1000 resultados para Laurent-Duchesne
Le pentecôtisme a fait du miracle le coeur de sa théologie et l'élément central de ses activités d'évangélisation. Le catholicisme, par contre, a toujours voulu contrôler l'ensemble des déclarations de manifestations divines. Apparitions et guérisons miraculeuses ont donc systématiquement, et de plus en plus, été soumises à de lentes et rigoureuses procédures d'authentification. Les pentecôtistes voient Dieu comme un être extérieur qui surgit sur la terre pour chasser le mal qui l'envahit. Tous les convertis ont donc droit à la libération et personne ne doit accepter sagement la souffrance. Or, les pèlerins catholiques que nous avons étudiés ne partagent pas ces convictions pentecôtistes. Dieu agit de l'intérieur, non pas en les délivrant, mais en les soutenant dans leurs épreuves quotidiennes. Rare et peu recherchée, la guérison physique cède la place à la guérison spirituelle, accessible à tous. Il nous semble que ces deux types de représentations placent les fidèles dans des dispositions d'esprit très divergentes suscitant, dans un cas ou dans l'autre, des espoirs adaptés à la capacité du groupe à produire des miracles. Pentecostalism placed miracles at the centre of its theology as a key element of its evangelization activities. Catholicism, on the other hand, has always tried to control all declarations of divine demonstrations. Miraculous appearances and recoveries have been more and more systematically subjected to slow and rigorous procedures of verification. The Pentecostals see God as an external force which manifests itself on earth to drive out the evil which invades it. All believers have the right to be free from evil, and nobody should have to accept pain meekly. But the Catholic pilgrims we studied do not share these Pentecostal convictions. God acts from inside, not by delivering them but by supporting them in their daily tests. Physical recovery is rare and not very sought after so it takes second place to spiritual recovery which is accessible to everyone. It seems to us that these two types of representation place believers in very divergent frames of mind giving rise, in one group or the other, to hopes that correspond to the group's capacity to produce miracles.
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 527
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 528
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 529
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 530
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 322
During adolescence numerous of important social abilities are acquired within interactions with peers. Severe psychiatric disorders interfere with the acquisition of these social skills. For example, due to excessive shyness, adolescents with psychiatric disorders may not experiment positive social interactions. Social skills training (SKT) may help adolescents to remediate to these diffi culties. This exploratory study aims to assess the SKT's effect on assertivity, in a population of adolescents presenting psychiatric disorder and attending a day care unit for adolescents. The SKT, delivered in group, deals with different themes such as contact, conversation, problem solving, confl ict, fail, success, learning, effort, separation, breakdown, and project. In this context, 38 adolescents (19 suffering from anxiety / mood disorder and 19 suffering from psychotic disorder) rate their level of assertivity before and after a SKT with the Rathus assertivity scale. This scale allows to differentiate between inhibited, assertive and assertiveaggressive adolescents. Results showed a general improvement on assertivity after the SKT. More specifi cally, adolescents suffering from anxiety disorder and the 'inhibited' adolescents showed the higher benefi t from the SKT. Thus, two hours per week of SKT seems to enhance social abilities in a population with severe psychiatric disorders. More specifi - cally, adolescents with anxiety / mood disorders reported more benefi ts of the SKT on their assertivity. Nevertheless, adolescents with psychotic disorders did not report strong benefi ts from the SKT despite the improvement observed at a clinical level. This observation raises questions about the usefulness of self-reported questionnaire to measure such benefi t for adolescents with psychosis.
Background: Optimal valganciclovir (VGC) dosage and duration for cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis in kidney transplant recipients remains controversial. This study aimed to determine GCV blood levels and efficacy/safety observed under low-dose oral VGC in kidney transplant recipients. Secondly, to quantify the variability of GCV blood levels, and its potential clinical impact. Methods: In this prospective study, each patient at risk for CMV undergoing kidney transplantation received low-dose VGC (450 mg qd) prophylaxis for 3 months, unless GFR was below 40 mL/min, in which case the dose was adapted to 450 mg every other day. GCV levels, at trough (Ctrough) and at peak (C3h) were measured monthly and CMV viremia was assessed during and after prophylaxis using real time quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction. Adverse effects were recorded on each GCV sampling. Patients were followed up to one year after transplantation. Results: 38 kidney recipients (19 D+/R+, 11 D+/R-, 8 D-/R+) received 3-month VGC prophylaxis. Most patients (mean GFR of 59 mL/min) received 450 mg qd but the dose was reduced to 450 mg every other day in 6 patients with mean GFR of 22 mL/min. Average GCV C3h and Ctrough (regressed at 24h or 48h) were 3.9 mg/L (CV 33%, range: 1.3-8.2) and 0.4 mg/L (CV 111%, range 0.1-3.3). Population pharmacokinetic analysis showed a fair dispersion of the parameters mainly influenced by renal function. Despite this variability, patients remained aviremic during VGC prophylaxis. Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia (grade 2-4) were reported in 4% and 3% of patients respectively. During follow-up, asymptomatic CMV viremia was reported in 25% patients. One year after transplantation, 12% patients (all D+/R-) had developed a CMV disease, which was treated with a therapeutic 6-week course of oral VGC. Conclusion: Average GCV blood levels after oral administration of low-dose VGC in kidney transplant recipients were comparable to those previously reported with oral GCV prophylaxis, efficacious and well tolerated. Thus, a 3-month course of low-dose VGC is appropriate for the renal function of most kidney transplant recipients.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) usually harbors a vancomycin-susceptible phenotype (VSSA) but can exhibit reduced vancomycin susceptibility phenotypes that can be heterogeneous-intermediate (hVISA), intermediate (VISA), or fully resistant (VRSA). Current detection techniques (e.g., Etest and population analysis profiles [PAPs]) are slow and time-consuming. We investigated the potential of microcalorimetry to detect reduced susceptibilities to vancomycin in MRSA strains. Representative MSSA, VSSA, hVISA, VISA, and VRSA reference strains, as well as clinical isolates, were used. PAPs were performed by standard methods. Microcalorimetry was performed by inoculating 5 × 10(7) CFU of overnight cultures into 3-ml vials of brain heart infusion broth supplemented with increasing concentrations of vancomycin, and growth-related heat production was measured at 37°C. For the reference strains, no heat production was detected in the VSSA isolates at vancomycin concentrations of >3 μg/ml during the 72 h of incubation. The hVISA and VISA strains showed heat production with concentration-proportional delays of up to 6 μg/ml in 48 h and up to 12 μg/ml in 72 h, respectively. The VRSA strain showed heat production at concentrations up to 16 μg/ml in 12 h. The testing of clinical strains indicated an excellent negative predictive value, allowing us to rule out a decreased vancomycin susceptibility phenotype in <8 h of incubation. Sequential isolates from a patient undergoing vancomycin therapy showed evolving microcalorimetric profiles up to a VISA phenotype. Microcalorimetry was able to detect strains with reduced susceptibilities to vancomycin in <8 h. The measurement of bacterial heat production might represent a simple and rapid method for the detection of reduced susceptibilities to vancomycin in MRSA strains.