699 resultados para MAQUINAS ELÉCTRICAS
Os dados para este estudo foram obtidos mediante a implantação de um sistema de monitoramento por emissão acústica em uma retificadora plana tangencil. A dressagem foi realizada em rebolos convencionais e os resultados foram analisados tomando por base a relação com o desgaste volumétrico sofrido pelo diamante do dressador. As análises foram realizadas nos diamantes naturais dos tipos Brasil Extra e Mato Grosso e no sintético do tipo CVD. Os dados da emissão acústica de cada dressador foram divididos em faixas de frequência para filtrar possíveis interferências. Utilizando a faixa mais apropriada, foi possível elaborar uma curva característica para cada dressador e relacionar o desgaste do diamante com o sinal RMS da emissão acústica na faixa de frequência analisada.
Com o atual índice de poluição gerada por resíduos industriais prejuduciais à saúde do ser humano, as indústrias, universidades e centros de pesquisa são influenciados a pesquisar métodos alternativos menos danosas. O uso do fluido de corte, por exemplo, tem sido constantemente estudado para que este possa ser eliminado, substituído ou utilizado na mínima quantidade possível. Entre as alternativas, destacam-se a usinagem a seco e a utilização da MQL, que também pode ser utilizada com adição de água. Esta é a opção deste estudo no processo de retificação de cerâmicas avançadas, assunto pouco divulgado na literatura formal. Para isso, foram avaliadas as variáveis de saída na retificação externa, como o comportamento da rugosidade do material retificado e desgaste diametral do rebolo. Com os resultados obtidos, foi possível avaliar a técnica da MQL com água, interpretando-a como um método alternativo bem-sucedido: houve melhoria consistente da rugosidade e diminuição do desgaste do rebolo.
No processo de retificação, a lubrificação no contato da ferramenta (rebolo) com a peça e a refrigeração da superfície usinada visa melhor acabamento final. Este trabalho apresenta como alternativa ao método convencional de lubrificação/refrigeração (fluido abundante) a técnica MQL em duas condições: pura e com adição de água. Foram avaliadas a eficiência e a eficácia desses métodos no processo de retificação cilíndrica externa do aço ABNT 52100 com o rebolo de óxido de alumínio. Apesar de desgastar um maior volume de rebolo e resultar em um maior desvio de circularidade na peça, as técnicas de MQL puro e MQL com adição de água apresentaram os melhores valores de rugosidade, o que os tornam alternativas ao método convencional.
Este trabalho pretende analisar o comportamento da fetificação de cerâmica avançada juntamente com a técnica de MQL. Foram avaliadas variáveis de saída do processo de retificação, tais como comportamento de potência de corte, rugosidade e desgaste do rebolo. Dos resultados de rugosidade obtidos, o MQL feito com lubrificante diluído em água, na proporção de 1 : 1 foi considerado um potencial substituto ao MQL tradicional.
This undergraduate thesis aims formally define aspects of Quantum Turing Machine using as a basis quantum finite automata. We introduce the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and quantum computing through principles such as superposition, entanglement of quantum states, quantum bits and algorithms. We demonstrate the Bell's teleportation theorem, enunciated in the form of Deutsch-Jozsa definition for quantum algorithms. The way as the overall text were written omits formal aspects of quantum mechanics, encouraging computer scientists to understand the framework of quantum computation. We conclude our thesis by listing the Quantum Turing Machine's main limitations regarding the well-known Classical Turing Machines
The pharmaceutical industry was consolidated in Brazil in the 1930s, and since then has become increasingly competitive. Therefore the implementation of the Toyota Production System, which aims to lean production, has become common among companies in the segment. The main efficiency indicator currently used is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). This paper intends to, using the fuzzy model DEA-BCC, analyze the efficiency of the production lines of a pharmaceutical company in the Paraíba Valley, compare the values obtained by the model with those calculated by the OEE, identify the most sensitive machines to variation in the data input and develop a ranking of effectiveness between the consumer machinery. After the development, it is shown that the accuracy of the relationship between the two methods is approximately 57% and the line considered the most effective by the Toyota Production System is not the same as the one found by this paper
This paper had as emphasis the study of the mechanization and modernization of the construction job sites of the city of Lorena located in the Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo. From the literature review on this topic, it was possible to understand the main causes of the delay in the job sites relating to the new technology available. The research on the history of construction and equipment evolution, along with interviews with workers, engineers and architects, it was possible to analyze the current situation. One of the main intentions of this study was to propose guidelines for the modernization of the construction sites
In this work the main concepts to apply to dynamic signal analysis technique for rotating machines known as order analysis, discussing their characteristics and applying it on an experimental test rig. It aims to characterize the dynamic behavior of experimental test rig in run up and run down tests, it's operational speed range and the identification of the critical speed of shaft rotation. The results of the critical speed and stationary natural frequency of the shaft are discussed
This undergraduate thesis aims formally define aspects of Quantum Turing Machine using as a basis quantum finite automata. We introduce the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and quantum computing through principles such as superposition, entanglement of quantum states, quantum bits and algorithms. We demonstrate the Bell's teleportation theorem, enunciated in the form of Deutsch-Jozsa definition for quantum algorithms. The way as the overall text were written omits formal aspects of quantum mechanics, encouraging computer scientists to understand the framework of quantum computation. We conclude our thesis by listing the Quantum Turing Machine's main limitations regarding the well-known Classical Turing Machines
The pharmaceutical industry was consolidated in Brazil in the 1930s, and since then has become increasingly competitive. Therefore the implementation of the Toyota Production System, which aims to lean production, has become common among companies in the segment. The main efficiency indicator currently used is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). This paper intends to, using the fuzzy model DEA-BCC, analyze the efficiency of the production lines of a pharmaceutical company in the Paraíba Valley, compare the values obtained by the model with those calculated by the OEE, identify the most sensitive machines to variation in the data input and develop a ranking of effectiveness between the consumer machinery. After the development, it is shown that the accuracy of the relationship between the two methods is approximately 57% and the line considered the most effective by the Toyota Production System is not the same as the one found by this paper
This paper had as emphasis the study of the mechanization and modernization of the construction job sites of the city of Lorena located in the Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo. From the literature review on this topic, it was possible to understand the main causes of the delay in the job sites relating to the new technology available. The research on the history of construction and equipment evolution, along with interviews with workers, engineers and architects, it was possible to analyze the current situation. One of the main intentions of this study was to propose guidelines for the modernization of the construction sites
In this work the main concepts to apply to dynamic signal analysis technique for rotating machines known as order analysis, discussing their characteristics and applying it on an experimental test rig. It aims to characterize the dynamic behavior of experimental test rig in run up and run down tests, it's operational speed range and the identification of the critical speed of shaft rotation. The results of the critical speed and stationary natural frequency of the shaft are discussed
Nitrogen management has been intensively studied on several crops and recently associated with variable rate on-the-go application based on crop sensors. Such studies are scarce for sugarcane and as a biofuel crop the energy input matters, seeking high positive energy balance production and low carbon emission on the whole production system. This article presents the procedure and shows the first results obtained using a nitrogen and biomass sensor (N-Sensor (TM) ALS, Yara International ASA) to indicate the nitrogen application demands of commercial sugarcane fields. Eight commercial fields from one sugar mill in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, varying from 15 to 25 ha in size, were monitored. Conditions varied from sandy to heavy soils and the previous harvesting occurred in May and October 2009, including first, second, and third ratoon stages. Each field was scanned with the sensor three times during the season (at 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 m stem height), followed by tissue sampling for biomass and nitrogen uptake at ten spots inside the area, guided by the different values shown by the sensor. The results showed a high correlation between sensor values and sugarcane biomass and nitrogen uptake, thereby supporting the potential use of this technology to develop algorithms to manage variable rate application of nitrogen for sugarcane.
Muitas pesquisas estão sendo desenvolvidas buscando nos sistemas inteligentes soluções para diagnosticar falhas em máquinas elétricas. Estas falhas envolvem desde problemas elétricos, como curto-circuito numa das fases do estator, ate problemas mecânicos, como danos nos rolamentos. Dentre os sistemas inteligentes aplicados nesta área, destacam-se as redes neurais artificiais, os sistemas fuzzy, os algoritmos genéticos e os sistemas híbridos, como o neuro-fuzzy. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é traçar um panorama geral sobre os trabalhos mais relevantes que se beneficiaram dos sistemas inteligentes nas diferentes etapas de análise e diagnóstico de falhas em motores elétricos, cuja principal contribuição está em disponibilizar diversos aspectos técnicos a fim de direcionar futuros trabalhos nesta área de aplicação.
El artículo analiza la evolución de la regulación del sector eléctrico en Argentina y Brasil entre 1890 y 1960. Desde la instalación de las primeras usinas eléctricas a fines del siglo diecinueve hasta los años treinta, el control de las empresas concesionarias estuvo a cargo de las autoridades municipales en ambos países. No obstante, la similar estructura de los sistemas eléctricos en Argentina y en Brasil, la participación del estado en la regulación de este sector estratégico para el desarrollo económico, se produjo en diferentes coyunturas. Como resultado de la crisis de 1930, el gobierno brasileño transformó los principios jurídicos que reglamentaban la gestión de la electricidad aplicando un criterio de regulación discrecional; mientras que el estado argentino intervino una década más tarde, nacionalizando las empresas. Mediante la comparación de las trayectorias regulatorias en ambos países, se identifican las divergencias en las políticas eléctricas y su impacto en los sistemas eléctricos en los años de la segunda posguerra.