989 resultados para Jalas, Jaakko: Atlas Florae Europaeae
A área do Pontal do Paranapanema está localizada no Extremo Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, na região sudeste do Brasil, em uma posição estratégica considerando tanto sua proximidade com os Estados de Mato Grosso do Sul e Paraná quanto o advento do Mercosul - o mercado comum do Cone Sul. No Estado de São Paulo há três áreas muito carentes, uma das quais é o Pontal do Paranapanema, onde têm havido muitos conflitos sociais relativos à posse e propriedade da terra, envolvendo disputas entre o Estado e os latifundiários. Nos últimos anos os trabalhadores rurais têm realizado ocupações nesta região e reivindicado terras - eles criaram um grupo denominado MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra), que tem ganhado popularidade e apoio de vários segmentos da comunidade, estando diariamente na mídia (jornais, TV etc). A comunidade acadêmica tem estado consciente e preocupada com esta situação e, portanto, tem desenvolvido estudos e pesquisas sobre o assunto, tanto individualmente quanto através de grupos de pesquisa. Uma das mais importantes Universidades Brasileiras é a Universidade Estadual Paulista (unesp), que tem um de seus campus localizado no município de Presidente Prudente (o qual está localizado no Pontal do Paranapanema). Desde a década de 1960 diversos pesquisadores têm desenvolvido pesquisas técnico-científicas almejando produzir um Atlas do Pontal do Paranapanema em formato convencional. O principal objetivo seria o de reunir, através de mapas topográficos e temáticos, todas as informações geográficas sobre o Pontal do Paranapanema, a fim de servir de base para projetos e planejamentos governamentais (municipais ou estaduais), bem como para o setor privado. O Atlas seria também um produto de informação sobre os recursos naturais e as condições sócio-econômicas desta área, sendo voltado para estudos acadêmico...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Cartografia temática do atlas de sensibilidade ambiental a derramamentos de óleo do litoral paulista
The objective of this paper is the elaboration and implementation of procedures in a cartographic representation related by fundamental of thematic cartography and graphic semiology for the standardization of the Environmental Oil Spill Sensitivity Maps supported by a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for handling and modeling of a large number of variables. These make up the Environmental Sensitivity Atlas to Oil Spills in Coastal Paulista, and that represents the phenomena that occur in geographic space accurately so as to highlight the importance of each element in the evaluation and protection of areas of greater sensitivity oil. The composition of the cartographic documents considers the Littoral Sensitivity Index (LSI), biological resources and the resources for human use that could be negatively impacted. Thus, the information contained in each map was carefully evaluated before implementation, so that the cartographic representations of various resources, environments, and other ISLs, the reader should issue an immediate message that could be understood clearly, without requiring prior knowledge of specialized. Another aspect was the distribution harmoniously all the elements contained in the document, so that information could be enough without overwhelming it. It was also taken a certain care, so each symbol could be used properly in order that there is no conflict in the information.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This monograph is part of the works developed in the Scientific Initiation aimed at updating and improving the Atlas of Brazilian Agrarian Question - AQAB. For pioneering and scope of work-matrix, the objective this first part focused on the development of issues related to agricultural production, being drawn maps with data from the Municipal Agricultural Production-PAM 2012; Municipal Livestock Research-PPM 2012; Production of Vegetable Extraction and Forestry-2012, all analyzed from bibliographic review and joint interpretation of tables and graphs. Pari passu, this topic allowed the development of studies on peasant farms, because they are correlated subjects. Peasant farmers produce large portion of the food served to the population. Its features are its mode of production in the field, the way in which the activities take place within the family, the struggle for their social reproduction and by the earth, the practice of polyculture, preservation of the environment and the genetic diversity of species. The surplus production is sold on the market to meet other family demands unmet by production on their properties. We understand that both terms; Peasant or Farmer, refer to the same subject, but with different interpretations of their way of social reproduction and market relations...
This monograph is part of the works developed in the Scientific Initiation aimed at updating and improving the Atlas of Brazilian Agrarian Question - AQAB. For pioneering and scope of work-matrix, the objective this first part focused on the development of issues related to agricultural production, being drawn maps with data from the Municipal Agricultural Production-PAM 2012; Municipal Livestock Research-PPM 2012; Production of Vegetable Extraction and Forestry-2012, all analyzed from bibliographic review and joint interpretation of tables and graphs. Pari passu, this topic allowed the development of studies on peasant farms, because they are correlated subjects. Peasant farmers produce large portion of the food served to the population. Its features are its mode of production in the field, the way in which the activities take place within the family, the struggle for their social reproduction and by the earth, the practice of polyculture, preservation of the environment and the genetic diversity of species. The surplus production is sold on the market to meet other family demands unmet by production on their properties. We understand that both terms; Peasant or Farmer, refer to the same subject, but with different interpretations of their way of social reproduction and market relations...
Supervisão da revisão do livro.
[ES] El presente artículo reflexiona acerca de la importancia de la cartografía como herramienta imprescindible de conocimiento geográfico y acerca de la superación de dificultades que entrañan retos como el de la realización de un atlas sobre el estado actual del continente africano.
This thesis is about three major aspects of the identification of top quarks. First comes the understanding of their production mechanism, their decay channels and how to translate theoretical formulae into programs that can simulate such physical processes using Monte Carlo techniques. In particular, the author has been involved in the introduction of the POWHEG generator in the framework of the ATLAS experiment. POWHEG is now fully used as the benchmark program for the simulation of ttbar pairs production and decay, along with MC@NLO and AcerMC: this will be shown in chapter one. The second chapter illustrates the ATLAS detectors and its sub-units, such as calorimeters and muon chambers. It is very important to evaluate their efficiency in order to fully understand what happens during the passage of radiation through the detector and to use this knowledge in the calculation of final quantities such as the ttbar production cross section. The last part of this thesis concerns the evaluation of this quantity deploying the so-called "golden channel" of ttbar decays, yielding one energetic charged lepton, four particle jets and a relevant quantity of missing transverse energy due to the neutrino. The most important systematic errors arising from the various part of the calculation are studied in detail. Jet energy scale, trigger efficiency, Monte Carlo models, reconstruction algorithms and luminosity measurement are examples of what can contribute to the uncertainty about the cross-section.
La misura della luminosità è un obiettivo importante per tutta la fisica del modello standard e per la scoperta di nuova fisica, poiché è legata alla sezione d'urto (σ) e al rate di produzione (R) di un determinato processo dalla relazione L = R*σ. Nell'eserimento ATLAS a LHC è installato un monitor di luminosità dedicato chiamato LUCID (Luminosity measurements Using Cherenkov Integrating Detector). Grazie ai dati acquisiti durante il 2010 la valutazione off-line delle performances del LUCID e l'implementazione di controlli on-line sulla qualità dei dati raccolti è stata possibile. I dati reali sono stati confrontati con i dati Monte Carlo e le simulazioni sono state opportunamente aggiustate per ottimizzare l'accordo tra i due. La calibrazione della luminosità relativa che permette di ottenere una valutazione della luminosità assoluta è stata possibile grazie ai cosiddetti Van der Meer scan, grazie ai quale è stata ottenuta una precisione dell'11%. L'analisi della fisica del decadimento della Z è in tuttora in corso per ottenere tramite il rate a cui avviene il processo una normalizzazione della luminosità con una precisione migliore del 5%.
The Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) of the ATLAS experiment at CERN is placed in the TAN of the LHC collider, covering the pseudorapidity region higher than 8.3. It is composed by 2 calorimeters, each one longitudinally segmented in 4 modules, located at 140 m from the IP exactly on the beam axis. The ZDC can detect neutral particles during pp collisions and it is a tool for diffractive physics. Here we present results on the forward photon energy distribution obtained using p-p collision data at sqrt{s} = 7 TeV. First the pi0 reconstruction will be used for the detector calibration with photons, then we will show results on the forward photon energy distribution in p-p collisions and the same distribution, but obtained using MC generators. Finally a comparison between data and MC will be shown.