929 resultados para Genomic flexibility


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La comprensión actual de la heterogeneidad de las empresas académico rendimiento en el entorno entra industria necesita un mayor desarrollo. Gestión estratégica y el discurso sobre la literatura empresarial necesita mayor explicación de por qué los modelos de negocio aparentemente similares en el mismo sector actúan de forma diferente. También qué factores del entorno sectorial y operativo determina el surgimiento y funcionamiento de los modelos de negocio sostenibles e innovadoras permanecen sin explorar. Un marco se conceptualiza acompañado de estudios de caso sobre la compañía aérea y las industrias de energía renovable. El estudio lleva a una visión basada en los recursos de los modelos de negocio que las empresas alcancen posiciones heterogéneas de recursos. Una explicación para la heterogeneidad firme desempeño que se busca por intermediación conocimiento que genera valor a partir de la utilización eficaz de los recursos de conocimientos adquiridos a entornos entra y inter-empresa. Un marco para la aparición de nuevos modelos de negocios verdes se conceptualiza y deducciones se obtienen mediante un estudio de caso sobre la base de la industria de biocombustibles de energías renovables para explicar la dinámica de los mercados verdes y cómo se puede crear valor sostenible y capturó e innovadora de los modelos de negocios verdes. El marco desarrollado proporciona una visión cíclica de la flexibilidad del modelo de negocio en la que se propaga la acumulación de recursos basada en el conocimiento del modelo de negocio a través de los ambientes dentro y inter-empresa. Estrategias de conocimiento de corretaje del resultado ambientes inter e dentro-firma en un mejor desempeño del modelo de negocio. La flexibilidad del modelo de negocio que adquiere está determinada por la eficiencia con la acumulación de recursos está alineado con su ambiente externo. Las características de la que el modelo de negocio alcanza ventajas competitivas, como la innovación y la flexibilidad se atribuyen a la heterogeneidad de los recursos. La investigación se extiende a la literatura orientación de servicio al conceptualizar y medir la orientación a servicios como un requisito clave para la innovación del modelo de negocio, mientras que aboga por la necesidad de identificar correctamente las competencias básicas de la empresa, especialmente relevante en el contexto de la empresa orientada a los servicios, donde la creación de valor requiere recursos y la prestación eficiente de los servicios. La investigación trata de llegar a una descripción de los modelos de negocio sostenibles verdes y argumenta que la innovación, la flexibilidad y la sostenibilidad son los tres habilitadores básicos de los cuales el concepto de modelo de negocio verde puede evolucionar la explotación de nuevos mecanismos de mercado y los mercados para crear y capturar valor en el mantenimiento de su innovadora ambiente externo. La investigación integra efectivamente los conceptos de corretaje de conocimientos y modelos de negocio a partir de un recurso basado en la acumulación de vista y al mismo tiempo llega a la heterogeneidad rendimiento de los modelos de negocio aparentemente similares dentro de la misma industria. La investigación indica cómo se producen perturbaciones del mercado en una industria como resultado de modelos de negocio innovador y flexible, y cómo los nuevos modelos de negocio evolucionan en base a estos trastornos. Avanza la comprensión de cómo la estrategia de núcleo competencia y la innovación del modelo de negocio construcciones se comportan en el esfuerzo de la empresa de servicios para obtener una ventaja competitiva sostenible. Los resultados tienen implicaciones en el rendimiento de las empresas que empiezan sin recursos distintos de los suyos, o que utilizan un modelo de negocio imitado, para lograr un mejor rendimiento a través de la evolución del modelo de negocio alineado con las exitosas estrategias de conocimiento de corretaje. Dicho marco puede permitir a las empresas a evaluar y elegir un modelo de negocio basado en la innovación, la flexibilidad, la sostenibilidad y las opciones para el cambio. La investigación se suma a la literatura acumulación de recursos, explicando cómo los recursos pueden ser efectivamente adquirida para crear valor. La investigación también se suma a la literatura empresarial verde, explicando cómo las empresas crear y capturar valor en los nuevos mecanismos dinámicos de mercado.


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Mutations in the TP53 gene are very common in human cancers, and are associated with poor clinical outcome. Transgenic mouse models lacking the Trp53 gene or that express mutant Trp53 transgenes produce tumours with malignant features in many organs. We previously showed the transcriptome of a p53-deficient mouse skin carcinoma model to be similar to those of human cancers with TP53 mutations and associated with poor clinical outcomes. This report shows that much of the 682-gene signature of this murine skin carcinoma transcriptome is also present in breast and lung cancer mouse models in which p53 is inhibited. Further, we report validated gene-expression-based tests for predicting the clinical outcome of human breast and lung adenocarcinoma. It was found that human patients with cancer could be stratified based on the similarity of their transcriptome with the mouse skin carcinoma 682-gene signature. The results also provide new targets for the treatment of p53-defective tumours.


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The success of an aquaculture breeding program critically depends on the way in which the base population of breeders is constructed since all the genetic variability for the traits included originally in the breeding goal as well as those to be included in the future is contained in the initial founders. Traditionally, base populations were created from a number of wild strains by sampling equal numbers from each strain. However, for some aquaculture species improved strains are already available and, therefore, mean phenotypic values for economically important traits can be used as a criterion to optimize the sampling when creating base populations. Also, the increasing availability of genome-wide genotype information in aquaculture species could help to refine the estimation of relationships within and between candidate strains and, thus, to optimize the percentage of individuals to be sampled from each strain. This study explores the advantages of using phenotypic and genome-wide information when constructing base populations for aquaculture breeding programs in terms of initial and subsequent trait performance and genetic diversity level. Results show that a compromise solution between diversity and performance can be found when creating base populations. Up to 6% higher levels of phenotypic performance can be achieved at the same level of global diversity in the base population by optimizing the selection of breeders instead of sampling equal numbers from each strain. The higher performance observed in the base population persisted during 10 generations of phenotypic selection applied in the subsequent breeding program.


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Molecular methods are used widely to measure genetic diversity within populations and determine relationships among species. However, it is difficult to observe genomic evolution in action because these dynamics are too slow in most organisms. To overcome this limitation, we sampled genomes from populations of Escherichia coli evolving in the laboratory for 10,000 generations. We analyzed the genomes for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) using seven insertion sequences (IS) as probes; most polymorphisms detected by this approach reflect rearrangements (including transpositions) rather than point mutations. The evolving genomes became increasingly different from their ancestor over time. Moreover, tremendous diversity accumulated within each population, such that almost every individual had a different genetic fingerprint after 10,000 generations. As has been often suggested, but not previously shown by experiment, the rates of phenotypic and genomic change were discordant, both across replicate populations and over time within a population. Certain pivotal mutations were shared by all descendants in a population, and these are candidates for beneficial mutations, which are rare and difficult to find. More generally, these data show that the genome is highly dynamic even over a time scale that is, from an evolutionary perspective, very brief.


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Overexpression of the MYC protooncogene has been implicated in the genesis of diverse human tumors. Tumorigenesis induced by MYC has been attributed to sustained effects on proliferation and differentiation. Here we report that MYC may also contribute to tumorigenesis by destabilizing the cellular genome. A transient excess of MYC activity increased tumorigenicity of Rat1A cells by at least 50-fold. The increase persisted for >30 days after the return of MYC activity to normal levels. The brief surfeit of MYC activity was accompanied by evidence of genomic instability, including karyotypic abnormalities, gene amplification, and hypersensitivity to DNA-damaging agents. MYC also induced genomic destabilization in normal human fibroblasts, although these cells did not become tumorigenic. Stimulation of Rat1A cells with MYC accelerated their passage through G1/S. Moreover, MYC could force normal human fibroblasts to transit G1 and S after treatment with N-(phosphonoacetyl)-l-aspartate (PALA) at concentrations that normally lead to arrest in S phase by checkpoint mechanisms. Instead, the cells subsequently appeared to arrest in G2. We suggest that the accelerated passage through G1 was mutagenic but that the effect of MYC permitted a checkpoint response only after G2 had been reached. Thus, MYC may contribute to tumorigenesis through a dominant mutator effect.


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Whole-genome duplication approximately 108 years ago was proposed as an explanation for the many duplicated chromosomal regions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we have used computer simulations and analytic methods to estimate some parameters describing the evolution of the yeast genome after this duplication event. Computer simulation of a model in which 8% of the original genes were retained in duplicate after genome duplication, and 70–100 reciprocal translocations occurred between chromosomes, produced arrangements of duplicated chromosomal regions very similar to the map of real duplications in yeast. An analytical method produced an independent estimate of 84 map disruptions. These results imply that many smaller duplicated chromosomal regions exist in the yeast genome in addition to the 55 originally reported. We also examined the possibility of determining the original order of chromosomal blocks in the ancestral unduplicated genome, but this cannot be done without information from one or more additional species. If the genome sequence of one other species (such as Kluyveromyces lactis) were known it should be possible to identify 150–200 paired regions covering the whole yeast genome and to reconstruct approximately two-thirds of the original order of blocks of genes in yeast. Rates of interchromosome translocation in yeast and mammals appear similar despite their very different rates of homologous recombination per kilobase.


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Analysis of the genetic changes in human tumors is often problematical because of the presence of normal stroma and the limited availability of pure tumor DNA. However, large amounts of highly reproducible “representations” of tumor and normal genomes can be made by PCR from nanogram amounts of restriction endonuclease cleaved DNA that has been ligated to oligonucleotide adaptors. We show here that representations are useful for many types of genetic analyses, including measuring relative gene copy number, loss of heterozygosity, and comparative genomic hybridization. Representations may be prepared even from sorted nuclei from fixed and archived tumor biopsies.


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The crystal structure at 2.0-Å resolution of the complex of the Escherichia coli chemotaxis response regulator CheY and the phosphoacceptor-binding domain (P2) of the kinase CheA is presented. The binding interface involves the fourth and fifth helices and fifth β-strand of CheY and both helices of P2. Surprisingly, the two heterodimers in the asymmetric unit have two different binding modes involving the same interface, suggesting some flexibility in the binding regions. Significant conformational changes have occurred in CheY compared with previously determined unbound structures. The active site of CheY is exposed by the binding of the kinase domain, possibly to enhance phosphotransfer from CheA to CheY. The conformational changes upon complex formation as well as the observation that there are two different binding modes suggest that the plasticity of CheY is an essential feature of response regulator function.


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3-Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (IPMDH, E.C. from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus HB8 is homologous to IPMDH from the mesophilic Escherichia coli, but has an approximately 17°C higher melting temperature. Its temperature optimum is 22–25°C higher than that of the E. coli enzyme; however, it is hardly active at room temperature. The increased conformational rigidity required to stabilize the thermophilic enzyme against heat denaturation might explain its different temperature-activity profile. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange studies were performed on this thermophilic-mesophilic enzyme pair to compare their conformational flexibilities. It was found that Th. thermophilus IPMDH is significantly more rigid at room temperature than E. coli IPMDH, whereas the enzymes have nearly identical flexibilities under their respective optimal working conditions, suggesting that evolutionary adaptation tends to maintain a “corresponding state” regarding conformational flexibility. These observations confirm that conformational fluctuations necessary for catalytic function are restricted at room temperature in the thermophilic enzyme, suggesting a close relationship between conformational flexibility and enzyme function.


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The Oct-1 POU domain binds diverse DNA-sequence elements and forms a higher-order regulatory complex with the herpes simplex virus coregulator VP16. The POU domain contains two separate DNA-binding domains joined by a flexible linker. By protein–DNA photocrosslinking we show that the relative positioning of the two POU DNA-binding domains on DNA varies depending on the nature of the DNA target. On a single VP16-responsive element, the POU domain adopts multiple conformations. To determine the structure of the Oct-1 POU domain in a multiprotein complex with VP16, we allowed VP16 to interact with previously crosslinked POU-domain–DNA complexes and found that VP16 can associate with multiple POU-domain conformations. These results reveal the dynamic potential of a DNA-binding domain in directing transcriptional regulatory complex formation.


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Tangier disease is characterized by low serum high density lipoproteins and a biochemical defect in the cellular efflux of lipids to high density lipoproteins. ABC1, a member of the ATP-binding cassette family, recently has been identified as the defective gene in Tangier disease. We report here the organization of the human ABC1 gene and the identification of a mutation in the ABC1 gene from the original Tangier disease kindred. The organization of the human ABC1 gene is similar to that of the mouse ABC1 gene and other related ABC genes. The ABC1 gene contains 49 exons that range in size from 33 to 249 bp and is over 70 kb in length. Sequence analysis of the ABC1 gene revealed that the proband for Tangier disease was homozygous for a deletion of nucleotides 3283 and 3284 (TC) in exon 22. The deletion results in a frameshift mutation and a premature stop codon starting at nucleotide 3375. The product is predicted to encode a nonfunctional protein of 1,084 aa, which is approximately half the size of the full-length ABC1 protein. The loss of a Mnl1 restriction site, which results from the deletion, was used to establish the genotype of the rest of the kindred. In summary, we report on the genomic organization of the human ABC1 gene and identify a frameshift mutation in the ABC1 gene of the index case of Tangier disease. These results will be useful in the future characterization of the structure and function of the ABC1 gene and the analysis of additional ABC1 mutations in patients with Tangier disease.


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Panhandle PCR amplifies genomic DNA with known 5′ and unknown 3′ sequences from a template with an intrastrand loop schematically shaped like a pan with a handle. We used panhandle PCR to clone MLL genomic breakpoints in two pediatric treatment-related leukemias. The karyotype in a case of treatment-related acute lymphoblastic leukemia showed the t(4;11)(q21;q23). Panhandle PCR amplified the translocation breakpoint at position 2158 in intron 6 in the 5′ MLL breakpoint cluster region (bcr). The karyotype in a case of treatment-related acute myeloid leukemia was normal, but Southern blot analysis showed a single MLL gene rearrangement. Panhandle PCR amplified the breakpoint at position 1493 in MLL intron 6. Screening of somatic cell hybrid and radiation hybrid DNAs by PCR and reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis of the leukemic cells indicated that panhandle PCR identified a fusion of MLL intron 6 with a previously uncharacterized sequence in MLL intron 1, consistent with a partial duplication. In both cases, the breakpoints in the MLL bcr were in Alu repeats, and there were Alu repeats in proximity to the breakpoints in the partner DNAs, suggesting that Alu sequences were relevant to these rearrangements. This study shows that panhandle PCR is an effective method for cloning MLL genomic breakpoints in treatment-related leukemias. Analysis of additional pediatric cases will determine whether breakpoint distribution deviates from the predilection for 3′ distribution in the bcr that has been found in adult cases.


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TCL1 and TCL1b genes on human chromosome 14q23.1 are activated in T cell leukemias by translocations and inversions at 14q32.1, juxtaposing them to regulatory elements of T cell receptor genes. In this report we present the cloning, mapping, and expression analysis of the human and murine TCL1/Tcl1 locus. In addition to TCL1 and TCL1b, the human locus contains two additional genes, TCL1-neighboring genes (TNG) 1 and 2, encoding proteins of 141 and 110 aa, respectively. Both genes show no homology to any known genes, but their expression profiles are very similar to those of TCL1 and TCL1b. TNG1 and TNG2 also are activated in T cell leukemias with rearrangements at 14q32.1. To aid in the development of a mouse model we also have characterized the murine Tcl1 locus and found five genes homologous to human TCL1b. Tcl1b1–Tcl1b5 proteins range from 117 to 123 aa and are 65–80% similar, but they show only a 30–40% similarity to human TCL1b. All five mouse Tcl1b and murine Tcl1 mRNAs are abundant in mouse oocytes and two-cell embryos but rare in various adult tissues and lymphoid cell lines. These data suggest a similar or complementary function of these proteins in early embryogenesis.


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Somatic-cell hybrids have been shown to maintain the correct epigenetic chromatin states to study developmental globin gene expression as well as gene expression on the active and inactive X chromosomes. This suggests the potential use of somatic-cell hybrids containing either a maternal or a paternal human chromosome as a model system to study known imprinted genes and to identify as-yet-unknown imprinted genes. Testing gene expression by using reverse transcription followed by PCR, we show that functional imprints are maintained at four previously characterized 15q11–q13 loci in hybrids containing a single human chromosome 15 and at two chromosome 11p15 loci in hybrids containing a single chromosome 11. In contrast, three γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit genes in 15q12–q13 are nonimprinted. Furthermore, we have found that differential DNA methylation imprints at the SNRPN promoter and at a CpG island in 11p15 are also maintained in somatic-cell hybrids. Somatic-cell hybrids therefore are a valid and powerful system for studying known imprinted genes as well as for rapidly identifying new imprinted genes.


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The thermal re-isomerization of retinal from the 13-cis to the all-trans state is a key step in the final stages of the photocycle of the light-driven proton pump, bacteriorhodopsin. This step is greatly slowed upon replacement of Leu-93, a residue in van der Waals contact with retinal. The most likely role of this key interaction is that it restricts the flexibility of retinal. To test this hypothesis, we have exchanged native retinal in Leu-93 mutants with bridged retinal analogs that render retinal less flexible by restricting free rotation around either the C10—C11 (9,11-bridged retinal) or C12—C13 (11,13-bridged retinal) single bonds. The effect of the analogs on the photocycle was then determined spectroscopically by taking advantage of the previous finding that the decay of the O intermediate in the Leu-93 mutants provides a convenient marker for retinal re-isomerization. Time-resolved spectroscopic studies showed that both retinal analogs resulted in a dramatic acceleration of the photocycling time by increasing the rate of decay of the O intermediate. In particular, exchange of native retinal in the Leu-93 → Ala mutant with the 9,11-bridged retinal resulted in an acceleration of the decay of the O intermediate to a rate similar to that seen in wild-type bacteriorhodopsin. We conclude that the protein-induced restriction of conformational flexibility in retinal is a key structural requirement for efficient protein–retinal coupling in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle.