979 resultados para Keyboard instrument music, Arranged.


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Fish muscle as food is to be seen as highly perishable. In unfrozen fish, freshness is considered the most important quality attribute. It is well known that there are several biochemical changes that can affect dramatically the texture of fish muscle. Immediately after death the fish texture is soft and elastic. In connection with rigor mortis the fish texture changes markedly. It becomes harder during rigor and after its resolution it becomes softer. This softness increases due to proteolysis during further storage at refrigerated conditions. Texture is a very important indicator for evaluating the quality of fish. Barroso et al. (1997) have recently reviewed mechanical methods in use for texture measurements on fresh fish. Further reviews on texture measurement performed on fish muscle were recently published underlining the importance of texture as quality attribute (Hyldig et al 2001, Coppes et al. 2002). The position along the fish can influence the results and was investigated by several authors (Sigurgis-ladottir et. al. 1999). Different methods have been compared for their ability to differentiate between recently killed salmon and salmon stored on ice for up to 24 days (Veland et al. 1999).


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Using second-order autocorrelation conception, a novel method and instrument for accurately measuring interval between two linearly polarized ultrashort pulses with real time were presented. The experiment demonstrated that the measuring method and instrument were simple and accurate (the measurement error <5 fs). During measuring, there was no moving element resulting in dynamic measurement error.


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4 p.


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We know from the CMB and observations of large-scale structure that the universe is extremely flat, homogenous, and isotropic. The current favored mechanism for generating these characteristics is inflation, a theorized period of exponential expansion of the universe that occurred shortly after the Big Bang. Most theories of inflation generically predict a background of stochastic gravitational waves. These gravitational waves should leave their unique imprint on the polarization of the CMB via Thompson scattering. Scalar perturbations of the metric will cause a pattern of polarization with no curl (E-mode). Tensor perturbations (gravitational waves) will cause a unique pattern of polarization on the CMB that includes a curl component (B-mode). A measurement of the ratio of the tensor to scalar perturbations (r) tells us the energy scale of inflation. Recent measurements by the BICEP2 team detect the B-mode spectrum with a tensor-to-scalar ratio of r = 0.2 (+0.05, −0.07). An independent confirmation of this result is the next step towards understanding the inflationary universe.

This thesis describes my work on a balloon-borne polarimeter called SPIDER, which is designed to illuminate the physics of the early universe through measurements of the cosmic microwave background polarization. SPIDER consists of six single-frequency, on-axis refracting telescopes contained in a shared-vacuum liquid-helium cryostat. Its large format arrays of millimeter-wave detectors and tight control of systematics will give it unprecedented sensitivity. This thesis describes how the SPIDER detectors are characterized and calibrated for flight, as well as how the systematics requirements for the SPIDER system are simulated and measured.


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A substantial amount of important scientific information is contained within astronomical data at the submillimeter and far-infrared (FIR) wavelengths, including information regarding dusty galaxies, galaxy clusters, and star-forming regions; however, these wavelengths are among the least-explored fields in astronomy because of the technological difficulties involved in such research. Over the past 20 years, considerable efforts have been devoted to developing submillimeter- and millimeter-wavelength astronomical instruments and telescopes.

The number of detectors is an important property of such instruments and is the subject of the current study. Future telescopes will require as many as hundreds of thousands of detectors to meet the necessary requirements in terms of the field of view, scan speed, and resolution. A large pixel count is one benefit of the development of multiplexable detectors that use kinetic inductance detector (KID) technology.

This dissertation presents the development of a KID-based instrument including a portion of the millimeter-wave bandpass filters and all aspects of the readout electronics, which together enabled one of the largest detector counts achieved to date in submillimeter-/millimeter-wavelength imaging arrays: a total of 2304 detectors. The work presented in this dissertation has been implemented in the MUltiwavelength Submillimeter Inductance Camera (MUSIC), a new instrument for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO).


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The first part of this thesis combines Bolocam observations of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect at 140 GHz with X-ray observations from Chandra, strong lensing data from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and weak lensing data from HST and Subaru to constrain parametric models for the distribution of dark and baryonic matter in a sample of six massive, dynamically relaxed galaxy clusters. For five of the six clusters, the full multiwavelength dataset is well described by a relatively simple model that assumes spherical symmetry, hydrostatic equilibrium, and entirely thermal pressure support. The multiwavelength analysis yields considerably better constraints on the total mass and concentration compared to analysis of any one dataset individually. The subsample of five galaxy clusters is used to place an upper limit on the fraction of pressure support in the intracluster medium (ICM) due to nonthermal processes, such as turbulent and bulk flow of the gas. We constrain the nonthermal pressure fraction at r500c to be less than 0.11 at 95% confidence, where r500c refers to radius at which the average enclosed density is 500 times the critical density of the Universe. This is in tension with state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations, which predict a nonthermal pressure fraction of approximately 0.25 at r500c for the clusters in this sample.

The second part of this thesis focuses on the characterization of the Multiwavelength Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera (MUSIC), a photometric imaging camera that was commissioned at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) in 2012. MUSIC is designed to have a 14 arcminute, diffraction-limited field of view populated with 576 spatial pixels that are simultaneously sensitive to four bands at 150, 220, 290, and 350 GHz. It is well-suited for studies of dusty star forming galaxies, galaxy clusters via the SZ Effect, and galactic star formation. MUSIC employs a number of novel detector technologies: broadband phased-arrays of slot dipole antennas for beam formation, on-chip lumped element filters for band definition, and Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) for transduction of incoming light to electric signal. MKIDs are superconducting micro-resonators coupled to a feedline. Incoming light breaks apart Cooper pairs in the superconductor, causing a change in the quality factor and frequency of the resonator. This is read out as amplitude and phase modulation of a microwave probe signal centered on the resonant frequency. By tuning each resonator to a slightly different frequency and sending out a superposition of probe signals, hundreds of detectors can be read out on a single feedline. This natural capability for large scale, frequency domain multiplexing combined with relatively simple fabrication makes MKIDs a promising low temperature detector for future kilopixel sub/millimeter instruments. There is also considerable interest in using MKIDs for optical through near-infrared spectrophotometry due to their fast microsecond response time and modest energy resolution. In order to optimize the MKID design to obtain suitable performance for any particular application, it is critical to have a well-understood physical model for the detectors and the sources of noise to which they are susceptible. MUSIC has collected many hours of on-sky data with over 1000 MKIDs. This work studies the performance of the detectors in the context of one such physical model. Chapter 2 describes the theoretical model for the responsivity and noise of MKIDs. Chapter 3 outlines the set of measurements used to calibrate this model for the MUSIC detectors. Chapter 4 presents the resulting estimates of the spectral response, optical efficiency, and on-sky loading. The measured detector response to Uranus is compared to the calibrated model prediction in order to determine how well the model describes the propagation of signal through the full instrument. Chapter 5 examines the noise present in the detector timestreams during recent science observations. Noise due to fluctuations in atmospheric emission dominate at long timescales (less than 0.5 Hz). Fluctuations in the amplitude and phase of the microwave probe signal due to the readout electronics contribute significant 1/f and drift-type noise at shorter timescales. The atmospheric noise is removed by creating a template for the fluctuations in atmospheric emission from weighted averages of the detector timestreams. The electronics noise is removed by using probe signals centered off-resonance to construct templates for the amplitude and phase fluctuations. The algorithms that perform the atmospheric and electronic noise removal are described. After removal, we find good agreement between the observed residual noise and our expectation for intrinsic detector noise over a significant fraction of the signal bandwidth.


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A review article detailing the background, development and functionality of the Windermere Profiler, a multi parameter environmental monitoring instrument for use in lakes, reservoirs and rivers. The article explains the requirement for regular data collection by the Freshwater Biological Association at Windermere. The article covers the requirements of a profiling instrument, the design considerations, the electronic circuitry, the computer program, the operation of the computer software, the profiler in use and further developments to the design. A number of figures and images accompany the article.


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O objetivo desta dissertação é discutir o lugar que o fazer literário ocupa no processo de resistência à poderes hegemônicos. Como fontes primárias centrais, foram escolhidos o romance histórico The Farming of Bones (1998) e a narrativa autobiográfica Brother, Im Dying (2007), ambos escritos pela autora haitiana-americana Edwidge Danticat. Em The Farming of Bones, Danticat reconstrói ficcionalmente o trágico e obscuro episódio ocorrido em 1937 quando o então ditador da República Dominicana, Rafael Trujillo, ordenou o extermínio de todos os haitianos que residiam e trabalhavam em cidades dominicanas próximas à fronteira com o Haiti. O silêncio por parte dos governos de ambos os países em torno do massacre ainda perdura. A publicação do romance histórico de Danticat 61 anos após tal ato de terrorismo de Estado se torna, desta forma, exemplo de como o fazer literário e o fazer histórico podem fundir-se. Em Brother, Im Dying, Danticat narra a história da vida e da morte de suas duas figuras paternas, seu pai Andre (Mira) Dantica e seu tio Joseph Dantica (que a criou dos 4 aos 12 anos, no Haiti). Joseph, sobrevivente de um câncer de laringe, foi pastor batista e fundador de uma igreja e uma escola no Haiti. Morreu dois dias depois de pedir asilo político nos EUA e ser detido na prisão Krome, em Miami. Mira, que migrara no início da ditadura de François Duvalier para os EUA, onde trabalhou como taxista, morreu vítima de fibrose pulmonar poucos meses depois de seu irmão mais velho. Edwidge Danticat recebeu a notícia de que o quadro de seu pai era irreversível no mesmo dia em que descobriu que está grávida de sua primeira filha. Com uma escrita que abrange tanto a narrativa de si quanto a narrativa do outro, além das esferas públicas e privadas, Danticat cria em Brother, Im Dying um locus de fazer auto/biográfico que dialoga com questões de diáspora, identidade cultural e memória. Os ensaios publicados em Create Dangerously (2010) e as várias entrevistas concedidas por Danticat também reforçam meu argumento que Edwidge Danticat exerce seu papel de artista engajada através de seu fazer principalmente, mas não exclusivamente literário. Desta forma, a autora constrói uma possibilidade de resistência ao discurso hegemônico que opera tanto em seu país de origem quanto em seu país de residência.


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[eus] Lan honen xedea euskal musika-tresnen irakaskuntzan, batez ere musika eskoletan lantzen diren metodoak aztertzea izan da, gero eremu formalera eramateko. Horretarako, Bizkaian euskal musika-tresna herrikoien egoera zein den ezagutu eta aztertzen da. Ikerketa honen oinarria, egindako elkarrizketa kualitatiboak izan dira. Bertan, metodo etnografikoa eta autoetnografikoa erabiliak izan dira. Emaitzei erreparatuz, hezkuntza formalean euskal musika-instrumentuen presentzia nahiko eskasa da. Nahiz eta irakasleen formakuntzan ere gabeziak egon, musika eskolei esker, euskal musika-instrumentuak jotzen ikasteko eta musika herrikoiaz gozatzeko aukera zabala dago.


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o ponto de vista nativo do conceito de sonoridades que constituem os rituais de Umbanda em Corumbá, município situado no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Centro-Oeste brasileiro, pouco presente na literatura sobre o tema. Para a execução da pesquisa, foi utilizada a concepção de Seeger, na qual é preciso observar todo o contexto em que a manifestação musical ocorre, ou seja, o fato social musical total, com o intuito de compreender mais profundamente seus significados. Como metodologia, a pesquisa lançou mão da observação participante e entrevistas em profundidade com alguns dos importantes personagens inseridos no contexto umbandista local. O campo foi, igualmente, registrado por meio de fotografias, vídeos e gravações em áudio, a fim de viabilizar a criação de um acervo e, ainda, facilitar a transcrição e análise do material coletado e quiçá, viabilizar desdobramentos deste trabalho. Concluiu-se que a sua matéria-prima, as frequências sonoras, representam um instrumento ideal para a Umbanda, pelas seguintes razões: em primeiro lugar, as sonoridades, por sua natureza etérea, podem, assim como os orixás e as entidades espirituais, constituir vibrações invisíveis aos olhos dos leigos, mas não dos fiéis, que penetram os corpos e podem ser percebidos tanto no mundo espiritual quanto no mundo físico; em segundo lugar e, em decorrência do primeiro aspecto, é um perfeito meio para a comunicação tanto partindo do mundo espiritual em direção aos seus adeptos quanto vice-versa. É por meio das curimbas ou pontos que os orixás cantam as suas dijinas, ou seja, os seus nomes, realizando a continuidade de uma tradição ancestral. A pulsação promovida pelas vibrações sonoras traz consigo toda a simbologia cosmológica presente na Umbanda, revestida por um complexo e belo universo de narrativas, vestimentas, cores, cheiros, coreografias, afetos, intenções, realizações e afirmações identitárias dos componentes dos rituais vivenciados. Chegou-se, ainda, à conclusão de que podemos considerar o que os umbandistas da Tenda Nossa Senhora da Guia, principal grupo estudado, entendem por sonoridade, um fato social total, clássico conceito cunhado por Mauss. Estrategicamente e borrando as fronteiras entre resistência e comunhão com a comunidade maior em que está inserida na cidade, a Tenda aprofunda a cada dia as suas raízes, fincadas por Maria Theodora Gonçalves de Paula nos idos de 1920, ainda escrava. Apesar de ter findado oficialmente em 1888, a escravidão permaneceu nos rincões do País que resistia às mudanças sociais, econômicas e políticas que ocorriam em território nacional. A Tenda, hoje, é uma instituição que estabelece importantes trocas simbólicas, econômicas, políticas, sociais, culturais e espirituais, a partir de um território quilombola reconhecido pela Fundação Palmares e na esfera religiosa, pela a Federação dos Cultos Afro-Brasileiros e Ameríndios de Mato Grosso do Sul (FECAMS)


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An experiment was carried out to investigate the influence of music on the growth of Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio) by subjecting the fish to music. Weekly growth in weight was recorded and used to calculate the growth rate and specific growth rate. The difference in growth between the control and experiment groups of fishes was statistically tested for significance. It was observed that the growth of fish subjected to music was significantly higher.