957 resultados para Harmful algal blooms


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Drug abuse is a widespread problem affecting both teenagers and adults. Nitrous oxide is becoming increasingly popular as an inhalation drug, causing harmful neurological and hematological effects. Some gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) methods for nitrous oxide measurement have been previously described. The main drawbacks of these methods include a lack of sensitivity for forensic applications; including an inability to quantitatively determine the concentration of gas present. The following study provides a validated method using HS-GC-MS which incorporates hydrogen sulfide as a suitable internal standard allowing the quantification of nitrous oxide. Upon analysis, sample and internal standard have similar retention times and are eluted quickly from the molecular sieve 5Å PLOT capillary column and the Porabond Q column therefore providing rapid data collection whilst preserving well defined peaks. After validation, the method has been applied to a real case of N2O intoxication indicating concentrations in a mono-intoxication.


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Aquest projecte s’emmarca dins del projecte europeu CENSOR, que pretén fer una detecció, recopilació i comprensió dels efectes de El Niño i La Niña als ecosistemes marins costaners i als seus recursos. L’estudi es basa en l’ús de biomarcadors de producció fitoplanctònica en una zona de surgència (Iquique, Xile) per a conèixer el desenvolupament d’una marea roja tòxica de Protoceratium reticulatum, mitjançant l’anàlisi de les mostres corresponents a un cicle intensiu a la columna d’aigua. També s’estudia com aquesta pot influir en la disponibilitat d’aliment i en la comercialització dels organismes bentònics filtradors d’aquesta zona est del Pacífic, i quins efectes potencials té el fenomen de El Niño sobre els blooms algals.


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This paper empirically analyses the hypothesis of the existence of a dual market for contracts in local services. Large firms that operate on a national basis control the contracts for delivery in the most populated and/or urban municipalities, whereas small firms that operate at a local level have the contracts in the least populated and/or rural municipalities. The dual market implies the high concentration and dominance of major firms in large municipalities, and local monopolies in the smaller ones. This market structure is harmful to competition for the market as the effective number of competitors is low across all municipalities. Thus, it damages the likelihood of obtaining cost savings from privatization.


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Untreated wastewater being directly discharged into rivers is a very harmful environmental hazard that needs to be tackled urgently in many countries. In order to safeguard the river ecosystem and reduce water pollution, it is important to have an effluent charge policy that promotes the investment of wastewater treatment technology by domestic firms. This paper considers the strategic interaction between the government and the domestic firms regarding the investment in the wastewater treatment technology and the design of optimal e­ffluent charge policy that should be implemented. In this model, the higher is the proportion of non-investing firms, the higher would be the probability of having to incur an e­ffluent charge and the higher would be that charge. On one hand the government needs to impose a sufficiently strict policy to ensure that firms have strong incentive to invest. On the other hand, it cannot be too strict that it drives out firms which cannot afford to invest in such expensive technology. The paper analyses the factors that affect the probability of investment in this technology. It also explains the difficulty of imposing a strict environment policy in countries that have too many small firms which cannot afford to invest unless subsidised.


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Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Department of Freshwater Ecology, National Environmetal Research Institute, Denmark, from 2006 to 2008. The main objective of the project was to reconstruct photosynthetic organism community composition using pigmentbased methods and to study their response to natural (e.g. climate) or anthropogenic (e.g. eutrophication) perturbations that took place in the system over time. We performed a study in different locations and at different temporal scales. We analysed the pigment composition in a short sediment record (46 cm sediment depth) of a volcanic lake (Lake Furnas) in the Azores Archipelago (Portugal). The lake has been affected during the last century by successive fish introductions. The specific objective was to reconstruct the lake’s trophic state history and to assess the role of land-use, climate and fish introductions in structuring the lake community. Results obtained suggested that whereas trophic cascade and changes in nutrient concentrations have some clear effects on algal and microbial assemblages, interpreting the effects of changes in climate are not straightforward. This is probably related with the rather constant precipitation in the Azores Islands during the studied period. We also analysed the pigment composition in a long sediment record (1800 cm sediment depth) of Lake Aborre (Denmark) covering ca. 8kyr of lake history. The specific objective was to describe changes in lake primary production and lake trophic state over the Holocene and to determine the photosynthetic organisms involved. Results suggested that external forcing (i.e. land use changes) was responsible of erosion and nutrient run off to the lake that contributed to the reported changes in lake primary production along most of the Holocene.


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This paper provides a general treatment of the implications for welfare of legal uncertainty. We distinguish legal uncertainty from decision errors: though the former can be influenced by the latter, the latter are neither necessary nor sufficient for the existence of legal uncertainty. We show that an increase in decision errors will always reduce welfare. However, for any given level of decision errors, information structures involving more legal uncertainty can improve welfare. This holds always, even when there is complete legal uncertainty, when sanctions on socially harmful actions are set at their optimal level. This transforms radically one’s perception about the “costs” of legal uncertainty. We also provide general proofs for two results, previously established under restrictive assumptions. The first is that Effects-Based enforcement procedures may welfare dominate Per Se (or object-based) procedures and will always do so when sanctions are optimally set. The second is that optimal sanctions may well be higher under enforcement procedures involving more legal uncertainty.


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The effects of exposure to the type species for Karlodinium veneficum (PLY # 103) on immune function and histopathology in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis were investigated. Mussels from Whitsand Bay, Cornwall (UK) were exposed to K. veneficum (PLY # 103) for 3 and 6 days. Assays for immune function included total and differential cells counts, phagocytosis and release of extra cellular reactive oxygen species. Histology was carried out on digestive gland and mantle tissues. The toxin cell quota for K. veneficum (PLY #103) was measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry detecting two separable toxins KvTx1 (11.6 ± 5.4 ng/ml) and KvTx2 (47.7 ± 4.2 ng/ml). There were significant effects of K. veneficum exposure with increasing phagocytosis and release of reactive oxygen species following 6 days exposure. There were no significant effects on total cell counts. However, differential cell counts did show significant effects after 3 days exposure to the toxic alga. All mussels produced faeces but not pseudofaeces indicating that algae were not rejected prior to ingestion. Digestive glands showed ingestion of the algae and hemocyte infiltration after 3 days of exposure, whereas mantle tissue did not show differences between treatments. As the effects of K. veneficum were not observed in the mantle tissue it can be hypothesized that the algal concentration was not high enough, or exposure long enough, to affect all the tissues. Despite being in culture for more than 50 years the original K. veneficum isolate obtained by Mary Parke still showed toxic effects on mussels.


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Mussels (Mytilus edulis) were exposed to cultures of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense or the non-toxic alga Rhodomonas sp. to evaluate the effects of the harmful alga on the mussels and to study recovery after discontinuation of the A. fundyense exposure. Mussels were exposed for 9 days to the different algae and then all were fed Rhodomonas sp. for 6 more days. Samples of hemolymph for hemocyte analyses and tissues for histology were collected before the exposure and periodically during exposure and recovery periods. Mussels filtered and ingested both microalgal cultures, producing fecal pellets containing degraded, partially degraded, and intact cells of both algae. Mussels exposed to A. fundyense had an inflammatory response consisting of degranulation and diapedesis of hemocytes into the alimentary canal and, as the exposure continued, hemocyte migration into the connective tissue between the gonadal follicles. Evidence of lipid peroxidation, similar to the detoxification pathway described for various xenobiotics, was found; insoluble lipofuchsin granules formed (ceroidosis), and hemocytes carried the granules to the alimentary canal, thus eliminating putative dinoflagellate toxins in feces. As the number of circulating hemocytes in A. fundyense-exposed mussels became depleted, mussels were immunocompromised, and pathological changes followed, i.e., increased prevalences of ceroidosis and trematodes after 9 days of exposure. Moreover, the total number of pathological changes increased from the beginning of the exposure until the last day (day 9). After 6 days of the exposure, mussels in one of the three tanks exposed to A. fundyense mass spawned; these mussels showed more severe effects of the toxic algae than non-spawning mussels exposed to A. fundyense. No significant differences were found between the two treatments during the recovery period, indicating rapid homeostatic processes in tissues and circulating hemocytes.


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Abstract Long term contact with pathogens induces an adaptive immune response, which is mainly mediated by T and B cells. Antigen-induced activation of T and B cells is an important event, since it facilitates the transition of harmless, low proliferative lymphocytes into powerful and fast expanding cells, which can, if deregulated, be extremely harmful and dangerous for the human body. One of the most important events during lymphocyte activation is the induction of NF-xB activity, a transcription factor that controls not only cytokine secretion, but also lymphocyte proliferation and survival. Recent discoveries identified the CBM complex as the central regulator of NF-xB activity in lymphocytes. The CBM complex consists of the three proteins Carma1, Bcl10 and Malt1, in which Carma1 serves as recruitment platform of the complex and Bcl10 as an adaptor to recruit Malt1 to this platform. But exactly how Malt1 activates NF-x6 is still poorly understood. We discovered that Malt1 is a protease, which cleaves its interaction partner Bcl10 upon T and B cell stimulation. We mapped the Bcl10 cleavage site by single point mutations as well as by a proteomics approach, and used this knowledge to design a fluorogenic Malt1 reporter peptide. With this tool were we able to the first time demonstrate proteolytic activity of Malt1 in vitro, using recombinant Malt1, and in stimulated T cells. Based on similarities to a metacaspase, we designed a Malt1inhibitor, which allowed unto investigate the role of Malt1 activity in T cells. Malt1-inhibited T cells showed a clear defect in NF-xB activity, resulting in impaired IL-2 cytokine secretion levels. We also found a new unexpected role for Bcl10; the blockade of Bcl10 cleavage resulted in a strongly impaired capability of stimulated T cells to adhere to the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin. Because of the central position of the C8M complex, it is not surprising that different lymphomas show abnormal expressions of Carma1, Bcl10 and Malt1. We investigated the role of Malt1 proteolytic activity in the most aggressive subtype of diffuse large B cell lymphomas called ABC, which was described to depend on the expression of Carmal, and frequently carries oncogenic Carmal mutations. We found constitutive high Malt1 activity in all tested ABC cell lines visualized by detection of cleavage products of Malt1 substrates. With the use of the Malt1-inhibitor, we could demonstrate that Malt-inhibition in those cells had two effects. First, the tumor cell proliferation was decreased, most likely because of lower autocrine stimulation by cytokines. Second, we could sensitize the ABC cells towards cell death, which is most likely caused by reduced expression of prosurvival NF-xB target gens. Taken together, we identified Malt1 as a protease in T and B cells, demonstrated its importance for NF-xB signaling and its deregulation in a subtype of diffuse large B cell lymphoma. This could allow the development of a new generation of immunomodulatory and anti-cancer drugs. Résumé Un contact prolongé avec des pathogènes provoque une réponse immunitaire adaptative qui dépend principalement des cellules T et 8. L'activation des lymphocytes T et B, suite à la reconnaissance d'un antigène, est un événement important puisqu'il facilite la transition pour ces cellules d'un état de prolifération limitée et inoffensive à une prolifération soutenue et rapide. Lorsque ce mécanisme est déréglé ìl peut devenir extrêmement nuisible et dangereux pour le corps humain. Un des événement les plus importants lors de l'activation des lymphocytes est l'induction du facteur de transcription NFxB, qui organise la sécrétion de cytokines ainsi que la prolifération et la survie des lymphocytes. Le complexe CBM, composé des trois protéines Carmai, Bc110 et Malt1, a été récemment identifié comme un régulateur central de l'activité de NF-x8 dans les lymphocytes. Carma1 sert de plateforme de recrutement pour ce complexe alors que Bc110 permet d'amener Malt1 dans cette plateforme. Cependant, le rôle exact de Malt1 dans l'activation de NF-tcB reste encore mal compris. Nous avons découvert que Malt1 est une protéase qui clive son partenaire d'interaction BcI10 après stimulation des cellules T et B. Nous avons identifié le site de clivage de BcI10 par une série de mutations ponctuelles ainsi que par une approche protéomique, ce qui nous a permis de fabriquer un peptide reporteur fluorogénique pour mesurer l'activité de Malt1. Grâce à cet outil, nous avons démontré pour la première fois l'activité protéolytique de Malt1 in vitro à l'aide de protéines Malt1 recombinantes ainsi que dans des cellules T stimulées. La ressemblance de Malt1 avec une métacaspase nous a permis de synthétiser un inhibiteur de Malt1 et d'étudier ainsi le rôle de l'activité de Malt1 dans les cellules T. L'inhibition de Malt1 dans les cellules T a révélé un net défaut de l'activité de NF-x8, ayant pour effet une sécrétion réduite de la cytokine IL-2. Nous avons également découvert un rôle inattendu pour Bcl10: en effet, bloquer le clivage de Bcl10 diminue fortement la capacité d'adhésion des cellules T stimulées à la protéine fïbronectine, un composant de la matrice extracellulaire. En raison de la position centrale du complexe CBM, il n'est pas étonnant que le niveau d'expression de Carmai, Bcl10 et Malt1 soit anormal dans plusieurs types de lymphomes. Nous avons examiné le rôle de l'activité protéolytique de Malt1 dans le sous-type le plus agressif des lymphomes B diffus à grandes cellules, appelé sous-type ABC. Ce sous-type de lymphomes dépend de l'expression de Carmai et présente souvent des mutations oncogéniques de Carma1. Nous avons démontré que l'activité de Malt1 était constitutivement élevée dans toutes les lignées cellulaires de type ABC testées, en mettant en évidence la présence de produits de clivage de différents substrats de Malt1. Enfin, l'utilisation de l'inhibiteur de Malt1 nous a permis de démontrer que l'inhibition de Malt1 avait deux effets. Premièrement, une diminution de la prolifération des cellules tumorales, probablement dûe à leur stimulation autocrine par des cytokines fortement réduite. Deuxièmement, une sensibilisation des cellules de type ABC à ia mort cellulaire, vraisemblablement causée par l'expression diminuée de gènes de survie dépendants de NF-tcB. En résumé, nous avons identifié Malt1 comme une protéase dans les cellules T et B, nous avons mis en évidence son importance pour l'activation de NF-xB ainsi que les conséquences du dérèglement de l'activité de Malt1 dans un sous-type de lymphome B diffus à larges cellules. Notre étude ouvre ainsi la voie au développement d'une nouvelle génération de médicaments immunomodulateurs et anti-cancéreux.


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In 2012, intramuscular midazolam appears as effective as intravenous lorezepam for the first line treatment of convulsive status epilepticus. Perampanel, a new anti-epileptic drug, will be soon available. Two oral treatments are now available for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation setting. The methylphenidate and the Tai Chi could increase the walk capacity of patients suffering from Parkinson disease. A comprehensive cardiac work-up is essential for some congenital myopathy. A new drug against migraine seems free from vasoconstrictive effect. Antioxidants are harmful in Alzheimer disease. Some oral medication will be available for multiple sclerosis.


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Chromosomal and plasmid DNA molecules in bacterial cells are maintained under torsional tension and are therefore supercoiled. With the exception of extreme thermophiles, supercoiling has a negative sign, which means that the torsional tension diminishes the DNA helicity and facilitates strand separation. In consequence, negative supercoiling aids such processes as DNA replication or transcription that require global- or local-strand separation. In extreme thermophiles, DNA is positively supercoiled which protects it from thermal denaturation. While the role of DNA supercoiling connected to the control of DNA stability, is thoroughly researched and subject of many reviews, a less known role of DNA supercoiling emerges and consists of aiding DNA topoisomerases in DNA decatenation and unknotting. Although DNA catenanes are natural intermediates in the process of DNA replication of circular DNA molecules, it is necessary that they become very efficiently decatenated, as otherwise the segregation of freshly replicated DNA molecules would be blocked. DNA knots arise as by-products of topoisomerase-mediated intramolecular passages that are needed to facilitate general DNA metabolism, including DNA replication, transcription or recombination. The formed knots are, however, very harmful for cells if not removed efficiently. Here, we overview the role of DNA supercoiling in DNA unknotting and decatenation.


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RESUMEUne consommation excessive et chronique d'alcool est associée à une augmentation significative de la morbidité et de la mortalité. L'identification de marqueurs biologiques fiables, permettant de mettre en évidence une consommation excessive et chronique, présente donc un intérêt certain pour prévenir les conséquences néfastes de l'abus d'alcool. L'approche couramment employée consiste à mesurer les marqueurs biologiques indirects dans le sang, tels que les marqueurs hépatiques dont l'augmentation peut résulter d'une consommation chronique et excessive d'alcool. Cependant, leur valeur diagnostique est souvent limitée par leur manque de sensibilité et/ou de spécificité et leur combinaison est généralement recommandée pour améliorer le diagnostic. A ce jour, il n'existe pas de marqueur biologique permettant le diagnostic fiable d'une consommation chronique et excessive d'alcool.L'objectif principal de cette thèse était d'évaluer la pertinence de l'éthylglucuronide (EtG), un métabolite direct de l'éthanol présentant la particularité d'être incorporé dans les cheveux, comme marqueur d'une consommation chronique et excessive d'alcool. Dans un premier temps, une revue de la littérature a permis de dresser un état des lieux de l'usage de l'EtG et d'identifier les axes de réflexion. L'EtG s'est révélé être un marqueur efficace pour identifier une consommation chronique et excessive d'alcool. Cependant, l'absence de seuil de positivité fiable et une méconnaissance des facteurs influençant l'incorporation de l'EtG dans les cheveux ont été mises en évidence. Afin d'investiguer ces différents points, deux études ont été conduites : (1) une étude chez le rat pour tenter de comprendre les facteurs influençant l'incorporation de l'EtG dans les cheveux et étudier la relation entre la quantité d'alcool administrée et la concentration d'EtG mesurée dans les cheveux; et (2) une étude clinique afin de déterminer les performances diagnostiques de l'EtG comme marqueur d'une consommation excessive et chronique d'alcool. Une méthode analytique sensible et sélective par chromatographic gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem a été développée et appliquée à l'analyse de l'EtG dans les cheveux.Le sang semblait jouer un rôle majeur dans l'incorporation de l'EtG dans les poils. Son incorporation n'était pas influencée par la pigmentation. La concentration d'EtG mesurée dans les poils de rats reflétait la dose d'éthanol administrée. De plus, la mesure de l'EtG dans les cheveux humains a démontré de très bonnes performances diagnostiques pour détecter une consommation excessive et chronique d'alcool. Les performances diagnostiques de l'EtG surpassaient celles des marqueurs hépatiques usuels seuls ou combinés. L'EtG n'était pas influencé par l'âge, le sexe ou l'indice de masse corporelle. Un seuil de positivité de 25 pg/mg permettait de détecter les consommateurs à usage nocif avec une grande fiabilité. Un seuil de positivité de 9 pg/mg permettait de détecter les consommateurs à risque.SUMMARYChronic and excessive alcohol consumption is associated with a significant increase of morbidity and mortality. The identification of a reliable biomarker to detect chronic and excessive alcohol consumers would be valuable to prevent alcohol's harmful effects. The combined analysis of 2 or more hepatic biomarkers, which are known to be increased following sustained alcohol consumption, is usually applied to enhance the diagnostic performance in identifying chronic and excessive alcohol consumers. However, their diagnostic value is often limited by their lack of sensitivity and / or specificity and their combination is generally recommended to improve diagnosis. To date, there are no reliable biomarkers available for diagnosing chronic and excessive alcohol consumption.The main objective of this research was to evaluate the relevance of EtG, a direct alcohol metabolite, as a biomarker of chronic and excessive alcohol consumption, thanks to its characteristic to incorporate into hair. First, a review of literature on the use of EtG was carried out. EtG demonstrated strong potential in detecting chronic and excessive alcohol consumption. However, the lack of reliable cutoff and the unawareness of factors that affect the EtG incorporation into hair were stressed. To investigate these points, two studies have been conducted: (1) a nonclinical study in rats to determine the factors affecting the incorporation of EtG into hair as well as to investigate the relationship between the amount of alcohol administered and the EtG concentration measured in hair; and (2) a clinical study to determine the diagnostic performance of EtG as a biomarker for the identification of chronic and excessive alcohol consumers. A sensitive and specific Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry coupled to tandem Mass Spectrometry method has been developed and applied to hair EtG analysis.Bloodstream seemed to play a major role in the EtG incorporation into hair. EtG incorporation into rat hair was not affected by hair pigmentation. EtG concentration in rat hair appeared to reflect the EtG concentration in blood. Besides, EtG demonstrated strong diagnostic performance in detecting both heavy alcohol consumption and at-risk alcohol consumption, and clearly outperformed diagnostic performance of hepatic biomarkers. In contrast with hepatic biomarkers, EtG was not associated with age, gender or body mass index. A reliable cutoff value of 25 pg/mg allowed to detect heavy drinkers; a reliable cutoff value of 9 pg/mg allowed to detect at-risk drinkers.


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The biology immature stage of Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) was studied in the laboratory under four constant temperature. The study was carried out in biological incubators at 20, 25, 30 and 35-C; 65 ñ 10% relative humidity and 14 hours of photophase. The most favorable temperature for developing eggs, larval and pupal was 25-C, while 35-C proved to be harmful for a normal developing of S. calcitrans in larval stage. The incubation periods for egg were 69.90, 42.58, 26.10, 21.78 hours and 2.91, 1.77, 1.08, 0.90 days at 20, 25, 30, 35-C, respectively . The larval stage was 18.40, 11.63, 8.55 days and, the pupal stage, 8.60, 4.54, 3.60 days at 20, 25, 30-C, respectively. Threshold temperatures for males were a little higher than for females, however, this difference was lesser than 1-C. On the other hand, the quantity of energy (GD) for developing females was a little higher than for males. No difference was observed between the two methods used for calculating the above mentioned biological parameters of S. calcitrans.


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Suicide represent the second cause of death in Switzerland and, between 15 and 20 years of age, 8% of girls and 4% of boys have attempted suicide at least once in their life. "Universal" primary prevention in schools is usually run through courses dealing with the issue of suicide and which are systematically provided to all pupils. There is no evidence that they have any positive effect and even they may be in some instances harmful. The training of professionals working in the school setting to better identify and refer adolescents facing risky situation is probably effective. Another promising approach is the one which aims at improving the school climate in increasing social connectedness and the pupils' life skills. Finally, the school which faces a suicide should set up debriefing activities, thus deterring vulnerable pupils to engage in violent acting as a result of a contamination process.


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Despite opportunities for radiation provided by spatio-temporal isolation, the basic morphological plan of pulmonate snails has remained conservative. In consequence of the resulting dearth of morphological characters and their plasticity, there is a case for using biochemical characters such as exogenous chemicals released by the snails (e.g. amino acids) and their chemoreception niche as taxonomic aids to classify snails of medical importance. As these same chemicals are used by snails to distinguish conspecifics they could also be used as "environmental antibodies" in controlled release formulations (CRF's) designed to remove target snails in a specific, cost-effective and ecologically acceptable manner. The snails, surface-living bacteria, algae and macrophytic plants are considered as co-evolved, interactive modular systems with strong mutualistic elements. Recently, anthropogenic perturbations such as deforestation, and damming of flowing waters, have benefited these modules whereas others such as river canalization, acid deposition, accumulation of pesticide residues and eutrophication have harmed them. Research is needed to elucidate the factors which limit the growth of snails in primitive habitats, uninfluenced by man, as well as in those subject to harmful anthropogenic factors. The understanding thus gained could be applied to develop cost-effective primary health care strategies to reduce or prevent transmission of schistosomiasis and other water related diseases.