999 resultados para Immune intervention
Recent advances in characterizing the immune recovery of HIV-1-infected people have highlighted the importance of the thymus for peripheral T-cell diversity and function. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in immune reconstitution profiles after highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) between HIV-children and adults.
HIV patients were grouped according to their previous clinical and immunological status: 9 HIV-Reconstituting-adults (HIV-Rec-adults) and 10 HIV-Reconstituting-children (HIV-Rec-children) on HAART with viral load (VL)
La thrombocytopénie immune primaire (ITP) est une affection auto-immune acquise avec diminution de la survie des plaquettes et perturbation de la production plaquettaire. Il n'existe aucun test clinique simple permettant de prouver la nature auto-immune de l'affection. Pour cette raison, il s'agit presque toujours d'un diagnostic par exclusion d'autres causes. Bien que les plaquettes soient souvent inférieures à 10 x 109/l lors de la présentation initiale, la tendance hémorragique est étonnamment modérée chez la majorité des patients. Le traitement initial fait toujours appel aux corticostéroïdes, combinés à des immunoglobulines intraveineuses et à des transfusions de plaquettes dans les formes compliquées avec hémorragies significatives. Chez l'enfant, la maladie est souvent induite par des infections virales et son évolution est bénigne et spontanément régressive dans la majorité des cas. Chez l'adulte, la maladie est plus souvent persistante ou chroniquement récidivante, et le taux de plaquettes se situe souvent à un taux suffisant pour prévenir des hémorragies spontanées. Seule une faible proportion de patients souffre d'une thrombocytopénie sévère prolongée accompagnée de saignements réguliers avec risque d'hémorragies potentiellement fatales. C'est probablement ce groupe de patients restreint qui tirera surtout profit des nouvelles options thérapeutiques telles que les agonistes du récepteur de la thrombopoïétine. A la lumière de ces nouvelles possibilités, un groupe d'hématologues suisses s'est réuni pour élaborer des directives concernant la prise en charge de l'ITP conformément aux besoins et aux habitudes de notre pays.
BACKGROUND Previous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of treatment for latent tuberculosis infection (TLTBI) in persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, but few studies have investigated the operational aspects of implementing TLTBI in the co-infected population.The study objectives were to describe eligibility for TLTBI as well as treatment prescription, initiation and completion in an HIV-infected Spanish cohort and to investigate factors associated with treatment completion. METHODS Subjects were prospectively identified between 2000 and 2003 at ten HIV hospital-based clinics in Spain. Data were obtained from clinical records. Associations were measured using the odds ratio (OR) and its 95% confidence interval (95% CI). RESULTS A total of 1242 subjects were recruited and 846 (68.1%) were evaluated for TLTBI. Of these, 181 (21.4%) were eligible for TLTBI either because they were tuberculin skin test (TST) positive (121) or because their TST was negative/unknown but they were known contacts of a TB case or had impaired immunity (60). Of the patients eligible for TLTBI, 122 (67.4%) initiated TLTBI: 99 (81.1%) were treated with isoniazid for 6, 9 or 12 months; and 23 (18.9%) with short-course regimens including rifampin plus isoniazid and/or pyrazinamide. In total, 70 patients (57.4%) completed treatment, 39 (32.0%) defaulted, 7 (5.7%) interrupted treatment due to adverse effects, 2 developed TB, 2 died, and 2 moved away. Treatment completion was associated with having acquired HIV infection through heterosexual sex as compared to intravenous drug use (OR:4.6; 95% CI:1.4-14.7) and with having taken rifampin and pyrazinamide for 2 months as compared to isoniazid for 9 months (OR:8.3; 95% CI:2.7-24.9). CONCLUSIONS A minority of HIV-infected patients eligible for TLTBI actually starts and completes a course of treatment. Obstacles to successful implementation of this intervention need to be addressed.
Protein-energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies may down-regulate immune response and increase morbidity and mortality due to infection. In this study, a murine model was used to study the effects of protein, iron and zinc deficiencies on the immune response to Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi infection. Mice were initially fed a standard diet or with a diet containing 3% casein but deficient in zinc and iron. After malnutrition was established, mice were inoculated with L. chagasiand sacrificed four weeks later in order to evaluate liver and spleen parasite loads and serum biochemical parameters. Significant decreases in liver and spleen weight, an increase in the parasite loads in these organs and decreases in serum protein and glucose concentrations in malnourished animals were observed. Furthermore, the production of interferon-gamma by spleen cells from infected malnourished mice stimulated by Leishmaniaantigen was significantly lower compared with that in control diet mice. These data suggest that malnutrition alters the immune response to L. chagasiinfection in the BALB/c model and, in association with the effects on biochemical and anatomical parameters of the host, favored increases in the parasite loads in the spleens and livers of these animals.
Background: Specific physical loading leads to enhanced bone development during childhood. A general physical activity program mimicking a real-life situation was successful at increasing general physical health in children. Yet, it is not clear whether it can equally increase bone mineral mass. We performed a cluster-randomized controlled trial in children of both gender and different pubertal stages to determine whether a school-based physical activity (PA) program during one school-year influences bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD), irrespective of gender.Methods: Twenty-eight 1st and 5th grade (6-7 and 11-12 year-old) classes were cluster randomized to an intervention (INT, 16 classes, n = 297) and control (CON; 12 classes, n = 205) group. The intervention consisted of a multi-component PA intervention including daily physical education with at least 10 min of jumping or strength training exercises of various intensities. Measurements included anthropometry, and BMC and BMD of total body, femoral neck, total hip and lumbar spine using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). PA was assessed by accelerometers and Tanner stages by questionnaires. Analyses were performed by a regression model adjusted for gender, baseline height and weight, baseline PA, post-intervention pubertal stage, baseline BMC, and cluster.Results: 275 (72%) of 380 children who initially agreed to have DXA measurements had also post-intervention DXA and PA data. Mean age of prepubertal and pubertal children at baseline was 8.7 +/- 2.1 and 11.1 +/- 0.6 years, respectively. Compared to CON, children in INT showed statistically significant increases in BMC of total body, femoral neck, and lumbar spine by 5.5%, 5.4% and 4.7% (all p < 0.05), respectively, and BMD of total body and lumbar spine by 8.4% and 7.3% (both p < 0.01), respectively. There was no gender*group, but a pubertal stage*group interaction consistently favoring prepubertal children.Conclusion: A general school-based PA intervention can increase bone health in elementary school children of both genders, particularly before puberty. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Leishmania amazonensis causes different diseases depending on the host and parasitic virulence factors. In this study, CBA mice were infected with L. amazonensis isolates from patients with localized (Ba125), diffuse cutaneous (Ba276) or visceral leishmaniasis (Ba109). Mice infected with Ba125 and Ba276 progressed rapidly and lesions displayed an infiltrate rich in parasitized macrophages and were necrotic and ulcerated. Ba109 induced smaller lesions and a mixed inflammatory infiltrate without necrosis or ulceration. Ba109 induced an insidious disease with lower parasite load in CBA mice, similar to human disease. Levels of IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-10 did not differ among the groups. Because all groups were unable to control the infection, expression of IL-4 associated with low production of IFN-γ in the early phase of infection may account for susceptibility, but others factors may contribute to the differences observed in inflammatory responses and infection progression. Evaluation of some parasitic virulence factors revealed that Ba276 exhibits higher ecto-ADPase and 5'-nucleotidase activities compared to the Ba109 and Ba125 strains. Both Ba276 and Ba125 had higher arginase activity in comparison to Ba109. Finally, these data suggest that the differences in enzyme activities among parasites can account for differences in host inflammatory responses and infection progression.
Domestic dogs are considered to be the main reservoirs of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis. In this work, we evaluated a protocol to induce Leishmania infantum/Leishmania chagasi-specific cellular and humoral immune responses in dogs, which consisted of two injections of Leishmania promastigote lysate followed by a subcutaneous inoculation of viable promastigotes. The primary objective was to establish a canine experimental model to provide positive controls for testing immune responses to Leishmania in laboratory conditions. After inoculation of viable promastigotes, specific proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to either Leishmania lysate or recombinant proteins, the in vitro production of interferon-γ by antigen-stimulated PBMCs and a significant increase in circulating levels of anti-Leishmania antibodies were observed. The immunized dogs also displayed positive delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions to Leishmania crude antigens and to purified recombinant proteins. An important finding that supports the suitability of the dogs as positive controls is that they remained healthy for the entire observation period, i.e., more than seven years after infection. Following the Leishmania antigen lysate injections, the infection of dogs by the subcutaneous route appears to induce a sustained cellular immune response, leading to an asymptomatic infection. This provides a useful model for both the selection of immunogenic Leishmania antigens and for immunobiological studies on their possible immunoprotective activities.
Hodgkin's lymphoma represents one of the most frequent lymphoproliferative syndromes, especially in young population. Although HL is considered one of the most curable tumors, a sizeable fraction of patients recur after successful upfront treatment or, less commonly, are primarily resistant. This work tries to summarize the data on clinical, histological, pathological, and biological factors in HL, with special emphasis on the improvement of prognosis and their impact on therapeutical strategies. The recent advances in our understanding of HL biology and immunology show that infiltrated immune cells and cytokines in the tumoral microenvironment may play different functions that seem tightly related with clinical outcomes. Strategies aimed at interfering with the crosstalk between tumoral Reed-Sternberg cells and their cellular partners have been taken into account in the development of new immunotherapies that target different cell components of HL microenvironment. This new knowledge will probably translate into a change in the antineoplastic treatments in HL in the next future and hopefully will increase the curability rates of this disease.
The propensity of helminths, such as schistosomes, to immunomodulate the host's immune system is an essential aspect of their survival. Previous research has demonstrated how soluble schistosomal egg antigens (SEA) dampen TLR-signaling during innate immune responses. We show here that the suppressive effect by SEA on TLR signaling is simultaneously coupled to the activation of the Nlrp3 (NLR family, pyrin domain containing 3) inflammasome and thus IL-1β production. Therefore, the responsible protein component of SEA contains the second signal that is required to trigger proteolytic pro-IL-1β processing. Moreover, the SEA component binds to the Dectin-2/FcRγ (Fc receptor γ chain) complex and activates the Syk kinase signaling pathway to induce reactive oxygen species and potassium efflux. As IL-1β has been shown to be an essential orchestrator against several pathogens we studied the in vivo consequences of Schistosoma mansoni infection in mice deficient in the central inflammasome adapter ASC and Nlrp3 molecule. These mice failed to induce local IL-1β levels in the liver and showed decreased immunopathology. Interestingly, antigen-specific Th1, Th2, and Th17 responses were down-regulated. Overall, these data imply that component(s) within SEA induce IL-1β production and unravel a crucial role of Nlrp3 during S. mansoni infection.
Assays that measure a patient's immune response play an increasingly important role in the development of immunotherapies. The inherent complexity of these assays and independent protocol development between laboratories result in high data variability and poor reproducibility. Quality control through harmonization--based on integration of laboratory-specific protocols with standard operating procedures and assay performance benchmarks--is one way to overcome these limitations. Harmonization guidelines can be widely implemented to address assay performance variables. This process enables objective interpretation and comparison of data across clinical trial sites and also facilitates the identification of relevant immune biomarkers, guiding the development of new therapies.
BACKGROUND Only multifaceted hospital wide interventions have been successful in achieving sustained improvements in hand hygiene (HH) compliance. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS Pre-post intervention study of HH performance at baseline (October 2007-December 2009) and during intervention, which included two phases. Phase 1 (2010) included multimodal WHO approach. Phase 2 (2011) added Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) tools and was based on: a) Increase of alcohol hand rub (AHR) solution placement (from 0.57 dispensers/bed to 1.56); b) Increase in frequency of audits (three days every three weeks: "3/3 strategy"); c) Implementation of a standardized register form of HH corrective actions; d) Statistical Process Control (SPC) as time series analysis methodology through appropriate control charts. During the intervention period we performed 819 scheduled direct observation audits which provided data from 11,714 HH opportunities. The most remarkable findings were: a) significant improvements in HH compliance with respect to baseline (25% mean increase); b) sustained high level (82%) of HH compliance during intervention; c) significant increase in AHRs consumption over time; c) significant decrease in the rate of healthcare-acquired MRSA; d) small but significant improvements in HH compliance when comparing phase 2 to phase 1 [79.5% (95% CI: 78.2-80.7) vs 84.6% (95% CI:83.8-85.4), p<0.05]; e) successful use of control charts to identify significant negative and positive deviations (special causes) related to the HH compliance process over time ("positive": 90.1% as highest HH compliance coinciding with the "World hygiene day"; and "negative":73.7% as lowest HH compliance coinciding with a statutory lay-off proceeding). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE CQI tools may be a key addition to WHO strategy to maintain a good HH performance over time. In addition, SPC has shown to be a powerful methodology to detect special causes in HH performance (positive and negative) and to help establishing adequate feedback to healthcare workers.
Cancer immunosurveillance theory has emphasized the role of escape mechanisms in tumor growth. In this respect, a very important factor is the molecular characterization of the mechanisms by which tumor cells evade immune recognition and destruction. Among the many escape mechanisms identified, alterations in classical and non-classical HLA (Human Leucocyte Antigens) class I and class II expression by tumor cells are of particular interest. In addition to the importance of HLA molecules, tumor-associated antigens and accessory/co-stimulatory molecules are also involved in immune recognition. The loss of HLA class I antigen expression and of co-stimulatory molecules can occur at genetic, transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Epigenetic defects are involved in at least some mechanisms that preclude mounting a successful host-antitumor response involving the HLA system, tumor-associated antigens, and accessory/co-stimulatory molecules. This review summarizes our current understanding of the role of methylation in the regulation of molecules involved in the tumor immune response.
A high prevalence of occult hepatitis B (OHB) genotype H infections has been observed in the native Mexican Nahua population. In addition, a low incidence of hepatitis B virus (HBV)-associated hepatocellular carcinoma has been described in Mexico. The immune response to infection among OHB-infected patients has been poorly evaluated in vivo. Therefore, we assessed the expression profiles of 23 cytokines in OHB genotype H-infected Nahua patients. A total of 41 sera samples from natives of the Nahua community were retrospectively analysed. Based on their HBV antibody profiles, patients were stratified into two groups: OHB patients (n = 21) and patients that had recovered from HBV infection (n = 20). Herein, we report distinctive cytokines profiles in OHB-infected individuals. Compared to healthy controls (n = 20) and patients who resolved HBV infection, OHB-infected patients displayed an increase in interleukin (IL)-2 secretion in addition to a characteristic inflammation profile (decrease in IL-8 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha levels and increased levels of tumour growth factor-beta). IL-15 and interferon-gamma levels were reduced in OHB-infected individuals when compared to those patients who resolved HBV infection. In contrast, OHB patients showed an increase in monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 and MCP-2 compared to healthy controls and patients who resolved HBV infection. These findings suggest that cytokine expression can influence the severity of OHB disease and could lead to new investigation into the treatment of liver and other infectious diseases.