997 resultados para Lungs neoplasia


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Introdução: A capacidade auditiva dos doentes com neoplasias de cabeça e pescoço e tumores cerebrais pode ser comprometida com os tratamentos antineoplásicos realizados. A Quimioterapia com cisplatina pode provocar perda auditiva de condução ou neurossensorial, podendo agravar-se quando combinada com Radioterapia (RT). O objectivo deste trabalho foi a análise da relação entre a Terapia Combinada (Cisplatina+RT) e a Radioterapia isolada, e os seus efeitos adversos sobre a audição tendo em consideração a inclusão das estruturas do ouvido no campo de tratamento de RT. Métodos: Foram seguidos 10 doentes submetidos a Terapia Combinada (grupo TC) e 11 a Radioterapia isolada (grupo RT). A avaliação audiológica realizou-se antes do inicio (M1), no fim (M2) e um mês após (M3) o termo dos tratamentos e incluiu anamnese audiológica, otoscopia e audiometria tonal. Resultados: No grupo TC, 94,4% dos doentes apresentaram uma relação directamente proporcional entre a dose de radiação na cóclea e a perda auditiva. Esta relação só se verificou em 31% dos doentes do grupo RT, tendo-se verificado diferenças significativas entre grupos (p <0,001). Conclusões: Verificou-se maior incidência da perda auditiva no grupo TC relativamente ao grupo RT. Sugere-se um melhor planeamento do tratamento de RT, reduz - indo a dose à cóclea com o objectivo de minimizar a perda auditiva neurossensorial irreversível, sobretudo quando são utilizadas as duas modalidades de tratamento.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre a conduta conservadora em lesão intraepitelial cervical de alto grau com o índice de recidiva da neoplasia e faixa etária. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal e retrospectivo realizado com 509 mulheres (15-76 anos) atendidas no período de 1996 a 2006, com colpocitologia oncótica alterada, em um serviço público de referência em Maringá, PR. Os dados foram coletados dos prontuários médicos e estudadas as variáveis diagnóstico definitivo, tipos de tratamento, ocorrência da lesão e recidivas, analisados por meio de testes de associação de qui-quadrado de Pearson e teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: A lesão intraepitelial cervical de alto grau ocorreu em 168 casos; destes, 31 mulheres foram submetidas à amputação cônica, 104 a cirurgias de alta frequência, nove histerectomizadas e 24 receberam conduta conservadora. Dentre as mulheres com lesão de alto grau e tratadas de forma conservadora, oito (33,3%) recidivaram, enquanto dentre as submetidas à conduta não conservadora dez (6,9%) recidivaram, sendo essa diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,0009), RP = 4,8 (IC95% 2,11;10,93). Para aquelas que fizeram o seguimento clínico-citológico, três (30,0%) e, dentre as cauterizadas, cinco (35,7%) recidivaram no prazo de três anos, sem diferença significante (p = 0,5611). A recidiva abaixo e acima de 30 anos ocorreu, respectivamente, em sete (13,8%) e 11 (12,2%) mulheres (p = 0,9955). CONCLUSÕES: A idade da mulher não influencia o prognóstico de recidiva. O tratamento conservador deve ser indicado como conduta de exceção, dada a alta taxa de recidiva, e o seguimento deve ser rigoroso, com acompanhamento citológico e colposcópico de até três anos, período em que ocorre a maioria das recidivas.


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Prostate cancer (PCa), a leading cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality, arises through the acquisition of genetic and epigenetic alterations. Deregulation of histone methyltransferases (HMTs) or demethylases (HDMs) has been associated with PCa development and progression. However, the precise influence of altered HMTs or HDMs expression and respective histone marks in PCa onset and progression remains largely unknown. To clarify the role of HMTs and HDMs in prostate carcinogenesis, expression levels of 37 HMTs and 20 HDMs were assessed in normal prostate and PCa tissue samples by RT-qPCR. SMYD3, SUV39H2, PRMT6, KDM5A, and KDM6A were upregulated, whereas KMT2A-E (MLL1-5) and KDM4B were downregulated in PCa, compared with normal prostate tissues. Remarkably, PRMT6 was the histone modifier that best discriminated normal from tumorous tissue samples. Interestingly, EZH2 and SMYD3 expression levels significantly correlated with less differentiated and more aggressive tumors. Remarkably, SMYD3 expression levels were of independent prognostic value for the prediction of disease-specific survival of PCa patients with clinically localized disease submitted to radical prostatectomy. We concluded that expression profiling of HMTs and HDMs, especially SMYD3, might be of clinical usefulness for the assessment of PCa patients and assist in pre-therapeutic decision-making.


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Histone variants seem to play a major role in gene expression regulation. In prostate cancer, H2A.Z and its acetylated form are implicated in oncogenes’ upregulation. SIRT1, which may act either as tumor suppressor or oncogene, reduces H2A.Z levels in cardiomyocytes, via proteasome-mediated degradation, and this mechanism might be impaired in prostate cancer cells due to sirtuin 1 downregulation. Thus, we aimed to characterize the mechanisms underlying H2A.Z and SIRT1 deregulation in prostate carcinogenesis and how they interact. We found that H2AFZ and SIRT1 were up- and downregulated, respectively, at transcript level in primary prostate cancer and high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia compared to normal prostatic tissues. Induced SIRT1 overexpression in prostate cancer cell lines resulted in almost complete absence of H2A.Z. Inhibition of mTOR had a modest effect on H2A.Z levels, but proteasome inhibition prevented the marked reduction of H2A.Z due to sirtuin 1 overexpression. Prostate cancer cells exposed to epigenetic modifying drugs trichostatin A, alone or combined with 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine, increased H2AFZ transcript, although with a concomitant decrease in protein levels. Conversely, SIRT1 transcript and protein levels increased after exposure. ChIP revealed an increase of activation marks within the TSS region for both genes. Remarkably, inhibition of sirtuin 1 with nicotinamide, increased H2A.Z levels, whereas activation of sirtuin 1 by resveratrol led to an abrupt decrease in H2A.Z. Finally, protein-ligation assay showed that exposure to epigenetic modifying drugs fostered the interaction between sirtuin 1 and H2A.Z. We concluded that sirtuin 1 and H2A.Z deregulation in prostate cancer are reciprocally related. Epigenetic mechanisms, mostly histone post-translational modifications, are likely involved and impair sirtuin 1-mediated downregulation of H2A.Z via proteasome-mediated degradation. Epigenetic modifying drugs in conjunction with enzymatic modulators are able to restore the normal functions of sirtuin 1 and might constitute relevant tools for targeted therapy of prostate cancer patients


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Aims: Obesity and asthma are widely prevalent and associated disorders. Recent studies of our group revealed that Substance P (SP) is involved in pathophysiology of obese-asthma phenotype in mice through its selective NK1 receptor (NK1-R). Lymphangiogenesis is impaired in asthma and obesity, and SP activates contractile and inflammatory pathways in lymphatics. Our aim was to study whether NK1-R expression was involved in lymphangiogenesis on visceral (VAT) and subcutaneous (SAT) adipose tissues and in the lungs, in obeseallergen sensitized mice. Main methods: Diet-induced obese and ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized Balb/c mice were treated with a selective NK1-R antagonist (CJ 12,255, Pfizer Inc., USA) or placebo. Lymphatic structures (LYVE-1+) and NK1-R expression were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. A semi-quantitative score methodology was used for NK1-R expression. Key findings: Obesity and allergen-sensitization together increased the number of LYVE-1+ lymphatics in VAT and decreased it in SAT and lungs. NK1-R was mainly expressed on adipocyte membranes of VAT, blood vessel areas of SAT, and in lung epithelium. Obesity and allergen-sensitization combined increased the expression of NK1-R in VAT, SAT and lungs. NK1-R antagonist treatment reversed the effects observed in lymphangiogenesis in those tissues. Significance: The obese-asthma phenotype in mice is accompanied by increased expression of NK1-R on adipose tissues and lung epithelium, reflecting that SP released during inflammation may act directly on these tissues. Blocking NK1-R affects lymphangiogenesis, implying a role of SP, with opposite physiological consequences in VAT, and in SAT and lungs. Our results provide a clue for a novel SP role in the obese-asthma phenotype.


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OBJETIVO : Identificar fatores de risco para o absenteísmo com licença médica em trabalhadores de empresa de petróleo. MÉTODOS : Estudo caso-controle (120 casos e 656 controles) aninhado a um estudo de coorte retrospectivo com todos os trabalhadores de uma empresa de petróleo na Região Norte-Nordeste do Brasil entre 2007 e 2009. A variável resposta utilizada para representar o absenteísmo com licença médica foi a incidência média de faltas com licenças médicas no período, definida pela razão entre o total de dias de licenças médicas e os dias potencialmente trabalháveis no período. Análise de regressão logística foi utilizada para investigar a associação entre incidência média de faltas > 5,0% no período e as variáveis sexo, cargo, idade, tempo de atuação, regime de trabalho, tabagismo, hipertensão arterial, índice de massa corporal, atividade física, risco coronariano, sono, glicemia, diabetes não controlado, doença do aparelho cardiovascular, digestivo, aparelho locomotor, neurológica, neoplasia, posturas forçadas no trabalho, satisfação com o trabalho, relacionamento com a chefia e atenção concentrada no trabalho. RESULTADOS : A incidência média de faltas com licenças médicas > 5,0% no período da coorte foi 15,5%. O modelo logístico revelou que trabalhadores com incidência média de faltas > 5,0% tiveram 2,6 vezes mais chance de ser do sexo feminino; 2,0 vezes mais chance de ser fumante; 1,8 vez mais chance de ser ex-fumante, 2,2 vezes mais chance de relatar sono anormal e 10,5 vezes mais chance de estarem insatisfeitos com o trabalho do que trabalhadores com incidência média de faltas ≤ 5,0% no período. CONCLUSÕES : Sexo feminino, ser fumante ou ex-fumante, estar insatisfeito com o trabalho e relatar sono anormal são bons preditores de absenteísmo ao trabalho por doença.


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Mestrado em Radioterapia - Área de especialização: Dosimetria Clínica


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O presente estudo reporta o caso de uma mulher de 63 anos da qual a única informação clínica era a suspeita de um sarcoma da cérvix. Simultaneamente à colpocitologia, foram enviadas biópsias do colo e do endométrio para diagnóstico. A visualização da amostra citológica revelou vários agregados de número variável de células monótonas, com tamanho pequeno, formato redondo e citoplasma escasso, num fundo com diátese. Os núcleos apresentavam moldagem, hipercromasia, cromatina “sal-e-pimenta” e ausência de nucléolos. O aspeto microscópico das biópsias foi concordante com os achados citológicos, tendo sido igualmente identificados focos glanduliformes com características atípicas. A neoplasia mostrou expressão imunohistoquímica dos antigénios enolase neurónio-específica (neuron specific enolase, NSE), sinaptofisina e citoqueratina (clones AE1/AE3), e uma elevada atividade proliferativa demonstrada pela imunorreactividade para o marcador nuclear Ki67/Mib1. Os achados citológicos, histológicos e imunohistoquímicos foram consistentes com o diagnóstico de carcinoma neuroendócrino de pequenas células. Dos tumores cervicais, esta neoplasia maligna é das mais raras, mostrando um comportamento muito agressivo, com prognóstico muito pobre, em que as terapêuticas existentes são pouco consensuais quanto à sua eficácia. A sua etiologia ainda é estudada, podendo estar relacionada com a infeção pelo Vírus do Papiloma Humano.


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No presente artigo é relatado um caso de uma paciente de 42 anos, diagnosticada em 2011 com Adenocarcinoma in situ e displasia grave do epitélio de revestimento pavimentoso, que foi tratada por traquelectomia. Em Novembro de 2013, a paciente realizou uma citologia da cúpula vaginal, onde se observaram achados citológicos compatíveis com lesão intraepitelial de baixo grau mas também a presença de células que favorecem o diagnóstico de lesão intraepitelial de alto grau. Não sendo possível classificar a lesão intraepitelial como sendo claramente baixo ou alto grau, atribuiu-se a interpretação de lesão intraepitelial de grau indeterminado. Para confirmação e esclarecimento do diagnóstico foi efetuada biopsia com resultado de displasia grave do epitélio de revestimento pavimentoso vaginal sem evidência de invasão do estroma. Por fim foi indicada a pesquisa e tipificação de vírus do papiloma humano, com resultado positivo para o tipo 16. Diagnósticos citológicos de lesão intraepitelial de grau indeterminado apresentam um follow-up histológico estatisticamente diferente das lesões intraepiteliais de alto e baixo grau, e estão na sua maioria associadas a infeção por vírus do papiloma humano de alto risco. Os achados citológicos do presente estudo apoiam a necessidade de se estabelecer esta lesão como categoria de diagnóstico no Sistema de Bethesda, com um follow-up definido.


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According to numerous studies, airborne nanoparticles have a potential to produce serious adverse human health effects when deposited into the respiratory tract. The most important parts of the lung are the alveolar regions with their enormous surface areas and potential to transfer nanoparticles into the blood stream. These effects may be potentiated in case of the elderly, since this population is more susceptible to air pollutants in general and more to nanoparticles than larger particles. The main goal of this investigation was to determine the exposure of institutionalized elders to nanoparticles using Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor (NSAM) equipment to calculate the deposited surface area (DSA) of nanoparticles into elderly lungs. In total, 193 institutionalized individuals over 65 yr of age were examined in four elderly care centers (ECC). The occupancy daily pattern was achieved by applying a questionnaire, and it was concluded that these subjects spent most of their time indoors, including the bedroom and living room, the indoor microenvironments with higher prevalence of elderly occupancy. The deposited surface area ranged from 10 to 46 mu m(2)/cm(3). The living rooms presented significantly higher levels compared with bedrooms. Comparing PM10 concentrations with nanoparticles deposited surface area in elderly lungs, it is conceivable that living rooms presented the highest concentration of PM10 and were similar to the highest average DSA. The temporal distribution of DSA was also assessed. While data showed a quantitative fluctuation in values in bedrooms, high peaks were detected in living rooms.


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Fractional order modeling of biological systems has received significant interest in the research community. Since the fractal geometry is characterized by a recurrent structure, the self-similar branching arrangement of the airways makes the respiratory system an ideal candidate for the application of fractional calculus theory. To demonstrate the link between the recurrence of the respiratory tree and the appearance of a fractional-order model, we develop an anatomically consistent representation of the respiratory system. This model is capable of simulating the mechanical properties of the lungs and we compare the model output with in vivo measurements of the respiratory input impedance collected in 20 healthy subjects. This paper provides further proof of the underlying fractal geometry of the human lungs, and the consequent appearance of constant-phase behavior in the total respiratory impedance.


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The aim of this study is to assess the levels of airborne ultrafine particles emitted in welding processes (tungsten inert gas [TIG], metal active gas [MAG] of carbon steel, and friction stir welding [FSW] of aluminum) in terms of deposited area in pulmonary alveolar tract using a nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM) analyzer. The obtained results showed the dependence of process parameters on emitted ultrafine particles and demonstrated the presence of ultrafine particles compared to background levels. Data indicated that the process that resulted in the lowest levels of alveolar deposited surface area (ADSA) was FSW, followed by TIG and MAG. However, all tested processes resulted in significant concentrations of ultrafine particles being deposited in humans lungs of exposed workers.


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The experimental model of paracoccidioidomycosis induced in mice by the intravenous injection of yeast-forms of P. brasiliensis (Bt2 strain; 1 x 10(6) viable fungi/animal) was used to evaluate sequentially 2, 4, 8, 16 and 20 weeks after inoculation: 1. The presence of immunoglobulins and C3 in the pulmonary granuloma-ta, by direct immunofluorescence; 2. The humoral (immunodiffusion test) and the cellular (footpad sweeling test) immune response; 3. The histopathology of lesions. The cell-immune response was positive since week 2, showing a transitory depression at week 16. Specific antibodies were first detected at week 4 and peaked at week 16. At histology, epithelioid granulomas with numerous fungi and polymorphonuclear agreggates were seen. The lungs showed progressive involvement up to week 16, with little decrease at week 20. From week 2 on, there were deposits of IgG and C3 around fungal walls within the granulomas and IgG stained cells among the mononuclear cell peripheral halo. Interstitital immunoglobulins and C3 deposits in the granulomas were not letected. IgG and C3 seen to play an early an important role in. the host defenses against P. brasiliensis by possibly cooperating in the killing of parasites and blocking the antigenic diffusion.


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The thesis is divided into two parts corresponding to structural studies on two different proteins. The first part concerns the study of two UDP-glucose dehydrogenases (UGDs) from Sphingomonas elodea ATCC 31461 and Burkholderia cepacia IST 408, both involved in exopolysaccharide production. Their relevance arises because some of these bacterial exopolysaccharides are valuable as established biotechnological products, the former case, whilst others are highly problematic, when used by pathogens in biofilm formation over biological surfaces, as the latter case, namely in the human lungs. The goal of these studies is to increase our knowledge regarding UGDs structural properties, which can potentiate either the design of activity enhancers to respond to the increased demand of useful biofilms, or the design of inhibitors of biofilm production, in order to fight invading pathogens present in several infections. The thesis reports the production and crystallisation of both proteins, the determination of initial phases by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) in S. elodea crystals using a seleno-methionine isoform, and phasing of B. cepacia crystals by molecular replacement (MR) using the S. elodea model, as well as the refinement, structural analysis and comparison between the several UGDs structures available during this work.(...)