794 resultados para International Society for Folk Narrative Research, ISFNR


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There is growing interest in understanding the role of the non-injured contra-lateral hemisphere in stroke recovery. In the experimental field, histological evidence has been reported that structural changes occur in the contra-lateral connectivity and circuits during stroke recovery. In humans, some recent imaging studies indicated that contra-lateral sub-cortical pathways and functional and structural cortical networks are remodeling, after stroke. Structural changes in the contra-lateral networks, however, have never been correlated to clinical recovery in patients. To determine the importance of the contra-lateral structural changes in post-stroke recovery, we selected a population of patients with motor deficits after stroke affecting the motor cortex and/or sub-cortical motor white matter. We explored i) the presence of Generalized Fractional Anisotropy (GFA) changes indicating structural alterations in the motor network of patientsâeuro? contra-lateral hemisphere as well as their longitudinal evolution ii) the correlation of GFA changes with patientsâeuro? clinical scores, stroke size and demographics data iii) and a predictive model.


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En los últimos tiempos, parece estar ya fuera de toda duda la complejidad de la situación en la que se halla la institución universitaria. Con el objeto de responder adecuadamente a los desafíos que le presenta la sociedad del conocimiento, la universidad debe concluir una reforma iniciada hace algunas décadas; un cambio estructural profundo del que el proceso de Bolonia es sólo una de las facetas, si bien quizá la más llamativa. La creciente aceleración del cambio, que sí constituye un fenómeno más reciente, ha subrayado todavía más si cabe la necesidad y la urgencia del proceso, y confiere sentido a trabajos como el presente. Este artículo pretende contribuir al esclarecimiento de la reforma destacando algunos de los aspectos principales de su vertiente económica, tal y como ésta se presenta a escala europea. Además, y para compensar la más amplia divulgación del proceso de Bolonia, se ha considerado en particular las características de tal reforma en el modelo de investigación universitaria.


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Higher risk for long-term behavioral and emotional sequelae, with attentional problems (with or without hyperactivity) is now becoming one of the hallmarks of extreme premature (EP) birth and birth after pregancy conditions leading to poor intra uterine growth restriction (IUGR) [1,2]. However, little is know so far about the neurostructural basis of these complexe brain functional abnormalities that seem to have their origins in early critical periods of brain development. The development of cortical axonal pathways happens in a series of sequential events. The preterm phase (24-36 post conecptional weeks PCW) is known for being crucial for growth of the thalamocortical fiber bundles as well as for the development of long projectional, commisural and projectional fibers [3]. Is it logical to expect, thus, that being exposed to altered intrauterine environment (altered nutrition) or to extrauterine environment earlier that expected, lead to alterations in the structural organization and, consequently, alter the underlying white matter (WM) structure. Understanding rate and variability of normal brain development, and detect differences from typical development may offer insight into the neurodevelopmental anomalies that can be imaged at later stages. Due to its unique ability to non-invasively visualize and quantify in vivo white matter tracts in the brain, in this study we used diffusion MRI (dMRI) tractography to derive brain graphs [4,5,6]. This relatively simple way of modeling the brain enable us to use graph theory to study topological properties of brain graphs in order to study the effects of EP and IUGR on childrens brain connectivity at age 6 years old.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of introducing clinical practice guidelines on acute coronary syndrome without persistent ST segment elevation (ACS) on patient initial assessment. DESIGN: Prospective before-after evaluation over a 3-month period. SETTING: The emergency ward of a tertiary teaching hospital. PATIENTS: All consecutive patients with ACS evaluated in the emergency ward over the two 3-month periods. INTERVENTION: Implementation of the practice guidelines, and the addition of a cardiology consultant to the emergency team. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Diagnosis, electrocardiogram interpretation, and risk stratification after the initial evaluation. RESULTS: The clinical characteristics of the 328 and 364 patients evaluated in the emergency ward for suspicion of ACS before and after guideline implementation were similar. Significantly more patients were classified as suffering from atypical chest pain (39.6% versus 47.0%; P = 0.006) after guideline implementation. Guidelines availability was associated with significantly more formal diagnoses (79.9% versus 92.9%; P < 0.0001) and risk stratification (53.7% versus 65.4%, P < 0.0001) at the end of initial assessment. CONCLUSION: Guidelines implementation, along with availability of a cardiology consultant in the emergency room had a positive impact on initial assessment of patients evaluated for suspicion of ACS. It led to increased confidence in diagnosis and stratification by risk, which are the first steps in initiating effective treatment for this common condition.


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Ethmoidal regions weer prepared and dissected to demonstrate regional sinus anatomy and endoscopic surgery approaches from six human heads. After perparation, the specimens were plastinated using the standard S10 technique. A CT-scan of each ethmoidal block was performed before and after preparation of the block to access shrinkage. The plastinated specimens were successfully introduced into clinical teaching of sinus anatomy and surgery. One advantage of using these specimens is their long-lasting preservation without deterioration of the tissue. The specimens were well suited for comparative radiographic and ondoscopic studies, and the CT-scans allowed an exact measurement of tissue shrinkage due to plastination. Increaseed tissue rigidity and shrionkage due to plastination has to be taken into account for subsequent endoscopic observation.


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Purpose: The HR-NBL1 trial of the European SIOP Neuroblastoma Group randomised 2 MAT regimens to demonstrate superiority based on event free survival (EFS).Method: Response eligibility criteria prior to randomisation after Rapid COJEC Induction (J Clin Oncol, 2010) 3 4 2 courses of TVD (Cancer, 2003) included complete bone marrow remission andA ^ 3, but improved, mIBG positive spots. The MAT regimens were BuMel (oral busulfan till 2006, 4_150 mg/m2 in 4 equal doses, or after 2006 intravenous use according to body weight and melphalan 140 mg/m__/day) and CEM (carboplatin ctn. infusion (4xAUC 4.1 mg/ml.min/day), etoposide ctn. infusion (4_338 mg/m__day or 4_200 mg/m__/ day*), melphalan (3_70 mg/m__/day or 3_60 mg/m__/day*. *reduced if GFR<100 ml/ min/1.73m__)). A minimum of 3_10E6 CD34/kgBW PBSC were requested. VOD prophylaxis included ursadiol, but not prophylactic defibrotide. Local control included surgery and radiotherapy of 21 Gy. A total of 598 high risk neuroblastoma patients were randomised (296 BuMel, 302 CEM). The median age at randomisation was 3 years (1-17.2).Results: A significant difference in EFS in favour of BuMel (3-years EFS 49% vs. 33%) was observed as well as for overall survival (3-years OS 60% vs. 48%, p¼0.004) with a median follow up of 3 years. This difference was mainly related to the relapse and progression incidence, which was significantly (p<0.001) lower with BuMel (48% vs. 60%). The severe toxicity rate up to day 100 (ICU and toxic deaths) was below 10%, but was significantly higher for CEM (p¼0.014). The acute toxic death rate was 3% for BuMel and 5% for CEM (NS). The acute MAT toxicity profile favours the BuMel regimen in spite of a total VOD incidence of 18% (grade 3:5%). Based on these results and following advice from the DMC, the randomisation was closed early.


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BACKGROUND: Hypercalcaemia has been shown to occur in about 20% of patients with major burns requiring prolonged intensive care unit (ICU) treatment, and it may be associated with renal failure. Having observed the early onset of hypercalcaemia, the study aimed to determine the frequency and timing of this condition in a European patient cohort. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study on a prospectively collected, computerised database of the 225 burn-injury ICU admissions between 2001 and 2007 was undertaken. The inclusion criteria included: burns &gt;20% of the body surface area (BSA) or in-hospital stay &gt;20 days. Hypercalcaemia was defined as an ionised plasma calcium (Ca(2+)) concentration &gt;1.32 mmol l(-1) (or total corrected calcium=[Ca]c&gt;2.55 mmol l(-1)). Four emblematic cases are reported in this article. RESULTS: A total of 73 patients met the inclusion criteria (age: 13-88 years, burns: 12-85% BSA): of these, 22 (30%) developed hypercalcaemia. The median time to the first hypercalcaemia value was 21 days. Only 11 patients had both high Ca(2+) and elevated [Ca]c (which remained normal in others). The risk factors of the disorder were burned surface (p=0.017) and immobilisation (fluidised bed use: p&lt;0.05, duration: p=0.02) followed by burned BSA. Acute renal failure tended to be more frequent in hypercalcaemic patients (five (23%) vs. three (6%): p=0.11), while mortality was not increased. The disorder resolved with hydration and mobilisation in most cases: pamidronate was successful in three cases that were most severe. CONCLUSION: Hypercalcaemia and associated acute renal failure occur more frequently and earlier than previously reported. Determining the ionised Ca rather than the total Ca with albumin correction enables earlier detection of hypercalcaemia. Bisphosphonates are an effective treatment option in controlling severe hypercalcaemia and preventing bone loss.


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Background: Detection rates for adenoma and early colorectal cancer (CRC) are unsatisfactory due to low compliance towards invasive screening procedures such as colonoscopy. There is a large unmet screening need calling for an accurate, non-invasive and cost-effective test to screen for early neoplastic and pre-neoplastic lesions. Our goal is to identify effective biomarker combinations to develop a screening test aimed at detecting precancerous lesions and early CRC stages, based on a multigene assay performed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC).Methods: A pilot study was conducted on 92 subjects. Colonoscopy revealed 21 CRC, 30 adenomas larger than 1 cm and 41 healthy controls. A panel of 103 biomarkers was selected by two approaches: a candidate gene approach based on literature review and whole transcriptome analysis of a subset of this cohort by Illumina TAG profiling. Blood samples were taken from each patient and PBMC purified. Total RNA was extracted and the 103 biomarkers were tested by multiplex RT-qPCR on the cohort. Different univariate and multivariate statistical methods were applied on the PCR data and 60 biomarkers, with significant p-value (< 0.01) for most of the methods, were selected.Results: The 60 biomarkers are involved in several different biological functions, such as cell adhesion, cell motility, cell signaling, cell proliferation, development and cancer. Two distinct molecular signatures derived from the biomarker combinations were established based on penalized logistic regression to separate patients without lesion from those with CRC or adenoma. These signatures were validated using bootstrapping method, leading to a separation of patients without lesion from those with CRC (Se 67%, Sp 93%, AUC 0.87) and from those with adenoma larger than 1cm (Se 63%, Sp 83%, AUC 0.77). In addition, the organ and disease specificity of these signatures was confirmed by means of patients with other cancer types and inflammatory bowel diseases.Conclusions: The two defined biomarker combinations effectively detect the presence of CRC and adenomas larger than 1 cm with high sensitivity and specificity. A prospective, multicentric, pivotal study is underway in order to validate these results in a larger cohort.