617 resultados para Hypersensitivity


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One of the current limitations of gene transfer protocols involving mammalian genomes is the lack of spatial and temporal control over the desired gene manipulation. Starting from a human keratin gene showing a complex regulation as a template, we identified regulatory sequences that confer inducible gene expression in a subpopulation of keratinocytes in stratified epithelia of adult transgenic mice. We used this cassette to produce transgenic mice with an inducible skin blistering phenotype mimicking a form of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, a keratin gene disorder. Upon induction by topical application of a phorbol ester, the mutant keratin transgene product accumulates in the differentiating layers of epidermis, leading to keratinocyte lysis after application of mechanical trauma. This mouse model will allow for a better understanding of the complex relationship between keratin mutation, keratinocyte cytoarchitecture, and hypersensitivity to trauma. The development of an inducible expression vector showing an exquisite cellular specificity has important implications for manipulating genes in a spatially and temporally controlled fashion in transgenic mice, and for the design of gene therapy strategies using skin as a tissue source for the controlled delivery of foreign substances.


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Ultraviolet-B (UVB) (290–320 nm) radiation-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers within the DNA of epidermal cells are detrimental to human health by causing mutations and immunosuppressive effects that presumably contribute to photocarcinogenesis. Conventional photoprotection by sunscreens is exclusively prophylactic in nature and of no value once DNA damage has occurred. In this paper, we have therefore assessed whether it is possible to repair UVB radiation-induced DNA damage through topical application of the DNA-repair enzyme photolyase, derived from Anacystis nidulans, that specifically converts cyclobutane dimers into their original DNA structure after exposure to photoreactivating light. When a dose of UVB radiation sufficient to induce erythema was administered to the skin of healthy subjects, significant numbers of dimers were formed within epidermal cells. Topical application of photolyase-containing liposomes to UVB-irradiated skin and subsequent exposure to photoreactivating light decreased the number of UVB radiation-induced dimers by 40–45%. No reduction was observed if the liposomes were not filled with photolyase or if photoreactivating exposure preceded the application of filled liposomes. The UVB dose administered resulted in suppression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), a molecule required for immunity and inflammatory events in the epidermis. In addition, in subjects hypersensitive to nickel sulfate, elicitation of the hypersensitivity reaction in irradiated skin areas was prevented. Photolyase-induced dimer repair completely prevented these UVB radiation-induced immunosuppressive effects as well as erythema and sunburn-cell formation. These studies demonstrate that topical application of photolyase is effective in dimer reversal and thereby leads to immunoprotection.


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The molecular mechanisms underlying general anesthesia are unknown. For volatile general anesthetics (VAs), indirect evidence for both lipid and protein targets has been found. However, no in vivo data have implicated clearly any particular lipid or protein in the control of sensitivity to clinical concentrations of VAs. Genetics provides one approach toward identifying these mechanisms, but genes strongly regulating sensitivity to clinical concentrations of VAs have not been identified. By screening existing mutants of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, we found that a mutation in the neuronal syntaxin gene dominantly conferred resistance to the VAs isoflurane and halothane. By contrast, other mutations in syntaxin and in the syntaxin-binding proteins synaptobrevin and SNAP-25 produced VA hypersensitivity. The syntaxin allelic variation was striking, particularly for isoflurane, where a 33-fold range of sensitivities was seen. Both the resistant and hypersensitive mutations decrease synaptic transmission; thus, the indirect effect of reducing neurotransmission does not explain the VA resistance. As assessed by pharmacological criteria, halothane and isoflurane themselves reduced cholinergic transmission, and the presynaptic anesthetic effect was blocked by the resistant syntaxin mutation. A single gene mutation conferring high-level resistance to VAs is inconsistent with nonspecific membrane-perturbation theories of anesthesia. The genetic and pharmacological data suggest that the resistant syntaxin mutant directly blocks VA binding to or efficacy against presynaptic targets that mediate anesthetic behavioral effects. Syntaxin and syntaxin-binding proteins are candidate anesthetic targets.


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Antagonists of glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-d-aspartate subclass (NMDAR) or inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) prevent nervous system plasticity. Inflammatory and neuropathic pain rely on plasticity, presenting a clinical opportunity for the use of NMDAR antagonists and NOS inhibitors in chronic pain. Agmatine (AG), an endogenous neuromodulator present in brain and spinal cord, has both NMDAR antagonist and NOS inhibitor activities. We report here that AG, exogenously administered to rodents, decreased hyperalgesia accompanying inflammation, normalized the mechanical hypersensitivity (allodynia/hyperalgesia) produced by chemical or mechanical nerve injury, and reduced autotomy-like behavior and lesion size after excitotoxic spinal cord injury. AG produced these effects in the absence of antinociceptive effects in acute pain tests. Endogenous AG also was detected in rodent lumbosacral spinal cord in concentrations similar to those previously detected in brain. The evidence suggests a unique antiplasticity and neuroprotective role for AG in processes underlying persistent pain and neuronal injury.


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We report that 9 d of uncontrolled experimental diabetes induced by streptozotocin (STZ) in rats is an endogenous chronic stressor that produces retraction and simplification of apical dendrites of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons, an effect also observed in nondiabetic rats after 21 d of repeated restraint stress or chronic corticosterone (Cort) treatment. Diabetes also induces morphological changes in the presynaptic mossy fiber terminals (MFT) that form excitatory synaptic contacts with the proximal CA3 apical dendrites. One effect, synaptic vesicle depletion, occurs in diabetes as well as after repeated stress and Cort treatment. However, diabetes produced other MFT structural changes that differ qualitatively and quantitatively from other treatments. Furthermore, whereas 7 d of repeated stress was insufficient to produce dendritic or synaptic remodeling in nondiabetic rats, it potentiated both dendritic atrophy and MFT synaptic vesicle depletion in STZ rats. These changes occurred in concert with adrenal hypertrophy and elevated basal Cort release as well as hypersensitivity and defective shutoff of Cort secretion after stress. Thus, as an endogenous stressor, STZ diabetes not only accelerates the effects of exogenous stress to alter hippocampal morphology; it also produces structural changes that overlap only partially with those produced by stress and Cort in the nondiabetic state.


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Graft loss from chronic rejection has become the major obstacle to the long-term success of whole organ transplantation. In cardiac allografts, chronic rejection is manifested as a diffuse and accelerated form of arteriosclerosis, termed cardiac allograft vasculopathy. It has been suggested that T-cell recognition of processed alloantigens (allopeptides) presented by recipient antigen-presenting cells through the indirect pathway of allorecognition plays a critical role in the development and progression of chronic rejection. However, definitive preclinical evidence to support this hypothesis is lacking. To examine the role of indirect allorecognition in a clinically relevant large animal model of cardiac allograft vasculopathy, we immunized MHC inbred miniature swine with synthetic polymorphic peptides spanning the α1 domain of an allogeneic donor-derived swine leukocyte antigen class I gene. Pigs immunized with swine leukocyte antigen class I allopeptides showed in vitro proliferative responses and in vivo delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to the allogeneic peptides. Donor MHC class I disparate hearts transplanted into peptide-immunized cyclosporine-treated pigs not only rejected faster than unimmunized cyclosporine-treated controls (mean survival time = 5.5 +/−1.7 vs. 54.7 +/−3.8 days, P < 0.001), but they also developed obstructive fibroproliferative coronary artery lesions much earlier than unimmunized controls (<9 vs. >30 days). These results definitively link indirect allorecognition and cardiac allograft vasculopathy.


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To clarify the role of Peyer's patches in oral tolerance induction, BALB/c mice were treated in utero with lymphotoxin β-receptor Ig fusion protein to generate mice lacking Peyer's patches. When these Peyer's patch-null mice were fed 25 mg of ovalbumin (OVA) before systemic immunization, OVA-specific IgG Ab responses in serum and spleen were seen, in marked contrast to low responses in OVA-fed normal mice. Further, high T-cell-proliferative- and delayed-type hypersensitivity responses were seen in Peyer's patch-null mice given oral OVA before systemic challenge. Higher levels of CD4+ T-cell-derived IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 syntheses were noted in Peyer's patch-null mice fed OVA, whereas OVA-fed normal mice had suppressed cytokine levels. In contrast, oral administration of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) to Peyer's patch-null mice resulted in reduced TNBS-specific serum Abs and splenic B cell antitrinitrophenyl Ab-forming cell responses after skin painting with picryl chloride. Further, when delayed-type hypersensitivity and splenic T cell proliferative responses were examined, Peyer's patch-null mice fed TNBS were unresponsive to hapten. Peyer's patch-null mice fed trinitrophenyl-OVA failed to induce systemic unresponsiveness to hapten or protein. These findings show that organized Peyer's patches are required for oral tolerance to proteins, whereas haptens elicit systemic unresponsiveness via the intestinal epithelial cell barrier.


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Rad51 is crucial not only in homologous recombination and recombinational repair but also in normal cellular growth. To address the role of Rad51 in normal cell growth we investigated morphological changes of cells after overexpression of wild-type and a dominant negative form of Rad51 in fission yeast. Rhp51, a Rad51 homolog in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, has a highly conserved ATP-binding motif. Rhp51 K155A, which has a single substitution in this motif, failed to rescue hypersensitivity of a rhp51Δ mutant to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and UV, whereas it binds normally to Rhp51 and Rad22, a Rad52 homolog. Two distinct cellular phenotypes were observed when Rhp51 or Rhp51 K155A was overexpressed in normal cells. Overexpression of Rhp51 caused lethality in the absence of DNA-damaging agents, with acquisition of a cell cycle mutant phenotype and accumulation of a 1C DNA population. On the other hand, overexpression of Rhp51 K155A led to a delay in G2 with decondensed nuclei, which resembled the phenotype of rhp51Δ. The latter also exhibited MMS and UV sensitivity, indicating that Rhp51 K155A has a dominant negative effect. These results suggest an association between DNA replication and Rad51 function.


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Inflammatory pain manifests as spontaneous pain and pain hypersensitivity. Spontaneous pain reflects direct activation of specific receptors on nociceptor terminals by inflammatory mediators. Pain hypersensitivity is the consequence of early posttranslational changes, both in the peripheral terminals of the nociceptor and in dorsal horn neurons, as well as later transcription-dependent changes in effector genes, again in primary sensory and dorsal horn neurons. This inflammatory neuroplasticity is the consequence of a combination of activity-dependent changes in the neurons and specific signal molecules initiating particular signal-transduction pathways. These pathways phosphorylate membrane proteins, changing their function, and activate transcription factors, altering gene expression. Two distinct aspects of sensory neuron function are changed as a result of these processes, basal sensitivity, or the capacity of peripheral stimuli to evoke pain, and stimulus-evoked hypersensitivity, the capacity of certain inputs to generate prolonged alterations in the sensitivity of the system. Posttranslational changes largely alter basal sensitivity. Transcriptional changes both potentiate the system and alter neuronal phenotype. Potentiation occurs as a result of the up-regulation in the dorsal root ganglion of centrally acting neuromodulators and simultaneously in the dorsal horn of their receptors. This means that the response to subsequent inputs is augmented, particularly those that induce stimulus-induced hypersensitivity. Alterations in phenotype includes the acquisition by A fibers of neurochemical features typical of C fibers, enabling these fibers to induce stimulus-evoked hypersensitivity, something only C fiber inputs normally can do. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms responsible provides new opportunities for therapeutic approaches to managing inflammatory pain.


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The mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter is regulated by steroid hormones through a hormone-responsive region that is organized in a positioned nucleosome. Hormone induction leads to a structural change of this nucleosome which makes its DNA more sensitive to cleavage by DNase I and enables simultaneous binding of all relevant transcription factors. In cells carrying either episomal or chromosomally integrated MMTV promoters, moderate acetylation of core histones, generated by treatment with low concentrations of the histone deacetylase inhibitors sodium butyrate or trichostatin A, enhances transcription from the MMTV promoter in the absence of hormone and potentiates transactivation by either glucocorticoids or progestins. At higher concentrations, histone deacetylase inhibitors reduce basal and hormone induced MMTV transcription. Inducing inhibitor concentrations lead to the same type of nucleosomal DNase I hypersensitivity as hormone treatment, suggesting that moderate acetylation of core histone activates the MMTV promoter by mechanisms involving chromatin remodeling similar to that generated by the inducing hormones.


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When administered in high doses to HIV positive (HIV+) individuals, interleukin 2 (IL-2) causes extreme toxicity and markedly increases plasma HIV levels. Integration of the information from the structure-activity relationships of the IL-2 receptor interaction, the cellular distribution of the different classes of IL-2 receptors, and the pharmacokinetics of IL-2 provides for the rationale that low IL-2 doses should circumvent toxicity. Therefore, to identify a nontoxic, but effective and safe IL-2 treatment regimen that does not stimulate viral replication, doses of IL-2 from 62,500 to 250,000 IU/m2/day were administered subcutaneously for 6 months to 16 HIV+ individuals with 200-500 CD4+ T cells/mm3. IL-2 was already detectable in the plasma of most HIV+ individuals even before therapy. Peak plasma IL-2 levels were near saturating for high affinity IL-2 receptors in 10 individuals who received the maximum nontoxic dose, which ranged from 187,500 to 250,000 IU/m2/day. During the 6 months of treatment at this dose range, plasma levels of proinflammatory cytokines remained undetectable, and plasma HIV RNA levels did not change significantly. However, delayed type hypersensitivity responses to common recall antigens were markedly augmented, and there were IL-2 dose-dependent increases in circulating Natural Killer cells, eosinophils, monocytes, and CD4+ T cells. Expanded clinical trials of low dose IL-2 are now warranted, especially in combination with effective antivirals to test for the prevention of immunodeficiency and the emergence of drug-resistant mutants and for the eradication of residual virions.


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The interleukin 2 (IL-2) gene is subject to two types of regulation: its expression is T-lymphocyte-specific and it is acutely dependent on specific activation signals. The IL-2 transcriptional apparatus integrates multiple types of biochemical information in determining whether or not the gene will be expressed, using multiple diverse transcription factors that are each optimally activated or inhibited by different signaling pathways. When activation of one or two of these factors is blocked IL-2 expression is completely inhibited. The inability of the other, unaffected factors to work is explained by the striking finding that none of the factors interacts stably with its target site in the IL-2 enhancer unless all the factors are present. Coordinate occupancy of all the sites in the minimal enhancer is apparently maintained by continuous assembly and disassembly cycles that respond to the instantaneous levels of each factor in the nuclear compartment. In addition, the minimal enhancer undergoes specific increases in DNase I accessibility, consistent with dramatic changes in chromatin structure upon activation. Still to be resolved is what interaction(s) conveys T-lineage specificity. In the absence of activating signals, the minimal IL-2 enhancer region in mature T cells is apparently unoccupied, exactly as in non-T lineage cells. However, in a conserved but poorly studied upstream region, we have now mapped several novel sites of DNase I hypersensitivity in vivo that constitutively distinguish IL-2 producer type T cells from cell types that cannot express IL-2. Thus a distinct domain of the IL-2 regulatory sequence may contain sites for competence- or lineage-marking protein contacts.


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It is now well understood that chromatin structure is perturbed in the neighborhood of expressed genes. This is most obvious in the neighborhood of promoters and enhancers, where hypersensitivity to nucleases marks sites that no longer carry canonical nucleosomes, and to which transcription factors bind. To study the relationship between transcription factor binding and the generation of these hypersensitive regions, we mutated individual cis-acting regulatory elements within the enhancer that lies between the chicken beta- and epsilon-globin genes. Constructions carrying the mutant enhancer were introduced by stable transformation into an avian erythroid cell line. We observed that weakening the enhancer resulted in creation of two classes of site: those still completely accessible to nuclease attack and those that were completely blocked. This all-or-none behavior suggests a mechanism by which chromatin structure can act to sharpen the response of developmental systems to changing concentrations of regulatory factors. Another problem raised by chromatin structure concerns the establishment of boundaries between active and inactive chromatin domains. We have identified a DNA element at the 5' end of the chicken beta-globin locus, near such a boundary, that has the properties of an insulator; in test constructions, it blocks the action of an enhancer on a promoter when it is placed between them. We describe the properties and partial dissection of this sequence. A third problem is posed by the continued presence of nucleosomes on transcribed genes, which might prevent the passage of RNA polymerase. We show, however, that a prokaryotic polymerase can transcribe through a histone octamer on a simple chromatin template. The analysis of this process reveals that an octamer is capable of transferring from a position in front of the polymerase to one behind, without ever losing its attachment to the DNA.


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The p40 subunit of interleukin 12 (IL-12p40) has been known to act as an IL-12 antagonist in vitro. We here describe the immunosuppressive effect of IL-12p40 in vivo. A murine myoblast cell line, C2C12, was transduced with retro-virus vectors carrying the lacZ gene as a marker and the IL-12p40 gene. IL-12p40 secreted from the transfectant inhibited the IL-12-induced interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) production by splenocytes in vitro. Survival of C2C12 transplanted into allogeneic recipients was substantially prolonged when transduced with IL-12p40. Cytokine (IL-2 and IFN-gamma) production and cytotoxic T lymphocyte induction against allogeneic C2C12 were impaired in the recipients transplanted with the IL-12p40 transfectant. Delayed-type hypersensitivity response against C2C12 was also diminished in the IL-12p40 recipients. Furthermore, serum antibodies against beta-galactosidase of the T-helper 1-dependent isotypes (IgG2 and IgG3) were decreased in the IL-12p40 recipients. These results indicate that locally produced IL-12p40 exerts a potent immunosuppressive effect on T-helper 1-mediated immune responses that lead to allograft rejection. Therefore, IL-12p40 gene transduction would be useful for preventing the rejection of allografts and genetically modified own cells that are transduced with potentially antigenic molecules in gene therapy.


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Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone or Q) plays a well known electron transport function in the respiratory chain, and recent evidence suggests that the reduced form of ubiquinone (QH2) may play a second role as a potent lipid-soluble antioxidant. To probe the function of QH2 as an antioxidant in vivo, we have made use of a Q-deficient strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae harboring a deletion in the COQ3 gene [Clarke, C. F., Williams, W. & Teruya, J. H. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 16636-16644]. Q-deficient yeast and the wild-type parental strain were subjected to treatment with polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are prone to autoxidation and breakdown into toxic products. In this study we find that Q-deficient yeast are hypersensitive to the autoxidation products of linolenic acid and other polyunsaturated fatty acids. In contrast, the monounsaturated oleic acid, which is resistant to autoxidative breakdown, has no effect. The hypersensitivity of the coq3delta strains can be prevented by the presence of the COQ3 gene on a single copy plasmid, indicating that the sensitive phenotype results solely from the inability to produce Q. As a result of polyunsaturated fatty acid treatment, there is a marked elevation of lipid hydroperoxides in the coq3 mutant as compared with either wild-type or respiratory-deficient control strains. The hypersensitivity of the Q-deficient mutant can be rescued by the addition of butylated hydroxytoluene, alpha-tocopherol, or trolox, an aqueous soluble vitamin E analog. The results indicate that autoxidation products of polyunsaturated fatty acids mediate the cell killing and that QH2 plays an important role in vivo in protecting eukaryotic cells from these products.