791 resultados para Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD2015), EPDSD - 3rd European Projects in Digital System Design, Funchal, Portugal.
O foco principal no estudo da Internet of Things tem sido a integração de dispositivos digitais com o mundo físico e vice-versa. Os dispositivos inteligentes têm vindo a ganhar uma forte presença na nossa vida diária e cada vez mais, tendem a integrar o sistema de uma casa, automatizando processos comuns como o controlo de temperatura ambiente ou mesmo a percentagem de luminosidade de uma divisão. A visão da IoT contempla um mundo interconectado, recolhendo informações de forma automática e possibilitando a comunicação entre dispositivos. Contudo, as tecnologias existentes para a criação de redes que albergam estes novos dispositivos carecem de padrões bem definidos, dificultando a interoperabilidade entre as diversas soluções existentes. Neste projeto são estudadas e aplicadas as tecnologias mais promissoras aplicáveis ao paradigma Internet of Things, com o objetivo de encontrar um conjunto de protocolos padrão para a implementação de sistemas de automação em casas inteligentes.1 Como objetivo final deste projeto, pretende-se criar uma rede de dispositivos com capacidades sensoriais que tenham a capacidade de comunicar com o mundo externo, permitindo o acesso à rede por qualquer tipo de utilizador. Com isso, espera-se caminhar para mais perto da padronização dos protocolos inerentes à IoT e habilitar interoperabilidade entre as mais diversas soluções. São apresentados e utilizados os protocolos que mais se adaptam ao tema escolhido, tentando simplificar a rede para que esta possa ser incluída em qualquer ambiente doméstico, recorrendo a hardware de custo reduzido. Os protocolos apresentados são o 6LoWPAN, utilizando o protocolo IEEE 802.15.4 como interface de rede juntamente com endereçamento IPv6. É também utilizado o protocolo CoAP na troca de mensagens entre os dispositivos.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
A crescente tendencia no acesso móvel tem sido potenciada pela tecnologia IEEE 802.11. Contudo, estas redes têm alcance rádio limitado. Para a extensão da sua cobertura é possível recorrer a redes emalhadas sem fios baseadas na tecnologia IEEE 802.11, com vantagem do ponto de vista do custo e da flexibilidade de instalação, face a soluções cabladas. Redes emalhadas sem fios constituídas por nós com apenas uma interface têm escalabilidade reduzida. A principal razão dessa limitação deve-se ao uso do mecanismo de acesso ao meio partilhado Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) em topologias multi-hop. Especificamente, o CSMA/CA não evita o problema do nó escondido levando ao aumento do número de colisões e correspondente degradação de desempenho com impacto direto no throughput e na latência. Com a redução da tecnologia rádio torna-se viável a utilização de múltiplos rádios por nó, sem com isso aumentar significativamente o custo da solução final de comunicações. A utilização de mais do que um rádio por nó de comuniações permite superar os problemas de desempenho inerentes ás redes formadas por nós com apenas um rádio. O objetivo desta tese, passa por desenvolver uma nova solução para redes emalhadas multi-cana, duar-radio, utilizando para isso novos mecanismos que complementam os mecanismos definidos no IEEE 802.11 para o estabelecimento de um Basic Service Set (BSS). A solução é baseada na solução WiFIX, um protocolo de routing para redes emalhadas de interface única e reutiliza os mecanismos já implementados nas redes IEEE 802.11 para difundir métricas que permitam à rede escalar de forma eficaz minimizando o impacto na performance. A rede multi-hop é formada por nós equipados com duas interfaces, organizados numa topologia hierárquica sobre múltiplas relações Access Point (AP) – Station (STA). Os resultados experimentais obtidos mostram a eficácia e o bom desempenho da solução proposta face à solução WiFIX original.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Wireless mesh networks present an attractive communication solution for various research and industrial projects. However, in many cases, the appropriate preliminary calculations which allow predicting the network behavior have to be made before the actual deployment. For such purposes, network simulation environments emulating the real network operation are often used. Within this paper, a behavior comparison of real wireless mesh network (based on 802.11s amendment) and the simulated one has been performed. The main objective of this work is to measure performance parameters of a real 802.11s wireless mesh network (average UDP throughput and average one-way delay) and compare the derived results with characteristics of a simulated wireless mesh network created with the NS-3 network simulation tool. Then, the results from both networks are compared and the corresponding conclusion is made. The corresponding results were derived from simulation model and real-worldtest-bed, showing that the behavior of both networks is similar. It confirms that the NS-3 simulation model is accurate and can be used in further research studies.
Trabajo de final de carrera enfocado a la simulacion de una WSN (Wireless Sensors Networks) mediante el programa Contiki 2.7 y el SO Ubuntu. La idea global del proyecto es conseguir simular un entorno con nodos sensores, y a posteriori comprobar su correcto funcionamiento en motas reales. Comprobando los resultados obtenidos en ambos entornos. De esta manera se puede facilitar la puesta en marcha de este tipo de redes inalámbricas en una aplicación real.
Yleinen tapa betonin kuivumisnopeuden mittaamiseen on käyttää pieniä testivaluja kuivumisen arvioimiseen. Tälle epätarkalle tekniikalle olisi hyvä löytää korvaaja. Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutkitaan soveltuvatko lämpötila-anturilliset RFID-tunnisteet betonin kuivumisnopeuden mittaamiseen ja onko tällä tekniikalla potentiaalia syrjäyttää vanhat toimintatavat. Tämän lisäksi työssä tutkitaan laajemmin RFID-tekniikan ja erityisesti anturillisten RFID-tunnisteiden hyödyntämistä rakennusteollisuudessa. RFID-tekniikka soveltuu moniin rakennusteollisuuden käyttökohteisiin, kuten tiedon hallinnointiin ja rakenteiden kunnon seurantaan. Erilaisten elementtien, materiaalien, työkalujen yms. identifioinnilla pystytään saavuttamaan selkeitä hyötyjä ja RFID on oiva työkalu tähän. Rakenteiden kunnon seurannassa on yleistä käyttää anturiverkkoja. Näiden osalta yleisempää on käyttää langallisia verkkoja, mutta langattomuus on yleistymässä näissäkin. RFID tarjoaa myös näiden osalta uusia hyötyjä. Lämpötila-anturilliset RFID-tunnisteet soveltuvat hyvin betonin kuivumisnopeuden mittaamiseen. Tunnisteiden avulla lämpötila pystytään mittaamaan betonin sisältä. Sisäinen lämpötilan avulla betonin kuivumisnopeus pystytään määrittämään tarkemmin. Tämä tekniikka on myös nopeampi ja edullisempi kuin vanhat toimintatavat.
Today's networked systems are becoming increasingly complex and diverse. The current simulation and runtime verification techniques do not provide support for developing such systems efficiently; moreover, the reliability of the simulated/verified systems is not thoroughly ensured. To address these challenges, the use of formal techniques to reason about network system development is growing, while at the same time, the mathematical background necessary for using formal techniques is a barrier for network designers to efficiently employ them. Thus, these techniques are not vastly used for developing networked systems. The objective of this thesis is to propose formal approaches for the development of reliable networked systems, by taking efficiency into account. With respect to reliability, we propose the architectural development of correct-by-construction networked system models. With respect to efficiency, we propose reusable network architectures as well as network development. At the core of our development methodology, we employ the abstraction and refinement techniques for the development and analysis of networked systems. We evaluate our proposal by employing the proposed architectures to a pervasive class of dynamic networks, i.e., wireless sensor network architectures as well as to a pervasive class of static networks, i.e., network-on-chip architectures. The ultimate goal of our research is to put forward the idea of building libraries of pre-proved rules for the efficient modelling, development, and analysis of networked systems. We take into account both qualitative and quantitative analysis of networks via varied formal tool support, using a theorem prover the Rodin platform and a statistical model checker the SMC-Uppaal.
La présence importante de plusieurs réseaux sans-fils de différentes portées a encouragée le développement d’une nouvelle génération d’équipements portables sans-fils avec plusieurs interfaces radio. Ainsi, les utilisateurs peuvent bénéficier d’une large possibilité de connectivité aux réseaux sans-fils (e.g. Wi-Fi [1], WiMAX [2], 3G [3]) disponibles autour. Cependant, la batterie d’un nœud mobile à plusieurs interfaces sera rapidement épuisée et le temps d’utilisation de l’équipement sera réduit aussi. Pour prolonger l’utilisation du mobile les standards, des réseaux sans-fils, on définie (individuellement) plusieurs états (émission, réception, sleep, idle, etc.); quand une interface radio n’est pas en mode émission/réception il est en mode sleep/idle où la consommation est très faible, comparée aux modes émission/réception. Pourtant, en cas d’équipement portable à multi-interfaces radio, l’énergie totale consommée par les interfaces en mode idle est très importante. Autrement, un équipement portable équipé de plusieurs interfaces radio augmente sa capacité de connectivité mais réduit sa longévité d’utilisation. Pour surpasser cet inconvénient on propose une plate-forme, qu'on appelle IMIP (Integrated Management of Interface Power), basée sur l’extension du standard MIH (Media Independent Handover) IEEE 802.21 [4]. IMIP permet une meilleure gestion d’énergie des interfaces radio, d’un équipement mobile à multi-radio, lorsque celles-ci entrent en mode idle. Les expérimentations que nous avons exécutées montrent que l’utilisation de IMIP permet d'économiser jusqu'a 80% de l'énergie consommée en comparaison avec les standards existants. En effet, IMIP permet de prolonger la durée d'utilisation d'équipements à plusieurs interfaces grâce à sa gestion efficace de l'énergie.
In this paper we investigate the problem of cache resolution in a mobile peer to peer ad hoc network. In our vision cache resolution should satisfy the following requirements: (i) it should result in low message overhead and (ii) the information should be retrieved with minimum delay. In this paper, we show that these goals can be achieved by splitting the one hop neighbours in to two sets based on the transmission range. The proposed approach reduces the number of messages flooded in to the network to find the requested data. This scheme is fully distributed and comes at very low cost in terms of cache overhead. The experimental results gives a promising result based on the metrics of studies.
One of the major applications of underwater acoustic sensor networks (UWASN) is ocean environment monitoring. Employing data mules is an energy efficient way of data collection from the underwater sensor nodes in such a network. A data mule node such as an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) periodically visits the stationary nodes to download data. By conserving the power required for data transmission over long distances to a remote data sink, this approach extends the network life time. In this paper we propose a new MAC protocol to support a single mobile data mule node to collect the data sensed by the sensor nodes in periodic runs through the network. In this approach, the nodes need to perform only short distance, single hop transmission to the data mule. The protocol design discussed in this paper is motivated to support such an application. The proposed protocol is a hybrid protocol, which employs a combination of schedule based access among the stationary nodes along with handshake based access to support mobile data mules. The new protocol, RMAC-M is developed as an extension to the energy efficient MAC protocol R-MAC by extending the slot time of R-MAC to include a contention part for a hand shake based data transfer. The mobile node makes use of a beacon to signal its presence to all the nearby nodes, which can then hand-shake with the mobile node for data transfer. Simulation results show that the new protocol provides efficient support for a mobile data mule node while preserving the advantages of R-MAC such as energy efficiency and fairness.
Physiological parameters measured by an embedded body sensor system were demonstrated to respond to changes of the air temperature in an office environment. The thermal parameters were monitored with the use of a wireless sensor system that made possible to turn any existing room into a field laboratory. Two human subjects were monitored over daily activities and at various steady-state thermal conditions when the air temperature of the room was altered from 22-23°C to 25-28°C. The subjects indicated their thermal feeling on questionnaires. The measured skin temperature was distributed close to the calculated mean skin temperature corresponding to the given activity level. The variation of Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) reflected the evaporative heat loss through the body surfaces and indicated whether sweating occurred on the subjects. Further investigations are needed to fully evaluate the influence of thermal and other factors on the output given by the investigated body sensor system.
Traditionally, applications and tools supporting collaborative computing have been designed only with personal computers in mind and support a limited range of computing and network platforms. These applications are therefore not well equipped to deal with network heterogeneity and, in particular, do not cope well with dynamic network topologies. Progress in this area must be made if we are to fulfil the needs of users and support the diversity, mobility, and portability that are likely to characterise group work in future. This paper describes a groupware platform called Coco that is designed to support collaboration in a heterogeneous network environment. The work demonstrates that progress in the p development of a generic supporting groupware is achievable, even in the context of heterogeneous and dynamic networks. The work demonstrates the progress made in the development of an underlying communications infrastructure, building on peer-to-peer concept and topologies to improve scalability and robustness.