964 resultados para Lance (Missile)


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As part of the IRIS_2012 international benchmark, simulations were conducted to analyse impacts on reinforced concrete slabs by both rigid and deformable missiles. The analytical results were compared with physical tests conducted by the Technical Research Center VTT of Finland. In the impact discussed here, a rigid missile perforates the concrete slab. The missile is a thick steel tube filled with concrete with a total mass of 47.4 kg and strikes the target at 136 m/s. The target is a 250 mm thick, reinforced concrete slab that spans 2 m by 2 m and is held in a rigid supporting frame. Characterisation tests were provided for calibration of the parameters of the concrete models selected by the participants. Having reproduced those tests, the authors developed models for the slab and the missile. A damaged plasticity model was used for the concrete and the rebars were explicitly represented. The results obtained were very satisfactory in respect of the damage patterns caused in the concrete and the reinforcement; also, the calculated and measured values of the energy spent by the missile in perforating the slab differed by only 4%.


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A methodology has been developed for characterising the mechanical behaviour of concrete, based on the damaged plasticity model, enriched with a user subroutine (V)USDFLD in order to capture better the ductility of the material under moderate confining pressures. The model has been applied in the context of the international benchmark IRIS_2012, organised by the OECD/NEA/CSNI Nuclear Energy Agency, dealing with impacts of rigid and deformable missiles against reinforced concrete targets. A slightly modified version of the concrete damaged plasticity model was used to represent the concrete. The simulation results matched very well the observations made during the actual tests. Particularly successful predictions involved the energy spent by the rigid missile in perforating the target, the crushed length of the deformable missile, the crushed and cracked areas of the concrete target, and the values of the strains recorded at a number of locations in the concrete slab.


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The paper reports on a collaborative effort between the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) and their consultants Principia and Stangenberg. As part of the IMPACT III project, reduced scale impact tests of reinforced concrete structures were carried out. The simulation of test X3 is presented here and the numerical results are compared with those obtained in the test, carried out in August 2013. The general object is to improve the safety of nuclear facilities and, more specifically, to demonstrate the capabilities of current simulation techniques to reproduce the behaviour of a reinforced concrete structure impacted by a soft missile. The missile is a steel tube with a mass of 50 kg and travelling at 140 m/s. The target is a 250 mm thick, 2,1 m by 2,1 m reinforced concrete wall, held in a stiff supporting frame. The reinforcement includes both longitudinal and transverse rebars. Calculations were carried out before and after the test with Abaqus (Principia) and SOFiSTiK (Stangenberg). In the Abaqus simulation the concrete is modelled using solid elements and a damaged plasticity formulation, the rebars with embedded beam elements, and the missile with shell elements. In SOFiSTiK the target is modelled with non-linear, layered shell elements for the reinforcement on both sides; non-linear shear deformations of shell/plate elements are approximately included. The results generally indicate a good agreement between calculations and measurements.


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Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles are capable of placing a nuclear warhead at more than 5,000 km away from its launching base. With the lethal power of a nuclear warhead a whole city could be wiped out by a single weapon causing millions of deaths. This means that the threat posed to any country from a single ICBM captured by a terrorist group or launched by a 'rogue' state is huge. This threat is increasing as more countries are achieving nuclear and advanced launcher capabilities. In order to suppress or at least reduce this threat the United States created the National Missile Defense System which involved, among other systems, the development of long-range interceptors whose aim is to destroy incoming ballistic missiles in their midcourse phase. The Ballistic Missile Defense is a high-profile topic that has been the focus of political controversy lately when the U.S. decided to expand the Ballistic Missile system to Europe, with the opposition of Russia. However the technical characteristics of this system are mostly unknown by the general public. The Interception of an ICBM using a long range Interceptor Missile as intended within the Ground-Based Missile Defense System by the American National Missile Defense (NMD) implies a series of problems of incredible complexity: - The incoming missile has to be detected almost immediately after launch. - The incoming missile has to be tracked along its trajectory with a great accuracy. - The Interceptor Missile has to implement a fast and accurate guidance algorithm in order to reach the incoming missile as soon as possible. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle deployed by the interceptor boost vehicle has to be able to detect the reentry vehicle once it has been deployed by ICBM, when it offers a very low infrared signature, in order to perform a final rendezvous manoeuvre. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle has to be able to discriminate the reentry vehicle from the surrounding debris and decoys. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle has to be able to implement an accurate guidance algorithm in order to perform a kinetic interception (direct collision) of the reentry vehicle, at relative speeds of more than 10 km/s. All these problems are being dealt simultaneously by the Ground-Based Missile Defense System that is developing very complex and expensive sensors, communications and control centers and long-range interceptors (Ground-Based Interceptor Missile) including a Kinetic Kill Vehicle. Among all the technical challenges involved in this interception scenario, this thesis focuses on the algorithms required for the guidance of the Interceptor Missile and the Kinetic Kill Vehicle in order to perform the direct collision with the ICBM. The involved guidance algorithms are deeply analysed in this thesis in part III where conventional guidance strategies are reviewed and optimal guidance algorithms are developed for this interception problem. The generation of a realistic simulation of the interception scenario between an ICBM and a Ground Based Interceptor designed to destroy it was considered as necessary in order to be able to compare different guidance strategies with meaningful results. As a consequence, a highly representative simulator for an ICBM and a Kill Vehicle has been implemented, as detailed in part II, and the generation of these simulators has also become one of the purposes of this thesis. In summary, the main purposes of this thesis are: - To develop a highly representative simulator of an interception scenario between an ICBM and a Kill Vehicle launched from a Ground Based Interceptor. -To analyse the main existing guidance algorithms both for the ascent phase and the terminal phase of the missiles. Novel conclusions of these analyses are obtained. - To develop original optimal guidance algorithms for the interception problem. - To compare the results obtained using the different guidance strategies, assess the behaviour of the optimal guidance algorithms, and analyse the feasibility of the Ballistic Missile Defense system in terms of guidance (part IV). As a secondary objective, a general overview of the state of the art in terms of ballistic missiles and anti-ballistic missile defence is provided (part I).


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Esta dissertação visa deslumbrar uma análise macroeconômica do Brasil, especialmente no que se refere à relação dos índices mensais dos volumes das exportações e das importações com os volumes mensais do PIB, da Taxa SELIC e as Taxas de Câmbio, conforme dados coletados no período de janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2014, através de pesquisa literária referente aos históricos sobre cada conceito envolvido no âmbito da macroeconomia das varáveis estudadas. Foi realizado um estudo de caso embasado em dados de sites governamentais, no período delimitado, empregando-se o método de regressão linear, com base na Teoria da correlação de Pearson, demonstrando os resultados obtidos no período do estudo para as varáveis estudadas. Desta maneira, conseguiu-se estudar e analisar como as variáveis dependentes (resposta): volume das exportações e volume das importações estão relacionadas com as varáveis independentes (explicativas): PIB, Taxa Selic e taxa de Câmbio. Os resultados apurados no presente estudo permitem identificar que existe correlação moderada e negativa, quando analisadas a Taxa Selic e a Taxa de Câmbio com os volumes das exportações e das importações, enquanto o PIB apresenta correlação forte e positiva na análise com os volumes das exportações e das importações


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O consumidor contemporâneo, inserido em um novo ambiente de comunicação, potencializa suas expressões, capaz de avaliar uma marca ou produto e transmitir sua opinião pelas redes sociais, ou seja, o consumidor expressa suas opiniões e desejos dialogando com seus pares de forma espontânea nas redes sociais on-line. É neste ambiente de participação e interação (ciberespaço) que está nosso objeto de estudo, o boca a boca on-line – a voz do consumidor contemporâneo, também conhecido como uma manifestação informativa pessoal ou uma conversa, a opinion sharing. Proporcionado pelos consumidores nas redes sociais on-line, o boca a boca se fortalece em função das possibilidades de interação, característica da sociedade em rede. Nesse cenário, oobjetivo desta pesquisa é caracterizar o boca a boca on-line como um novo fluxo comunicacional entre consumidores, hoje potencializado pelas novas tecnologias da comunicação, capazes de alterar a percepção da marca e demonstrar o uso, pelas marcas, das redes sociais on-line ainda como um ambiente de comunicação unidirecional. Mediante três casos selecionados por conveniência (dois casos nacionais e um internacional), o corpus de análise de nossa pesquisa se limitou aos 5.084 comentários disponibilizados após publicação de matérias jornalísticas no Portal G1 e nas fanpages (Facebook), ambos relativos aos casos selecionados. Com a Análise de Conteúdo dos posts, identificamos e categorizamos a fala do consumidor contemporâneo, sendo assim possível comprovar que as organizações/marcas se valem da cultura do massivo, não dialogando com seus consumidores, pois utilizam as redes sociais on-line ainda de forma unidirecional, além de não darem a devida atenção ao atual fluxo onde se evidencia a opinião compartilhada dos consumidores da sociedade em rede.


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We report the development of a practical ultrafast allelic profiling assay for the analysis of short tandem repeats (STRs) by using a highly optimized microfluidic electrophoresis device. We have achieved baseline-resolved electrophoretic separations of single-locus STR samples in 30 sec. Analyses of PCR samples containing the four loci CSF1PO, TPOX, THO1, and vWA (abbreviated as CTTv) were performed in less than 2 min. This constitutes a 10- to 100-fold improvement in speed relative to capillary or slab gel systems. The separation device consists of a microfabricated channel 45 μm × 100 μm in cross section and 26 mm in length, filled with a replaceable polyacrylamide matrix operated under denaturing conditions at 50°C. A fluorescently labeled STR ladder was used as an internal standard for allele identification. Samples were prepared by standard procedures and only 4 μl was required for each analysis. The device is capable of repetitive operation and is suitable for automated high-speed and high-throughput applications.


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Applied molecular evolution is a rapidly developing technology that can be used to create and identify novel enzymes that nature has not selected. An important application of this technology is the creation of highly drug-resistant enzymes for cancer gene therapy. Seventeen O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT) mutants highly resistant to O6-benzylguanine (BG) were identified previously by screening 8 million variants, using genetic complementation in Escherichia coli. To examine the potential of these mutants for use in humans, the sublibrary of AGT clones was introduced to human hematopoietic cells and stringently selected for resistance to killing by the combination of BG and 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea. This competitive analysis between the mutants in human cells revealed three AGT mutants that conferred remarkable resistance to the combination of BG and 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea. Of these, one was recovered significantly more frequently than the others. Upon further analysis, this mutant displayed a level of BG resistance in human hematopoietic cells greater than that of any previously reported mutant.


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The cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) has a unipinnate compound leaf. In the developing leaf primordium, major leaflet initiation is basipetal, and lobe formation and early vascular differentiation are acropetal. We show that engineered alterations in the expression of a tomato homeobox gene, LeT6, can cause dramatic changes in leaf morphology. The morphological states are variable and unstable and the phenotypes produced indicate that the tomato leaf has an inherent level of indeterminacy. This is manifested by the production of multiple orders of compounding in the leaf, by numerous shoot, inflorescence, and floral meristems on leaves, and by the conversion of rachis-petiolule junctions into “axillary” positions where floral buds can arise. Overexpression of a heterologous homeobox transgene, kn1, does not produce such phenotypic variability. This indicates that LeT6 may differ from the heterologous kn1 gene in the effects manifested on overexpression, and that 35S-LeT6 plants may be subject to alterations in expression of both the introduced and endogenous LeT6 genes. The expression patterns of LeT6 argue in favor of a fundamental role for LeT6 in morphogenesis of leaves in tomato and also suggest that variability in homeobox gene expression may account for some of the diversity in leaf form seen in nature.


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Since 2008, international speculation about the viability of Kim Jong-Il's leadership in North Korea has been at the forefront of diplomatic discussions. North Korea is known to be a secretive state where human rights violations abound. This paper discusses the history of leadership and government in North Korea since World War II, the current human rights situation in the country, the role of China, and potential successors to Kim Jong-Il. The ramifications of impending regime change are discussed in terms of North Korea's human rights issues and economic problems. While current efforts at diplomacy have proved ineffective, the need for concerned nations, intergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations to be prepared to engage North Korea after Kim Jong-Il is imperative.


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As American leadership has narrowly focused on fighting global terror in Iraq and Afghanistan, the modern version of the KGB, now known as the FSB, has been conducting continuous clandestine warfare operations against the United States. These warfare operations include strategic economic and political partnerships with anti-American entities worldwide and direct embedding of double agents in the US intelligence community. This paper investigates the role of Russia's cultural history leading to the merger of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and Russian Organized Crime (ROC). This paper concludes that the FSB is the most pervasive security threat to the United States and that employing Russian native and heritage speakers of Russian in the US intelligence community compromises US national security.


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Ante la necesidad de disponer de instrumentos que permitan medir calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) de una manera ágil y rápida, nos planteamos estudiar, en un grupo de pacientes en hemodiálisis, las propiedades de medición de las láminas Coop-Wonca con el objetivo de establecer si reúnen las condiciones para su uso rutinario en este tipo de pacientes. Métodos: Estudio transversal en 163 pacientes de hemodiálisis (106 varones y 57 mujeres) procedentes de 3 centros. Para medir la CVRS de la población estudiada se ha utilizado la versión validada española de las láminas Coop-Wonca completa. Este cuestionario comprende nueve dimensiones de función y bienestar de un único ítem: 1.– Forma física; 2.–Sentimientos; 3.–Actividades cotidianas; 4.–Actividades sociales; 5.–Cambio en el estado de salud; 6.–Estado de salud; 7.–Dolor; 8.–Apoyo social; y 9.–Calidad de vida en general. Las posibles respuestas se puntúan de 1 a 5, siendo las puntuaciones mayores las que reflejan una peor salud percibida. El instrumento permite la obtención de un índice (Coop total) que es un sumatorio de las puntuaciones de todas las dimensiones salvo la 5 (Cambio en el estado de salud). Resultados: El tiempo medio de cumplimentación del cuestionario fue inferior a 5 minutos. Las láminas resultaron fácilmente comprensibles para los pacientes y la autoadministración de las mismas no planteó problemas. Las puntuaciones más altas (peor CVRS) se obtuvieron en las dimensiones «forma física» (3,66 ± 0,8) y «estado de salud» (3,43 ± 0,8), y la menor (mejor CVRS) en la dimensión «actividades sociales» (1,98 ± 1,3). Entre los principales factores asociados a un peor estado de salud percibida figuran el sexo (mujer), la comorbilidad (presencia de diabetes y/o hepatopatía), la situación laboral (pensionista) y el medio de transporte (taxi-ambulancia). Un mayor tiempo en hemodiálisis se asoció a peores puntuaciones en las dimensiones «calidad de vida en general» y «Dolor». Los pacientes que se trasladaban en taxi o ambulancia presentaban peores puntuaciones en las dimensiones «Forma física», «Actividades cotidianas» y «Estado de salud». Una mayor se asoció a peor puntuación en «Forma física». Un número elevado de fármacos prescritos (más de seis) se asoció a peor puntuación en las dimensiones «Forma física», «Actividades sociales» y «Apoyo social». Los varones, los viudos y los solteros puntuaron peor en «Apoyo social». Los pacientes con mayor nivel de estudios mostraron puntuaciones más altas (peor CVRS) en la dimensión «Forma física». Conclusiones: Las láminas Coop-Wonca podrían ser un buen instrumento de medida de CVRS en los pacientes de hemodiálisis, por la rapidez de su cumplimentación y por ser de fácil comprensión lo que favorece la autoadministración que evita el posible sesgo del entrevistador. Todo ello favorecería su uso rutinario como indicador par valorar la evolución en el tiempo de la CVRS de los pacientes en hemodiálisis. No obstante, se precisan estudios ulteriores que permitan evaluar en mayor profundidad las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento en este tipo de pacientes.


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Russia’s actions so far have led to a kind of deadlock. Moscow has managed to stop NATO enlargement into the CIS area, persuade the USA not to deploy the missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, and avoid major consequences after the war with Georgia; nevertheless, the full implementation of its objectives remains unlikely.