983 resultados para Integrated circuit testing
In the fields of marketing and general management, many are the contributions of literature relating trust and e‐commerce. Trust is perceived as an issue that concerns the consumers’ intention to purchase. As so, in this research, a path model is empirically tested in order to develop solutions for Internet vendors on how to deal with consumers and increase their trust. The path model measures how the dimensions of trust, named as competence, integrity and benevolence positively influence the overall trust of the consumers and at the same time how the sources of trust – consumer characteristics, firm characteristics, website infrastructure and interactions influence those dimensions. The data used to test the model was collected in Portugal, through 365 valid cases. Findings revealed that consumers, which have high level of overall trust, are more likely to intent to purchase online.
The present paper was prepared for the course “Project III”, with the supervision of Prof. António Moniz, reporting on the author speaking notes at the Winter School on Technology Assessment, 6-7 December 2010, as part of the Doctoral Programme on Technology Assessment at FCT-UNL.
INTRODUCTION: Antifungal susceptibility testing assists in finding the appropriate treatment for fungal infections, which are increasingly common. However, such testing is not very widespread. There are several existing methods, and the correlation between such methods was evaluated in this study. METHODS: The susceptibility to fluconazole of 35 strains of Candida sp. isolated from blood cultures was evaluated by the following methods: microdilution, Etest, and disk diffusion. RESULTS: The correlation between the methods was around 90%. CONCLUSIONS: The disk diffusion test exhibited a good correlation and can be used in laboratory routines to detect strains of Candida sp. that are resistant to fluconazole.
Integrated Communication Strategy for MyLabel Following paper presents Integrated Communication Strategy for Continente’s private label brand of cosmetics MyLabel. The main purpose of the project is to position MyLabel as venture brand which will gain strong market position in order to compete with the manufacturer brands. Therefore, based on the created brand equity model for the venture cosmetic brand, MyLabel will be approached from the branding perspective in order to improve perceived quality and consecutively, build brand recognition and credibility. In this respect, integrated communication strategy includes some of the branding tactics and marketing communication mix. Thereafter, MyLabel will be transformed into the sub-brand MyBeauty, which can exploit opportunities given by the new market image of retailers’ brands and gain special, unique position in the market.
A União Europeia tem dado cada vez mais enfoque à eficiência energética nos edifícios e à sua capacidade de produção de energia, tendo lançado a directiva “Energy Performance of Buildings Directive” com o intuito de que até 31 de Dezembro de 2018 todos os edifícios novos sejam “nZEB-nearly Zero Energy Building”, o que significa que devem por um lado diminuir o seu consumo energético, aumentando a sua eficiência, e por outro lado produzir localmente e através de fontes de energias renováveis toda, ou quase toda, a energia de que necessitam. A presente tese está integrada no Projecto “Frame – Prefabricated systems (modules) for low-energy buildings: design, prototyping and testing” (Ref: PTDC/AURAQI-AQI/117782/2010) que está a ser desenvolvido na Unidade de Eficiência Energética do Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG). Neste trabalho é desenvolvido e analisado um sistema BIPV/T-PCM (Building Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal – Phase Change Materials) que engloba todo um novo conceito de captação, armazenamento e gestão da energia solar em fachadas. Este sistema é composto por um módulo fotovoltaico, uma bateria de PCM (Materiais de Mudança de Fase) e todo um sistema de fluxo de ar que permite a gestão da energia colectada e armazenada. Foi também desenvolvido teoricamente um código de gestão energética para a manipulação do sistema. O sistema em estudo apoia-se em três objectivos principais: aquecer no inverno; arrefecer no verão; e aumentar a eficiência do PV arrefecendo-o. Na sequência do trabalho realizado verificou-se que o conceito do sistema em estudo alcança alguns dos objectivos propostos, tendo ainda potencial para se continuar o seu desenvolvimento. O sistema em estudo é um sistema inovador, e como tal está a ser registada uma patente com base no conceito desenvolvido.
A scoping review was conducted to describe the epidemiological characteristics of the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, from 2001 to 2012, and temporary patterns were estimated from surveillance data. The results suggest that in its third decade, the Amazon HIV/AIDS epidemic is far from being stabilized and displays rising AIDS incidence and mortality rates and late diagnoses. The data suggest that AIDS cases are hitting mostly young adults and have recently shifted toward men, both homosexual and heterosexual. AIDS cases among the indigenous people have remained stable and low. However, the epidemic has disseminated to the interior of the state, which adds difficulties to its control, given the geographical isolation, logistical barriers, and culturally and ethnically diverse population. Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy has been decentralized, but peripheral ARV services are still insufficient and too distant from people who need them. Recently, the expansion of point-of-care (POC) rapid HIV testing has been contributing to overcoming logistical barriers. Other new POC devices, such as the PIMA CD4 analyzer, will bring the laboratory to the patient. AIDS uniquely coexists with other tropical infections, sharing their epidemiological profiles. The increased demand for HIV/AIDS care services can only be satisfied through increased decentralization to peripheral health units, which can also naturally integrate care with other tropical infections and can promote a shift from vertical to integrated programming. Future challenges involve building surveillance data on HIV case notification and covering the spectrum of engagement in care, including adherence to treatment and follow-up loss.
INTRODUCTION : In 2011, the Brazilian Ministry of Health rolled out a program for the external quality assessment of rapid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) tests using the dried tube specimen (DTS) method (EQA-RT/DTS-HIV). Our objective was to evaluate the implementation of this program at 71 voluntary counseling and testing centers (VCTCs) in the Brazilian Legal Amazonian area one year after its introduction. METHODS : Quantitative and qualitative study that analyzed secondary data and interviews with healthcare workers (HCWs) (n=39) and VCTC coordinators (n=32) were performed. The assessment used 18 key indicators to evaluate the three dimensions of the program's logical framework: structure, process, and result. Each indicator was scored from 1-4, and the aggregate results corresponding to the dimensions were expressed as proportions. The results were compared to the perceptions of the HCWs and coordinators regarding the EQA-RT/DTS-HIV program. RESULTS: The aggregate scores for the three dimensions of structure, process, and result were 91.7%, 78.6%, and 95%, respectively. The lowest score in each dimension corresponded to a different indicator: access to Quali-TR online system 39% (structure), registration in Quali-TR online system 38.7% (process), and VCTC completed the full process in the program's first round 63.4% (result). Approximately 36% of the HCWs and 52% of the coordinators reported enhanced trust in the program for its rapid HIV testing performance. CONCLUSIONS: All three program dimensions exhibited satisfactory results (>75%). Nevertheless, the study findings highlight the need to improve certain program components. Additionally, long-term follow-ups is needed to provide a more thorough picture of the process for external quality assessment.
Quadrature oscillators are key elements in modern radio frequency (RF) transceivers and very useful nowadays in wireless communications, since they can provide: low quadrature error, low phase-noise, and wide tuning range (useful to cover several bands). RC oscillators can be fully integrated without the need of external components (external high Q-inductors), optimizing area, cost, and power consumption. The conventional structure of ring oscillator offers poor frequency stability and phasenoise, low quality factor (Q), and besides being vulnerable to process, voltage and temperature (PVT) variations, its performance degrades as the frequency of operation increases. This thesis is devoted to quadrature oscillators and presents a detailed comparative study of ring oscillator and shift register (SR) approaches. It is shown that in SRs both phase-noise and phase error are reduced, while ring oscillators have the advantage of occupying less area and less consumption due to the reduced number of components in the circuit. Thus, although ring oscillators are more suitable for biomedical applications, SRs are more appropriate for wireless applications, especially when specification requirements are more stringent and demanding. The first architecture studied consists in a simple CMOS ring oscillator employing an odd number of static single-ended inverters as delay cells. Subsequently, the quadrature 4-stage ring oscillator concept is shown and post-layout simulations are presented. The 3 and 4-phase single-frequency local oscillator (LO) generators employing SRs are presented, the latter with 50% and 25% duty-cycles. The circuits operate at 600 MHz and 900 MHz, and were designed in a 130 nm standard CMOS technology with a voltage supply of 1.2 V.
Modern fully integrated transceivers architectures, require circuits with low area, low cost, low power, and high efficiency. A key block in modern transceivers is the power amplifier, which is deeply studied in this thesis. First, we study the implementation of a classical Class-A amplifier, describing the basic operation of an RF power amplifier, and analysing the influence of the real models of the reactive components in its operation. Secondly, the Class-E amplifier is deeply studied. The different types of implementations are reviewed and theoretical equations are derived and compared with simulations. There were selected four modes of operation for the Class-E amplifier, in order to perform the implementation of the output stage, and the subsequent comparison of results. This led to the selection of the mode with the best trade-off between efficiency and harmonics distortion, lower power consumption and higher output power. The optimal choice was a parallel circuit containing an inductor with a finite value. To complete the implementation of the PA in switching mode, a driver was implemented. The final block (output stage together with the driver) got 20 % total efficiency (PAE) transmitting 8 dBm output power to a 50 W load with a total harmonic distortion (THD) of 3 % and a total consumption of 28 mW. All implementations are designed using standard 130 nm CMOS technology. The operating frequency is 2.4 GHz and it was considered an 1.2 V DC power supply. The proposed circuit is intended to be used in a Bluetooth transmitter, however, it has a wider range of applications.
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Modern fully integrated receiver architectures, require inductorless circuits to achieve their potential low area, low cost, and low power. The low noise amplifier (LNA), which is a key block in such receivers, is investigated in this thesis. LNAs can be either narrowband or wideband. Narrowband LNAs use inductors and have very low noise figure, but they occupy a large area and require a technology with RF options to obtain inductors with high Q. Recently, wideband LNAs with noise and distortion cancelling, with passive loads have been proposed, which can have low NF, but have high power consumption. In this thesis the main goal is to obtain a very low area, low power, and low-cost wideband LNA. First, it is investigated a balun LNA with noise and distortion cancelling with active loads to boost the gain and reduce the noise figure (NF). The circuit is based on a conventional balun LNA with noise and distortion cancellation, using the combination of a common-gate (CG) stage and common-source (CS) stage. Simulation and measurements results, with a 130 nm CMOS technology, show that the gain is enhanced by about 3 dB and the NF is reduced by at least 0.5 dB, with a negligible impact on the circuit linearity (IIP3 is about 0 dBm). The total power dissipation is only 4.8 mW, and the active area is less than 50 x 50 m2 . It is also investigated a balun LNA in which the gain is boosted by using a double feedback structure.We propose to replace the load resistors by active loads, which can be used to implement local feedback loops (in the CG and CS stages). This will boost the gain and reduce the noise figure (NF). Simulation results, with the same 130 nm CMOS technology as above, show that the gain is 24 dB and NF is less than 2.7 dB. The total power dissipation is only 5.4 mW (since no extra blocks are required), leading to a figure-of-merit (FoM) of 3.8 mW
In this work project we study the tail properties of currency returns and analyze whether changes in the tail indices of these series have occurred over time as a consequence of turbulent periods. Our analysis is based on the methods introduced by Quintos, Fan and Phillips (2001), Candelon and Straetmans (2006, 2013), and their extensions. Specifically, considering a sample of daily data from December 31, 1993 to February 13, 2015 we apply the recursive test in calendar time (forward test) and in reverse calendar time (backward test) and indeed detect falls and rises in the tail indices, signifying increases and decreases in the probability of extreme events.
COST TU 1404
COST Action TU 1404