872 resultados para Large-scale experiments
The present success in the manufacture of multi-layer interconnects in ultra-large-scale integration is largely due to the acceptable planarization capabilities of the chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) process. In the past decade, copper has emerged as the preferred interconnect material. The greatest challenge in Cu CMP at present is the control of wafer surface non-uniformity at various scales. As the size of a wafer has increased to 300 mm, the wafer-level non-uniformity has assumed critical importance. Moreover, the pattern geometry in each die has become quite complex due to a wide range of feature sizes and multi-level structures. Therefore, it is important to develop a non-uniformity model that integrates wafer-, die- and feature-level variations into a unified, multi-scale dielectric erosion and Cu dishing model. In this paper, a systematic way of characterizing and modeling dishing in the single-step Cu CMP process is presented. The possible causes of dishing at each scale are identified in terms of several geometric and process parameters. The feature-scale pressure calculation based on the step-height at each polishing stage is introduced. The dishing model is based on pad elastic deformation and the evolving pattern geometry, and is integrated with the wafer- and die-level variations. Experimental and analytical means of determining the model parameters are outlined and the model is validated by polishing experiments on patterned wafers. Finally, practical approaches for minimizing Cu dishing are suggested.
The present success in the manufacture of multi-layer interconnects in ultra-large-scale integration is largely due to the acceptable planarization capabilities of the chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) process. In the past decade, copper has emerged as the preferred interconnect material. The greatest challenge in Cu CMP at present is the control of wafer surface non-uniformity at various scales. As the size of a wafer has increased to 300 mm, the wafer-level non-uniformity has assumed critical importance. Moreover, the pattern geometry in each die has become quite complex due to a wide range of feature sizes and multi-level structures. Therefore, it is important to develop a non-uniformity model that integrates wafer-, die- and feature-level variations into a unified, multi-scale dielectric erosion and Cu dishing model. In this paper, a systematic way of characterizing and modeling dishing in the single-step Cu CMP process is presented. The possible causes of dishing at each scale are identified in terms of several geometric and process parameters. The feature-scale pressure calculation based on the step-height at each polishing stage is introduced. The dishing model is based on pad elastic deformation and the evolving pattern geometry, and is integrated with the wafer- and die-level variations. Experimental and analytical means of determining the model parameters are outlined and the model is validated by polishing experiments on patterned wafers. Finally, practical approaches for minimizing Cu dishing are suggested.
1. There is concern over the possibility of unwanted environmental change following transgene movement from genetically modified (GM) rapeseed Brassica napus to its wild and weedy relatives. 2. The aim of this research was to develop a remote sensing-assisted methodology to help quantify gene flow from crops to their wild relatives over wide areas. Emphasis was placed on locating sites of sympatry, where the frequency of gene flow is likely to be highest, and on measuring the size of rapeseed fields to allow spatially explicit modelling of wind-mediated pollen-dispersal patterns. 3. Remote sensing was used as a tool to locate rapeseed fields, and a variety of image-processing techniques was adopted to facilitate the compilation of a spatially explicit profile of sympatry between the crop and Brassica rapa. 4. Classified satellite images containing rapeseed fields were first used to infer the spatial relationship between donor rapeseed fields and recipient riverside B. rapa populations. Such images also have utility for improving the efficiency of ground surveys by identifying probable sites of sympatry. The same data were then also used for the calculation of mean field size. 5. This paper forms a companion paper to Wilkinson et al. (2003), in which these elements were combined to produce a spatially explicit profile of hybrid formation over the UK. The current paper demonstrates the value of remote sensing and image processing for large-scale studies of gene flow, and describes a generic method that could be applied to a variety of crops in many countries. 6. Synthesis and applications. The decision to approve or prevent the release of a GM cultivar is made at a national rather than regional level. It is highly desirable that data relating to the decision-making process are collected at the same scale, rather than relying on extrapolation from smaller experiments designed at the plot, field or even regional scale. It would be extremely difficult and labour intensive to attempt to carry out such large-scale investigations without the use of remote-sensing technology. This study used rapeseed in the UK as a model to demonstrate the value of remote sensing in assembling empirical information at a national level.
1.There is concern over the possibility of unwanted environmental change following transgene movement from genetically modified (GM) rapeseed Brassica napus to its wild and weedy relatives. 2. The aim of this research was to develop a remote sensing-assisted methodology to help quantify gene flow from crops to their wild relatives over wide areas. Emphasis was placed on locating sites of sympatry, where the frequency of gene flow is likely to be highest, and on measuring the size of rapeseed fields to allow spatially explicit modelling of wind-mediated pollen-dispersal patterns. 3. Remote sensing was used as a tool to locate rapeseed fields, and a variety of image-processing techniques was adopted to facilitate the compilation of a spatially explicit profile of sympatry between the crop and Brassica rapa. 4. Classified satellite images containing rapeseed fields were first used to infer the spatial relationship between donor rapeseed fields and recipient riverside B. rapa populations. Such images also have utility for improving the efficiency of ground surveys by identifying probable sites of sympatry. The same data were then also used for the calculation of mean field size. 5. This paper forms a companion paper to Wilkinson et al. (2003), in which these elements were combined to produce a spatially explicit profile of hybrid formation over the UK. The current paper demonstrates the value of remote sensing and image processing for large-scale studies of gene flow, and describes a generic method that could be applied to a variety of crops in many countries. 6.Synthesis and applications. The decision to approve or prevent the release of a GM cultivar is made at a national rather than regional level. It is highly desirable that data relating to the decision-making process are collected at the same scale, rather than relying on extrapolation from smaller experiments designed at the plot, field or even regional scale. It would be extremely difficult and labour intensive to attempt to carry out such large-scale investigations without the use of remote-sensing technology. This study used rapeseed in the UK as a model to demonstrate the value of remote sensing in assembling empirical information at a national level.
Large scale air pollution models are powerful tools, designed to meet the increasing demand in different environmental studies. The atmosphere is the most dynamic component of the environment, where the pollutants can be moved quickly on far distnce. Therefore the air pollution modeling must be done in a large computational domain. Moreover, all relevant physical, chemical and photochemical processes must be taken into account. In such complex models operator splitting is very often applied in order to achieve sufficient accuracy as well as efficiency of the numerical solution. The Danish Eulerian Model (DEM) is one of the most advanced such models. Its space domain (4800 × 4800 km) covers Europe, most of the Mediterian and neighboring parts of Asia and the Atlantic Ocean. Efficient parallelization is crucial for the performance and practical capabilities of this huge computational model. Different splitting schemes, based on the main processes mentioned above, have been implemented and tested with respect to accuracy and performance in the new version of DEM. Some numerical results of these experiments are presented in this paper.
As part of the DAPPLE programme two large scale urban tracer experiments using multiple simultaneous releases of cyclic perfluoroalkanes from fixed location point sources was performed. The receptor concentrations along with relevant meteorological parameters measured are compared with a three screening dispersion models in order to best predict the decay of pollution sources with respect to distance. It is shown here that the simple dispersion models tested here can provide a reasonable upper bound estimate of the maximum concentrations measured with an empirical model derived from field observations and wind tunnel studies providing the best estimate. An indoor receptor was also used to assess indoor concentrations and their pertinence to commonly used evacuation procedures.
We present an assessment of how tropical cyclone activity might change due to the influence of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, using the UK’s High Resolution Global Environment Model (HiGEM) with N144 resolution (~90 km in the atmosphere and ~40 km in the ocean). Tropical cyclones are identified using a feature tracking algorithm applied to model output. Tropical cyclones from idealized 30-year 2×CO2 (2CO2) and 4×CO2 (4CO2) simulations are compared to those identified in a 150-year present-day simulation, which is separated into a 5-member ensemble of 30-year integrations. Tropical cyclones are shown to decrease in frequency globally by 9% in the 2CO2 and 26% in the 4CO2. Tropical cyclones only become more intese in the 4CO2, however uncoupled time slice experiments reveal an increase in intensity in the 2CO2. An investigation into the large-scale environmental conditions, known to influence tropical cyclone activity in the main development regions, is used to determine the response of tropical cyclone activity to increased atmospheric CO2. A weaker Walker circulation and a reduction in zonally averaged regions of updrafts lead to a shift in the location of tropical cyclones in the northern hemisphere. A decrease in mean ascent at 500 hPa contributes to the reduction of tropical cyclones in the 2CO2 in most basins. The larger reduction of tropical cyclones in the 4CO2 arises from further reduction of mean ascent at 500 hPa and a large enhancement of vertical wind shear, especially in the southern hemisphere, North Atlantic and North East Pacific.
Radiative forcing and climate sensitivity have been widely used as concepts to understand climate change. This work performs climate change experiments with an intermediate general circulation model (IGCM) to examine the robustness of the radiative forcing concept for carbon dioxide and solar constant changes. This IGCM has been specifically developed as a computationally fast model, but one that allows an interaction between physical processes and large-scale dynamics; the model allows many long integrations to be performed relatively quickly. It employs a fast and accurate radiative transfer scheme, as well as simple convection and surface schemes, and a slab ocean, to model the effects of climate change mechanisms on the atmospheric temperatures and dynamics with a reasonable degree of complexity. The climatology of the IGCM run at T-21 resolution with 22 levels is compared to European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting Reanalysis data. The response of the model to changes in carbon dioxide and solar output are examined when these changes are applied globally and when constrained geographically (e.g. over land only). The CO2 experiments have a roughly 17% higher climate sensitivity than the solar experiments. It is also found that a forcing at high latitudes causes a 40% higher climate sensitivity than a forcing only applied at low latitudes. It is found that, despite differences in the model feedbacks, climate sensitivity is roughly constant over a range of distributions of CO2 and solar forcings. Hence, in the IGCM at least, the radiative forcing concept is capable of predicting global surface temperature changes to within 30%, for the perturbations described here. It is concluded that radiative forcing remains a useful tool for assessing the natural and anthropogenic impact of climate change mechanisms on surface temperature.
Sensible heat fluxes (QH) are determined using scintillometry and eddy covariance over a suburban area. Two large aperture scintillometers provide spatially integrated fluxes across path lengths of 2.8 km and 5.5 km over Swindon, UK. The shorter scintillometer path spans newly built residential areas and has an approximate source area of 2-4 km2, whilst the long path extends from the rural outskirts to the town centre and has a source area of around 5-10 km2. These large-scale heat fluxes are compared with local-scale eddy covariance measurements. Clear seasonal trends are revealed by the long duration of this dataset and variability in monthly QH is related to the meteorological conditions. At shorter time scales the response of QH to solar radiation often gives rise to close agreement between the measurements, but during times of rapidly changing cloud cover spatial differences in the net radiation (Q*) coincide with greater differences between heat fluxes. For clear days QH lags Q*, thus the ratio of QH to Q* increases throughout the day. In summer the observed energy partitioning is related to the vegetation fraction through use of a footprint model. The results demonstrate the value of scintillometry for integrating surface heterogeneity and offer improved understanding of the influence of anthropogenic materials on surface-atmosphere interactions.
Decadal predictions on timescales from one year to one decade are gaining importance since this time frame falls within the planning horizon of politics, economy and society. The present study examines the decadal predictability of regional wind speed and wind energy potentials in three generations of the MiKlip (‘Mittelfristige Klimaprognosen’) decadal prediction system. The system is based on the global Max-Planck-Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM), and the three generations differ primarily in the ocean initialisation. Ensembles of uninitialised historical and yearly initialised hindcast experiments are used to assess the forecast skill for 10 m wind speeds and wind energy output (Eout) over Central Europe with lead times from one year to one decade. With this aim, a statistical-dynamical downscaling (SDD) approach is used for the regionalisation. Its added value is evaluated by comparison of skill scores for MPI-ESM large-scale wind speeds and SDD-simulated regional wind speeds. All three MPI-ESM ensemble generations show some forecast skill for annual mean wind speed and Eout over Central Europe on yearly and multi-yearly time scales. This forecast skill is mostly limited to the first years after initialisation. Differences between the three ensemble generations are generally small. The regionalisation preserves and sometimes increases the forecast skills of the global runs but results depend on lead time and ensemble generation. Moreover, regionalisation often improves the ensemble spread. Seasonal Eout skills are generally lower than for annual means. Skill scores are lowest during summer and persist longest in autumn. A large-scale westerly weather type with strong pressure gradients over Central Europe is identified as potential source of the skill for wind energy potentials, showing a similar forecast skill and a high correlation with Eout anomalies. These results are promising towards the establishment of a decadal prediction system for wind energy applications over Central Europe.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The production, segregation and migration of melt and aqueous fluids (henceforth called liquid) plays an important role for the transport of mass and energy within the mantle and the crust of the Earth. Many properties of large-scale liquid migration processes such as the permeability of a rock matrix or the initial segregation of newly formed liquid from the host-rock depends on the grain-scale distribution and behaviour of liquid. Although the general mechanisms of liquid distribution at the grain-scale are well understood, the influence of possibly important modifying processes such as static recrystallization, deformation, and chemical disequilibrium on the liquid distribution is not well constrained. For this thesis analogue experiments were used that allowed to investigate the interplay of these different mechanisms in-situ. In high-temperature environments where melts are produced, the grain-scale distribution in “equilibrium” is fully determined by the liquid fraction and the ratio between the solid-solid and the solid-liquid surface energy. The latter is commonly expressed as the dihedral or wetting angle between two grains and the liquid phase (Chapter 2). The interplay of this “equilibrium” liquid distribution with ongoing surface energy driven recrystallization is investigated in Chapter 4 and 5 with experiments using norcamphor plus ethanol liquid. Ethanol in contact with norcamphor forms a wetting angle of about 25°, which is similar to reported angles of rock-forming minerals in contact with silicate melt. The experiments in Chapter 4 show that previously reported disequilibrium features such as trapped liquid lenses, fully-wetted grain boundaries, and large liquid pockets can be explained by the interplay of the liquid with ongoing recrystallization. Closer inspection of dihedral angles in Chapter 5 reveals that the wetting angles are themselves modified by grain coarsening. Ongoing recrystallization constantly moves liquid-filled triple junctions, thereby altering the wetting angles dynamically as a function of the triple junction velocity. A polycrystalline aggregate will therefore always display a range of equilibrium and dynamic wetting angles at raised temperature, rather than a single wetting angle as previously thought. For the deformation experiments partially molten KNO3–LiNO3 experiments were used in addition to norcamphor–ethanol experiments (Chapter 6). Three deformation regimes were observed. At a high bulk liquid fraction >10 vol.% the aggregate deformed by compaction and granular flow. At a “moderate” liquid fraction, the aggregate deformed mainly by grain boundary sliding (GBS) that was localized into conjugate shear zones. At a low liquid fraction, the grains of the aggregate formed a supporting framework that deformed internally by crystal plastic deformation or diffusion creep. Liquid segregation was most efficient during framework deformation, while GBS lead to slow liquid segregation or even liquid dispersion in the deforming areas.
Aerosolpartikel beeinflussen das Klima durch Streuung und Absorption von Strahlung sowie als Nukleations-Kerne für Wolkentröpfchen und Eiskristalle. Darüber hinaus haben Aerosole einen starken Einfluss auf die Luftverschmutzung und die öffentliche Gesundheit. Gas-Partikel-Wechselwirkunge sind wichtige Prozesse, weil sie die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften von Aerosolen wie Toxizität, Reaktivität, Hygroskopizität und optische Eigenschaften beeinflussen. Durch einen Mangel an experimentellen Daten und universellen Modellformalismen sind jedoch die Mechanismen und die Kinetik der Gasaufnahme und der chemischen Transformation organischer Aerosolpartikel unzureichend erfasst. Sowohl die chemische Transformation als auch die negativen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von toxischen und allergenen Aerosolpartikeln, wie Ruß, polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) und Proteine, sind bislang nicht gut verstanden.rn Kinetische Fluss-Modelle für Aerosoloberflächen- und Partikelbulk-Chemie wurden auf Basis des Pöschl-Rudich-Ammann-Formalismus für Gas-Partikel-Wechselwirkungen entwickelt. Zunächst wurde das kinetische Doppelschicht-Oberflächenmodell K2-SURF entwickelt, welches den Abbau von PAK auf Aerosolpartikeln in Gegenwart von Ozon, Stickstoffdioxid, Wasserdampf, Hydroxyl- und Nitrat-Radikalen beschreibt. Kompetitive Adsorption und chemische Transformation der Oberfläche führen zu einer stark nicht-linearen Abhängigkeit der Ozon-Aufnahme bezüglich Gaszusammensetzung. Unter atmosphärischen Bedingungen reicht die chemische Lebensdauer von PAK von wenigen Minuten auf Ruß, über mehrere Stunden auf organischen und anorganischen Feststoffen bis hin zu Tagen auf flüssigen Partikeln. rn Anschließend wurde das kinetische Mehrschichtenmodell KM-SUB entwickelt um die chemische Transformation organischer Aerosolpartikel zu beschreiben. KM-SUB ist in der Lage, Transportprozesse und chemische Reaktionen an der Oberfläche und im Bulk von Aerosol-partikeln explizit aufzulösen. Es erforder im Gegensatz zu früheren Modellen keine vereinfachenden Annahmen über stationäre Zustände und radiale Durchmischung. In Kombination mit Literaturdaten und neuen experimentellen Ergebnissen wurde KM-SUB eingesetzt, um die Effekte von Grenzflächen- und Bulk-Transportprozessen auf die Ozonolyse und Nitrierung von Protein-Makromolekülen, Ölsäure, und verwandten organischen Ver¬bin-dungen aufzuklären. Die in dieser Studie entwickelten kinetischen Modelle sollen als Basis für die Entwicklung eines detaillierten Mechanismus für Aerosolchemie dienen sowie für das Herleiten von vereinfachten, jedoch realistischen Parametrisierungen für großskalige globale Atmosphären- und Klima-Modelle. rn Die in dieser Studie durchgeführten Experimente und Modellrechnungen liefern Beweise für die Bildung langlebiger reaktiver Sauerstoff-Intermediate (ROI) in der heterogenen Reaktion von Ozon mit Aerosolpartikeln. Die chemische Lebensdauer dieser Zwischenformen beträgt mehr als 100 s, deutlich länger als die Oberflächen-Verweilzeit von molekularem O3 (~10-9 s). Die ROIs erklären scheinbare Diskrepanzen zwischen früheren quantenmechanischen Berechnungen und kinetischen Experimenten. Sie spielen eine Schlüsselrolle in der chemischen Transformation sowie in den negativen Gesundheitseffekten von toxischen und allergenen Feinstaubkomponenten, wie Ruß, PAK und Proteine. ROIs sind vermutlich auch an der Zersetzung von Ozon auf mineralischem Staub und an der Bildung sowie am Wachstum von sekundären organischen Aerosolen beteiligt. Darüber hinaus bilden ROIs eine Verbindung zwischen atmosphärischen und biosphärischen Mehrphasenprozessen (chemische und biologische Alterung).rn Organische Verbindungen können als amorpher Feststoff oder in einem halbfesten Zustand vorliegen, der die Geschwindigkeit von heterogenen Reaktionenen und Mehrphasenprozessen in Aerosolen beeinflusst. Strömungsrohr-Experimente zeigen, dass die Ozonaufnahme und die oxidative Alterung von amorphen Proteinen durch Bulk-Diffusion kinetisch limitiert sind. Die reaktive Gasaufnahme zeigt eine deutliche Zunahme mit zunehmender Luftfeuchte, was durch eine Verringerung der Viskosität zu erklären ist, bedingt durch einen Phasenübergang der amorphen organischen Matrix von einem glasartigen zu einem halbfesten Zustand (feuchtigkeitsinduzierter Phasenübergang). Die chemische Lebensdauer reaktiver Verbindungen in organischen Partikeln kann von Sekunden bis zu Tagen ansteigen, da die Diffusionsrate in der halbfesten Phase bei niedriger Temperatur oder geringer Luftfeuchte um Größenordnungen absinken kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen wie halbfeste Phasen die Auswirkung organischeer Aerosole auf Luftqualität, Gesundheit und Klima beeinflussen können. rn
The combination of scaled analogue experiments, material mechanics, X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) and Digital Volume Correlation techniques (DVC) is a powerful new tool not only to examine the 3 dimensional structure and kinematic evolution of complex deformation structures in scaled analogue experiments, but also to fully quantify their spatial strain distribution and complete strain history. Digital image correlation (DIC) is an important advance in quantitative physical modelling and helps to understand non-linear deformation processes. Optical non-intrusive (DIC) techniques enable the quantification of localised and distributed deformation in analogue experiments based either on images taken through transparent sidewalls (2D DIC) or on surface views (3D DIC). X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) analysis permits the non-destructive visualisation of the internal structure and kinematic evolution of scaled analogue experiments simulating tectonic evolution of complex geological structures. The combination of XRCT sectional image data of analogue experiments with 2D DIC only allows quantification of 2D displacement and strain components in section direction. This completely omits the potential of CT experiments for full 3D strain analysis of complex, non-cylindrical deformation structures. In this study, we apply digital volume correlation (DVC) techniques on XRCT scan data of “solid” analogue experiments to fully quantify the internal displacement and strain in 3 dimensions over time. Our first results indicate that the application of DVC techniques on XRCT volume data can successfully be used to quantify the 3D spatial and temporal strain patterns inside analogue experiments. We demonstrate the potential of combining DVC techniques and XRCT volume imaging for 3D strain analysis of a contractional experiment simulating the development of a non-cylindrical pop-up structure. Furthermore, we discuss various options for optimisation of granular materials, pattern generation, and data acquisition for increased resolution and accuracy of the strain results. Three-dimensional strain analysis of analogue models is of particular interest for geological and seismic interpretations of complex, non-cylindrical geological structures. The volume strain data enable the analysis of the large-scale and small-scale strain history of geological structures.
Previous studies of the sediments of Lake Lucerne have shown that massive subaqueous mass movements affecting unconsolidated sediments on lateral slopes are a common process in this lake, and, in view of historical reports describing damaging waves on the lake, it was suggested that tsunamis generated by mass movements represent a considerable natural hazard on the lakeshores. Newly performed numerical simulations combining two-dimensional, depth-averaged models for mass-movement propagation and for tsunami generation, propagation and inunda- tion reproduce a number of reported tsunami effects. Four analysed mass-movement scenarios—three based on documented slope failures involving volumes of 5.5 to 20.8 9 106 m3—show peak wave heights of several metres and maximum runup of 6 to [10 m in the directly affected basins, while effects in neighbouring basins are less drastic. The tsunamis cause large-scale inundation over distances of several hundred metres on flat alluvial plains close to the mass-movement source areas. Basins at the ends of the lake experience regular water-level oscillations with characteristic periods of several minutes. The vulnerability of potentially affected areas has increased dramatically since the times of the damaging historical events, recommending a thorough evaluation of the hazard.