970 resultados para Ginling College (Nanjing, Jiangsu Sheng, China)
Community College Audit Reports
Community College Audit Reports
Community College Audit Reports
Taking the Royal College of Barcelona (1760 -1843) as a case study this paper shows the development of modern surgery in Spain initiated by Bourbon Monarchy founding new kinds of institutions through their academic activities of spreading scientific knowledge. Antoni Gimbernat was the most famousinternationally recognised Spanish surgeon. He was trained as a surgeon at the Royal College of Surgery in Cadiz and was later appointed as professor of theAnatomy in the College of Barcelona. He then became Royal Surgeon of King Carlos IV and with that esteemed position in Madrid he worked resiliently to improve the quality of the Royal colleges in Spain. Learning human bodystructure by performing hands-on dissections in the anatomical theatre has become a fundamental element of modern medical education. Gimbernat favoured the study of natural sciences, the new chemistry of Lavoisier and experimental physics in the academic programs of surgery. According to the study of a very relevant set of documents preserved in the library, the so-called “juntas literarias”, among the main subjects debated in the clinical sessions was the concept of human beings and diseases in relation to the development of the new experimental sciences. These documents showed that chemistry andexperimental physics were considered crucial tools to understand the unexplained processes that occurred in the diseased and healthy human bodyand in a medico-surgical context. It is important to stress that through these manuscripts we can examine the role and the reception of the new sciences applied to healing arts.
State University Audit Report - Special Investigation
State University Audit Report - Special Investigation
State Audit Reports
Swain corrects the chi-square overidentification test (i.e., likelihood ratio test of fit) for structural equation models whethr with or without latent variables. The chi-square statistic is asymptotically correct; however, it does not behave as expected in small samples and/or when the model is complex (cf. Herzog, Boomsma, & Reinecke, 2007). Thus, particularly in situations where the ratio of sample size (n) to the number of parameters estimated (p) is relatively small (i.e., the p to n ratio is large), the chi-square test will tend to overreject correctly specified models. To obtain a closer approximation to the distribution of the chi-square statistic, Swain (1975) developed a correction; this scaling factor, which converges to 1 asymptotically, is multiplied with the chi-square statistic. The correction better approximates the chi-square distribution resulting in more appropriate Type 1 reject error rates (see Herzog & Boomsma, 2009; Herzog, et al., 2007).
Community College Audit Reports
Community College Audit Reports
Agency Performance Report
Community College Audit Reports
State Audit Reports
Depois de alcançada a ideologia de Estado e ter defenido assim a sua posição política, com as conhecidas consequências acarretadas, a nova RPC de Mao Zedong caminha, depois da sua morte, para um outro processo de mudança, a mudança económica. A administração Deng assume as responsabilidades de abertura do dragão asiático ao mundo, pela implementação de um conjunto de reformas que conduzam ao desenvolvimento económico. Em algumas cidades, consideradas como “laboratórios experimentais”, apesar das contrariedades constantes à actividade privada levada a cabo, o impacto das reformas foi tão intenso que essas passaram a ser consideradas como modelos de desenvolvimento. São exemplos os casos de Wenzhou, Sunan, e de algumas regiões do Sul da China. Todos esses casos têm em comum os factores envolvidos, que são: o Estado/PCC; as autoridades locais; as famílias; as empresas familiares e a capacidade empreendedora das mesmas. Esse desenvolvimento da China, sem precedentes, faz com que a potência procure fora do seu território recursos que dêem prosseguimento ao mesmo, nesse contexto, encontra em África um novo parceiro. A cooperação entre África e China, apesar de não recente, é a partir de então intensificada, numa relação que se pretende de igualdade e de ganhos comuns. Sempre com vários pontos que definem o objectivo desta parceria, destaca-se o desenvolvimento comum como aquele que perdura desde a era maoísta. Com esse objectivo China investe em África, oferece condições de parceria aliciantes e compromete-se em transmitir ao continente o seu modelo de desenvolvimento. Mas, tendo em conta que África, apesar de poder aprender com o desenvolvimento chinês, não pode fazer depender do discurso chinês o seu desenvolvimento, consideramos os mesmos factores destacados no caso da China, o caminho prosseguido pelo continente para um desenvolvimento sustentável, e analisámos o caso específico de Cabo Verde, onde a presença chinesa, a sua actuação empreendedora e competitividade se fazem sentir na vida diária dos cabo-verdianos, com algumas lições a transmitir para o desenvolvimento futuro do país, perspectivando este futuro a curto, médio-prazo.
A Comparison of the Management Models of Protected Areas between China and the African South Region allows reading and evaluating the similarities and differences in the use of management model as a management tool for protected areas in China and South African Region. Specifically, some positive and negative features of the management approaches for the two regions. Secondary data was collected from various related literature such as policy documents, students‟ dissertations/thesis, scientific articles and magazines. Based on the method above, the study found out that China's first nature reserve was the Dingus Mountain Nature Reserve in Zhaoqing, Guangdong province established in 1956. By the end of 2005, about 2,349 nature reserves of various kinds were set up throughout the country, covering a total area of 149.95 million ha and accounting for 15 percent of the total land territory. The study further found that Southern Africa has approximately 4,390 protected areas out of 11487920 total land areas and Eastern Africa has approximately 1838144 protected areas, which is equivalent to 15.0% of the total land areas. South Africa in this region had its first declared natural park in 1926 after Paul Kruger (a war hero) had alerted the authorities of the extinguishing threat of some animal species of region.