1000 resultados para Função social da propriedade imobiliária
O processo de urbanização trouxe para as cidades dois problemas graves: a exclusão social e a especulação imobiliária. No sentido de reverter a degradação do meio ambiente urbano, de acordo com o Estatuto da Cidade - Lei Federal 10.257, promulgada em 10 de julho de 2001,cabe ao administrador municipal fornecer os instrumentos necessários para planejar a cidade que desejamos e controlar o uso da propriedade, a fim de que não prejudique a qualidade de vida dos cidadãos O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma reflexão sobre o conceito de qualidade de vida, destacando os possíveis indicadores e índices utilizados para avaliar tal qualidade e como os mesmos podem contribuir na evolução das Políticas Públicas voltadas para a problemática urbana e a qualidade de vida dos moradores citadinos em detrimento de uma acelerada urbanização, resultado de um processo desvinculado de ações mínimas de planejamento.no Distrito Administrativo de Icoaraci, pertencente a Região Metropolitana de Belém/Pará/Brasil.
A hipertensão arterial é uma crônica, não transmissível, de início silencioso com repercussões clínicas importantes para os sistemas cardiovasculares e renovasculares, acompanhados freqüentemente de co-morbidades de grande impacto para os indicadores de saúde da população. Pode evoluir para complicações nos sistemas cardiovascular, renal e vascular, como: insuficiência renal, acidente vascular encefálico, infarto do miocárdio e insuficiência cardíaca. Tendo em vista o grande número de pessoas hipertensas na área de Abrangência da Unidade Básica de Saúde Morada do Rio em Santa Luzia, pressupõe-se que o risco de acometimento renal poderá ser grande. Assim, surgiu o meu interesse em aprofundar meus conhecimentos sobre o acometimento da função renal nos portadores de hipertensão arterial. O objetivo, deste estudo, foi o de identificar, por meio da revisão narrativa da literatura nacional, o acometimento da função renal nos portadores de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS). Foi feito um levantamento na base de dados LILACs e também no Scielo, além de manuais do Ministério da Saúde e da Secretaria Estadual de Saúde de Minas Gerais. O resultado encontrado foi que a hipertensão, uma vez diagnosticada e com o passar do tempo, pode causar lesões agraves no sistema renal assim também um paciente com diagnóstico de doença renal pode ter sua pressão arterial elevada devido às alterações fisiológicas renais. A pressão arterial é comum em todas as formas de nefropatia, congênita ou adquirida, e quando presente, acelera a perda de função renal e frequentemente estabelece um círculo vicioso no qual a pressão elevada piora o dano renal e consequentemente eleva a pressão arterial. As pessoas com maior risco de ter doenças nos rins são aquelas que têm: diabetes, pressão alta, pessoas com doença renal na família, idosos, pessoas com doenças cardiovasculares. A hipertensão arterial e a insuficiência renal podem estar interligadas de duas maneiras: a hipertensão arterial, quando em fase maligna, pode levar a nefroangiosclerose por endarterite obliterante e arteriolite necrotisante; e quando está em forma benigna pode levar ao quadro de nefrosclerose hipertensiva e perda progressiva e lenta da função renal. A importância do trabalho em equipe se mostra numa assistência humanizada e centrada no paciente, educação em saúde, organização do processo de trabalho, controle social das ações e serviços de saúde e que tem efeitos positivos no estado de saúde dos indivíduos famílias e comunidades. É um desafio implementar a Estratégia da Saúde da Família de forma plena considerando as especificidades de cada área de abrangência.
The models of teaching social sciences and clinical practice are insufficient for the needs of practical-reflective teaching of social sciences applied to health. The scope of this article is to reflect on the challenges and perspectives of social science education for health professionals. In the 1950s the important movement bringing together social sciences and the field of health began, however weak credentials still prevail. This is due to the low professional status of social scientists in health and the ill-defined position of the social sciences professionals in the health field. It is also due to the scant importance attributed by students to the social sciences, the small number of professionals and the colonization of the social sciences by the biomedical culture in the health field. Thus, the professionals of social sciences applied to health are also faced with the need to build an identity, even after six decades of their presence in the field of health. This is because their ambivalent status has established them as a partial, incomplete and virtual presence, requiring a complex survival strategy in the nebulous area between social sciences and health.
Among the various ways of adopting the biographical approach, we used the curriculum vitaes (CVs) of Brazilian researchers who work as social scientists in health as our research material. These CVs are part of the Lattes Platform of CNPq - the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, which includes Research and Institutional Directories. We analyzed 238 CVs for this study. The CVs contain, among other things, the following information: professional qualifications, activities and projects, academic production, participation in panels for the evaluation of theses and dissertations, research centers and laboratories and a summarized autobiography. In this work there is a brief review of the importance of autobiography for the social sciences, emphasizing the CV as a form of autobiographical practice. We highlight some results, such as it being a group consisting predominantly of women, graduates in social sciences, anthropology, sociology or political science, with postgraduate degrees. The highest concentration of social scientists is located in Brazil's southern and southeastern regions. In some institutions the main activities of social scientists are as teachers and researchers with great thematic diversity in research.
This paper analyses some aspects of the trajectory of the Argentinian physician and sociologist Juan César García (1932-1984) in the field of Latin American Social Medicine. Three dimensions constituting his basic orientations are highlighted: the elaboration of systematic and reflective social thought; a critical attitude in questioning teaching and professional practices; a commitment to the institutionalization and dissemination of health knowledge.
The thermodynamic equilibrium is a state defined by conditions which depend upon some characteristics of the system. It requires thermal, mechanical, chemical and phase equilibrium. Continuum thermodynamics, its radical restriction usually called homogeneous processes thermodynamics, as well as the classical thermodynamic science of reversible processes, each of them defines equilibrium in a differing way. But these definitions lead to the same physical contents.
Brazil is an important poultry meat export country, and large parts of its destination are countries with specific rearing restrictions related to broiler s welfare. One of the aerial pollutants mostly found in high concentrations in closed poultry housing environment is ammonia. There are evidences that broilers welfare may be compromised by the continuous exposition to this pollutant in rearing housing. This research aimed to estimate broilers welfare reared under specific thermal environmental attributes and bird s density, as function of the ammonia concentration and light intensity inside the housing environment using the Fuzzy Theory. Results showed that the best welfare value (0.89 in the scale: 0-1) approximately 90% of the ideal was found in the conditions that associated the ideal thermal environment, with bird s density between 13-15 birds m-2, with values of the ammonia concentration in the environment below 5 ppm, and light intensity near 1 lx. Using the predictive method it was possible to estimate broilers welfare with relation to the ammonia concentration and light intensity in the housing.
Mental health problems are common in primary health care, particularly anxiety and depression. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders and their associations with socio-demographic characteristics in primary care in Brazil (Family Health Strategy). It involved a multicenter cross-sectional study with patients from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza (Ceará State) and Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul State), assessed using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). The rate of mental disorders in patients from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza and Porto Alegre were found to be, respectively, 51.9%, 53.3%, 64.3% and 57.7% with significant differences between Porto Alegre and Fortaleza compared to Rio de Janeiro after adjusting for confounders. Prevalence proportions of mental problems were especially common for females, the unemployed, those with less education and those with lower incomes. In the context of the Brazilian government's moves towards developing primary health care and reorganizing mental health policies it is relevant to consider common mental disorders as a priority alongside other chronic health conditions.
Laboratory tests are essential for accurate diagnosis and cost-effective management of thyroid disorders. When the clinical suspicion is strong, hormonal levels just confirms the diagnosis. However, in most patients, symptoms are subtle and unspecific, so that only biochemical tests can detect the disorder. The objective of this article is to do a critical analysis of the appropriate use of the most important thyroid function tests, including serum concentrations of thyrotropin (TSH), thyroid hormones and antithyroid antibodies. Through a survey in the MedLine database, we discuss the major pitfalls and interferences related to daily use of these tests and recommendations are presented to optimize the use of these diagnostic tools in clinical practice.
The first idea of this study is trat there may be a disturbance of the visuo-spatial function in cerebral palsy. This idea is based upon the theories of Luria and Piaget. The second idea of this study is that the computer can help the investigation of visuo-spatial function. With the intention of evaluating the spatial function in cerebral palsy, the literature related to these themes was revised. We justify the proposal of a new test to study visuo-spatial function. This test uses straight lines in four different orientations and the subject has to recognize and arrange them individually or sets of them. This was done through the use of pencil and papel, and computer. The results confirm that there is a spatial disturbance and that a better understanding of the subject's difficulties was made possible through the use of the computer and the Logo computer language.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física