988 resultados para London (Watford) Spring-Water Company.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the present study, we applied Chromosome Aberration (CA) and Micronucleus (MN) tests to Allium cepa root cells, in order to evaluate the water quality of Guaeca river. This river, located in the city of Sao Sebastiao, SP, Brazil, had been affected by an oil pipeline leak. Chemical analyses of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were also carried out in water samples, collected in July 2005 (dry season) and February 2006 (rainy season) in 4 different river sites. The largest CA and MN incidence in the meristematic cells of A. cepa was observed after exposure to water sample collected during the dry season, at the spring of the river, where the oil leak has arisen. The F, cells from roots exposed to such sample (non-merismatic region) were also analyzed for the incidence of MN, showing a larger frequency of irregularities, indicating a possible development of CA into MN. Lastly, our study reveals a direct correlation between water chemical analyses (contamination by TPHs and PAHs) and both genotoxic and mutagenic effects observed in exposed A. cepa cells. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rodents from and and semi-arid deserts are faced with the problem of water conservation. The physiological responses of small rodents to such conditions have been intensively investigated over broad geographically disjunct areas. Despite the presence of xeric habitats in South America since the late Tertiary, some studies suggest that sigmodontine South-American desert rodents do not display the same diversity of physiological responses at the species level as those observed in other desert-dwelling species of rodents. In this paper, we analyzed the physiological responses to water deprivation, at the interespecific and interindividual level, among eight species of sigmodontine desert-dwelling rodents from different geographical areas within South-American deserts. Using randomization tests, we found no significant phylogenetic signal for resistance to water deprivation or for individual variability in this response. Contrary to our initial predictions, we observed that sigmodontine rodents from arid/semi-arid habitats (Monte Desert) had significantly lower rates of body mass loss per day (higher tolerances to water deprivation) than species from the hyperarid deserts. We showed that sigmodontine rodents from South America showed a remarkable diversity of physiological mechanisms for coping with water shortage resulting from different evolutionary adaptive strategies. This diversity, however, displays a rather unexpected pattern in terms of its geographical distribution. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aims To assess the prevalences of caries, of developmental defects of enamel and their interrelationship in Brazilian 9-10-year-olds from areas of contrasting fluoridation histories.Methods systematic random sampling procedures were used to select children from an area where water had been fluoridated in 1963 and from a second area where water had been fluoridated since 1998. Clinical examinations for caries were carried out using the DMFT index and WHO diagnostic criteria. Developmental defects of enamel on upper incisors were diagnosed using the DDE index.Results A difference of 40% in DMFT was observed, with a lower prevalence of disease in the area fluoridated since 1963. Diffuse opacities affected 14.3% of the children from the area fluoridated since 1963 compared with only 2.4% in the area fluoridated in 1998. Children living in the area fluoridated in 1963 who had diffuse defects had twice the chance of being free from caries compared with those living in the same area who had no defects or who had only demarcated or hypoplastic defects.Conclusions This study confirms previous ones in showing the benefits of water fluoridation. Diffuse opacities of upper incisors affected relatively few subjects in either of the two areas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A população mundial vem sofrendo, cada vez mais, as conseqüências das agressões efetuadas pelo homem ao meio ambiente, principalmente quanto à ocupação e uso inadequado das terras, o que ocasiona empobrecimento e depauperamento do solo, influenciando na qualidade e disponibilidade de água, levando à destruição das reservas florestais. Assim, é necessária a implantação de políticas públicas, que contemplem o desenvolvimento econômico, urbano, rural e social de uma região, preservando os recursos naturais para futuras gerações. A bacia em estudo está localizada entre as coordenadas UTM 764942; 7546214 e 741816; 7534759, com uma área de 14699,7ha. Este trabalho visou definir as classes de capacidade de uso de terra da microbacia do Ribeirão Pouso Alegre - Jaú (SP) através do Sistema de Informações Geográficas - SPRING. A carta de capacidade de uso da terra foi elaborada a partir do cruzamento das cartas clinográfica e de solo, que foram elaboradas pelo SIG Spring, e o cruzamento de dados foi feito através do LEGAL - Linguagem Espacial para Geoprocessamento Algébrico. Os resultados mostraram que a microbacia é constituída essencialmente pelas classes II e III e o SIG-SPRING permitiu através dos seus módulos discriminarem e quantificar as áreas das classes de terras, declive e capacidade de uso da terra rapidamente.
Stevia rebaudiana is a traditional crop of Latin America, now rising to international interest thanks to its specific glycosides that are very sweet and still poor of calories making its potential interesting for dietary recommendations. Its short growing cycle makes this species possible as an annual crop also in non tropical areas, including the Mediterranean Basin and parts of Italy, where rainfall or irrigation is available during late spring and summer. One of the main concerns is the quantity of water necessary for the crop and the ideal number of plants per hectare in order to maximize water use efficiency. The present research was carried out in central Italy to compare yields and water consumption in plots with three plant densities (50, 25, 16 plants per square metre). The results show that the most dense plots can give the best results in the area of the trial.
The work was carried out at the College of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences of the State University of São Paulo (UNESP/FCAV), Campus of Jaboticabal, Brazil, aiming to study the tolerance response to water stress and capacity of regeneration after mowing three different ornamental grasses used in Brazilian landscaping: Imperial zoysia grass (Zoysia japonica 'Imperial'), zoysia grass (Zoysia japonica) and St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum). The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial scheme 33 (three grass species: Zoysia japonica 'Imperial', Zoysia japonica and Stenotaphrum secundatum; in three water stress conditions: under full sun, with and without irrigation, and under greenhouse conditions without irrigation) with four replications per plot. The irrigation was performed using microsprinklers with a flow of 0.28 L s-1, and the grasses of all plots were mowed monthly. The evaluations were executed monthly, before mowing the grass, in the beginning of each season, that means, in October (for Spring evaluation), January (for Summer), April (for Autumn) and July (for Winter), considering the Brazilian climate conditions. The evaluated parameters were shoot height and total dry mass. The data were submitted to the variance analysis and the means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% confidence level. The grasses grown under greenhouse conditions, without irrigation, showed higher height and lower dry mass weight averages, what possibly indicates that the plants etiolated. The grasses grown under full sun, either with or without irrigation, showed a similar plant development. The S. secundatum species showed greater tolerance to water stress in October, month that followed the longest dry period. The total dry mass was gradually reduced during the experiment for all grasses grown under greenhouse conditions without irrigation; however, a great general tolerance to water stress was observed for all grasses because all of them survived along nine months without irrigation.
The main contribution from this paper includes the hydrodynamic modeling and morphological analysis of Lake Água Preta in Belém city, Pará State, Brazil. The lake bathymetry was taken through the data provided by COSANPA (the local sanitation and water supply company) dating back to 1975, and from a 2009 field study. Both bathymetries produced two terrain elevation models, which were used for morphological analysis and hydrodynamic simulations. The morphological analysis has revealed that, from 1975 to 2009, the annual mean rate of sedimentation varies between 23,065 and 29,081 m3/year. Through this result, the sedimentation time of Lake Água Preta, from 2009, has been calculated, which varies between 295 and 381 years, maintaining the same rate of sedimentation, water consumption and pumping. The hydrodynamic model simulated the depths and velocities, showing a slight flow with velocities ranging from 0 to 33 cm/s. This flow is established between water input and output of the lake, which is used as reservoir of Belém city.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)