862 resultados para Hepatite C - Aspectos genéticos
The Island is bordered by Amazon and Madeira rivers and by Uraria furo. The alluvial bars show the evolution phases of these big rivers on the fluvial plain. The lacustrine deltas are another morphologic feature. Within the lakes it is possible to observe streams with great density of sediments, when the flood phases of the Amazon create internal deltas and lake bedforms.-from English summary
In this region there are exposures of sandstones, siltstones, and argillites of the Adamantina Formation, belonging to the Bauru Group. Using satellite and radar images, superposition of drainage maps, toposheets geologic and pedologic maps and field trips, it was possible to discern (three geomorphological domains; a) hilly and interfluvial plateau in the divisories areas of Tiete - Aguapei and Tiete - Sao Jose dos Dourados mainrivers; b) colluvial surfaces located around the interfluvial plateau; and c) fluvial terraces and floodplains. The indiscriminant use of the soils is accelerating the erosive process, increasing the sedimentation of the river beds, the size of the floodplains and prejudicing the water quality, used to supply the rural and urban population. -from English summary
The Uberaba Sandstone formation with local expression in the city of Uberaba (State of Minas Gerais) and vicinities, has been focused from different lithostratigraphic points of view. In spite of its characterization by previous authors as a formation, its geographic distribution as well as its relationship with other units of the Parana sedimentary basin has never been adequately elucidated. Simultaneously with a better characterization of the Uberaba Formation petrographic properties, the authors redefine its geographic distribution and suggest a possible stratigraphic relationship with other formations of the Bauru Group which have been defined in the State of Sao Paulo.-English summary
The authors emphasize the some functional characteristics of the Temporomandibular join, TMJ, and were made comparative study of the auscultatory and sphymografic techniques to TMJ examination. The findings shown that the auscultatory technique furnished important dates to preliminary diagnosis of the TMJ disfunction.
The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for non-standardized weights at nursing (PR120), at weaning (PR240), at yearling (PR365) and at post yearling (PR550), and to predict EPD's (expected progeny differences) for these traits using records from 29,769 Nellores. Covariance components and genetic parameters were estimated by mixed-model methodology, REML, using an animal model. Models for PR120, PR240, PR365 and PR455 included the random direct and maternal animal effects, the dam permanent environmental effect and the error. Fixed effects were contemporary group (CG) and age of cow at parturition (CIVP) and the covariate age of the calf at measuring. Two additional models for PR365, PR455 and PR550 analyses were used: the first included CG and CIVP, animal and maternal direct effect, residual and age of the calf (as covariate), and the second included CG and CIVP (as fixed effects), animal direct effect, residual and age of calf at measuring. Observed means±standard deviations were: 127±25kg (PR120); 191±34kg (PR240); 225±42kg (PR365); 266±51kg (PR455) and 310±56kg (PR550). From single-trait analyses, direct and maternal heritabilities for PR120, PR240, PR365 and PR455 were, respectively, .23 and .08; .19 and .10; .24 and .04; .30 and .04. Direct heritabilities were .39; .44 and .43, respectively, for PR365, PR455 and PR550. In the model without permanent effect, direct and maternal heritabilities for PR365, PR455 and PR550 were .25 and .08; .32 and .07; .38 and .03, respectively. When the estimates for standardized traits at the same period were compared, no differences in magnitude were found. Rank correlation had important changes when standardized and non-standardized traits were compared.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This article describes the structures and functions of the erythrocyte membrane and its importance in transfusional medicine. The erythrocyte membrane is one of the best known membranes in terms of structure, function and genetic disorders. As any other plasma membrane, it mediates transport functions. It also provides the erythrocytes with their resilience and deformability. According to the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), more than 500 antigens are expressed in the erythrocyte membrane, and around 270 are involved in transfusion reaction cases and hemolytic diseases of the fetus and newborn. In the ISBT classification, the high frequency series is represented by antigens in more than 99% of population (high prevalence antigen). In transfusion, the absence of these antigens determines severe problems as for example, one woman without the P antigen suffered 6 repetitive miscarriages due to placental insufficiency, which was caused by an antibody formed against the absent P antigen. Some important erythrocyte membrane proteins are described here including Band 3, Glycophorins and spectrin. The most abundant integral membrane protein is Band 3 and its main function is to mediate exchange of chloride and bicarbonate anions across the plasma membrane. The second most abundant integral membrane protein in the human erythrocyte is sialoglycoprotein glycophorin A (GPA). With its high sialic acid content, GPA is the main contributor to the net negative cell-surface charge and is thus critical for minimizing cell-cell interactions and preventing red cell aggregation. Glycophorin C (GPC) is the receptor for PfEBP-2 (baebl, EBA-140), the newly identified erythrocyte binding ligand of Plasmodium falciparum. The ternary complex of spectrin, actin and 4.1R defines the nodes of the erythrocyte membrane skeletal network, and is inseparable from membrane stability when under mechanical stress. This erythrocyte membrane review is important for a better understanding of transfusion reactions, where the antibody formation against high prevalence antigens makes compatible transfusions difficult. The study of antigen diversity and biochemical characterization of different proteins will contribute to healthcare, as well as diagnosis, development of technology such as monoclonal antibody production and the therapeutic conduct of many diseases.
The objective of this work was to study the effect of selective thinning on the estimates of genetic parameters in progenies of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis. The progeny test was installed in June 1986, following a 10 × 10, triple square lattice design, containing ten trees in linear plots in 3.0 × 3.0m spacing. Twelve years after the planting, a selective thinning based on Multi-effect index (selection for DBH) was performed, leaving six trees per plot. The assessments were done in four situations: A (before thinning); B (among thinned trees); C (among remnant trees at 13 years of age) and D (two years after the thinning). The following traits were analyzed: total height (H), diameter at breast height (DBH), volume (VOL), stem form (FOR), foxtail (FT), wood density at 1.3 m (WD1) and wood density at the half height (WD2). The thinning led to increase in the estimates of variability among progenies for VOL and decrease for ALT and DBH. There was a high and positive genetic correlation among the growth traits, mainly between DBH and VOL. The latter remained unchanged after thinning. The narrow-sense heritabilities at the individual level, showed a slight increase while at the family mean level had a reduction with the thinning. The estimates of breeding values increased with the thinning. This may lead to an easier identification of the best progenies in further selection.
It was studied the effect of passion fruit genotypes on Dione juno juno (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) development. The experiment was carried out in a laboratory, under controlled conditions (temperature: 26 ± 1° C, RH = 60 ± 10% and photophase of 14 hours). Newly-hatched larvae were fed with leaves from different passion fruit genotypes: Passiflora edulis Sims., P. alata Dryand., P. serrato-digitata L., P. edulis f. flavicarpa Deg. ('Sul Brasil'), P. edulis f. flavicarpa, P. edulis f. flavicarpa ('Maguary FB-100') and P. foetida L. Fifty larvae from eggs collected in the field were used per genotype. Larvae were kept on passion fruits branches inside PVC tubes until pupation. Daily observations were performed and branches were replaced whenever necessary. The following parameters were evaluated: duration and viability of larval and pupal phases, larval and pupal weight and adult longevity. The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks design with seven treatments and ten replications. Data were subjected to an ANOVA and means were compared by Tukey test at 5% of probability. The least adequate genotypes for D. juno juno development were P. alata, P. serrato-digitata and P. foetida, showing a high level of antibiosis, while P. edulis, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, 'Maguary FB-100' and 'Sul Brasil' were the most suitable.