Methadone is used in the treatment of opioid addiction. Acute intoxication can lead to severe consequences and can even be lethal. In several case reports and small series, a presumably toxic leukoencephalopathy is described resulting from inhalation of heroin. We present the case of a 3-year-old boy who ingested methadone accidentally. In a coma with acute obstructive hydrocephalus owing to massive cerebellar edema and supratentorial lesions, he was successfully treated with methylprednisolone and cerebrospinal fluid external drainage. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an encephalopathy associated with synthetic opioid intoxication.
Introduction: Congenital complete atrioventricular block (AVB) without cardiac malformation is a rare and potentially fatal condition. In most cases it is associated with maternal systemic lupus erythematosus through transplacental passage of antibodies anti-SSA/Ro and/or anti-SSB/La. Antenatal fluorinated-steroids have been successful in reversing first and second degree congenital AVB but inconsistent in third degree block. Case Report:The authors report a case of fetal bradycardia diagnosed at 24 weeks of gestation. The fetal echocardiogram revealed a second/third degree AVB without structural heart disease. Maternal anti-SSA/Ro antibodies were detected. There was no blockage improvement with maternal oral fluorinated-steroids. An elective cesarean section was performed at term with the delivery of a healthy girl that required an epicardical pacemaker on the 8th day of life. Conclusion: In this case, treatment with maternal fluorinated corticosteroids was not effective in preventing progression of the heart block.
This paper reports 40 cases of human rabies studied at the Carlos Chagas Hospital of UFMC, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 1963 through 1976. From the epidemioiogical point of view it is concluded that the magnitude of the problem of human rabies in underdeveioped countries remains quite unknown. Speciai emphasis is given to the lack of apropriate knowledge of the recommended preventive measures, and to the influence of health education and socio-economic-cultural structure of the communities. The classic clinical picture of human rabies is briefiy described, particular attention being drawn to psychopathologic features of rabies encephalomyeiitis. it is pointed out that in some cases the mental symptoms may predominate from the onset of the illness, adding difficuity to the diagnosis. According to the Authors, human rabies must be differentiated from several psychopathologic syndromes and also from encephalomyelitis due to other central nervous system infections. It is discussed whether the fataiistic concept of human rabies would be somehow contributing to delay a better understanding of the natural history of the disease.
Based on the presentation and discussion at the 3rd Winter School on Technology Assessment, December 2012, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), Caparica Campus, PhD programme on Technology Assessment
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
Involvement of the hollow organs of the digestive apparatus can occur in patients in the chronic phase of Chagas' disease. The basic mechanism is destruction of neurons of the enteric nervous system. Whereas megaesophagus and megacolon are the most notable and most extensively studied expressions of the digestive form of Chagas' disease, involvement of the small intestine (Chagasic enteropathy) is less frequent and less known than involvement of the two above mentioned entities. Chagasic enteropathy can be responsible for important clinical and laboratory manifestations resembling those of dyspeptic syndrome, intestinal pseudo-obstruction and bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. Chagasic enteropathy also involves peculiar functional changes, especially those related to motor activity of the organ and to intestinal absorption of carbohydrates. In practice, the diagnosis is based on radiographic documentation of dilation of visceral segments. Treatment consists of clinical control of the above syndromes and, eventually, appropriate surgical operations.
INTRODUCTION: The objective of the study is to identify the main risk factors for death by New World visceral leishmaniasis and establish a coherent pathogenic substrate of severe disease based on clinical findings. METHODS: Seventy-six deceased inpatients and 320 successfully treated inpatients with VL were studied in a case control study. RESULTS: Bacterial infection and bleeding were mutually exclusive events leading to death. Five risk factors were unique for death by bacterial infection (malnutrition, pulmonary rales, severe anemia, severe absolute neutropenia and higher neutrophil count), while another six were unique for death by bleeding (jaundice, severe relative neutropenia, severe thrombocytopenia, liver injury, kidney failure, higher bone marrow parasite load). Bacterial infection, bleeding, severe anemia, diarrhea, dyspnea, edema, jaundice and bone marrow parasite load were the main syndromes of visceral leishmaniasis among successfully treated patients. CONCLUSIONS: The data support the idea that bacterial infections are due to immune paralysis. Broad organ and system involvement is plausibly due to the high production of proinflammatory cytokines, whose actions fit well with visceral leishmaniasis. The syndromes and causative mediators are typical of a slowly developing systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Hantavirus diseases are emerging human diseases caused by Hantavirus spp. of the Bunnyaviridae family. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) has been detected in the Federal District (DF) of Brazil since 2004. Among the 27 Brazilian Federal Units, DF has the highest fatality rate. More than 10 years have already passed since then, with confirmation of cases caused by the Araraquara and Paranoa species. The reservoir is Necromys lasiurus. METHODS: Local surveillance data of the confirmed cases were analyzed, including age, sex, month and year of occurrence, clinical symptoms, syndromes and outcomes, and probable transmission place (PTP). The cases were mainly confirmed by IgM detection with a capture enzyme immunoassay. The cases were classified as autochthonous if PTPs were in the DF area. RESULTS: From 2004 to 2013, in the DF, 126 cases of hantavirus were confirmed, and the cumulative incidence was 5.0 per 100,000 inhabitants. The occurrence of cases was predominantly from April to August. At least 75% of the cases were autochthonous. Acute respiratory failure was reported in 47.5% of cases, and the fatality rate was 40%. CONCLUSIONS: In the DF, the cumulative incidence of HPS was one of the highest worldwide. A seasonal pattern of hantavirus disease in the dry season is clear. There was a high frequency of severe clinical signals and symptoms as well as a high fatality rate. For the near future, visitors and inhabitants of DF rural areas, particularly male adults, should receive continuous education about hantavirus transmission and prevention.
PURPOSE: Congenital venous malformations of the lower limbs represent a particular challenge for the vascular surgeon. Persistence of fetal veins is a rare malformation, and the most common is the persistence of the lateral marginal vein usually observed in patients with Klippel-Trenaunnay Syndrome. The persistence of this embryonic vein as an isolated venous malformation without the other characteristics of the Klippel-Trenaunnay Syndrome has not yet been reported. This paper describes two cases. METHODS: Two patients, a 17-year-old male patient and a 16-year-old female, have had since their birth a large venous trunk in the lateral aspect of the right leg and thigh. The limbs underwent duplex scanning and phlebography. The surgical removal of the lateral marginal vein was performed. RESULTS: Surgical treatment resulted in very good functional and aesthetic results. Follow-up at 26 months showed no evidence of varicose vein recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: To achieve good results, surgical intervention may be indicated in cases of orthopedic deformity, hemorrhage, symptomatic, and unaesthetic lesions.
We report the case of a patient who presented various psychiatric syndromes at the time of evaluation - partial complex epileptic seizures, personality change, and severe depression, which eventually progressed to dementia - resulting from multiple cerebral infarctions of probable neuro-angiopathic origin, of unknown etiology. Aspects related to depression following cerebrovascular accidents, as well as how cerebrovascular accidents can result in different disorders depending on the variables, are discussed based on the data from current literature.
BACKGROUND: Diffuse panbronchiolitis is a clinical pathologic condition characterized by chronic inflammation of respiratory bronchioles, with clinical features that position it as a differential diagnosis among the sinopulmonary syndromes. METHODS AND RESULTS: We present 4 cases (1 Black, 2 Japanese descendants, and 1 Japanese), living in Brazil, in which the diagnosis was made by the clinical and radiological features and confirmed by transbronchial biopsy. The clinical findings included chronic sinusitis, productive cough, rhonchi, and wheezes. The pulmonary function tests showed an obstructive pattern. High resolution computerized tomography showed a diffuse nodular pattern, airway ectasia, and airway wall thickening. The biopsy showed interstitial accumulation of foam cells and lymphoid cells in the walls of respiratory bronchioles: 2 of our cases had bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue hyperplasia. We searched for the HLA Bw54 in all of our patients, but only 1 was positive. A low dose macrolide treatment was introduced, resulting in with clinical and functional improvement. A score that rated the extent of nodules, airway ectasia, mucus plugging, and airway wall thickening was applied on pre- and post-treatment High resolution computerized tomography results, revealing an improvement in tomographic pattern related to that observed in the pulmonary function tests. CONCLUSION: We conclude that diffuse panbronchiolitis is a systemic disease that is not exclusive to the Asian population, whose clinical and radiological features should be better known by occidental pulmonary physicians.
Schinzel-Giedion syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by coarse facies, midface retraction, hypertrichosis, multiple skeletal anomalies, and cardiac and renal malformations. Craniofacial abnormalities of this syndrome sometimes resemble a storage or metabolic disease. The pathogenesis of the disease remains unknown. The objective of this report was to emphasize the importance of congenital bilateral hydronephrosis for the diagnosis of Schinzel-Giedion syndrome. We describe the first Brazilian case of a newborn with typical facies, generalized hypertrichosis, cardiac and skeletal anomalies, and bilateral hydronephrosis detected during pregnancy and confirmed later by abdominal ultrasonography. Chromosomal constitution was normal. Of the 35 cases already reported in the literature, 31 presented hydronephrosis, which is considered an important clue in diagnosis. If Schinzel-Giedion syndrome were indexed as a cause of congenital hydronephrosis, its identification would be greatly facilitated, since the majority of the other findings in Schinzel-Giedion syndrome are nonspecific and common to many genetic syndromes.
The purpose of this paper is to review clinical studies on hypophosphatemia in pediatric intensive care unit patients with a view to verifying prevalence and risk factors associated with this disorder. We searched the computerized bibliographic databases Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, and LILACS to identify eligible studies. Search terms included critically ill, pediatric intensive care, trauma, sepsis, infectious diseases, malnutrition, inflammatory response, surgery, starvation, respiratory failure, diuretic, steroid, antiacid therapy, mechanical ventilation. The search period covered those clinical trials published from January 1990 to January 2004. Studies concerning endocrinological disorders, genetic syndromes, rickets, renal diseases, anorexia nervosa, alcohol abuse, and prematurity were not included in this review. Out of 27 studies retrieved, only 8 involved pediatric patients, and most of these were case reports. One clinical trial and one retrospective study were identified. The prevalence of hypophosphatemia exceeded 50%. The commonly associated factors in most patients with hypophosphatemia were refeeding syndrome, malnutrition, sepsis, trauma, and diuretic and steroid therapy. Given the high prevalence, clinical manifestations, and multiple risk factors, the early identification of this disorder in critically ill children is crucial for adequate replacement therapy and also to avoid complications.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência do transtorno mental comum (TMC) na população da cidade de Montes Claros, MG, e a existência de associação entre os fatores socioeconômicos e a utilização de práticas integrativas e complementares/medicina complementar e alternativa (PIC/MCA) com o TMC. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal. População alvo: moradores de Montes Claros. A amostragem foi probabilística, com 3.090 pessoas. Utilizou-se formulário semi-estruturado e o self reporting questionnaire (SRQ-20) para identificação do TMC. Realizou-se regressão robusta de Poisson na análise com significância estatística considerada de p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de TMC foi de 23,2%, sendo 75% usuários de PIC/MCA. Após controle para fatores de confusão, a prevalência de TMC foi maior naqueles com menor escolaridade (RP = 2,12; IC = 1,80-2,49); com menor nível econômico (RP = 1,92; IC = 1,07 - 3,44); com mais de 40 anos (RP = 1,30; IC = 1,15-1,48); do gênero feminino (RP = 2,99; IC = 1,50-3,58) e mais freqüente entre os que recorreram à homeopatia (RP = 1,52; IC = 1,12-2,08) e às benzedeiras (RP = 1,25; IC = 1,08-1,46). CONCLUSÕES: O TMC é muito freqüente na população de Montes Claros. As variáveis: escolaridade, nível econômico, idade e sexo, bem como a procura por homeopatia e benzedeiras estiveram associados ao TMC.
OBJECTIVES: Discuss pathophysiological aspects of cerebral calcifications (CC) and highlight its importance related to the occurrence of neuropsychiatric syndromes. METHOD: Single case report. RESULT: Man 52 years old, 20 years after going through a total thyroidectomy, starts showing behavioral disturbance (psychotic syndrome). He was diagnosed as schizophrenic (paranoid subtype) and submitted to outpatient psychiatric treatment. During a psychiatric admission to evaluate his progressive cognitive and motor deterioration, we identified a dementia syndrome and extensive cerebral calcifications, derived from iatrogenic hypoparathyroidism. CONCLUSION: The calcium and phosphorus disturbances, including hypoparathyroidism, are common causes of CC. Its symptoms can imitate psychiatric disorders and produce serious and permanent cognitive sequelae. The exclusion of organicity is mandatory in any psychiatric investigative diagnosis in order to avoid unfavorable outcomes, such as in the present case report.