990 resultados para Joachim
Complete genome sequences were determined for two distinct strains of slow bee paralysis virus (SBPV) of honeybees (Apis mellifera). The SBPV genome is approximately 9 5 kb long and contains a single ORF flanked by 5'- and 3'-UTRs and a naturally polyadenylated 3' tail, with a genome organization typical of members of the family Iflaviridae The two strains, labelled `Rothamsted' and 'Harpenden', are 83% identical at the nucleotide level (94% identical at the amino acid level), although this variation is distributed unevenly over the genome. The two strains were found to co-exist at different proportions in two independently propagated SBPV preparations The natural prevalence of SBPV for 847 colonies in 162 apiaries across five European countries was <2%, with positive samples found only in England and Switzerland, in colonies with variable degrees of Varroa infestation
Despite the use of actigraphy in depression research, the association of depression ratings and quantitative motor activity remains controversial. In addition, the impact of recurring episodes on motor activity is uncertain. In 76 medicated inpatients with major depression (27 with a first episode, 49 with recurrent episodes), continuous wrist actigraphy for 24h and scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) were obtained. In addition, 10 subjects of the sample wore the actigraph over a period of 5 days, in order to assess the reliability of a 1-day measurement. Activity levels were stable over 5 consecutive days. Actigraphic parameters did not differ between patients with a first or a recurrent episode, and quantitative motor activity failed to correlate with the HAMD total score. However, of the motor-related single items of the HAMD, the item activities was associated with motor activity parameters, while the items agitation and retardation were not. Actigraphy is consistent with clinical observation for the item activities. Expert raters may not correctly rate the motor aspects of retardation and agitation in major depression.
BACKGROUND: To develop risk-adapted prevention of psychosis, an accurate estimation of the individual risk of psychosis at a given time is needed. Inclusion of biological parameters into multilevel prediction models is thought to improve predictive accuracy of models on the basis of clinical variables. To this aim, mismatch negativity (MMN) was investigated in a sample clinically at high risk, comparing individuals with and without subsequent conversion to psychosis. METHODS: At baseline, an auditory oddball paradigm was used in 62 subjects meeting criteria of a late risk at-state who remained antipsychotic-naive throughout the study. Median follow-up period was 32 months (minimum of 24 months in nonconverters, n = 37). Repeated-measures analysis of covariance was employed to analyze the MMN recorded at frontocentral electrodes; additional comparisons with healthy controls (HC, n = 67) and first-episode schizophrenia patients (FES, n = 33) were performed. Predictive value was evaluated by a Cox regression model. RESULTS: Compared with nonconverters, duration MMN in converters (n = 25) showed significantly reduced amplitudes across the six frontocentral electrodes; the same applied in comparison with HC, but not FES, whereas the duration MMN in in nonconverters was comparable to HC and larger than in FES. A prognostic score was calculated based on a Cox regression model and stratified into two risk classes, which showed significantly different survival curves. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate the duration MMN is significantly reduced in at-risk subjects converting to first-episode psychosis compared with nonconverters and may contribute not only to the prediction of conversion but also to a more individualized risk estimation and thus risk-adapted prevention.
In modern medicine, vigorous efforts are being made in the prediction and prevention of diseases. Mental disorders are suitable candidates for the application of this program. The currently known neurobiological and psychosocial risk indicators for schizophrenia do not have a predictive power sufficient for selective prevention in asymptomatic patients at risk. However, once predictive basic and later pre-psychotic high risk symptoms of psychosis develop into the five-year initial prodrome, the impending outbreak of the disease can be predicted with high accuracy. Research findings suggest a differential strategy of indicated prevention with cognitive behavioral therapy in early initial prodromal states and low dosage atypical antipsychotics in late initial prodromal states. The most important future tasks are the improvement of the predictive power by risk enrichment and stratification, as well as the confirmation of the existing and the development of new prevention strategies, with a stronger focus on the etiology of the disorder. In addition, the prediction and prevention approach would benefit from the inclusion of risk symptoms in the DSM-5 criteria.
O Instrumento de Propensão a Esquizofrenia tem suas origens no conceito de sintoma básico descrito primeiramente por Gerd Huber. Sintomas básicos são distúrbios sub-clínicos sutis auto-experimentados da motivação, da tolerância ao estresse, do afeto, do pensamento, do discurso, da ação motora e da percepção, os quais são claramente distintos fenomenologicamente dos sintomas psicóticos. Eles podem estar presentes antes do primeiro episódio psicótico, entre e após episódios psicóticos, e mesmo durante os próprios episódios psicóticos. Pensava-se que eles eram a mais imediata expressão psicopatológica da alteração somática por trás do desenvolvimento da psicose – assim o termo “básico”. Sintomas básicos são fenomenologicamente diferentes dos estados mentais conhecidos pelo paciente/sujeito do que ele/ela considera seu eu “normal” e assim são claramente distinguíveis dos distúrbios sutis descritos como traços naqueles com alto risco genético. Além disso, sintomas básicos são claramente distintos fenomenologicamente dos sintomas psicóticos atenuados ou francos - empregados no critério de “risco-ultra-alto” (Ultra High Risk − UHR) para risco iminente de um primeiro episódio psicótico – já que não são necessariamente observáveis por outros, como pensamento e discurso estranhos, sintomas negativos e alteração formal do pensamento. Eles são considerados como sendo desenvolvidos no próprio sujeito, contrariamente aos distúrbios de percepção esquizotípicos e alucinações, e não afetam primariamente o conteúdo do pensamento como o fazem o pensamento mágico, as idéias de referência, a ideação paranóide e os delírios.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) for cutaneous malignancies usually carried out with radioactive nanocolloids (Tc-99m). The SLNE is controversially discussed internationally. This is especially given to the high false-negative rate up to 44 %. An alternative could be the fluorescent dye indocyanine green (ICG).