997 resultados para Itihasbodh Ka Vishleshan


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Understanding the response of the Antarctic ice sheets during the rapid climatic change that accompanied the last deglaciation has implications for establishing the susceptibility of these regions to future 21st Century warming. A unique diatom d18O record derived from a high-resolution deglacial seasonally laminated core section off the west Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is presented here. By extracting and analysing single species samples from individual laminae, season-specific isotope records were separately generated to show changes in glacial discharge to the coastal margin during spring and summer months. As well as documenting significant intra-annual seasonal variability during the deglaciation, with increased discharge occurring in summer relative to spring, further intra-seasonal variations are apparent between individual taxa linked to the environment that individual diatom species live in. Whilst deglacial d18O are typically lower than those for the Holocene, indicating glacial discharge to the core site peaked at this time, inter-annual and inter-seasonal alternations in excess of 3 per mil suggest significant variability in the magnitude of these inputs. These deglacial variations in glacial discharge are considerably greater than those seen in the modern day water column and would have altered both the supply of oceanic warmth to the WAP as well as regional marine/atmospheric interactions. In constraining changes in glacial discharge over the last deglaciation, the records provide a future framework for investigating links between annually resolved records of glacial dynamics and ocean/climate variability along the WAP.


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Työn tavoite on selvittää erilaisia käyttöpääoman ennustusmalleja, jotka pohjautuvat kysyntäennusteeseen. Tavoitteena on esittää malleja niin pitkän kuin lyhyenkin aikavälin ennustamiseen. Pitkällä aikavälillä mallien on tarkoitus ennustaa yrityksissä sitoutuvan käyttöpääoman kokonaistarvetta, kun taas lyhyen aikavälin malleilla pureudutaan käyttöpääomaerien (lopputuotevarasto ja myyntisaamiset) ennustamiseen tuotekohtaisesti. Työssä pyritään myös vastaamaan, miksi käyttöpääomaa kannattaa ennustaa ja miten sen hallintaa voidaan tehostaa. Työ on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena, mitä on elävöitetty laskuesimerkein. Laskuesimerkkien tarkoitus on antaa lukijalle kuva käyttöpääoman ennustamisen todellisista mahdollisuuksista, jotta työ ei jäisi pelkäksi sanahelinäksi. Työssä esitetyt ennustusmallit on valittu matemaattisen yksinkertaisuutensa ehdolla, jotta niiden käyttäminen yritysmaailmassa olisi mahdollista. Käyttöpääomatarpeen ennustamisen suurimpana haasteena voidaan pitää kysyntäennusteen luotettavuutta. Vuositasolla käyttöpääomatarpeen keskimääräinen osuus suhteessa liikevaihtoon on helpohko ennustaa liiketoiminnan pysyessä melko vakiona. Tarve voi kuitenkin vaihdella hyvin paljon kysynnän vaihdellessa kuukausi-, viikko- ja päivätasolla. Jos kysyntäennustetta saadaan tarkennettua, lopputuotevaraston kokoa ja siihen sitoutuvaa käyttöpääomaa on mahdollista pienentää, koska varmuusvaraston määrittelyssä käytettävä hajonta pienenee. Myyntisaamisten osalta lähitulevaisuudessa sitoutuvaan käyttöpääomaan vaikuttaa eniten asiakaskohtainen maksukäyttäytyminen, koska myyntisaamisiin vaikuttava kysyntä on suurimmalta osaltaan jo toteutunut.


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Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Biotechnologii


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The article is devoted to the social functions of soccer in Brazilian society. The first section analyses the elitist and working class origin of soccer in Brazil. Next, the author attempts to describe the role of soccer in advancing social mobility of people from the working class. In the third, most important section the role of soccer in creation of the Brazilian national identity is considered. Here, the concept of a “tropical hybrid” as well as the ideology of mulattism is presented together with a detailed analysis of the Brazilian soccer style as an expression of the Afro-Brazilian, genetically determined talent.


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337 p.


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Cover contains Tersalin dari Boekoenja - Njonja Barones de Orsy.


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No Centro-Sul do estado do Paraná, (segundo planalto paranaense) foram identificados depósitos quaternários em encosta denominada Monjolo. Esta encosta se estende longitudinalmente, por aproximadamente 586,79 m e possui perfil convexo-retilíneo, passando a côncavo-retilíneo da média para a baixa encosta. Neste setor da encosta há incisão (voçoroca) que expôs parte do corpo pedológico e sedimentar. Nas paredes expostas pela erosão foi possível identificar três níveis de paleossolos soterrados por aproximadamente 1,80 m de sedimentos e solo. A partir deste afloramento foi construída seção sistemática para identificar e individualizar paleossolos e unidades pedossedimentares presentes no afloramento. O objetivo do trabalho é caracterizar e identificar os paleossolos para se compreender a evolução geomorfológica quaternária da encosta estudada. Os resultados combinados de granulometria, topografia, descrições macro e mesoscópicas bem como datação por C14 demonstram que o paleossolo tem mais de 44 Ky.


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Absolute dating methods have been used in chronological studies of geological processes and sedimentary units of Quaternary age in Central Amazonia, Brazil. Although radiocarbon dating has been very useful in archaeological research and soil studies, the temporal interval of this method is inefficient in evaluating the sedimentation aspects and geological events from the beginning of the Quaternary in the Amazon basin. The use of crystal luminescence dating has been one of the most promising tool for determining the absolute dating of Quaternary deposits in the Amazonian region. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, following the MAR and SAR protocols, in a tectonic-sedimentary study of Quaternary fluvial deposits in the confluence area of the Negro and Solimões rivers, indicated ages from 1.3 (Holocene) to about 67.4 kyears (Late Pleistocene) for these sediments. Low radioactive isotope concentrations were found about 2ppm for 235U and 238U; 5ppm for 232Th; and the 40K concentrations were almost zero. A comparison was made between MAR and SAR protocols taking into account the fluvial depositional process.


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This study was carried out in a continental Atlantic Forest located in the southern region of Sao Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. The aim of the study was to evaluate the vegetation dynamics in similar to 70 km forest ecosystem transect that occurred during the late Pleistocene and Holocene in this region, using the stable carbon isotopes (delta C-13) analysis on soil organic matter (SOM) and the C-14 dating of buried charcoal fragments and the humin fraction of SOM. The isotope data (delta C-13) of SOM in the deeper horizons, indicating the presence of more open vegetation than the present, with a probable mixture of C-3 and C-4 plants, suggesting the presence of a drier climate in the period of similar to 20 ka to similar to 16-14 ka BP. From similar to 16 to 14 ka BP to the present, a significant predominance Of C3 plants was observed, indicating an expansion of the forest, probably associated with the presence of a more humid climate than the previous period. The results indicated the presence of open vegetation during the late glacial, probably associated with a drier period, also observed in other regions of Brazil. The Atlantic Forest ecosystem seems to have developed at least since the early Holocene in Southeastern Brazil. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.