920 resultados para Inflammatory bowel disease. Caulerpin. Colitis


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Psoriasis is a common, chronic and relapsing inflammatory skin disease. It affects approximately 2% of the western population and has no cure. Combination therapy for psoriasis often proves more efficacious and better tolerated than monotherapy with a single drug. Combination therapy could be administered in the form of a co-drug, where two or more therapeutic compounds active against the same condition are linked by a cleavable covalent bond. Similar to the pro-drug approach, the liberation of parent moieties post-administration, by enzymatic and/or chemical mechanisms, is a pre-requisite for effective treatment. In this study, a series of co-drugs incorporating dithranol in combination with one of several non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, both useful for the treatment of psoriasis, were designed, synthesized and evaluated. An ester co-drug comprising dithranol and naproxen in a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio was determined to possess the optimal physicochemical properties for topical delivery. The co-drug was fully hydrolyzed in vitro by porcine liver esterase within four hours. When incubated with homogenized porcine skin, 9.5% of the parent compounds were liberated after 24 h, suggesting in situ esterase-mediated cleavage of the co-drug would occur within the skin. The kinetics of the reaction revealed first order kinetics, Vmax = 10.3 μM/min and Km = 65.1 μM. The co-drug contains a modified dithranol chromophore that was just 37% of the absorbance of dithranol at 375 nm and suggests reduced skin/clothes staining. Overall, these findings suggest that the dithranol-naproxen co-drug offers an attractive, novel approach for the treatment of psoriasis.


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Trypsin and mast cell tryptase can signal to epithelial cells, myocytes, and nerve fibers of the respiratory tract by cleaving proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2). Since tryptase inhibitors are under development to treat asthma, a precise understanding of the contribution of PAR2 to airway inflammation is required. We examined the role of PAR2 in allergic inflammation of the airway by comparing OVA-sensitized and -challenged mice lacking or overexpressing PAR2. In wild-type mice, immunoreactive PAR2 was detected in airway epithelial cells and myocytes, and intranasal administration of a PAR2 agonist stimulated macrophage infiltration into bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. OVA challenge of immunized wild-type mice stimulated infiltration of leukocytes into bronchoalveolar lavage and induced airway hyperreactivity to inhaled methacholine. Compared with wild-type animals, eosinophil infiltration was inhibited by 73% in mice lacking PAR2 and increased by 88% in mice overexpressing PAR2. Similarly, compared with wild-type animals, airway hyperreactivity to inhaled methacholine (40 micro g/ml) was diminished 38% in mice lacking PAR2 and increased by 52% in mice overexpressing PAR2. PAR2 deletion also reduced IgE levels to OVA sensitization by 4-fold compared with those of wild-type animals. Thus, PAR2 contributes to the development of immunity and to allergic inflammation of the airway. Our results support the proposal that tryptase inhibitors and PAR2 antagonists may be useful therapies for inflammatory airway disease.


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Purpose of review Evidence suggests that short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) derived from microbial metabolism in the gut play a central role in host homeostasis. The present review describes the current understanding and physiological implications of SCFAs derived from microbial metabolism of nondigestible carbohydrates. Recent findings Recent studies indicate a role for SCFAs, in particular propionate and butyrate, in the metabolic and inflammatory disorders such as obesity, diabetes and inflammatory bowel diseases, through the activation of specific G-protein-coupled receptors and modification of transcription factors. Established prebiotics, such as fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides, which support the growth of Bifidobacteria, mainly mediate acetate production. Thus, recent identification of prebiotics which are able to stimulate the production of propionate and butyrate by benign saccharolytic populations in the colon is of interest. Summary Manipulation of saccharolytic fermentation by prebiotic substrates is beginning to provide information on structure–function relationships relating to the production of SCFAs, which have multiple roles in host homeostasis.


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Objectives: To describe people's attitudes towards early detection of cancer.

Methods: We conducted a telephone survey of Victorian adults aged 18+ years, during April-May 2005, using a market research company.

Results: 1,502 (41%) people participated; 80% of respondents believed that detecting cancer early meant that treatment saved lives most of the time or always; 88% believed finding cancer early enabled more effective treatment most of the time or always; and 70% indicated they would want to be tested for a cancer even if no treatment were available.  Two-thirds or more of adults considered survival would be very much improved by early detection for breast, melanoma and prostate cancers; 49% for bowel cancer, and 30% for lung cancer.

Conclusions and Implications : Community support for the early detection of cancer was evident even in the absence of effective treatment.  There was a lower perceived survival benefit for the early diagnosis of bowel cancer or melanoma.  An education campaign is required that focuses on the gains associated with early detection and benefits of screening for bowel cancer.


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Introdução: A dermatite atópica (DA) é uma doença inflamatória crônica da pele que apresenta um impacto significativo na qualidade de vida dos pacientes, em conseqüência de episódios recorrentes durante a vida. Considerando estudos recentes que descrevem a associação entre aspectos psicológicos e a dermatite atópica, acredita-se que a investigação da existência de um possível perfil comportamental destas crianças possa auxiliar o desenvolvimento de intervenções psicoterápicas específicas, assim como aumentar o conhecimento sobre a doença. Método: Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma avaliação do perfil sóciocomportamental de crianças portadoras de DA e comparando-as com crianças sem a doença. Neste estudo, do tipo caso-controle, foram incluídos dois grupos com idades entre 4 e 18 anos: o grupo estudo, com pacientes portadores de dermatite atópica que consultam no ambulatório do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) e o grupo controle, composto por crianças e adolescentes sem doença dermatológica, matriculados em escola da rede pública de Porto Alegre. O tamanho estimado da amostra foi de 25 indivíduos em cada grupo. A coleta dos dados realizou-se através do CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist), validado no Brasil com o nome de Inventário de Comportamento da Infância e Adolescência. Resultados: Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas duas dimensões globais (internalização e externalização), sendo que as crianças portadoras de dermatite atópica mostraram mais sintomas relacionados com ansiedade, depressão, alterações de pensamento e comportamento agressivo quando comparadas com crianças sem a doença. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam a necessidade de abordagens interdisciplinares no tratamento da criança com DA, valorizando não só as lesões dermatológicas, como também os aspectos emocionais dos indivíduos.


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Introduction: Pneumonia is an inflammatory lung disease and it is the greatest cause of deaths in children younger than five years of age worldwide. Chest physiotherapy is widely used in the treatment of pneumonia because it can help to eliminate inflammatory exudates and tracheobronchial secretions, remove airway obstructions, reduce airway resistance, enhance gas exchange and reduce the work of breathing. Thus, chest physiotherapy may contribute to patient recovery as an adjuvant treatment even though its indication remains controversial. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of chest physiotherapy in relation to time until clinical resolution in children (from birth up to 18 years old) of either gender with any type of pneumonia. Methods: We searched CENTRAL 2013, Issue 4; MEDLINE (1946 to May week 4, 2013); EMBASE (1974 to May 2013); CINAHL (1981 to May 2013); LILACS (1982 to May 2013); Web of Science (1950 to May 2013); and PEDro (1950 to May 2013). We consulted the ClinicalTrials.gov and the WHO ICTRP registers to identify planned, ongoing and unpublished trials. We consulted the reference lists of relevant articles found by the electronic searches for additional studies. We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared chest physiotherapy of any type with no chest physiotherapy in children with pneumonia. Two review authors independently selected the studies to be included in the review, assessed trial quality and extracted data. Results: Three RCTs involving 255 inpatient children are included in the review. They addressed conventional chest physiotherapy, positive expiratory pressure and continuous positive airway pressure. The following outcomes were measured: duration of hospital stay, time to clinical resolution (observing the following parameters: fever, chest indrawing, nasal flaring, tachypnoea and peripheral oxygen saturation levels), change in adventitious sounds, change in chest X-ray and duration of cough in days. Two of the included studies found a significant improvement in respiratory rate and oxygen saturation whereas the other included study failed to show that standardised respiratory physiotherapy and positive expiratory pressure decrease the time to clinical resolution and the duration of hospital stay. No adverse effects related to the interventions were xvi described. Due to the different characteristics of the trials, such as the duration of treatment, levels of severity, types of pneumonia and the techniques used in children with pneumonia, as well as differences in their statistical presentation, we were not able to pool data. Two included studies had an overall low risk of bias whereas one included study had an overall unclear risk of bias. Conclusion: Our review does not provide conclusive evidence to justify the use of chest physiotherapy in children with pneumonia due to a lack of data. The number of included studies is small and they differed in their statistical presentation


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Oral lichen planus and pemphigus vulgaris are chronic diseases mucous membrane immune of unknown aetiology that can be observed affecting to the oral mucous. A relevant as regards neoplasies the role angiogenesis in the inflammatory chronic disease pathogenesis as it provides a substancial interest can be considered as being an activity diseases marker; besides being through specialised research of this angiogenic process to improve of understanding pathogenic mechanism. This research proposes to assess angiogenic active through of antibody immunohistochemistry expression antiCD34 antibody in 26 OLP of reticular cases, 14 OLP erosives cases, 18 of PV cases and 15 specimens of normal oral mucosa. The result was submitted non-parametric tests of 5% significance level. It is not statistically significant correlacion was seen regarding between average vessels. However, only be effectively observed the median of OLP cases was larger than pemphigus vulgaris in fact proved average larger than oral normal mucosa (p=0,280). Regarding the microvascular count of CD34 concerning clinic form oral lichen planus (reticular and erosion) increased emphasis is more cross-border average for the form erosion clinic. Despite of the statistic tests could not be more effective (p=0,720). Even though, the results of the research is not sufficient to enable to consider of angiogenic process in the pathogenesis and lesions progression of oral lichen planus and pemphigus vulgaris, we suggest this process is present in both forms lesion, however, more studies must be made in the near future in order to prepare a well-founded proposal


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O Diabetes mellitus é uma desordem patológica de origem endócrina que provoca inúmeras alterações de ordem sistêmica. Tem sido considerado que o diabetes influencia na instalação e progressão da doença periodontal a exemplo da dificuldade cicatricial, mas também sofre influência da mesma, posto que o curso clínico da doença periodontal pode alterar o metabolismo da glicose e, conseqüentemente, dificultar o controle do diabetes. Desta forma, a estreita relação entre a doença periodontal e diabetes tem sido motivo de preocupação entre os cirurgiões-dentistas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a condição clinica do periodonto em indivíduos diabéticos tipo 2 e a necessidade de tratamento periodontal através do Registro Penodontal Simplificado (PSR), juntamente com análise laboratorial (HbAlc e Proteína C- reativa ultra-sensívelPCR). Dos 88 participantes do estudo, 5,69% apresentaram-se livres de doenças; 36,36% apresentaram-se com gengivite e 57,95% apresentaram-se com periodontite. No grupo dos indivíduos não diabéticos, 51,06% tiveram periodontite, enquanto 65,85% dos diabéticos apresentaram a doença. A doença periodontal apresentou-se mais grave na faixa etária de 60-69 anos (grupo controle) e 70-79 anos (grupo diabéticos). Todos os diabéticos apresentaram doença periodontal, e o escore 3 (50,34%) o mais prevalente. No grupo controle 89,36% apresentaram doença periodontal, e o escore 2 (31,25%) foi o mais prevalente. Apesar dos altos níveis de proteína C-reativa e de hemoglobina glicada, não houve associação com a gravidade da doença periodontal nos participantes do estudo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)