931 resultados para HIGH-AFFINITY


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Endocrine cells store hormones in concentrated forms (aggregates) in dense-core secretory granules that are released upon appropriate stimulation. Zn(2+) binding to GH through amino acid residues His18, His21, and Glu174 are essential for GH dimerization and might mediate its aggregation and storage in secretory granules. To investigate whether GH-1 gene mutations at these positions interfere with this process, GH secretion and intracellular production were analyzed in GC cells (rat pituitary cell line) transiently expressing wt-GH and/or GH Zn mutant (GH-H18A-H21A-E174A) in forskolin-stimulated vs nonstimulated conditions. Reduced secretion of the mutant variant (alone or coexpressed with wt-GH) compared with wt-GH after forskolin stimulation was observed, whereas an increased intracellular accumulation of GH Zn mutant vs wt-GH correlates with its altered extracellular secretion. Depleting Zn(2+) from culture medium using N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridylemethyl)ethylenediamine, a high-affinity Zn(2+) chelator, led to a significant reduction of the stimulated wt-GH secretion. Furthermore, externally added Zn(2+) to culture medium increased intracellular free Zn(2+) levels and recovered wt-GH secretion, suggesting its direct dependence on free Zn(2+) levels after forskolin stimulation. Confocal microscopy analysis of the intracellular secretory pathway of wt-GH and GH Zn mutant indicated that both variants pass through the regulated secretory pathway in a similar manner. Taken together, our data support the hypothesis that loss of affinity of GH to Zn(2+) as well as altering intracellular free Zn(2+) content may interfere with normal GH dimerization (aggregation) and storage of the mutant variant (alone or with wt-GH), which could possibly explain impaired GH secretion.


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Somatostatin receptor PET tracers such as [68Ga-DOTA,1-Nal3]-octreotide (68Ga-DOTANOC) and [68Ga-DOTA,Tyr3]-octreotate (68Ga-DOTATATE) have shown promising results in patients with neuroendocrine tumors, with a higher lesion detection rate than is achieved with 18F-fluorodihydroxyphenyl-l-alanine PET, somatostatin receptor SPECT, CT, or MR imaging. 68Ga-DOTANOC has high affinity for somatostatin receptor subtypes 2, 3, and 5 (sst2,3,5). It has a wider receptor binding profile than 68Ga-DOTATATE, which is sst2-selective. The wider receptor binding profile might be advantageous for imaging because neuroendocrine tumors express different subtypes of somatostatin receptors. The goal of this study was to prospectively compare 68Ga-DOTANOC and 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT in the same patients with gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs) and to evaluate the clinical impact of 68Ga-DOTANOC PET/CT. Methods: Eighteen patients with biopsy-proven GEP-NETs were evaluated with 68Ga-DOTANOC and 68Ga-DOTATATE using a randomized crossover design. Labeling of DOTANOC and DOTATATE with 68Ga was standardized using a fully automated synthesis device. PET/CT findings were compared with 3-phase CT scans and in some patients with MR imaging, 18F-FDG PET/CT, and histology. Uptake in organs and tumor lesions was quantified and compared by calculation of maximum standardized uptake values (SUVmax) using volume computer-assisted reading. Results: Histology revealed low-grade GEP-NETs (G1) in 4 patients, intermediate grade (G2) in 7, and high grade (G3) in 7. 68Ga-DOTANOC and 68Ga-DOTATATE were false-negative in only 1 of 18 patients. In total, 248 lesions were confirmed by cross-sectional and PET imaging. The lesion-based sensitivity of 68Ga-DOTANOC PET was 93.5%, compared with 85.5% for 68Ga-DOTATATE PET (P = 0.005). The better performance of 68Ga-DOTANOC PET is attributed mainly to the significantly higher detection rate of liver metastases rather than tumor differentiation grade. Multivariate analysis revealed significantly higher SUVmax in G1 tumors than in G3 tumors (P = 0.009). This finding was less pronounced with 68Ga-DOTANOC (P > 0.001). Altogether, 68Ga-DOTANOC changed treatment in 3 of 18 patients (17%). Conclusion: The sst2,3,5-specific radiotracer 68Ga-DOTANOC detected significantly more lesions than the sst2-specific radiotracer 68Ga-DOTATATE in our patients with GEP-NETs. The clinical relevance of this finding has to be proven in larger studies.


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SSE1 and SSE2 encode the essential yeast members of the Hsp70-related Hsp110 molecular chaperone family. Both mammalian Hsp110 and the Sse proteins functionally interact with cognate cytosolic Hsp70s as nucleotide exchange factors. We demonstrate here that Sse1 forms high-affinity (Kd approximately 10-8 M) heterodimeric complexes with both yeast Ssa and mammalian Hsp70 chaperones and that binding of ATP to Sse1 is required for binding to Hsp70s. Sse1.Hsp70 heterodimerization confers resistance to exogenously added protease, indicative of conformational changes in Sse1 resulting in a more compact structure. The nucleotide binding domains of both Sse1/2 and the Hsp70s dictate interaction specificity and are sufficient for mediating heterodimerization with no discernible contribution from the peptide binding domains. In support of a strongly conserved functional interaction between Hsp110 and Hsp70, Sse1 is shown to associate with and promote nucleotide exchange on human Hsp70. Nucleotide exchange activity by Sse1 is physiologically significant, as deletion of both SSE1 and the Ssa ATPase stimulatory protein YDJ1 is synthetically lethal. The Hsp110 family must therefore be considered an essential component of Hsp70 chaperone biology in the eukaryotic cell.


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This dissertation presents structural, immunochemical and neurochemical evidence for glutamatergic retinotectal synaptic transmission, augmenting and extending previous physiological and anatomical studies. The evidence is especially striking when the laminar patterns of ($\sp3$H) L-glutamate receptor binding, ($\sp3$H) L-glutamate high affinity uptake (HAU) and glutamate immunoreactivity (GLIR) of the dorsal tectum are compared. All show high activity in the tectal SGFS, with a peak in the most superficial laminae of SGFS followed by dip in the b-c region, and a second broad peak in deeper SGFS. Uptake and immunoreactivity bear a stronger resemblance to one another than either does to receptor binding, consistent with the fact that HAU and GLIR are localized in the same structures: glutamatergic terminals, intrinsic cell bodies and their processes. Receptor binding, as attested by the lack of enucleation effects, is a marker of postsynaptic receptors. In summary, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that most of the retinal projection to the optic tectum is glutamatergic: (1) A glutamate/aspartate HAU system exists in the superficial laminae, and it is dependent upon an intact retinal input, as shown developmentally and by retinal ablation; (2) Glutamate-like immunoreactivity appears in retinorecipient tectal regions (partially responsive to enucleation), in cell bodies of retinal ganglion cells and displaced ganglion cells, and in a non-tectal ganglion cell projection, the ectomammilary nucleus; (3) Sodium-independent glutamate receptor binding (which remains unchanged by enucleation) is most intense in the retinorecipient regions of the tectum and the ectomammilary nucleus. This binding is pharmacologically typical of a CNS sensory structure, being dominated by the quisqualate/kainate receptor subclass. Thus, as with other sensory systems, a portion of the retinotectal projection has been shown to include glutamatergic afferents with the distribution and properties expected of the primary projection ^


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Recently, a family of muscle-specific regulatory factors that includes myogenin, myoD, myf-5, and MRF-4 has been identified. They share a high degree of homology within a region that contains a basic and helix-loop-helix domain. Transfection of many non-muscle cell types with any one of these genes results in the activation of the entire myogenic program. To explore the mechanism through which myogenin regulates myogenesis, we have prepared antibodies against peptides specific to myogenin. Using these antibodies we show that myogenin is a 32 Kd phospho-protein which is localized to the nuclei of muscle cells. In vitro, myogenin oligomerizes with the ubiquitous enhancer binding factor E12, and acquires high affinity for an element of the core of the muscle creatine kinase (MCK) enhancer that is conserved among many muscle-specific genes. Myogenin synthesized in BC$\sb3$H1 and C2 muscle cell lines also binds to the same site in the enhancer. However, the MCK enhancer is not activated in 10T1/2 fibroblasts which have been transfected with a constitutive myogenin expression vector until growth factors have been removed from the media. This result indicates that mitogenic signals block the actions of myogenin.. Mutagenesis of the myogenin/E12 binding site in the MCK enhancer abolishes binding of the hetero-oligomer and prevents trans-activation of the enhancer by myogenin. By site directed mutagenesis of myogenin we have shown that the basic region consists of three clusters of basic residues, two of which are required for binding and activation of the myogenic program. Myogenic activation, but not DNA binding, is lost when the 10 residue region between the two required basic clusters is substituted with the corresponding region from E12, which also contains a similar basic and helix-loop-helix domain. Functional revertants of this substitution mutant have identified two amino acids which confer muscle specificity. The properties of myogenin suggest that it functions as a sequence-specific DNA binding factor that interacts directly with muscle-specific genes during myogenesis and contains within its basic domain a region which imparts myogenic activation and is separable from DNA binding. ^


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Genetic evidence has indicated that the segmentation gene runt plays a key role in regulating gene expression of the pair-rule genes hairy, even-skipped, and fushi tarazu. In contrast to other pair-rule genes, sequence data of the runt open reading frame did not reveal homologies to DNA-binding motifs of known transcriptional regulatory proteins. This thesis project examined several properties of the runt gene based on the sequence of the transcription unit, including the subcellular localization of the protein in vivo, its ability to bind DNA, and the functionality of a putative nucleotide binding domain.^ A runt-specific antibody was generated and used to demonstrate that runt is localized in the nucleus. Since the precise overlap of the pair-rule stripes is thought to be critical for the determination of cellular identity along the anterior-posterior axis, phasing of early runt expression in the blastoderm was examined with regard to the segmentation genes hairy, even-skipped, and fushi tarazu. runt was also expressed at later stages of embryogenesis, including expression in neuroblasts, and ganglion mother cells of the developing nervous system. Expression at this stage was required for the subsequent formation of specific neurons and runt was extensively expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems.^ Several experiments were done to address the biochemical function of the runt protein. A direct interaction of runt with DNA was first examined. Although bacterial expressed runt was found to bind dsDNA-cellulose, subsequent experiments failed to detect sequence-specific interactions with DNA. Inter-species conservation of the putative nucleotide binding domain suggested that this region was functionally important, and runt protein bound a labeled ATP analog with high affinity in vitro. Finally, the effect of substitution of a critical residue of the nucleotide binding domain on runt activity was examined in vivo. Ectopic expression of the mutant protein indicated that this conserved substitution altered, but did not eliminate, runt activity as evaluated by segmentation phenotype and viability. ^


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Using a "collision-coupling" model for $\beta \sb 2$-adrenergic receptor-mediated activation of adenylylcyclase in S49 lymphoma cells, the rate-limiting step of that activation was identified as the association of an "active-state", hormone-bound receptor (HR$\sp\*$) with a G$\sb{\rm s}$-adenylylcyclase moiety (G$\sb{\rm s}$C). It was subsequently hypothesized that the location of the rate-limiting step would not be shifted elsewhere in the activation scheme by receptor desensitization. The traditional focus of receptor desensitization studies has been on modifications of the receptor molecule itself. A "clear-cut" answer to the present hypothesis provides new information on modifications in the function of the receptor following desensitization.^ "Heterologous" desensitization was induced in wild type S49 cells with agents which increase intracellular cAMP without occupying $\beta\sb2$-adrenergic receptors; PGE$\sb1$, forskolin and dibutyryl cAMP. These treatments avoided overlapping effects on $\beta\sb2$-adrenergic receptors by the "homologous" mechanism, in which occupancy by hormone is causative. Although the steady-state activation rate was decreased following heterologous desensitization, that rate was still limited by the association between HR* and G$\sb{\rm s}$C. Thus "heterologous" desensitization acts at the equilibrium between HR and HR* (which is driven by hormone efficiency) such that HR* formation becomes less likely and the frequency of HR*G$\sb{\rm s}$C associations decreases.^ "Homologous" desensitization was induced by high (1-10$\mu$M) epinephrine concentrations in the S49 variant deficient in cAMP-dependent protein kinase, KIN$\sp-$. Use of KIN$\sp-$minimized overlapping effects by the "heterologous" mechanism, which is PKA-dependent. Following homologous desensitization, roughly 50% of the receptors in plasma membrane preparations no longer formed HR*G$\sb{\rm s}$C complexes; evidenced by a decrease in high-affinity hormone binding sites. The loss of HR*G$\sb{\rm s}$C formation did not appear related to the HR/HR* equilibrium. Increasing the efficiency of the assay agonist did nothing to "override" the effect. HR*G$\sb{\rm s}$C association was still the rate-limiting step among the remaining functional receptors. It was not distinguishable whether the remaining activity was "desensitized" due to adenylylcyclase having decreased access to receptors within plasma membrane fragments or due to an effect similar to "heterologous" desensitization. ^


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Trophism as a "clonal dominance" support mechanism for tumor cells is an unexplored area of tumor progression. This report presents evidence that the human melanoma low-affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75) can signal independently of its high-affinity tyrosine kinase counterparts, the TRK family of kinases. Signaling may be accomplished by a p75-associated purine-analog-sensitive kinase and results in enhanced invasion into a reconstituted basement membrane with a corresponding stimulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression. Additionally, a "stress culture" survival assay was developed to mimic the growth limiting conditions encountered by melanoma cells in a rapidly growing primary tumor or metastatic deposit prior to neoangiogenesis. Under these conditions, p75, promotes the survival of high p75 expressing brain-colonizing melanoma cells. Extensive 70W melanoma cell-cell contact, which downregulates p75, immediately precedes the induction of cell death associated with diminished production of two key cell survival factors, bcl-2 and the p85 subunit of phosphoinositol-3-kinase, and an elevation in apoptosis promoting intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROSs). Since one function of bcl-2 may be to control the generation of ROSs via the antioxidant pathway, these cells may receive a apoptosis-prompting "double hit". 70W melanoma cell death occurred by an apoptotic mechanism displaying classical morphological changes including plasma membrane blebbing, loss of microvilli and redistribution of ribosomes. 70W apoptosis could be pharmacologically triggered following anti-p75 monoclonal antibody-mediated clustering of p75 receptors. 70W cells fluorescently sorted for high-p75 expression (p75$\sp{\rm H}$ cells) exhibited an augmented survival potential and a predilection to sort with the S + G2/M growth phase, relative to their low p75 expressing, p75$\sp{\rm L}$ counterparts. Apoptosis is significantly delayed by p75$\sp{\rm H}$ cells, whereas p75$\sp{\rm L}$ cells are exquisitely prone to initiate apoptosis. Importantly, the p75$\sp{\rm L}$ cells that survive apoptosis, highly re-expressed p75 and were remarkably responsive to exogenous NGF.^ These are the first data to implicate p75-mediated neurotrophism as an invasion and survival support mechanism employed by brain-metastatic cells. In particular, these results may have implications in little understood phenomena of tumor progression, such as the emergence of "clonal dominance" and tumor dormancy. ^


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Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and other bombesin-like peptides stimulate hormone secretion and cell proliferation by binding to specific G-protein-coupled receptors. Three studies were performed to identify potential mechanisms involved in GRP/bombesin receptor regulation.^ Although bombesin receptors are localized throughout the gastrointestinal tract, few gastrointestinal cell lines are available to study bombesin action. In the first study, the binding and function of bombesin receptors in the human HuTu-80 duodenal cancer cell line were characterized. ($\sp{125}$I-Tyr$\sp4$) bombesin bound with high affinity to a GRP-preferring receptor. Bombesin treatment increased IP$\sb3$ production, but had no effect on cell proliferation. Similar processing of ($\sp{125}$I-Tyr$\sp4$) bombesin and of GRP-receptors was observed in HuTu-80 cells and Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, a cell line which mitogenically responds to bombesin. Therefore, the lack of a bombesin mitogenic effect in HuTu-80 cells is not due to unusual processing of ($\sp{125}$I-Tyr$\sp4$) bombesin or rapid GRP-receptor down-regulation.^ In the second study, a bombesin antagonist was developed to study the processing and regulatory events after antagonist binding. As previously shown, receptor bound agonist, ($\sp{125}$I-Tyr$\sp4$) bombesin, was rapidly internalized and degraded in chloroquine-sensitive compartments. Interestingly, receptor-bound antagonist, ($\sp{125}$I-D-Tyr$\sp6$) bombesin(6-13)PA was not internalized, but degraded at the cell-surface. In contrast to bombesin, (D-Tyr$\sp6$) bombesin(6-13)PA treatment did not cause receptor internalization. Together these results demonstrate that receptor regulation and receptor-mediated processing of antagonist is different from that of agonist.^ Bombesin receptors undergo acute desensitization. By analogy to other G-protein-coupled receptors, a potential desensitization mechanism may involve receptor phosphorylation. In the final study, $\sp{32}$P-labelled Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts and CHO-mBR1 cells were treated with bombesin and the GRP-receptor was immunoprecipitated. In both cell lines, bombesin treatment markedly stimulated GRP-receptor phosphorylation. Furthermore, bombesin-stimulated GRP-receptor phosphorylation occurred within the same time period as bombesin-stimulated desensitization, demonstrating that these two processes are correlated.^ In conclusion, these studies of GRP-receptor regulation further our understanding of bombesin action and provide insight into G-protein-coupled receptor regulation in general. ^


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Heparan sulfate proteoglycans and their corresponding binding sites have been suggested to play an important role during the initial attachment of blastocysts to uterine epithelium and human trophoblastic cell lines to uterine epithelial cell lines. Previous studies on RL95 cells, a human uterine epithelial cell line, characterized a single class of cell surface heparin/heparan sulfate (HP/HS)-binding sites. Three major HP/HS-binding peptide fragments were isolated from RL95 cell surfaces by tryptic digestion and partial amino-terminal amino acid sequence from each peptide fragment was obtained. In the current study, using the approaches of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and cDNA library screening, a novel cell surface $\rm\underline{H}$P/HS $\rm\underline{i}$nteracting $\rm\underline{p}$rotein (HIP) has been isolated from RL95 cells. The full-length cDNA of HIP encodes a protein of 259 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 17,754 Da and pI of 11.75. Transfection of HIP cDNA into NIH-3T3 cells demonstrated cell surface expression and a size similar to that of HIP expressed by human cells. Predicted amino acid sequence indicates that HIP lacks a membrane spanning region and has no consensus sites for glycosylation. Northern blot analysis detected a single transcript of 1.3 kb in both total RNA and poly(A$\sp+$) RNA. Examination of human cell lines and normal tissues using both Northern blot and Western blot analysis revealed that HIP is differentially expressed in a variety of human cell lines and normal tissues, but absent in some cell lines examined. HIP has about 80% homology, at the level of both mRNA and protein, to a rodent protein, designated as ribosomal protein L29. Thus, members of the L29 family may be displayed on cell surfaces where they participate in HP/HS binding events. Studies on a synthetic peptide derived from HIP demonstrate that HIP peptide binds HS/HP with high selectivity and has high affinity (Kd = 10 nM) for a subset of polysaccharides found in commercial HIP preparations. Moreover, HIP peptide also binds certain forms of cell surface, but not secreted or intracellular. HS expressed by RL95 and JAR cells. This peptide supports the attachment of several human trophoblastic cell lines and a variety of mammalian adherent cell lines in a HS-dependent fashion. Furthermore, studies on the subset of HP specifically recognized by HIP peptide indicate that this high-affinity HP (HA-HP) has a larger median MW and a greater negative charge density than bulk HP. The minimum size of oligosaccharide required to bind to HIP peptide with high affinity is a septa- or octasaccharide. HA-HP also quantitatively binds to antithrombin-III (AT-III) with high affinity, indicating that HIP peptide and AT-III may recognize the same or similar oligosaccharide structure(s). Furthermore, HIP peptide antagonizes HP action and promotes blood coagulation in both factor Xa- and thrombin-dependent assays. Finally, HA-HP recognized by HP peptide is highly enriched with anticoagulant activity relative to bulk HP. Collectively, these results demonstrate that HIP may play a role in the HP/HS-involved cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions and recognizes a motif in HP similar or identical to that recognized by AT-III and therefore, may modulate blood coagulation. ^


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Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and alterations in central GABAergic transmission may contribute to the symptoms of a number of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Because of this relationship, numerous laboratories are attempting to develop agents which will selectively enhance GABA neurotransmission in brain. Due to these efforts, several promising compounds have recently been discovered. Should these drugs prove to be clinically effective, they will be used to treat chronic neuropsychiatric disabilities and, therefore, will be administered for long periods of time. Accordingly, the present investigation was undertaken to determine the neurochemical consequences of chronic activation of brain GABA systems in order to better define the therapeutic potential and possible side-effect liability of GABAmimetic compounds.^ Chronic (15 day) administration to rats of low doses of amino-oxyacetic acid (AOAA, 10 mg/kg, once daily), isonicotinic acid hydrazide (20 mg/kg, b.i.d.), two non-specific inhibitors of GABA-T, the enzyme which catabolizes GABA in brain, or (gamma)-acetylenic GABA (10 mg/kg, b.i.d.) a catalytic inhibitor of this enzyme, resulted in a significant elevation of brain and CSF GABA content throughout the course of treatment. In addition, chronic administration of these drugs, as well as the direct acting GABA receptor agonists THIP (8 mg/kg, b.i.d.) or kojic amine (18 mg/kg, b.i.d.) resulted in a significant increase in dopamine receptor number and a significant decrease in GABA receptor number in the corpus striatum of treated animals as determined by standard in vitro receptor binding techniques. Changes in the GABA receptor were limited to the corpus striatum and occurred more rapidly than did alterations in the dopamine receptor. The finding that dopamine-mediated stereotypic behavior was enhanced in animals treated chronically with AOAA suggested that the receptor binding changes noted in vitro have some functional consequence in vitro.^ Coadministration of atropine (a muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist) blocked the GABA-T inhibitor-induced increase in striatal dopamine receptors but was without effect on receptor alterations seen following chronic administration of direct acting GABA receptor agonists. Atropine administration failed to influence the drug-induced decreases in striatal GABA receptors.^ Other findings included the discovery that synaptosomal high affinity ('3)H-choline uptake, an index of cholinergic neuronal activity, was significantly increased in the corpus striatum of animals treated acutely, but not chronically, with GABAmimetics.^ It is suggested that the dopamine receptor supersensitivity observed in the corpus striatum of animals following long-term treatment with GABAmimetics is a result of the chronic inhibition of the nigrostriatal dopamine system by these drugs. Changes in the GABA receptor, on the other hand, are more likely due to a homospecific regulation of these receptors. An hypothesis based on the different sites of action of GABA-T inhibitors vis-a-vis the direct acting GABA receptor agonists is proposed to account for the differential effect of atropine on the response to these drugs.^ The results of this investigation provide new insights into the functional interrelationships that exist in the basal ganglia and suggest that chronic treatment with GABAmimetics may produce extrapyramidal side-effects in man. In addition, the constellation of neurochemical changes observed following administration of these drugs may be a useful guide for determining the GABAmimetic properties of neuropharmacological agents. ^


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The circulating, endocrine renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is important to circulatory homeostasis, while ubiquitous tissue and cellular RAS play diverse roles, including metabolic regulation. Indeed, inhibition of RAS is associated with improved cellular oxidative capacity. Recently it has been suggested that an intra-mitochondrial RAS directly impacts on metabolism. Here we sought to rigorously explore this hypothesis. Radiolabelled ligand-binding and unbiased proteomic approaches were applied to purified mitochondrial sub-fractions from rat liver, and the impact of AngII on mitochondrial function assessed. Whilst high-affinity AngII binding sites were found in the mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM) fraction, no RAS components could be detected in purified mitochondria. Moreover, AngII had no effect on the function of isolated mitochondria at physiologically relevant concentrations. We thus found no evidence of endogenous mitochondrial AngII production, and conclude that the effects of AngII on cellular energy metabolism are not mediated through its direct binding to mitochondrial targets.


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The pharmacological characterization of ligands depends upon the ability to accurately measure their binding properties. Fluorescence provides an alternative to more traditional approaches such as radioligand binding. Here we describe the binding and spectroscopic properties of eight fluorescent 5-HT3 receptor ligands. These were tested on purified receptors, expressed receptors on live cells, or in vivo. All compounds had nanomolar affinities with fluorescent properties extending from blue to near infra-red emission. A fluorescein-derivative had the highest affinity as measured by fluorescence polarization (FP; 1.14 nM), flow cytometry (FC; 3.23 nM) and radioligand binding (RB; 1.90 nM). Competition binding with unlabeled 5-HT3 receptor agonists (5-HT, mCPBG, quipazine) and antagonists (granisetron, palonosetron, tropisetron) yielded similar affinities in all three assays. When cysteine substitutions were introduced into the 5-HT3 receptor binding site the same changes in binding affinity were seen for both granisetron and the fluorescein-derivative, suggesting that they both adopt orientations that are consistent with co-crystal structures of granisetron with a homologous protein (5HTBP). As expected, in vivo live imaging in anaesthetized mice revealed staining in the abdominal cavity in intestines, but also in salivary glands. The unexpected presence of 5-HT3 receptors in mouse salivary glands was confirmed by Western blots. Overall, these results demonstrate the wide utility of our new high-affinity fluorescently-labeled 5-HT3 receptor probes, ranging from in vitro receptor pharmacology, including FC and FP ligand competition, to live imaging of 5-HT3 expressing tissues.


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GABAA receptors are the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain. Benzodiazepine exert their action via a high affinity-binding site at the α/γ subunit interface on some of these receptors. Diazepam has sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, and anticonvulsant effects. It acts by potentiating the current evoked by the agonist GABA. Understanding specific interaction of benzodiazepines in the binding pocket of different GABAA receptor isoforms might help to separate these divergent effects. As a first step, we characterized the interaction between diazepam and the major GABAA receptor isoform α1β2γ2. We mutated several amino acid residues on the γ2-subunit assumed to be located near or in the benzodiazepine binding pocket individually to cysteine and studied the interaction with three ligands that are modified with a cysteine-reactive isothiocyanate group (-NCS). When the reactive NCS group is in apposition to the cysteine residue this leads to a covalent reaction. In this way, three amino acid residues, γ2Tyr58, γ2Asn60, and γ2Val190 were located relative to classical benzodiazepines in their binding pocket on GABAA receptors.


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PURPOSE To evaluate the safety, tolerability and bioactivity of ascending doses of MP0112, a designed ankyrin repeat protein (DARPin) that binds with high affinity to vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A), in treatment-naive patients with exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD). DESIGN Phase I/II, open-label, multicenter, dose-escalation study. METHODS Patients were to receive a single intravitreal injection of MP0112 at doses ranging from 0.04 to 3.6 mg and be monitored for 16 weeks for safety, efficacy, pharmacokinetics, and dose response. RESULTS Altogether, 32 patients received a single injection of MP0112. The maximum tolerated dose was 1.0 mg because of a case of endophthalmitis in the 2.0 mg cohort. Drug-related adverse events were reported by 13 (41%) of 32 patients; they included ocular inflammation in 11 patients (7 mild, 4 moderate in severity). Visual acuity scores were stable or improved compared with baseline for ≥4 weeks following injection; both retinal thickness and fluorescein angiography leakage decreased in a dose-dependent manner. Rescue therapy was administered to 20 (91%) of 22 patients who received 0.04-0.4 mg MP0112 compared with 4 of 10 (40%) patients who received 1.0 or 2.0 mg. Of patients in the higher-dose cohorts who did not require rescue treatment, 83% (5/6) maintained reductions in central retinal thickness through week 16. CONCLUSIONS A single injection of 1.0 or 2.0 mg MP0112 resulted in mean decreases in retinal thickness and leakage area despite ocular inflammation. Larger-scale studies are warranted to confirm these observations.