900 resultados para Hierarchy of text classifiers


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O projeto que se apresenta tem por finalidade investigar processos de aperfeiçoamento da competência de escrita do texto argumentativo de alunos do Ensino Secundário. Considerou-se as contribuições convergentes das teorias e técnicas da psicologia cognitiva e de perspetivas sociais da linguagem. Em consequência, associou-se o modelo de revisão de Hayes e Flower (1983; 1980), e de Hayes, Flower, Schriver, Stratman e Carey (1987), ao modelo de análise do discurso de Bronckart (2004; 1996) e à proposta linguística de Adam (2006; 1992). A hipótese que sustenta a investigação é que a consciência (meta)linguística pode facilitar a revisão textual e o aperfeiçoamento da competência de escrita de textos argumentativos, em contexto de Oficina de Escrita. A investigação conjugou duas fases. Na fase intensiva do estudo de caso, os alunos do 11.º ano de Português de uma Escola do Porto progrediram, através de trabalho continuado em Oficina de Escrita. Após a experiência, mesmo alunos com dificuldades revelaram domínio de metalinguagem, mais consciência (meta)linguística na revisão e autorregulação da sua aprendizagem. Na fase extensiva, foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário a uma amostra probabilística de professores do Secundário, igualmente do Porto. Os docentes valorizaram os aspetos supracitados, bem como a leitura de textos argumentativos e o treino do conhecimento explícito da língua. Contudo, em triangulação, as respostas indiciam um ensino centrado no professor, pouco aberto a projetos de escrita, a novas tecnologias e à divulgação de textos à Escola e ao meio. Os resultados indicam que a competência de escrita de textos argumentativos é passível de aperfeiçoamento em Oficina de Escrita, através de interiorização do género textual e aprofundamento da competência (meta)linguística. No contexto do estudo, comprova-se a influência de um treino de escrita inserido em Projetos de Escola, tendo o aluno como sujeito da sua própria aprendizagem, em interação com o meio.


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[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar secuencias didácticas(SD) para enseñar lengua/s diseñadas por profesores de educación primaria y proponer algunos indicadores que guíen a los enseñantes en la confección y validación (o autoevaluación) de las mismas. Entendemos la secuencia didáctica en el sentido de sus creadores ginebrinos, es decir, como una herramienta para la enseñanza del género textual como unidad comunicativa. El diseño de las secuencias estudiadas en este artículo se realiza a lo largo de unas sesiones de formación de profesorado; a la vista de los obstáculos que se observan en su elaboración (dificultades para explicitar la consigna, noción difusa del género textual, etc.), decidimos analizarlas a partir de unos ítems o criterios extraídos básicamente de los principios que rigen las secuencias didácticas. Pensamos que las principales dificultades derivarán de las concepciones teóricas y metodológicas previas que tienen los profesores y de una concepción disociada de la SD y del género textual. Los resultados ponen de relieve cuáles son algunos de los aspectos que merecen especial atención a la hora de diseñar secuencias didácticas y sugieren el interés de contar con unos indicadores que guíen al docente en la confección de las mismas. Eso no significa, sin embargo, que deba tratarse de una lista cerrada y, evidentemente, futuros trabajos habrán de modificarla y completarla. Hasta el momento, estos criterios nos permiten confirmar la importancia de insistir en las bases teóricas y metodológicas de las secuencias didácticas en el marco de las sesiones formativas.


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El reconocimiento de la jurisprudencia como fuente jurídica principal concede a todo fallo efectos vinculantes de alcance general y abstracto. Este cambio de esquema ha trastocado los cánones de tradición romano-germánica. La ubicación de la jurisprudencia dentro del sistema de fuentes dependerá, por la forma, de la jerarquía orgánica del juez o tribunal del que emanare. En cuanto al fondo, existen dos aristas. La primera, en cuanto a la materia, en aplicación del principio del paralelismo de las formas jurídicas: si existiese reserva constitucional o legal sobre una materia determinada, la jurisprudencia estará creando subreglas de idéntica naturaleza y jerarquía. Finalmente, desde la perspectiva axiológica, en atención al principio de interpretación pro homine y de progresividad de los derechos fundamentales, la jurisprudencia que prevalecería es aquella que presente un estándar mayormente garantista, sin importar la jerarquía orgánica del juez o tribunal emisor.


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Este artículo analiza la supremacía de la Constitución, en el escenario boliviano, frente al resto de las normas que integran el ordenamiento jurídico. Se estudia de manera particular a los tratados internacionales –en particular aquellos que forman parte del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos– en relación al debate sobre su jerarquía en el ordenamiento jurídico boliviano y, en particular, frente a la Constitución. Finalmente, se precisa la jerarquía que le corresponde a las normas propias de los pueblos indígenas, originarios y campesinos en el ordenamiento jurídico boliviano.


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En el año 2009, el escritor Jorge Volpi publicó el ensayo El insomnio de Bolívar en el que argumenta a favor de abandonar, por irreal y quimérica, la idea de “literatura latinoamericana”. Mediante la lectura de cuatro novelas –Juntacadáveres (1964), El lugar sin límites (1965), La casa verde (1966) y Pantaleón y las visitadoras (1973)– buscaré develar lo erróneo y tendencioso de tal postura. Así, fundamentaré mi argumento en el análisis minucioso de los prostíbulos novelescos que albergan las cuatro ficciones, desde sus apariciones hasta sus aniquilamientos. Apariciones que lejos de ser insignificantes muestran desde un inicio una complejidad extrema por la serie de tensiones que articulan entre los personajes y las sociedades representadas. Dicha complejidad se enriquece y densifica una vez que pensamos en el tipo de actividades que tienen lugar en los lupanares, actividades en las cuales la fiesta y el carnaval pautan toda una serie de metamorfosis, completamente ajenas a la realidad exterior. Finalmente, me centraré en la dinámica de los proxenetas o fundadores de los burdeles, individuos singulares que manifiestan una voluntad inaudita en la cual la imaginación busca negar y suplantar la realidad. No obstante, sus actividades, que en ocasiones hacen pensar en ejercicios utópicos, terminan sucumbiendo a la censura social que, de un modo o de otro, destruye a los prostíbulos sin que esto signifique terminar con los cambios introducidos por estos en las sociedades que los acogen. Ya que muy pocos otros espacios ficcionales son tan frecuentes y ricos en valores dentro de la literatura latinoamericana demostraré en la conclusión de qué manera este tipo de textos (y espacios novelescos) permiten hablar a justo título de “literatura latinoamericana”.


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The strength of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is believed to depend on the westerly wind stress blowing over the Southern Ocean, although the exact relationship between winds and circumpolar transport is yet to be determined. Here we show, based on theoretical arguments and a hierarchy of numerical modeling experiments, that the global pycnocline depth and the baroclinic ACC transport are set by an integral measure of the wind stress over the path of the ACC, taking into account its northward deflection. Our results assume that the mesoscale eddy diffusivity is independent of the mean flow; while the relationship between wind stress and ACC transport will be more complicated in an eddy-saturated regime, our conclusion that the ACC is driven by winds over the circumpolar streamlines is likely to be robust.


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This article examines two genres of text which were extremely popular in the late-medieval and early modern periods, and it pays particular attention to women users. The printed almanacs of sixteenth-century England were enormously influential; yet their contents are so formulaic and repetitive as to appear almost empty of valuable information. Their most striking feature is their astrological guidance for the reader, and this has led to them being considered 'merely' the repository of popular superstition. Only in the last decade have themes of gender and medicine been given serious consideration in relation to almanacs; but this work has focused on the seventeenth century. This chapter centres on a detailed analysis of sixteenth-century English almanacs, and the various kinds of scientific and household guidance they offered to women readers. Both compilers and users needed to chart a safe course through the religious and scientific battles of the time; and the complexities involved are demonstrated by considering the almanacs in relation to competing sources of guidance. These latter are Books of Hours and 'scientific' works such as medical calendars compiled by Oxford scholars in the late middle ages. A key feature of this chapter is that it gives practical interpretations of this complex information, for the guidance of modern readers unfamiliar with astrology.


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During the past 15 years, a number of initiatives have been undertaken at national level to develop ocean forecasting systems operating at regional and/or global scales. The co-ordination between these efforts has been organized internationally through the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE). The French MERCATOR project is one of the leading participants in GODAE. The MERCATOR systems routinely assimilate a variety of observations such as multi-satellite altimeter data, sea-surface temperature and in situ temperature and salinity profiles, focusing on high-resolution scales of the ocean dynamics. The assimilation strategy in MERCATOR is based on a hierarchy of methods of increasing sophistication including optimal interpolation, Kalman filtering and variational methods, which are progressively deployed through the Syst`eme d’Assimilation MERCATOR (SAM) series. SAM-1 is based on a reduced-order optimal interpolation which can be operated using ‘altimetry-only’ or ‘multi-data’ set-ups; it relies on the concept of separability, assuming that the correlations can be separated into a product of horizontal and vertical contributions. The second release, SAM-2, is being developed to include new features from the singular evolutive extended Kalman (SEEK) filter, such as three-dimensional, multivariate error modes and adaptivity schemes. The third one, SAM-3, considers variational methods such as the incremental four-dimensional variational algorithm. Most operational forecasting systems evaluated during GODAE are based on least-squares statistical estimation assuming Gaussian errors. In the framework of the EU MERSEA (Marine EnviRonment and Security for the European Area) project, research is being conducted to prepare the next-generation operational ocean monitoring and forecasting systems. The research effort will explore nonlinear assimilation formulations to overcome limitations of the current systems. This paper provides an overview of the developments conducted in MERSEA with the SEEK filter, the Ensemble Kalman filter and the sequential importance re-sampling filter.


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This paper describes a framework architecture for the automated re-purposing and efficient delivery of multimedia content stored in CMSs. It deploys specifically designed templates as well as adaptation rules based on a hierarchy of profiles to accommodate user, device and network requirements invoked as constraints in the adaptation process. The user profile provides information in accordance with the opt-in principle, while the device and network profiles provide the operational constraints such as for example resolution and bandwidth limitations. The profiles hierarchy ensures that the adaptation privileges the users' preferences. As part of the adaptation, we took into account the support for users' special needs, and therefore adopted a template-based approach that could simplify the adaptation process integrating accessibility-by-design in the template.


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The results from a range of different signal processing schemes used for the further processing of THz transients are contrasted. The performance of different classifiers after adopting these schemes are also discussed.


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Typeface design: collaborative work commissioned by Adobe Inc. Published but unreleased. The Adobe Devanagari typefaces were commissioned from Tiro Typeworks and collaboratively designed by Tim Holloway, Fiona Ross and John Hudson, beginning in 2005. The types were officially released in 2009. The design brief was to produce a typeface for modern business communications in Hindi and other languages, to be legible both in print and on screen. Adobe Devanagari was designed to be highly readable in a range of situations including quite small sizes in spreadsheets and in continuous text setting, as well as at display sizes, where the full character of the typeface reveals itself. The construction of the letters is based on traditional penmanship but possesses less stroke contrast than many Devanagari types, in order to maintain strong, legible forms at smaller sizes. To achieve a dynamic, fluid style the design features a rounded treatment of distinguishing terminals and stroke reversals, open counters that also aid legibility at smaller sizes, and delicately flaring strokes. Together, these details reveal an original hand and provide a contemporary approach that is clean, clear and comfortable to read whether in short or long passages of text. This new approach to a traditional script is intended to counter the dominance of rigid, staccato-like effects of straight verticals and horizontals in earlier types and many existing fonts. OpenType Layout features in the fonts provide both automated and discretionary access to an extensive glyph set, enabling sophisticated typography. Many conjuncts preferred in classical literary texts and particularly in some North Indian languages are included; these literary conjuncts may be substituted by specially designed alternative linear forms and fitted half forms. The length of the ikars—ि and ी—varies automatically according to adjacent letter or conjunct width. Regional variants of characters and numerals (e.g. Marathi forms) are included as alternates. Careful attention has been given to the placements of all vowel signs and modifiers. The fonts include both proportional and tabular numerals in Indian and European styles. Extensive kerning covers several thousand possible combinations of half forms and full forms to anticipate arbitrary conjuncts in foreign loan words. _____


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This article critically examines the nature and quality of governance in community representation and civil society engagement in the context of trans-national large-scale mining, drawing on experiences in the Anosy Region of south-east Madagascar. An exploration of functional relationships between government, mining business and civil society stakeholders reveals an equivocal legitimacy of certain civil society representatives, created by state manipulation, which contributes to community disempowerment. The appointment of local government officials, rather than election, creates a hierarchy of upward dependencies and a culture where the majority of officials express similar views and political alliances. As a consequence, community resistance is suppressed. Voluntary mechanisms such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) advocate community stakeholder engagement in decision making processes as a measure to achieve public accountability. In many developing countries, where there is a lack of transparency and high levels of corruption, the value of this engagement, however, is debatable. Findings from this study indicate that the power relationships which exist between stakeholders in the highly lucrative mining industry override efforts to achieve "good governance" through voluntary community engagement. The continuing challenge lies in identifying where the responsibility sits in order to address this power struggle to achieve fair representation.


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In the year 1702 two books were published, in Oxford and Paris, that can now be seen as defining the presses that produced them. In Paris, the Imprimerie Royale issued the Médailles sur les principaux évènements du règne de Louis le Grand, a large folio of text and plates intended to glorify the regime of Louis XIV. In Oxford, the first, large format volume of Clarendon’s The history of the rebellion appeared; painstakingly edited at Christ Church, it brought prestige and profit to the University. Both were considerable statements of publishing intent in graphic form: both were sumptuous, and both used types and decorations reserved to their respective presses. But the French book points the way to future developments in typography, particularly in the design of type, while the Oxford book is a summation of the past, and its types and page design would be abandoned by the Oxford press in little more than thirty years. Tracing the printed pages of Oxford books from the late sixteenth to the mid-eighteenth century shows changes that parallel wider developments in English and European typography, but from a distinctly Oxford perspective.


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This Atlas presents statistical analyses of the simulations submitted to the Aqua-Planet Experiment (APE) data archive. The simulations are from global Atmospheric General Circulation Models (AGCM) applied to a water-covered earth. The AGCMs include ones actively used or being developed for numerical weather prediction or climate research. Some are mature, application models and others are more novel and thus less well tested in Earth-like applications. The experiment applies AGCMs with their complete parameterization package to an idealization of the planet Earth which has a greatly simplified lower boundary that consists of an ocean only. It has no land and its associated orography, and no sea ice. The ocean is represented by Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) which are specified everywhere with simple, idealized distributions. Thus in the hierarchy of tests available for AGCMs, APE falls between tests with simplified forcings such as those proposed by Held and Suarez (1994) and Boer and Denis (1997) and Earth-like simulations of the Atmospheric Modeling Intercomparison Project (AMIP, Gates et al., 1999). Blackburn and Hoskins (2013) summarize the APE and its aims. They discuss where the APE fits within a modeling hierarchy which has evolved to evaluate complete models and which provides a link between realistic simulation and conceptual models of atmospheric phenomena. The APE bridges a gap in the existing hierarchy. The goals of APE are to provide a benchmark of current model behaviors and to stimulate research to understand the cause of inter-model differences., APE is sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) joint Commission on Atmospheric Science (CAS), World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE). Chapter 2 of this Atlas provides an overview of the specification of the eight APE experiments and of the data collected. Chapter 3 lists the participating models and includes brief descriptions of each. Chapters 4 through 7 present a wide variety of statistics from the 14 participating models for the eight different experiments. Additional intercomparison figures created by Dr. Yukiko Yamada in AGU group are available at http://www.gfd-dennou.org/library/ape/comparison/. This Atlas is intended to present and compare the statistics of the APE simulations but does not contain a discussion of interpretive analyses. Such analyses are left for journal papers such as those included in the Special Issue of the Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (2013, Vol. 91A) devoted to the APE. Two papers in that collection provide an overview of the simulations. One (Blackburn et al., 2013) concentrates on the CONTROL simulation and the other (Williamson et al., 2013) on the response to changes in the meridional SST profile. Additional papers provide more detailed analysis of the basic simulations, while others describe various sensitivities and applications. The APE experiment data base holds a wealth of data that is now publicly available from the APE web site: http://climate.ncas.ac.uk/ape/. We hope that this Atlas will stimulate future analyses and investigations to understand the large variation seen in the model behaviors.