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In high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the concurrence of specific trisomies confers a more favorable outcome than hyperdiploidy alone. Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) complements conventional cytogenetics (CC) through its sensitivity and ability to detect chromosome aberrations in nondividing cells. To overcome the limits of manual I-FISH, we developed an automated four-color I-FISH approach and assessed its ability to detect concurrent aneuploidies in ALL. I-FISH was performed using centromeric probes for chromosomes 4, 6, 10, and 17. Parameters established for nucleus selection and signal detection were evaluated. Cutoff values were determined. Combinations of aneuploidies were considered relevant when each aneuploidy was individually significant. Results obtained in 10 patient samples were compared with those obtained with CC. Various combinations of aneuploidies were identified. All clones detected by CC were observed also by I-FISH, and I-FISH revealed numerous additional abnormal clones in all patients, ranging from < or =1% to 31.6% of cells analyzed. We conclude that four-color automated I-FISH permits the identification of concurrent aneuploidies of potential prognostic significance. Large numbers of cells can be analyzed rapidly. The large number of nuclei scored revealed a high level of chromosome variability both at diagnosis and relapse, the prognostic significance of which is of considerable clinical interest and merits further evaluation.
Chemotherapeutic drug resistance is one of the major causes for treatment failure in high-risk neuroblastoma (NB), the most common extra cranial solid tumor in children. Poor prognosis is typically associated with MYCN amplification. Here, we utilized a loss-of-function kinome-wide RNA interference screen to identify genes that cause cisplatin sensitization. We identified fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) as an important determinant of cisplatin resistance. Pharmacological inhibition of FGFR2 confirmed the importance of this kinase in NB chemoresistance. Silencing of FGFR2 sensitized NB cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis, which was regulated by the downregulation of the anti-apoptotic proteins BCL2 and BCLXL. Mechanistically, FGFR2 was shown to activate protein kinase C-δ to induce BCL2 expression. FGFR2, as well as the ligand fibroblast growth factor-2, were consistently expressed in primary NB and NB cell lines, indicating the presence of an autocrine loop. Expression analysis revealed that FGFR2 correlates with MYCN amplification and with advanced stage disease, demonstrating the clinical relevance of FGFR2 in NB. These findings suggest a novel role for FGFR2 in chemoresistance and provide a rational to combine pharmacological inhibitors against FGFR2 with chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of NB.
BACKGROUND: The European Guidelines specify a minimum of 5,000 screening cases to be read yearly by radiologists carrying out second reading in non-centralized programs. This professional requirement is difficult to reach and/or to implement in regional programs covering a sparse population with a high number of participating radiology units, so that alternative blind double reading strategies must be devised. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect on breast cancer screening performances of two second reading strategies used in non-centralized, low-volume programs. METHODS: Reading performances in two Swiss regional breast cancer screening programs (cantons of Wallis and Vaud), covering female populations, aged 50-69, of about 31'000 and 72'000 inhabitants were computed and compared. Both programs had similar screening regimens and organizations, but differed with respect to second reading. One setting applied a selective strategy whereby only experienced radiologists performed second reading; the other elicited not to restrict second readers on the basis of their individual screening activity. Analysis included some 140,000 mammograms performed between 1999 and 2005. RESULTS: Overall, screening performances improved with increasing total volume of reading, albeit not in a linear fashion. Regardless of setting, radiologists attained a higher level of screening accuracy when performing second rather than first readings, and incident rather than prevalent screening cases. The effect of a selective, small group of second readers appeared to impact favorably on the false-positive rate and other indicators of screening quality. As the learning curve depends on the number of mammograms read, these distinct strategies may bear different outcome in the long run. Implications and practical issues for low-volume programs are discussed.
C.E.R.A. (Continuous Erythropoietin Receptor Activator) is a new third-generation erythropoiesis-stimulating agent that has recently been linked with abuse in endurance sports. The anti-doping community rapidly reacted by releasing a high-throughput screening ELISA allowing the detection of C.E.R.A. doping in athletes' blood. In order to return adverse analytical findings, anti-doping laboratories, however, need, as far as possible, to confirm the presence of the drug in athletes' samples through orthogonal methods. This article focuses on the comparison of 2 proposed confirmation assays based on gel electrophoresis that were coupled with a new sample immunopurification method. IEF, the classical method used to target erythropoietin (EPO) and its recombinant analogues in athletes' samples, and SARKOSYL-PAGE were applied to the plasma samples of subjects having received a single injection of C.E.R.A. It was demonstrated that SARKOSYL-PAGE was at least 6 times more sensitive than IEF, with comparable specificity. A longer detection window coupled with easier interpretation criteria led us to recommend the use of SARKOSYL-PAGE to confirm C.E.R.A. presence in athletes' blood.
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a 36 amino acid peptide present in the central and peripheral nervous system. Numerous studies point to a role of NPY in cardiovascular regulation. NPY effects are mediated through stimulation of specific cell surface G protein-coupled receptors. To allow biochemical studies of the receptor and of its interaction with the ligand, we have developed a potent expression system for NPY receptors using a recombinant vaccinia virus. A human NPY receptor cDNA was fused to a strong vaccinia virus promoter and inserted into the viral genome by homologous recombination. Recombinant viruses were isolated and tested for their ability to induce NPY binding site expression following infection of mammalian cell lines. Using saturation and competition binding experiments we measured a Bmax of 5-10 x 10(6) NPY binding sites per cell. The Kd for the binding of NPY is about 20 nM. Labelling of infected cells with a fluorochrome-labelled NPY indicated that the recombinant protein integrates into the cell membrane.
The health benefits associated with the consumption of polyphenol-rich foods have been studied in depth, however, the full mechanism of action remains unknown. One of the proposed mechanisms is through microbiota interaction. In the present study, we aimed to explore the relationship between changes in fecal microbiota and changes in urinary phenolic metabolites after wine interventions. Nine participants followed a randomized, crossover, controlled interventional trial. After the washout period, they received red wine, dealcoholized red wine or gin for 20 days each. Polyphenol metabolites (n > 60) in urine were identified and quantified by UPLC-MS/MS and the microbial content of fecal samples was quantified by real-time quantitative PCR. Interventions with both red wine and dealcoholized red wine increased the fecal concentration of Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus and Eggerthella lenta, compared to gin intervention and baseline. When participants were categorized in tertiles of changes in fecal bacteria, those in the highest tertile of Bifidobacteria had higher urinary concentration changes in syringic acid, p-coumaric acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and homovanillic acid (all anthocyanin metabolites) than those in tertile 1 (P < 0.05, all). In addition, changes of Bifidobacteria correlated positively with changes of these metabolites (r = 0.5-0.7, P < 0.05, all). Finally, the 68.5% changes in Bifidobacteria can be predicted by syringic acid and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid changes. This study confirms the important role of polyphenols as bacterial substrates and their modulatory capacity as an important field in the research of new products with prebiotic and probiotic characteristics for the food industry.
INTRODUCTION Sexually transmitted infections (STI) like Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) have been associated with increased risk of HIV acquisition (1). It has been also described as a high prevalence of asymptomatic CT and NG infections in men who have sex with men (MSM) (2). The aim of this study was to know the prevalence of CT and/or NG infections in asymptomatic HIV-MSM and the related factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS Prospective study of a cohort of asymptomatic HIV-MSM with follow-up in Malaga (southern Spain) during October 2012-May 2014. Patients with an opportunistic event or who received active antibiotic therapy for CT and/or NG in the previous month were excluded. All of them completed a questionnaire about sexual behaviour, barrier methods and recreational drugs use. Demographical, epidemiological, clinical, analytical and therapeutic data were also collected. Pharyngeal and rectal swabs, and urine samples were collected to be tested for CT and NG by nucleic acid amplification test (c4800 CT/NG. Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) (3). STATISTICS ANALYSIS SPSS 17.0. RESULTS 255 patients were asked to participate and 248 of them accepted. Median age was 37.7 (30.6-46.3) years, median time since HIV diagnosis was 47.7 (10.5-104.1) months, and median CD4 cells count was 607 (440-824) cell/µL. There were 195 (78.6%) patients on antiretroviral therapy; 81.5% of them had undetectable viral load. 80.5% of the patients had a past history of STI. Infection by CT and/or NG was diagnosed in 24 (9.7%) patients. Overall four urine samples, two pharyngeal, and 15 rectal ones were positive for CT, and five pharyngeal and five rectal swabs were positive for NG. Two patients were co-infected by CT and NG: one with CT in urine and both in rectum, another with CT in urine and rectum and NG in pharynx. One patient presented CT in pharynx and rectum, and two patients NG in pharynx and rectum. Positive CT and/or NG tests were only related with detectable HIV viral load (OR 3.08, 95% CI 1.2-7.4; p=0.01). It was not related with sexual behaviour, nor with alcohol or recreational drugs use. CONCLUSIONS STI screening had a great acceptance in this population. There was a high prevalence of asymptomatic CT and/or NG infections. Rectum sample was the most effective one. Viral suppression could protect from these STI. Screening should be recommended in HIV-MSM.
Allergic reactions towards β-lactam antibiotics pose an important clinical problem. The ability of small molecules, such as a β-lactams, to bind covalently to proteins, in a process known as haptenation, is considered necessary for induction of a specific immunological response. Identification of the proteins modified by β-lactams and elucidation of the relevance of this process in allergic reactions requires sensitive tools. Here we describe the preparation and characterization of a biotinylated amoxicillin analog (AX-B) as a tool for the study of protein haptenation by amoxicillin (AX). AX-B, obtained by the inclusion of a biotin moiety at the lateral chain of AX, showed a chemical reactivity identical to AX. Covalent modification of proteins by AX-B was reduced by excess AX and vice versa, suggesting competition for binding to the same targets. From an immunological point of view, AX and AX-B behaved similarly in RAST inhibition studies with sera of patients with non-selective allergy towards β-lactams, whereas, as expected, competition by AX-B was poorer with sera of AX-selective patients, which recognize AX lateral chain. Use of AX-B followed by biotin detection allowed the observation of human serum albumin (HSA) modification by concentrations 100-fold lower that when using AX followed by immunological detection. Incubation of human serum with AX-B led to the haptenation of all of the previously identified major AX targets. In addition, some new targets could be detected. Interestingly, AX-B allowed the detection of intracellular protein adducts, which showed a cell type-specific pattern. This opens the possibility of following the formation and fate of AX-B adducts in cells. Thus, AX-B may constitute a valuable tool for the identification of AX targets with high sensitivity as well as for the elucidation of the mechanisms involved in allergy towards β-lactams.
A survey was undertaken among a representative sample of the female population, aged 20 to 74, of the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland (total population 550,000) to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of women in respect to breast cancer and its prevention. The present study focuses on access by women to medical preventive measures (breast examination by physician and information on breast self-examination). The data are analyzed in relation to the individual risk factors affecting women, in particular age. While with age the risk of breast cancer grows in a linear fashion, the proportion of women having their breast examined by a physician declines. Women over 50 who had no children before the age of 30 constitute an especially high risk category, with the lowest access to information and prevention. This is explained in large part by the fact that they consult gynecologists less often. In this regard it should be noted that a visit to a gynecologist's office is associated much more often with breast examination than a visit to a family physician. It is important to take such findings into account in providing more appropriate and complete care for those groups. This involves sensitization of the physician and improved information for the women themselves.
Lung cancer screening has been the focus of intense interest since the publication in 2011 of the NLST trial (National Lung Screening Trial) showing a mortality reduction in smokers undergoing 3-year screening by chest computed tomography. Although these data appear promising, many issues remain to be resolved, such as high rate of false positive cases, risk of overdiagnosis, optimal intervals between screens, duration of the screening process, feasibility, and cost. Structured screening programs appear crucial to guarantee patient information, technical quality, and multidisciplinary management. Despite these uncertainties, several guidelines already state that screening should be performed in patients at risk, whereas investigators stress that more data are needed. How should the primary care physician deal with individual patients requests? This review provides some clues on this complex issue.
It is currently suspected that sugar overconsumption, and more specifically fructose, may promote the development of obesity and of several cardio-metabolic disorders. However, environmental factors, such as fish oil and dietary proteins, may prevent some deleterious effects of fructose. The aim of this thesis was to identify potential environmental factors that may modulate the metabolic effects of fructose. The first study was designed to evaluate the impact of endurance exercise in healthy young men fed a high-fructose, isocaloric diet. Fructose-induced effects on lipid profile were totally prevented by endurance exercise and may be explained by an enhanced clearance of TRL-TG and the inhibition of de novo lipogenesis. As energy intake was adjusted to energy requirement, we can conclude that exercise acts on fructose metabolism independently of energy imbalance. The second study aimed at determining whether coffee and more specifically chlorogenic acid consumption may prevent fructose-induced intrahepatic lipids accumulation, hypertriglyceridemia and hepatic insulin resistance, through a stimulation of lipid oxidation. Coffee did not prevent the fructose-induced increase in IHCL or plasma TG. Interestingly, the three coffees tested prevented the decrease in hepatic insulin sensitivity, independently of their content in caffeine or chlorogenic acid. Finally, in the third study, we evaluated the effect of essential amino acid supplementation on the increase of hepatic lipids induced by a high-fructose diet. This intervention slightly decreased IHCL concentration. The exact mechanisms remain unidentified but may involve an increased secretion of VLDL-TG. In conclusion, the environmental factors evaluated allow to prevent some of the deleterious effects of fructose and suggest that recommendations on fructose consumption should also take into account environmental factors.
Tumor angiogenesis is an essential step in tumor progression and metastasis formation. Suppression of tumor angiogenesis results in the inhibition of tumor growth. Recent evidence indicates that vascular integrins, in particular alpha V beta 3, are important regulators of angiogenesis, including tumor angiogenesis. Integrin alpha V beta 3 antagonists, such as blocking antibodies or peptides, suppress tumor angiogenesis and tumor progression in many preclinical tumor models. The potential therapeutic efficacy of extracellular integrin antagonists in human cancer is currently being tested in clinical trials. Selective disruption of the tumor vasculature by high doses of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), and the antiangiogenic activity of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are associated with the suppression of integrin alpha V beta 3 function and signaling in endothelial cells. Furthermore, expression of isolated integrin cytoplasmic domains disrupts integrin-dependent adhesion, resulting in endothelial cell detachment and apoptosis. These results confirm the critical role of vascular integrins in promoting endothelial cell survival and angiogenesis and suggest that intracellular targeting of integrin function and signaling may be an alternative strategy to extracellular integrin antagonists for the therapeutic inhibition of tumor angiogenesis.
Omega-3 fatty acids (ω-3 FAs) have potential anti-inflammatory activity in a variety of inflammatory human diseases, but the mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here we show that stimulation of macrophages with ω-3 FAs, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and other family members, abolished NLRP3 inflammasome activation and inhibited subsequent caspase-1 activation and IL-1β secretion. In addition, G protein-coupled receptor 120 (GPR120) and GPR40 and their downstream scaffold protein β-arrestin-2 were shown to be involved in inflammasome inhibition induced by ω-3 FAs. Importantly, ω-3 FAs also prevented NLRP3 inflammasome-dependent inflammation and metabolic disorder in a high-fat-diet-induced type 2 diabetes model. Our results reveal a mechanism through which ω-3 FAs repress inflammation and prevent inflammation-driven diseases and suggest the potential clinical use of ω-3 FAs in gout, autoinflammatory syndromes, or other NLRP3 inflammasome-driven inflammatory diseases.
Purpose: Although young males encounter sexually-related concerns, they are mostly absent from specialized services. Our objective is to assess whether the internet is used by boys to find answers to these types of problems and questions. Methods: In the context of a qualitative study assessing young males' barriers to access sexual and reproductive health facilities, we conducted two focus groups gathering 12 boys aged 17-20. Discussions were triggered through the presentation of four vignettes corresponding to questions posted by 17-20 year old boys and girls on an information website for adolescents (www.ciao.ch), concerning various sexual dysfunction situations. In order to avoid having to talk about their own experience, participants were asked what they would do in those cases. Results: In general, the internet was mentioned quite thoroughly as a means of searching for information through research engines and a place to address professionals for advice.Within the hierarchy of consultation possibilities, the internet was given the first place as a way to deal with these types of problems presenting many advantages: (1) the internet enables to maintain intimacy; (2) it is anonymous (use of a pseudo); (3) it avoids having to confront someone face-to-face with personal problems which can be embarrassing and challenging for one's pride; (4) it is free; and (5) it is accessible at all times. In other words, participants value the internet as a positive tool to avoid many barriers which prevent offline consultations to take place. Most participants consider the internet at least as a first step in trying to solve a problem; for instance, by better defining the seriousness of a problem and judging if it is worth consulting a doctor. However, despite the positive qualities of the internet, they do put forward the importance of having specialists answering questions, trustworthiness, and being followed-up by the same person. Participants suggested that a strategy to break down barriers for boys to consult in face-to-face settings is to have a consultation on the internet as a first step which could then guide the person to an in-person consultation if necessary. Conclusions: The internet as a means of obtaining information or consulting received high marks overall. Although the internet cannot replace an in-person consultation, the screen and the keyboard have the advantage of not involving a face-to-face encounter and raise the possibility of discussing sexual problems anonymously and in private. The internet tools together with other new technologies should continue to develop in a secure manner as a space providing prevention messages and to become an easy access door to sexual and reproductive health services for young men, which can then guide youths to appropriate resource persons. Sources of support: This study was supported by the Maurice Chalumeau Foundation, Switzerland.
Wounding initiates a strong and largely jasmonate-dependent remodelling of the transcriptome in the leaf blades of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). How much control do jasmonates exert on wound-induced protein repatterning in leaves? Replicated shotgun proteomic analyses of 2.5-mm-wide leaf strips adjacent to wounds revealed 106 differentially regulated proteins. Many of these gene products have not emerged as being wound regulated in transcriptomic studies. From experiments using the jasmonic acid (JA)-deficient allene oxide synthase mutant we estimated that approximately 95% of wound-stimulated changes in protein levels were deregulated in the absence of JA. The levels of two tonoplast proteins already implicated in defense response regulation, TWO-PORE CHANNEL1 and the calcium-V-ATPase ACA4 increased on wounding, but their transcripts were not wound inducible. The data suggest new roles for jasmonate in controlling the levels of calcium-regulated pumps and transporters, proteins involved in targeted proteolysis, a putative bacterial virulence factor target, a light-dependent catalyst, and a key redox-controlled enzyme in glutathione synthesis. Extending the latter observation we found that wounding increased the proportion of oxidized glutathione in leaves, but only in plants able to synthesize JA. The oxidizing conditions generated through JA signaling near wounds help to define the cellular environment in which proteome remodelling occurs.