999 resultados para Freire, Paulo: Sorrettujen pedagogiikka
This article presents a proposal of a systemic model composed for the micro and small companies (MSE) of the region of Ribeiro Preto and the agents which influenced their environment. The proposed model was based on Stafford Beer`s (Diagnosing the system for organizations. Chichester, Wiley, 1985) systemic methodologies VSM (Viable System Model) and on Werner Ulrich`s (1983) CSH (Critical Systems Heuristics). The VSM is a model for the diagnosis of the structure of an organization and of its flows of information through the application of the cybernetics concepts (Narvarte, In El Modelo del Sistema Viable-MSV: experiencias de su aplicacin en Chile. Proyecto Cerebro Colectivo del IAS, Santiago, 2001). On the other hand, CSH focus on the context of the social group applied to the systemic vision as a counterpoint to the organizational management view considered by the VSM. MSE of Ribeiro Preto and Sertozinho had been analyzed as organizations inserted in systems that relate and integrate with other systems concerning the public administration, entities of representation and promotion agencies. The research questions: which are the bonds of interaction among the subsystems in this process and who are the agents involved? The systemic approach not only diagnosed a social group, formed by MSE of Ribeiro Preto and Sertozinho, public authorities and support entities, but could also delineate answers that aimed the clarification of obscure questions generating financial assistance to the formularization of efficient actions for the development of this system.
An important segmentation basis used by firms is related to consumers` personal values which are investigated in this study. It was used a descriptive research with the survey method of data collection in a sample of executives from Sao Paulo who are considered to be potential buyers of high value and innovative goods. An exploratory factor analysis was employed in order to reduce the values scale used and a cluster analysis was performed to identify the groups of executives according to the importance attached to different person values. Concluding, it was observed that there was a similarity among the three personal values dimensions, named as Civility (concerns about having a good conduct before society according to social rules of interaction), Self-Direction (intellectual aspects and practical orientation in their conducts) and Conformity (restriction of actions, inclinations and impulses, that are likely to harm others and would violate expectations) and the ones reported in the theory Rokeach`s theory about instrumental personal values. Furthermore, three groups of executives were identified (good conduct group, low restriction group and high restriction group). The differences observed in the importance of personal values here presented by the dimensions called Civility, Self-Direction and Conformity can lead to different buying behaviors and product preferences. From the results found in this study the companies could adapt their current and new products offers, as well as their communication in order to better serve these segments of executives from Sao Paulo.
This work characterized the population structure of the hermit crab Loxopagurus loxochelis (Moreira, 1901) in terms of size frequency distribution and sex ratio. Specimens were collected monthly, over a period of one year (from July 2002 to June 2003), in seven transects (from 5 to 35 m of depth) using fishing boat equipped with two double-rig trawl nets, in Caraguatatuba and Ubatuba regions (state of Sao Paulo, Brazil). A total of 366 hermit crabs were collected in Caraguatatuba [222 males (60.65%), 114 non-ovigerous females (31.15%) and 30 ovigerous females (8.20%)] and 126 hermit crabs in Ubatuba [81 males (64.28%), 38 non-ovigerous females (30.16%) and seven ovigerous females (5.56%)]. In Caraguatatuba the highest incidence of ovigerous females occurred during winter (July 2002), whereas in Ubatuba, the number was incipient. The cephalothoracic shield length ranged from 2.0 to 7.9mm (5.29 +/- 0.96mm) in Caraguatatuba, and from 2.7 to 7.5mm (5.32 +/- 0.95mm) in Ubatuba. The mean size of males was significantly larger than the mean size of females in both regions. Overall sex ratio was in favor of males (1.54:1 in Caraguatatuba and 1.9:1 in Ubatuba). Sexual dimorphism was recorded to L. loxochelis by the presence of males in the largest size classes, following the standard pattern observed in Decapoda. There was an unimodal size distribution for both sexes, with normal distributions in both regions. The higher number of males in relation to females may indicate the existence of different growth and mortality rates between the sexes. Despite of the different geomorphologic characteristics between Caraguatatuba and Ubatuba regions, the dynamics of development was similar for both populations.
(Triphora uniflora A.C. Ferreira, Baptista & Pansarin (Orchidaccae: Triphorcae): a new species and the first record of the genus Triphora Nutt. for Sao Paulo state, Brazil). Triphora uniflora A. C. Ferreira, Baptista & Pansarin, a new species of Orchidaceae, is described and illustrated. Furthermore, this is the first report of the genus Triphora for Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The relationship of this new species to other taxa of the genus and the need to preserve the natural habitat of this Triphora species are discussed.
The six peculiar multicusped teeth described here were collected from sediments of the Upper Cretaceous of Sao Jose do Rio Preto Formation, near Ibira (northeastern Sao Paulo, Brazil). Their bulbous crowns are slightly labio-lingual compressed, and bear a main plus two accessory cusps, which conceal a well developed cingulum. Wear facets are seen on the main and distal accessory cusps. Comparison to the known Crocodyliformes with multicusped teeth show that the new material is not referable to ""protosuchians"" or eusuchians, nor related to two unnamed forms from Morocco and ""notosuchians"" such as Uruguaysuchus, Chiamaerasuchus, and Simosuchus. On the other hand, possible affinities with Candidodon and Malawisuchus were maintained based on shared traits. This includes teeth with the main cusp and some accessory cusps arranged in more than one axis, a previously defined unambiguous apomorphy of the putative clade composed of Candidodon plus Malawisuchus. The term Candidodontidae can be applied to this group, and defined as all taxa closer to Candidodon itapecuruensis than to Notosuchus terrestris, Uruguaysuchus aznarezi, Comahuesuchus brachybuccalis, Sphagesaurus huenei, Baurusuchus pachecoi, and Crocodylus niloticus. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aims: To estimate dementia prevalence and describe the etiology of dementia in a community sample from the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A sample of subjects older than 60 years was screened for dementia in the first phase. During the second phase, the diagnostic workup included a structured interview, physical and neurological examination, laboratory exams, a brain scan, and DSM-IV criteria diagnosis. Results: Mean age was 71.5 years (n = 1,563) and 58.3% had up to 4 years of schooling (68.7% female). Dementia was diagnosed in 107 subjects with an observed prevalence of 6.8%. The estimate of dementia prevalence was 12.9%, considering design effect, nonresponse during the community phase, and positive and negative predictive values. Alzheimer`s disease was the most frequent cause of dementia (59.8%), followed by vascular dementia (15.9%). Older age and illiteracy were significantly associated with dementia. Conclusions: The estimate of dementia prevalence was higher than previously reported in Brazil, with Alzheimer`s disease and vascular dementia being the most frequent causes of dementia. Dementia prevalence in Brazil and in other Latin American countries should be addressed by additional studies to confirm these higher dementia rates which might have a sizable impact on countries` health services. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
Seven species of Anacroneuria Klapalek are considered; of these 4 were known, A. debilis (Pictet, 1841), A. flintorum Froehlich, 2002, A. toriba Froehlich, 2002 (the female is described herein), and A. vanini Froehlich, 2004. Three are new: A. mantiqueirae, A. simulans, and A. tabatae.
Social wasp diversity in Semideciduous Seasonal Forests of the northeast of Sao Paulo State is poorly known, causing a lack of information on the diversity of these wasps from these areas which have been degraded. The objective of this work was to evaluate the social wasp (Vespidae, Polistinae) diversity in a Semideciduous Seasonal Forest of the northeast of Sao Paulo State and to compare three different kinds of sampling methodology. Surveys were conducted from August 2005 to September 2006 in the interior, edge and matrix of a Semideciduous Seasonal Forest fragment in Patrocinio Paulista city, Sao Paulo State. Three methodologies were used: 1. Active collection in flowers, 2. Searching for nests, 3. Active collection with attractive liquid. Thirty species of social wasps were collected in the fragment, but the diversity was highest in the edge. Active collection with attractive liquid was the most efficient methodology. Despite the high levels of deforestation, forest fragments in Sao Paulo State have a high diversity of social wasps, reinforcing the importance of their preservation.
Objective. To describe homicide mortality in the municipality of Sao Paulo according to type of weapon, sex, race or skin color, age, and areas of socioeconomic inequalities, between 1996 and 2008. Method. For this ecological time-series study, data about deaths in the municipality of Sao Paulo were collected from the municipal program for improvement of mortality information, using International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) codes. Homicide mortality rates (HMR) were calculated for the overall population and specifically for each sex, race or skin color, age range, type of weapon, and occurrence in social deprivation/affluence areas. HMR were adjusted for age using the direct method. The percentage age of variation in HMR was calculated for the study period. For areas of socioeconomic inequalities, the relative risk of death from homicide was calculated. Results. HMR fell 73.7% between 2001 and 2008. A reduction in HMR was observed in all groups, especially males (-74.5%), young men between 15 and 24 years of age (-78.0%), and residents in areas of extreme socioeconomic deprivation (-79.3%). The reduction occurred mostly in firearm homicide rates (-74.1%). The relative risk of death from homicide in areas of extreme socioeconomic deprivation, as compared to areas with some degree of socioeconomic deprivation, was 2.77 in 1996, 3.9 in 2001, and 2.13 in 2008. In areas of high socioeconomic deprivation, the relative risk was 2.07 in 1996 and 1.96 in 2008. Conclusions. To understand the reduction in homicide rates in the municipality of Sao Paulo, it is important to take into consideration macrodeterminants that affect the entire municipality and all population subgroups, as well as micro/local determinants that have special impact on homicides committed with firearms and on subgroups such as the young, males, and residents of areas of high socioeconomic deprivation.
Objective. To analyze the association between police violence and homicide mortality rates taking into consideration the effect of contextual variables. Methods. This was an environmental, cross-sectional study that included the 96 census districts in the City of Sao Paulo. The association between the variables was analyzed using Spearman`s rank correlation and simple and multiple regression analysis. Results. Univariate analysis revealed a strong and significant association between homicide mortality coefficients and all the indicators of socioeconomic development and police violence. After controlling for potential confounding factors, the association between police violence and homicide mortality coefficients remained strong and significant. This significance was lost only after control for the size of the resident population. Conclusion. The results indicate that police action that violates basic human rights is not the right answer to urban violence. The combination of homicides from interpersonal violence and deaths from police violence results in negative socialization and promotes further violence.
In 1966 the Brazilian physicist Klaus Tausk (b. 1927) circulated a preprint from the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, criticizing Adriana Daneri, Angelo Loinger, and Giovanni Maria Prosperi`s theory of 1962 on the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. A heated controversy ensued between two opposing camps within the orthodox interpretation of quantum theory, represented by Leon Rosenfeld and Eugene P. Wigner. The controversy went well beyond the strictly scientific issues, however, reflecting philosophical and political commitments within the context of the Cold War, the relationship between science in developed and Third World countries, the importance of social skills, and personal idiosyncrasies.
For the past half a century, Latin American scholars have been pointing toward the emergence of new social actors as agents of social and political democratization. The first wave of actors was characterized by the emergence of novel agents-mainly, new popular movements-of social transformation. At first, the second wave, epitomized by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), was celebrated as the upsurge of a new civil society, but later on, it was the target of harsh criticism. The literature often portrays this development in Latin American civil society as a displacement trend of actors of the first wave by the second wave-""NGOization""-""and even denounces new civil society as rootless, depoliticized, and functional to retrenchment. Thus, supposedly, NGOization encumbers social change. The authors argue that NGOization diagnosis is a flawed depiction of change within civil society. Rather than NGOization related to the depoliticization and neoliberalization of civil society, in Mexico City and Sao Paulo, there has been modernization of organizational ecologies, changes in the functional status of civil society, and interestingly, specialization aimed at shaping public agenda. The authors argue that such specialization, instead of encumbering social change, brings about different repertoires of strategies and skills purposively developed for influencing policy and politics. Their argument relies on comparative systematic evidence. Through network analysis, they examine the organizational ecology of civil society in Mexico City and Sao Paulo.
Little attention has been given to the contextual politics of service delivery reforms. By focusing on cases of reform in the healthcare sector and, to a lesser extent, in the main policies in the social service sector in India, Mexico and Brazil, this article explores two dimensions of analysis which have enormous relevance in understanding the reach and effectiveness of service delivery reforms: (1) the historical timing of reforms and sectorial baselines, and (2) the degree and institutional locus of local discretion in policy. Findings show that depending on both dimensions, there is an extraordinary variation as to the degree, interests involved and meaning of changes which, in theory, correspond to these countries` commitment to the service delivery reforms, However, consideration of the contextual politics is relevant not for the sake of diversity but for the similarities that this diversity reveals, pointing to underlying analytic dimensions that receive attention in this article.
This article presents the results of a comparative study on socio-spatial structures in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in 2000. We drew on data from the national Demographic Census by weighted areas to construct the Erikson, Goldthorpe, and Portocarrero (EGP) classification and the International Socio-Economic Index (ISEI), both widely used in social stratification studies. This information was then submitted to group analyses for the two cities, allowing comparison of the presence of social groups in each city. Next, using spatial statistics, we assessed the spatial distribution of the socio-economic classes and the presence of social segregation in the two metropolitan areas. The results suggest the presence of strong similarity between the social structures in the two cities, also marked by similarly intense patterns of social segregation at the metropolitan level.
This study reports avian malaria caused by Plasmodium relictum in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) from Sao Paulo Zoo. The disease was highly infective among the birds and was clinically characterized by its acute course and high mortality. The penguins of Sao Paulo Zoo were housed for at least 2 years without malaria; however, they had always been maintained in an enclosure protected from mosquito exposure during the night period. When they presented pododermatitis, they were freed at night for a short period. sao Paulo Zoo is located in one of the last forest remnants of the city, an area of original Atlantic forest. In the winter, the space destined for Zoo birds is shared with migratory species. Hence the possibility exists that the disease was transmitted to the penguins by mosquitoes that had previously bitten infected wild birds. Avian malaria parasites are transmitted mainly by mosquitoes of the genera Aedes and Culex, common vectors in the Atlantic forest. In this study, one Culex (Cux.) sp. was found, infected with P. relictum. There are diverse problems in housing distinct species of animals in captivity, principally when occupying the same enclosure, since it facilitates the transmission of diseases with indirect cycles, as is the case of Plasmodium spp., because certain species that cause discrete infections in some bird species can become a serious danger for others, especially penguins, which do not possess natural resistance. Thus, serious implications exist for periodically testing and administrating malaria therapy in captive penguins potentially exposed to mosquitoes during the night period, as well as other captive birds from Sao Paulo Zoo. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.