974 resultados para Literaturas da oralidade
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Overcurrents may endanger the whole electrical system and living beings, they are the result of short circuits and failures that can occur in electrical systems, no matter how well designed they are. Therefore it is important to predict these failures with analysis of electrical systems to make it possible to design appropriate protections, to ensure that those intervene properly and avoid technical and mainly human losses. However there is no standard for calculation of the short circuit currents, the main authors of the national literature about the subject suggest various methods, knowing the particularities among them provides quick and easy choice and proper application of them. To do so, a base case from an electrical system that presents a short circuit is chosen, which will be analyzed using the methods presented
In a highly competitive environment for manufacturers and retailers in the garment sector, flexible solutions for warehousing, distribution and exhibition of products directly influence the cost and responsiveness to market demands. This work refers to a Textile/Clothing, which undergoes a process of restructuring and growth, where we evaluated the need for professionalism in all its processes, so that the high demands were met in a sales perennial. Thus, this study aims to identify and analyze possible improvements in the process of transition from a logistics/manufacturing force in a Textile/Clothing in existence since 1998, located in São Paulo, a framework for a new logistics Center Distribution Logistics. The theoretical basis of the research literature addresses as Distribution Center and its basic functions, layout and performance indicators. As result it was mapped the current logistics processes, contributing directly to the development of the layout of the new Distribution Center. Have also been established KPI,s ( Key Performance Indicator) and Logistics Performance Indicators showing the actual process performance, helping professionals in make decisions
O presente trabalho analisa criticamente o Projeto de “Requalificação Urbana Nova Luz”, localizado no bairro de Santa Ifigênia em São Paulo, iniciado no ano de 2005 e atualmente em curso. A área abrangida pelo projeto tem aproximadamente 362 mil metros quadrados, é circunscrita pelas ruas Mauá, Av. Cásper Líbero, Av. Ipiranga, Av. São João e Av. Duque de Caxias. Na abordagem inicial colocada pelo projeto emerge o Planejamento Estratégico com um programa cultural e principal motivador de retorno financeiro aos setores imobiliários e de requalificação urbana. Neste cenário, políticas de revitalização são associadas a programas de promoção cultural de museus e monumentos arquitetônicos, recriando uma nova imagem da cidade. Em diversas literaturas a respeito dos programas de revitalização em áreas centrais, é apontado com freqüência - como resultado desses processos - o surgimento do fenômeno de gentrificação, que implica numa substituição dos antigos moradores dessas áreas por outros com maior poder aquisitivo. Essa dinâmica de produção de um espaço revitalizado é geralmente amparada por flexibilizações de Leis e Instrumentos Urbanísticos, bem como financiamentos de agências multilaterais que fixam parâmetros e exigências para liberação dos recursos
Este estudo foi desenvolvido a partir da atuação, como educadora-bolsista, em uma sala de aula possibilitada pelo projeto EJA/PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Incentivo a Docência) assim, a partir da vivência junto às práticas escolares diárias e na busca de novas formas de ensinar os conteúdos escolares foi elaborado este estudo que visa refletir sobre as práticas da escrita e os sentidos que os alunos da EJA vão atribuindo a esse ato. As práticas aqui trazidas referem-se às práticas de registros escritos e da oralidade em sala de aula, que desafiam para outros olhares, principalmente por se tratar de jovens e adultos pouco ou não escolarizados. Para pensar a importância dos registros em sala de aula, que é o objeto principal deste estudo, parte-se de alguns apontamentos sobre a oralidade, na e pela oralidade; assim vai se delineando o objeto do estudo. Como referenciais teóricos foram escolhidos autores como Ana Maria de Oliveira Galvão, Anabela Brito de Freitas Mimoso, Valdemir Miotello, Elizabeth Vencio, entre outros que fazem referência à oralidade vinculada às práticas de escrever; nesses autores, busco estabelecer um espaço para a mesma aprendizagens em sala de aula. São referências também autores como João Wanderlei Geraldi e Paulo Freire que pontuam e defendem que a aprendizagem da escrita deve ser um processo com sentido para o aluno. O trabalho contempla como material de análise os registros elaborados a partir de experimentações em uma sala de educação de jovens e adultos, envolvendo a oralidade, e os registros escritos, produzidos pelo grupo, em um caderno denominado “Caderno de Registro das Aprendizagens”; nele, os registros eram feitos, ao final das aulas, pelas alunas e pelas educadorasbolsistas. O trabalho apresenta algumas considerações acerca da oralidade, reconhecendo sua presença e importância na produção da escrita na sala de aula, da sala de aula para a vida dos alunos na EJA
Ce travail montre une étude sur l’oralité et l’interculturalité présentes dans l’ouvrage Le chercheur d’or, de J.-M. G. Le Clézio. Les sources des principaux mythes et légendes introduits dans le récit seront mis en évidence, afin de faire ressortir la façon par laquelle l’auteur propose un panorama culturel avec plusieurs faces, en mélangeant, d’une manière homogène, des éléments différents par rapport à ses origines. Ainsi, nous décrirons les éléments essentiels du récit pour que nous puissions comprendre comment Le Clézio transforme son texte en une mosaïque ethno-culturelle, dont l’aspect poliphonique a une grande importance pour que l’interculturalité proposée et l’unité du récit soient atteintes
O parto é um evento natural e fisiológico permeado por aspectos culturais de grande simbolismo nas sociedades humanas. Representa um ritual de chegada ao mundo e reflete nossos valores a respeito de conceitos como vida e natureza. Dentro da discussão sobre o pensamento técnico científico e os novos paradigmas, o tema é atual e importante para as questões da saúde e do desenvolvimento social. Procuro ilustrar os paralelos existentes entre as práticas culturais que envolvem o parto e a relação homem-natureza, tendo na figura das parteiras tradicionais um eixo de conexão. O trabalho aborda também o saber tradicional representando uma forma mais saudável, sistêmica, integrada e ecológica de bem-nascer. As parteiras assumem uma importante função social nas comunidades em que se encontram, são acolhedoras da vida, curandeiras, benzedeiras, detentoras de uma sabedoria tradicional em muitos casos passada por gerações através da oralidade e pela vivência, caracterizando o tradicionalismo nessas comunidades quanto às questões de cura e saúde. Para tanto será utilizada uma revisão bibliográfica somada a reflexões e discussão sobre o tema a partir da literatura
This research intend to situate the process of literacy as a practice interlocutive acquisition of written language, through which students interact with each other and the teacher, and through these interactions are constituted as a subject of dialogue and history. So he had as an aim to investigate through the key concepts of dialogism Bakhtin and discourse analysis, the possibilities of teaching and learning of reading and writing, using language in use, showing the dialogical practices in order to demonstrate that the verbal interactions that result from the actual discursive situations, actually originated in the classroom, from working with the genre can guide the teaching of reading and writing and its social use. Therefore, I base this research on the methodological framework of literature and field. This takes place in view of observed teaching practice related to the early years of literacy and, therefore, to investigate such activities are carried out that reading and writing during the teaching of mother tongue, as are utilized practices of orality and literacy in room classroom and, even if the teacher makes use of this type of language for the acquisition of written language. The results of analysis of data collected by the instruments used, namely, questionnaires, systematic observation and textual production of the students, point to the fact that the literacy teaching practices, classroom researched are far from forming a student literate because the fact of the teachers surveyed knew not the key content for teaching the language, means that they will lead to literacy, from the point of view of language as a monologic process.
This course conclusion project is linked to the work of the research group at the Chronology and Chronometry Center of UNESP-Rio Claro and also proposes the application of morphometric analysis techniques of the drainage network, by applying Slope Index Value and Extension methods and also the application of longitudinal profile in the far east of the southeast region, more precisely on the border between the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, in the geomorphological sub-zone of Serra da Bocaina. The research was conducted in the watershed of Jacuí river, in order to outline neotectonical influences and structural controls on the landscape configuration, and also sort the drainage network in relation to the proposed standards in the literature so far today
This study aimed to evaluate the physico-mechanical performance of three PVA adhesive formulations according to the Brazilian standards for plywood testing and to evaluate the results with those presented in the technical literature and specified in normative documents. The study presents the production process of the panels, the obtaining of samples and, finally, the implementation of physico-mechanical characterization tests based on plywood Brazilian standards. For the panels production it was used a gramature of 120 g / m² and applied a pressure of 15 bars and two temperature combinations and pressing time for each adhesive. The commercial adhesives used were PVA 1810, PVA 1060 and Vinyltec 239. The physical tests conducted were thickness swelling, density, moisture content and water absorption. The mechanical tests were static flexion, for the determination of elasticity modulus (MOE) and rupture modulus (MOR), and shear in the glue line. Among the three formulations studied none showed good performance in the presence of water. However, other trials in the adhesive showed better results and closer to the commercially equivalent used, in the case the urea-formaldehyde, was the PVA 1810, that can be applied in non-structural uses and in environments without the presence of moisture
Objectives: conduct a systematic review of national and international literature, to classify the types of production, comparing the two literatures and synthesize knowledge in the area. Method: Systematic Review of Literature, in the databases LILACS, CINAHL and MEDLINE for selection of articles in their entirety, the data extracted from the articles selected were: the study of bibliographic information (title, author, journal, place of study and year of publication), and general information (multidisciplinary production or specific area, language, type of study, type of population and contributions of the study). The categories established for classification of publications were: raising the cost of procedures/ interventions, economic evaluation of specific intervention, inclusion of nursing in the economic context, using cost as an important variable in the study. Results: The study included 39 publications, with 31% of national production and the remaining 69%, internationally. Most publications were classified according to category of economic evaluation of specific intervention, followed by the category of raising the cost of procedure / intervention, which fits the majority of national production. Human resources is shaped as an important variable for obtaining cost studies that proposed to make this calculation. Conclusion: The production of literature in nursing cost management is relevant in number of publications within the proposed period and is directed to different areas within this theme. There are significant differences in national and international literature: these last use more accurate methods, have more content theorized, use more the economic evaluation tools and related more costs with a amplified context. The production of such knowledge should continue as far as possible and putting that knowledge relating the current reality, in order to amplify the field of nursing and add value
With the growing world energy demand mainly from developing countries like Brazil, Russia, India and China, the search for efficient sources of energy becomes a challenge for the coming years. Among the most widely used alternative sources, biomass is the one that grows in a more pronounced way. This study will assess the real possibility of having it as a heat source in an Organic Rankine Cycle, which employ heat transfer fluids as working fluids instead of water. From a regional data collection in agricultural production and their potential rice production and the resulting husk was defined as more appropriate. The availability of husks together with an amount of eucalyptus wood, provided by a company in the region on a monthly basis, were analyzed, and the low participation of the wood was discarded by the thermal contribution of little significance. Based on this, it was established the calorific value of fuel for thermodynamic calculations and the cycle to be used. It was then carried out the choice of working fluid from the literature and their availability in the library of software used for the simulations, the Engineering Equation Solver - ESS. The fluid most appropriate for the burning of biomass, Octamethyltrisiloxane (OMTS), was not included in the software and so the R227ea and R134a were selected. After the initial parameters modeling definition, as condensing temperature, efficiency and live steam conditions, the simulations were performed, and only the R227ea remained within the feasible thermodynamic and technological ranges. With this fluid the turbine power output was 265.7 [kW] for a scenario of 24 hours/day burning, 800.3 [kW] to biomass burning for 8 hours/day and 2134 [kW] for burning only 3 hours/day. The thermal efficiency of the cycle remained in the range of 6%, and for plants operating with the most... (Complete Abstract click eletronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)