897 resultados para Interest rate futures market


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For fiscal year 2016-2017 (July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017), Budget Provisos 93.7 and 117.86 direct the Revenue Department to reduce the rate of interest paid on eligible refunds by a total of three percentage points. The interest rate to be applied to underpayments and overpayments of taxes is listed.


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This Ph.D. thesis contains 4 essays in mathematical finance with a focus on pricing Asian option (Chapter 4), pricing futures and futures option (Chapter 5 and Chapter 6) and time dependent volatility in futures option (Chapter 7). In Chapter 4, the applicability of the Albrecher et al.(2005)'s comonotonicity approach was investigated in the context of various benchmark models for equities and com- modities. Instead of classical Levy models as in Albrecher et al.(2005), the focus is the Heston stochastic volatility model, the constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model and the Schwartz (1997) two-factor model. It is shown that the method delivers rather tight upper bounds for the prices of Asian Options in these models and as a by-product delivers super-hedging strategies which can be easily implemented. In Chapter 5, two types of three-factor models were studied to give the value of com- modities futures contracts, which allow volatility to be stochastic. Both these two models have closed-form solutions for futures contracts price. However, it is shown that Model 2 is better than Model 1 theoretically and also performs very well empiri- cally. Moreover, Model 2 can easily be implemented in practice. In comparison to the Schwartz (1997) two-factor model, it is shown that Model 2 has its unique advantages; hence, it is also a good choice to price the value of commodity futures contracts. Fur- thermore, if these two models are used at the same time, a more accurate price for commodity futures contracts can be obtained in most situations. In Chapter 6, the applicability of the asymptotic approach developed in Fouque et al.(2000b) was investigated for pricing commodity futures options in a Schwartz (1997) multi-factor model, featuring both stochastic convenience yield and stochastic volatility. It is shown that the zero-order term in the expansion coincides with the Schwartz (1997) two-factor term, with averaged volatility, and an explicit expression for the first-order correction term is provided. With empirical data from the natural gas futures market, it is also demonstrated that a significantly better calibration can be achieved by using the correction term as compared to the standard Schwartz (1997) two-factor expression, at virtually no extra effort. In Chapter 7, a new pricing formula is derived for futures options in the Schwartz (1997) two-factor model with time dependent spot volatility. The pricing formula can also be used to find the result of the time dependent spot volatility with futures options prices in the market. Furthermore, the limitations of the method that is used to find the time dependent spot volatility will be explained, and it is also shown how to make sure of its accuracy.


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El mercado de derivados es un determinante del desarrollo y madurez de los mercados de capitales en el mundo -- Aunque muchos asocian la palabra “derivados” con alto riesgo, la realidad es que estos pueden ser utilizados como herramienta de cobertura, especulación y arbitraje, por lo que se puede decir que estos, en especial los derivados estandarizados, juegan un papel importante dentro de la gestión de riesgos de los portafolios de inversión -- De ahí la importancia de brindarles a los agentes una herramienta por medio de la cual conozcan sus ventajas y utilidad en especial para el mercado de TES tasa fija en Colombia, el cual ha venido funcionando desde el año 2008 con un crecimiento lento, baja liquidez y profundidad, lo que ha generado poco interés por parte de los agentes debido a varios factores en los cuales no se ha trabajado a profundidad -- A partir de esta problemática, se presenta el desarrollo de los futuros de TES tasa fija en el mercado de capitales colombiano y se plantean las soluciones encaminadas al desarrollo del mismo observando la experiencia en el mercado mexicano, que ha servido de modelo para su implementación en Colombia, y la utilidad que tienen como herramienta de cobertura para la gestión de riesgos de portafolios de inversión


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Cette thèse développe des méthodes bootstrap pour les modèles à facteurs qui sont couram- ment utilisés pour générer des prévisions depuis l'article pionnier de Stock et Watson (2002) sur les indices de diffusion. Ces modèles tolèrent l'inclusion d'un grand nombre de variables macroéconomiques et financières comme prédicteurs, une caractéristique utile pour inclure di- verses informations disponibles aux agents économiques. Ma thèse propose donc des outils éco- nométriques qui améliorent l'inférence dans les modèles à facteurs utilisant des facteurs latents extraits d'un large panel de prédicteurs observés. Il est subdivisé en trois chapitres complémen- taires dont les deux premiers en collaboration avec Sílvia Gonçalves et Benoit Perron. Dans le premier article, nous étudions comment les méthodes bootstrap peuvent être utilisées pour faire de l'inférence dans les modèles de prévision pour un horizon de h périodes dans le futur. Pour ce faire, il examine l'inférence bootstrap dans un contexte de régression augmentée de facteurs où les erreurs pourraient être autocorrélées. Il généralise les résultats de Gonçalves et Perron (2014) et propose puis justifie deux approches basées sur les résidus : le block wild bootstrap et le dependent wild bootstrap. Nos simulations montrent une amélioration des taux de couverture des intervalles de confiance des coefficients estimés en utilisant ces approches comparativement à la théorie asymptotique et au wild bootstrap en présence de corrélation sérielle dans les erreurs de régression. Le deuxième chapitre propose des méthodes bootstrap pour la construction des intervalles de prévision permettant de relâcher l'hypothèse de normalité des innovations. Nous y propo- sons des intervalles de prédiction bootstrap pour une observation h périodes dans le futur et sa moyenne conditionnelle. Nous supposons que ces prévisions sont faites en utilisant un ensemble de facteurs extraits d'un large panel de variables. Parce que nous traitons ces facteurs comme latents, nos prévisions dépendent à la fois des facteurs estimés et les coefficients de régres- sion estimés. Sous des conditions de régularité, Bai et Ng (2006) ont proposé la construction d'intervalles asymptotiques sous l'hypothèse de Gaussianité des innovations. Le bootstrap nous permet de relâcher cette hypothèse et de construire des intervalles de prédiction valides sous des hypothèses plus générales. En outre, même en supposant la Gaussianité, le bootstrap conduit à des intervalles plus précis dans les cas où la dimension transversale est relativement faible car il prend en considération le biais de l'estimateur des moindres carrés ordinaires comme le montre une étude récente de Gonçalves et Perron (2014). Dans le troisième chapitre, nous suggérons des procédures de sélection convergentes pour les regressions augmentées de facteurs en échantillons finis. Nous démontrons premièrement que la méthode de validation croisée usuelle est non-convergente mais que sa généralisation, la validation croisée «leave-d-out» sélectionne le plus petit ensemble de facteurs estimés pour l'espace généré par les vraies facteurs. Le deuxième critère dont nous montrons également la validité généralise l'approximation bootstrap de Shao (1996) pour les regressions augmentées de facteurs. Les simulations montrent une amélioration de la probabilité de sélectionner par- cimonieusement les facteurs estimés comparativement aux méthodes de sélection disponibles. L'application empirique revisite la relation entre les facteurs macroéconomiques et financiers, et l'excès de rendement sur le marché boursier américain. Parmi les facteurs estimés à partir d'un large panel de données macroéconomiques et financières des États Unis, les facteurs fortement correlés aux écarts de taux d'intérêt et les facteurs de Fama-French ont un bon pouvoir prédictif pour les excès de rendement.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronegócios, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—UnB/UFPB/UFRN, Programa MultiInstitucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2016.


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This dissertation is composed of three essays covering two areas of interest. The first topic is personal transportation demand with a focus on price and fuel efficiency elasticities of mileage demand, challenging assumptions common in the rebound effect literature. The second topic is consumer finance with a focus on small loans. The first chapter creates separate variables for fuel prices during periods of increasing and decreasing prices as well as an observed fuel economy measure to empirically test the equivalence of these elasticities. Using a panel from Germany from 1997 to 2009 I find a fuel economy elasticity of mileage of 53.3%, which is significantly different from the gas price elasticity of mileage during periods of decreasing gas prices, 4.8%. I reject the null hypothesis or price symmetry, with the elasticity of mileage during period of increasing gas prices ranging from 26.2% and 28.9%. The second chapter explores the potential for the rebound effect to vary with income. Panel data from U.S. households from 1997 to 2003 is used to estimate the rebound effect in a median regression. The estimated rebound effect independent of income ranges from 17.8% to 23.6%. An interaction of income and fuel economy is negative and significant, indicating that the rebound effect may be much higher for low income individuals and decreases with income; the rebound effect for low income households ranged from 80.3% to 105.0%, indicating that such households may increase gasoline consumption given an improvement in fuel economy. The final chapter documents the costs of credit instruments found in major mail order catalogs throughout the 20th century. This study constructs a new dataset and finds that the cost of credit increased and became stickier as mail order retailers switched from an installment-style closed-end loan to a revolving-style credit card. This study argues that revolving credit's ability to decrease salience of credit costs in the price of goods is the best explanation for rate stickiness in the mail order industry as well as for the preference of revolving credit among retailers.


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El objetivo de este documento es obtener evidencia empírica acerca de la existencia de efectos asimétricos de la política monetaria sobre el nivel de actividad económica, con base en el comportamiento de la tasa de interés. Se observa un efecto asimétrico de la política monetaria cuando tasas de interés por encima de su nivel fundamental tienen un efecto sobre la actividad económica significativamente distinto del que tendría una tasa de interés por debajo de su nivel fundamental.La identificación de cambios en la tasa de interés que reflejan cambios de política se realiza por mínimos cuadrados en dos etapas. En la primera etapa, el nivel fundamental de la tasa de interés se estima con una regla de Taylor modificada y sus residuos son utilizados para identificar el estado de la política. La segunda etapa consiste en una regresión del producto real sobre una constante y los valores rezagados de los residuos positivos y negativos obtenidos en la primera etapa. La asimetría vendría determinada por la significancia estadística de los coeficientes individuales de los residuos positivos y negativos y de la diferencia entre estos.La evidencia empírica, para el periodo 1994:01-2002:11, sugiere la existencia de una asimetría débil de la política monetaria. Lo anterior debido a que aunque los incrementos y disminuciones en la tasa de interés afectan el nivel de producción significativamente, la diferencia del impacto no resulta significativa.AbstractThe objective of this paper is to obtain empirical evidence about the existence of asymmetric effects of monetary policy over economic activity, based on interest rate behavior. Monetary policy shows an asymmetric effect when an interest rate over their fundamental level have an impact on economic activity that is significantly different from that when interest rate are below its fundamental level.Changes in interest rate that reflect changes of policy are identified using two stage least squares. In the first stage, the fundamental level of the interest rate is estimated with a modified Taylor rule and residuals are used to identify the state of the policy. The second stage consists of a regression of the real output on a constant and lagged values of the positive and negative residuals obtained in the first stage. The asymmetry would come determined by the statistical significance of individual coefficients of positive and negative residuals and the difference between them.The empirical evidence, over the 1994:01-2002:11 period, suggests the existence of weak asymmetry of monetary policy. Although increases and reductions in interest rate affect the production level significantly, the difference of the impact is not significant.


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Mestrado em Finanças


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Mestrado em Marketing


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This is a quarterly newsletter on the economy written by Senior Fellow Bruce Yandle, Clemson Alumni Distinguished Professor of Economics Emeritus and Interim Dean of Clemson's College of Business & Behavioral Science. The newsletter provides an analysis of national, regional, and state economic trends and activity. Each issue gives an update on GDP growth, interest rate trends, and comments on major events that affect the economic outlook.


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This is a quarterly newsletter on the economy written by Senior Fellow Bruce Yandle, Clemson Alumni Distinguished Professor of Economics Emeritus and Interim Dean of Clemson's College of Business & Behavioral Science. The newsletter provides an analysis of national, regional, and state economic trends and activity. Each issue gives an update on GDP growth, interest rate trends, and comments on major events that affect the economic outlook.


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This is a quarterly newsletter on the economy written by Senior Fellow Bruce Yandle, Clemson Alumni Distinguished Professor of Economics Emeritus and Interim Dean of Clemson's College of Business & Behavioral Science. The newsletter provides an analysis of national, regional, and state economic trends and activity. Each issue gives an update on GDP growth, interest rate trends, and comments on major events that affect the economic outlook.


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This is a quarterly newsletter on the economy written by Senior Fellow Bruce Yandle, Clemson Alumni Distinguished Professor of Economics Emeritus and Interim Dean of Clemson's College of Business & Behavioral Science. The newsletter provides an analysis of national, regional, and state economic trends and activity. Each issue gives an update on GDP growth, interest rate trends, and comments on major events that affect the economic outlook.


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This is a quarterly newsletter on the economy written by Senior Fellow Bruce Yandle, Clemson Alumni Distinguished Professor of Economics Emeritus and Interim Dean of Clemson's College of Business & Behavioral Science. The newsletter provides an analysis of national, regional, and state economic trends and activity. Each issue gives an update on GDP growth, interest rate trends, and comments on major events that affect the economic outlook.