Helen; Plato's Phaedrus, Timaeus, and Critias; and Isocrates' Busiris. Reconstructing the history of the bias that informed these writings, Vasunia shows that Egypt in these works was shaped in relation to Greek institutions, values, and ideas on such subjects as gender and sexuality, death, writing, and political and ethnic identity. This study traces the tendentiousness of Greek representations by introducing comparative Egyptian material, thus interrogating the Greek texts and authors from a cross-cultural perspective. A final chapter also considers the invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great and shows how he exploited and revised the discursive tradition in his conquest of the country. Firmly and knowledgeably rooted in classical studies and the ancient sources, this study takes a broad look at the issue of cross-cultural exchange in antiquity by framing it within the perspective of contemporary cultural studies. In addition, this provocative and original work shows how Greek writers made possible literary Europe's most persistent and adaptable obsession: the barbarian.


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This chapter compares the trajectories of Glauber Rocha and Werner Herzog in the light of the Cinema Novo.


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The self-assembly of proteins and peptides into b-sheet-rich amyloid fibers is a process that has gained notoriety because of its association with human diseases and disorders. Spontaneous self-assembly of peptides into nonfibrillar supramolecular structures can also provide a versatile and convenient mechanism for the bottom-up design of biocompatible materials with functional properties favoring a wide range of practical applications.[1] One subset of these fascinating and potentially useful nanoscale constructions are the peptide nanotubes, elongated cylindrical structures with a hollow center bounded by a thin wall of peptide molecules.[2] A formidable challenge in optimizing and harnessing the properties of nanotube assemblies is to gain atomistic insight into their architecture, and to elucidate precisely how the tubular morphology is constructed from the peptide building blocks. Some of these fine details have been elucidated recently with the use of magic-angle-spinning (MAS) solidstate NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy.[3] MAS SSNMR measurements of chemical shifts and through-space interatomic distances provide constraints on peptide conformation (e.g., b-strands and turns) and quaternary packing. We describe here a new application of a straightforward SSNMR technique which, when combined with FTIR spectroscopy, reports quantitatively on the orientation of the peptide molecules within the nanotube structure, thereby providing an additional structural constraint not accessible to MAS SSNMR.


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The pig is a single-stomached omnivorous mammal and is an important model of human disease and nutrition. As such, it is necessary to establish a metabolic framework from which pathology-based variation can be compared. Here, a combination of one and two-dimensional 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR was used to provide a systems overview of porcine metabolism via characterisation of the urine, serum, liver and kidney metabolomes. The metabolites observed in each of these biological compartments were found to be qualitatively comparable to the metabolic signature of the same biological matrices in humans and rodents. The data were modelled using a combination of principal components analysis and Venn diagram mapping. Urine represented the most metabolically distinct biological compartment studied, with a relatively greater number of NMR detectable metabolites present, many of which are implicated in gut-microbial co-metabolic processes. The major interspecies differences observed were in the phase II conjugation of extra-genomic metabolites; the pig was observed to conjugate p-cresol, a gut microbial metabolite of tyrosine, with glucuronide rather than sulfate as seen in man. These observations are important to note when considering the translatability of experimental data derived from porcine models.


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