548 resultados para MAGNETISM
The comprehensive study on the coupling of magnetism, electrical polarization and the crystalline lattice with the off-stoichiometric effects in self-doped multiferroic hexagonal h-LuMnxO3±δ (0.92≤x≤1.12) ceramic oxides was carried out for the PhD work. There is a complex coupling of the three ferroic degrees. The cancelation of the magnetic moments of ions in the antiferromagnetic order, electric polarization with specific vortex/antivortex topology and lattice properties have pushed researchers to find out ways to disclose the underlying physics and chemistry of magneto-electric and magneto-elastic couplings of h-RMnO3 multiferroic materials. In this research work, self-doping of Lu-sites or Mn-sites of h-LuMnxO3±δ ceramics prepared via solid state route was done to pave a way for deeper understanding of the antiferromagnetic transition, the weak ferromagnetism often reported in the same crystalline lattices and the ferroelectric properties coupled to the imposed lattice changes. Accordingly to the aim of the PhD thesis, the objectives set for the sintering study in the first chapter on experimental results were two. First, study of sintering off-stoichiometric samples within conditions reported in the bibliography and also extracted from the phase diagrams of the LuMnxO3±δ, with a multiple firings ending with a last high temperature step at 1300ºC for 24 hours. Second, explore longer annealing times of up to 240 hours at the fixed temperature of 1300 ºC in a search for improving the properties of the solid solution under study. All series of LuMnxO3±δ ceramics for each annealing time were characterized to tentatively build a framework enabling comparison of measured properties with results of others available in literature. XRD and Rietveld refinement of data give the evolution the lattice parameters as a function to x. Shrinkage of the lattice parameters with increasing x values was observed, the stability limit of the solid solution being determined by analysis of lattice parameters. The evolution of grain size and presence of secondary phases have been investigated by means of TEM, SEM, EDS and EBSD techniques. The dependencies of grain growth and regression of secondary phases on composition x and time were further characterized. Magnetic susceptibility of samples and magnetic irreversibility were extensively examined in the present work. The dependency of magnetic susceptibility, Neel ordering transition and important magnetic parameters are determined and compared to observation in other multiferroics in the following chapter of the thesis. As a tool of high sensitivity to detect minor traces of the secondary phase hausmannite, magnetic measurements are suggested for cross-checking of phase diagrams. Difficulty of previous studies on interpreting the magnetic anomaly below 43 K in h-RMnO3 oxides was discussed and assigned to the Mn3O4 phase, with supported of the electron microscopy. Magneto-electric coupling where AFM ordering is coupled to dielectric polarization is investigated as a function of x and of sintering condition via frequency and temperature dependent complex dielectric constant measurements in the final chapter of the thesis. Within the limits of solid solubility, the crystalline lattice of off-stoichiometric ceramics was shown to preserve the magneto-electric coupling at TN. It represents the first research work on magneto-electric coupling modified by vacancy doping to author’s knowledge. Studied lattices would reveal distortions at the atomic scale imposed by local changes of x dependent on sintering conditions which were widely inspected by using TEM/STEM methods, complemented with EDS and EELS spectroscopy all together to provide comprehensive information on cross coupling of distortions, inhomogeneity and electronic structure assembled and discussed in a specific chapter. Internal interfaces inside crystalline grains were examined. Qualitative explanations of the measured magnetic and ferroelectric properties were established in relation to observed nanoscale features of h-LuMnxO3±δ ceramics. Ferroelectric domains and topological defects are displayed both in TEM and AFM/PFM images, the later technique being used to look at size, distribution and switching of ferroelectric domains influenced by vacancy doping at the micron scale bridging to complementary TEM studies on the atomic structure of ferroelectric domains. In support to experimental study, DFT simulations using Wien2K code have been carried out in order to interpret the results of EELS spectra of O K-edge and to obtain information on the cation hybridization to oxygen ions. The L3,2 edges of Mn is used to access the oxidation state of the Mn ions inside crystalline grains. In addition, rehybridization driven ferroelectricity is also evaluated by comparing the partial density of states of the orbitals of all ions of the samples, also the polarization was calculated and correlated to the off-stoichiometric effect.
The thesis aims to exploit properties of thin films for applications such as spintronics, UV detection and gas sensing. Nanoscale thin films devices have myriad advantages and compatibility with Si-based integrated circuits processes. Two distinct classes of material systems are investigated, namely ferromagnetic thin films and semiconductor oxides. To aid the designing of devices, the surface properties of the thin films were investigated by using electron and photon characterization techniques including Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). These are complemented by nanometer resolved local proximal probes such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), magnetic force microscopy (MFM), electric force microscopy (EFM), and scanning tunneling microscopy to elucidate the interplay between stoichiometry, morphology, chemical states, crystallization, magnetism, optical transparency, and electronic properties. Specifically, I studied the effect of annealing on the surface stoichiometry of the CoFeB/Cu system by in-situ AES and discovered that magnetic nanoparticles with controllable areal density can be produced. This is a good alternative for producing nanoparticles using a maskless process. Additionally, I studied the behavior of magnetic domain walls of the low coercivity alloy CoFeB patterned nanowires. MFM measurement with the in-plane magnetic field showed that, compared to their permalloy counterparts, CoFeB nanowires require a much smaller magnetization switching field , making them promising for low-power-consumption domain wall motion based devices. With oxides, I studied CuO nanoparticles on SnO2 based UV photodetectors (PDs), and discovered that they promote the responsivity by facilitating charge transfer with the formed nanoheterojunctions. I also demonstrated UV PDs with spectrally tunable photoresponse with the bandgap engineered ZnMgO. The bandgap of the alloyed ZnMgO thin films was tailored by varying the Mg contents and AES was demonstrated as a surface scientific approach to assess the alloying of ZnMgO. With gas sensors, I discovered the rf-sputtered anatase-TiO2 thin films for a selective and sensitive NO2 detection at room temperature, under UV illumination. The implementation of UV enhances the responsivity, response and recovery rate of the TiO2 sensor towards NO2 significantly. Evident from the high resolution XPS and AFM studies, the surface contamination and morphology of the thin films degrade the gas sensing response. I also demonstrated that surface additive metal nanoparticles on thin films can improve the response and the selectivity of oxide based sensors. I employed nanometer-scale scanning probe microscopy to study a novel gas senor scheme consisting of gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires with functionalizing oxides layer. The results suggested that AFM together with EFM is capable of discriminating low-conductive materials at the nanoscale, providing a nondestructive method to quantitatively relate sensing response to the surface morphology.
Wydział Fizyki
174 p.
168 p.
180 p.