984 resultados para Immunoprophylaxis and Therapy


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Background. The mechanisms by which the abdominal muscles move and control the lumbosacral spine are not clearly understood. Descriptions of abdominal morphology are also conflicting and the regional anatomy of these muscles has not been comprehensively examined. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphology of regions of transversus abdominis and obliquus internus and externus abdominis. Methods. Anterior and posterolateral abdominal walls were dissected bilaterally in 26 embalmed human cadavers. The orientation, thickness and length of the upper, middle and lower fascicles of transversus abdominis and obliquus internus abdominis, and the upper and middle fascicles of obliquus externus abdominis were measured. Findings. Differences in fascicle orientation, thickness and length were documented between the abdominal muscles and between regions of each muscle. The fascicles of transversus abdominis were horizontal in the upper region, with increasing inferomedial orientation in the middle and lower regions. The upper and middle fascicles of obliquus internus abdominis were oriented superomedially and the lower fascicles inferomedially. The mean vertical dimension of transversus abdominis that attaches to the lumbar spine via the thoracolumbar fascia was 5.2 (SD 2.1) cm. Intramuscular septa were observed between regions of transversus abdominis, and obliquus internus abdominis could be separated into two distinct layers in the lower and middle regions. Interpretation. This study provides quantitative data of morphological differences between regions of the abdominal muscles, which suggest variation in function between muscle regions. Precise understanding of abdominal muscle anatomy is required for incorporation of these muscles into biomechanical models. Furthermore, regional variation in their morphology may reflect differences in function. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although insecure attachment has been associated with a range of variables linked with problematic adjustment to chronic pain, the causal direction of these relationships remains unclear. Adult attachment style is, theoretically, developmentally antecedent to cognitions, emotions and behaviours (and might therefore be expected to contribute to maladjustment). It can also be argued, however, that the experience of chronic pain increases attachment insecurity. This project examined this issue by determining associations between adult attachment characteristics, collected prior to an acute (coldpressor) pain experience, and a range of emotional, cognitive, pain tolerance, intensity and threshold variables collected during and after the coldpressor task. A convenience sample of 58 participants with no history of chronic pain was recruited. Results demonstrated that attachment anxiety was associated with lower pain thresholds; more stress, depression, and catastrophizing; diminished perceptions of control over pain; and diminished ability to decrease pain. Conversely, secure attachment was linked with lower levels of depression and catastrophizing, and more control over pain. Of particular interest were findings that attachment style moderated the effects of pain intensity on the tendency to catastrophize, such that insecurely attached individuals were more likely to catastrophize when reporting high pain intensity. This is the first study to link attachment with perceptions of pain in a pain-free sample. These findings cast anxious attachment as a vulnerability factor for chronic pain following acute episodes of pain, while secure attachment may provide more resilience. (c) 2006 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Difficulty performing more than one task at a time is common in people with Parkinson's disease, resulting in interference with one or both tasks. While studies have shown that greater interference in gait occurs with more complex concurrent tasks, the impact of the type of concurrent task is unclear in the Parkinson's population. Thus the first purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the concurrent task (calculation, language, or motor) on gait in people with Parkinson's disease. As visual cues are commonly used to aid stride regulation in people with Parkinson's disease, the second purpose of this study was to determine whether this method of increasing stride length was still effective if other tasks were performed simultaneously. Sixteen patients with Parkinson's disease and 16 gender- and age-matched controls performed six cognitive and motor concurrent tasks when seated, walking 10 m, and walking over visual cues. Stride length decreased in people with Parkinson's disease when performing the concurrent calculation and language tasks, but not with the motor task. The language task was more complex than the calculation task, thus the effect was not due to task complexity alone. Visual cues were effective in improving stride length whist maintaining velocity in people with Parkinson's disease, even when performed under dual task conditions. These findings highlight the importance of the task when assessing and retraining dual tasking during gait, and suggest that retraining dual tasking can occur whilst simultaneously using visual aids to regulate stride length.


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Recognising the laterality of a pictured hand involves making an initial decision and confirming that choice by mentally moving one's own hand to match the picture. This depends on an intact body schema. Because patients with complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS1) take longer to recognise a hand's laterality when it corresponds to their affected hand, it has been proposed that nociceptive input disrupts the body schema. However, chronic pain is associated with physiological and psychosocial complexities that may also explain the results. In three studies, we investigated whether the effect is simply due to nociceptive input. Study one evaluated the temporal and perceptual characteristics of acute hand pain elicited by intramuscular injection of hypertonic saline into the thenar eminence. In studies two and three, subjects performed a hand laterality recognition task before, during, and after acute experimental hand pain, and experimental elbow pain, respectively. During hand pain and during elbow pain, when the laterality of the pictured hand corresponded to the painful side, there was no effect on response time (RT). That suggests that nociceptive input alone is not sufficient to disrupt the working body schema. Conversely to patients with CRPS1, when the laterality of the pictured hand corresponded to the non-painful hand, RT increased similar to 380 ms (95% confidence interval 190 ms-590 ms). The results highlight the differences between acute and chronic pain and may reflect a bias in information processing in acute pain toward the affected part.


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It is emerging that whiplash-associated disorder (WAD) is a complex condition characterised by a variety of physical and psychological features. Generalised sensory hypersensitivity is one of these features and its presence reflects augmented central pain processing mechanisms. Whilst most studies have investigated these processes in chronic WAD, it is becoming clear that in some of the whiplash injured, sensory disturbances are present from soon after injury, and are associated with both poor recovery and recalcitrance to multimodal physiotherapy interventions. Evidence for sensory hypersensitivity in WAD and possible underlying mechanisms of these phenomena are reviewed. Physiotherapists play an important role in the evaluation and management of whiplash injury. It is important that sensory disturbances be identified early in the clinical assessment of the whiplash injured patient and that ensuing management strategies address these changes, if the aim of treatment is to prevent the transition to chronicity.


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Background and Aim: The Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment for Children (DOTCA-Ch), recently developed in Israel, assesses the cognitive areas: orientation, spatial perception, praxis, visuomotor construction and thinking operations of 6- to 12-year-old children. The dynamic aspect, which incorporates mediation and prompting, has been presented as a valuable clinical feature of this new assessment. This study investigated the cultural suitability, dynamic nature and comprehensiveness of the DOTCA-Ch as a single cognitive assessment for occupational therapy practice in Australia. Methods: Twenty-three paediatric occupational therapists participated in three tutorial and video demonstrations, which were then followed by a group interview. Results and Conclusion: Thematic analysis of transcripts identified four main themes: appropriateness of assessment tasks, language, mediation and clinical utility. Within each theme, the participants raised both positive and negative features. This paper highlights occupational therapists' mixed views on the clinical utility of this assessment in Australia. Limitations of this study and areas for further research are suggested


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The sartorius muscle is the longest muscle in the human body. It is strap-like, up to 600 mm in length, and contains five to seven neurovascular compartments, each with a neuromuscular endplate zone. Some of its fibers terminate intrafascicularly, whereas others may run the full length of the muscle. To assess the location and timing of activation within motor units of this long muscle, we recorded electromyographic potentials from multiple intramuscular electrodes along sartorius muscle during steady voluntary contraction and analyzed their activity with spike-triggered averaging from a needle electrode inserted near the proximal end of the muscle. Approximately 30% of sartorius motor units included muscle fibers that ran the full length of the muscle, conducting action potentials at 3.9 +/- 0.1 m/s. Most motor units were innervated within a single muscle endplate zone that was not necessarily near the midpoint of the fiber. As a consequence, action potentials reached the distal end of a unit as late as 100 ms after initiation at an endplate zone. Thus, contractile activity is not synchronized along the length of single sartorius fibers. We postulate that lateral transmission of force from fiber to endomysium and a wide distribution of motor unit endplates along the muscle are critical for the efficient transmission of force from sarcomere to tendon and for the prevention of muscle injury caused by overextension of inactive regions of muscle fibers.


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Objective: To quantify time caring, burden and health status in carers of stroke patients after discharge from rehabilitation; to identify the potentially modifiable sociodemographic and clinical characteristics associated with these outcomes. Methods: Patients and carers prospectively interviewed 6 (n = 71) and 12 (n = 57) months after discharge. Relationships of carer and patient variables with burden, health status and time analysed by Gaussian and Poisson regression. Results: Carers showed considerable burden at 6 and 12 months. Carers spent 4.6 and 3.6 hours per day assisting patients with daily activities at 6 and 12 months, respectively. Improved patient motor and cognitive function were associated with reductions of up to 20 minutes per day in time spent in daily activities. Better patient mental health and cognitive function were associated with better carer mental health. Conclusions: Potentially modifiable factors such as these may be able to be targeted by caregiver training, support and education programmes and outpatient therapy for patients.


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Primary objective: To investigate the articulatory function of a group of children with traumatic brain injury (TBI), using both perceptual and instrumental techniques. Research design: The performance of 24 children with TBI was assessed on a battery of perceptual (Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment, Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech and speech sample analysis) and instrumental ( lip and tongue pressure transduction systems) assessments and compared with that of 24 non-neurologically impaired children matched for age and sex. Main outcomes: Perceptual assessment identified consonant and vowel imprecision, increased length of phonemes and overall reduction in speech intelligibility, while instrumental assessment revealed significant impairment in lip and tongue function in the TBI group, with rate and pressure in repetitive lip and tongue tasks particularly impaired. Significant negative correlations were identified between the degree of deviance of perceptual articulatory features and decreased function on many non-speech measures of lip function, as well as maximum tongue pressure and fine force tongue control at 20% of maximum tongue pressure. Additionally, sub-clinical articulatory deficits were identified in the children with TBI who were non-dysarthric. Conclusion: The results of the instrumental assessment of lip and tongue function support the finding of substantial articulatory dysfunction in this group of children following TBI. Hence, remediation of articulatory function should be a therapeutic priority in these children.


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Background: The mismatch negativity (MMN) is a fronto-centrally distributed event-related potential (ERP) that is elicited by any discriminable auditory change. It is an ideal neurophysiological tool for measuring the auditory processing skills of individuals with aphasia because it can be elicited even in the absence of attention. Previous MMN studies have shown that acoustic processing of tone or pitch deviance is relatively preserved in aphasia, whereas the basic acoustic processing of speech stimuli can be impaired (e.g., auditory discrimination). However, no MMN study has yet investigated the higher levels of auditory processing, such as language-specific phonological and/or lexical processing, in individuals with aphasia. Aims: The aim of the current study was to investigate the MMN response of normal and language-disordered subjects to tone stimuli and speech stimuli that incorporate the basic auditory processing (acoustic, acoustic-phonetic) levels of non-speech and speech sound processing, and also the language-specific phonological and lexical levels of spoken word processing. Furthermore, this study aimed to correlate the aphasic MMN data with language performance on a variety of tasks specifically targeted at the different levels of spoken word processing. Methods M Procedures: Six adults with aphasia (71.7 years +/- 3.0) and six healthy age-, gender-, and education-matched controls (72.2 years +/- 5.4) participated in the study. All subjects were right-handed and native speakers of English. Each subject was presented with complex harmonic tone stimuli, differing in pitch or duration, and consonant-vowel (CV) speech stimuli (non-word /de:/versus real world/deI/). The probability of the deviant for each tone or speech contrast was 10%. The subjects were also presented with the same stimuli in behavioural discrimination tasks, and were administered a language assessment battery to measure their auditory comprehension skills. Outcomes O Results: The aphasic subjects demonstrated attenuated MMN responses to complex tone duration deviance and to speech stimuli (words and non-words), and their responses to the frequency, duration, and real word deviant stimuli were found to strongly correlate with performance on the auditory comprehension section of the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB). Furthermore, deficits in attentional lexical decision skills demonstrated by the aphasic subjects correlated with a word-related enhancement demonstrated during the automatic MMN paradigm, providing evidence to support the word advantage effect, thought to reflect the activation of language-specific memory traces in the brain for words. Conclusions: These results indicate that the MMN may be used as a technique for investigating general and more specific auditory comprehension skills of individuals with aphasia, using speech and/or non-speech stimuli, independent of the individual's attention. The combined use of the objective MMN technique and current clinical language assessments may result in improved rehabilitative management of aphasic individuals.


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Background: Written material is often inaccessible fro people with aphasia. The format of written material needs to be adapted to enable people with aphasia to read with understanding. Aims: This study aimed to further explore some issues raised in Rose, Worrall, and MacKenna (2003) concerning the effects of aphasia-friendly formats on the reading comprehension of people with aphasia. It was hypothesised that people with aphasia would comprehend significantly more paragraphs that were formatted in an aphasia-friendly manner than control paragraphs. This study also aimed to investigate if each single aspect of aphasia-friendly formatting (i.e., simplified vocabulary and syntax, large print, increased white spacem and pictures) used in isolation would result in increased comprehension compared to control paragraphs. Other aims were to compare the effect of aphasia-friendly fromatting with the effects of each single adaptation, and to investigate if the effects of aphasia-friendly formates were related to aphasia severity. Methods & Procedures: Participants with mild to moderately severe aphasia (N = 9) read a battery of 90 paragraphs and selected the best word of phrase from a choice of four to complete each paragraph. A linear mixed model (p < .05) was used to analyse the differences in reading comprehension with each paragraph fromat across three reading grade levels. Outcomes & Results: People with aphasia comprehended significantly more aphasia-friendly paragraphs than control paragraphs. They also comprehended significantly more paragraphs with each of the following single adaptations: simplified vocabulary and syntax, large ptint, and increased white spaces. Although people with aphasia tended to comprehend more paragraphs with pictures added than control paragraphs, this difference was not significant. No significant correlation between aphasia severity and the effect of aphasia-friendly formatting was found. Conclusion: This study supports the idea that aphasia-friendly formats increase the reading comprehension of people with aphasia. It suggests that adding pictures, particularly Clip Art pictures, may not significantly improve the reading the reading comprehension of people with aphasia. These findings have implications for all written communication with people with aphasia, both in the clinical setting and in the wider community. Applying these findings may enable people with aphasia to have equal access to written information and to participate in society.