584 resultados para Fotografia documentaria


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Esta pesquisa interdisciplinar centrada no segmento da fotografia de acervo de intelectual apresenta o estudo de caso de 84 imagens feitas pelo fotógrafo amador Ulysses Freyre de alguns prédios e ruas das cidades de Olinda e do Recife entre 1923 e 1925. Ulysses fotografou durante passeios de bicicleta aos domingos ao lado do irmão, o sociólogo Gilberto Freyre. Objetiva-se traçar os dois usos dados por Gilberto às fotos de Ulysses: de base aos desenhos de Manoel Bandeira para o \"Livro do Nordeste\", organizado pelo sociólogo em 1925 para o centenário do Diário de Pernambuco; e como parte da concepção de inventário de edificações da arquitetura civil que serviu à Inspetoria de Monumentos Estaduais em 1928 em Pernambuco. Vale-se do campo acerca do circuito fotográfico nestas cidades, que estavam sob reformas urbanas no início do século XX, a fim de situar e revelar a fotografia de Ulysses como artefato de memória propulsor do embrionário projeto político-intelectual de Gilberto neste período. As fotos estão no acervo da Fundação Gilberto Freyre, em Recife, Pernambuco.


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Using the photographic image as a drawing tool we end up uncovering a universe with two dimensions: the technical and the affective. To rescue the technical essence of Photo Painting, to artistically draw with light, is to go through the History of Portrait and to discover the real meaningful existence of the photographic image -since its beginning until its use changed within society. To go back to the origins of the practical techniques is to find a unique language inside this particular universe. The purpose of this dissertation is to work images not only as mere copies or mirrors of reality but as sanctuaries. To do so, I worked on finding meaningful elements within those images to add or subtract other elements. Meaning, by going through the affective element and interacting with it, I was able to find out which practical techniques I would be able to use without hurting or even diminishing other people’s memories. The premise is to provide clues in the investigation in order to make this the first step in a continued research.


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L'elaborato raccoglie le attività necessarie alla generazione di una ortofoto e di un Digital Surface Model a partire da una coppia di fotogrammi. L'area di interesse è la base italiana in Antartide Mario Zucchelli situata in prossimità della baia di Terranova. Dopo una prima parte in cui vengono descritti gli aspetti teorici della fotogrammetria, quali acquisizione delle immagini, orientamento interno ed esterno, stereo-restituzione e generazione dei prodotti finali si descrivono i procedimenti pratici per la generazione di una ortofoto, quindi una fotografia aerea che ha subito un processo di correzione geometrica e radiometrica e che può quindi essere utilizzata per dedurre informazioni quantitative di tipo metrico. Le operazioni svolte presso il laboratorio di Topografia sono state svolte mediante l'utilizzo del software di modellazione Agisoft Photoscan. Infine nelle conclusioni si sottolinea l'importanza della fotogrammetria come archivio storico e come unico strumento di indagine su fenomeni antropologici e naturali di lunga durata, non indagabili in altri modi.


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[1.-2. Main work] -- [3.] Appendice documentaria.


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Set consists of various editions.


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O propósito desta pesquisa foi estudar algumas análises faciais utilizadas para diagnóstico ortodôntico e verificar a concordância entre norma lateral e frontal na avaliação da agradabilidade facial para os grupos leigos e profissionais, a concordância entre estes grupos na avaliação da agradabilidade facial nas normas lateral e frontal, bem como verificar a associação entre agradabilidade facial e Proporção Áurea, agradabilidade facial e Padrão Facial e entre Padrão Facial e Proporção Áurea. Utilizou-se 208 fotografias faciais padronizadas (104 laterais e 104 frontais) de 104 indivíduos escolhidos aleatoriamente, que primeiramente foram classificadas em agradável , aceitável e desagradável por dois grupos distintos: grupo Ortodontia e grupo Leigos . As fotografias laterais e frontais foram submetidas a medidas de Proporção Áurea Facial por meio de programa computadorizado e os indivíduos foram classificados quanto ao Padrão Facial pelo seu aspecto lateral. Após análise estatística, verificou-se que não houve concordância entre as variáveis da avaliação de agradabilidade estudadas, bem como não houve associação entre Proporção Áurea com agradabilidade facial ou com Padrão Facial. Entre agradabilidade facial e Padrão Facial, observou-se para a norma lateral associação fortemente positiva, porém para a frontal não houve associação para ambos os grupos de avaliadores.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar as alterações faciais decorrentes da Expansão Rápida da Maxila Assistida Cirurgicamente (ERM-AC). A amostra foi composta por 15 pacientes com idade média de 24 anos e 1 mês, sendo 10 do sexo feminino e 5 do sexo masculino, que apresentavam deficiência transversal da maxila, não tinham sido submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico prévio, apresentavam ficha clínica completa e fotografias em norma frontal nas fases pré-tratamento (T1) e 6 meses após a ERM-AC (T2). Mediadas lineares foram obtidas a partir da marcação de pontos de referência em folhas de acetato fixadas sobre as fotografias, para evitar a necessidade de execução de desenho anatômico. Concluiu-se que a padronização de fotografias em todos os tempos da pesquisa é de fundamental importância para que as medidas avaliadas sejam confiáveis. Quando comparados T1 com T2 por meio do teste t de Student não se verificou alteração estatisticamente significante na: largura intercantal (Ind Ine), altura facial média (N - SN), largura do olho direito (Exd Ind), largura do olho esquerdo (Exe Ine), altura facial (N - Me ), largura facial superior (Zid - Zie ), largura da boca (Cbd Cbe) e altura da boca (Ls Li). As medidas altura facial inferior (Sn - Me ) e a largura do nariz (Ald Ale) apresentaram alteração estatisticamente significante após a ERM-AC.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as possíveis alterações das características horizontais, verticais, de simetria e do arco do sorriso de pacientes com atresia maxilar submetidos à expansão rápida da maxila. A amostra consistiu de 81 fotografias extra-bucais do sorriso máximo de 27 pacientes com idade média de 10 anos e 3 meses. Foram realizadas fotografias do sorriso máximo nos períodos: inicial (antes da instalação do aparelho expansor); 3 meses após a fixação do parafuso expansor; 6 meses após a fixação do parafuso expansor. Para a calibragem e análise das fotografias foi utilizado o programa CEFX 2001 CDT. Os pontos fotométricos e as medidas a serem analisadas foram escolhidos após revisão da literatura do sorriso realizada. Para avaliar as alterações no sorriso durante as fases, foi utilizada a análise de variância ANOVA, com nível de significância de 5%. A expansão rápida da maxila promoveu aumento estatisticamente significante da dimensão transversal do sorriso; aumento da quantidade de exposição dos incisivos centrais e laterais superiores; manutenção da simetria entre os lados direito e esquerdo e da falta de paralelismo entre a curvatura das bordas dos incisivos superiores com a curvatura do lábio inferior (arco do sorriso).(AU)


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Passados quase dez anos de prática de atos correspondentes ao exercício profissional no âmbito da Agencia de Execução, pode-se com alguma legitimidade concluir acerca da grande responsabilidade em que se move o agente de execução. Atendendo a que este profissional se movimenta nos limites do direito fundamental à propriedade dos executados e dos exequentes, em constante e próximo relação com o Juiz do Tribunal, como legítimo e importante operador da justiça, levanta-se todos os dias a necessidade de definir como é que se há de demonstrar de forma rigorosa o registo fiável dos principais movimentos contabilísticos para explicar com clareza e transparência a conta-cliente. A conta-cliente é um espaço da total responsabilidade do agente de execução e é relativamente à qual ele tem de responder em caso de violação dos seus deveres deontológicos e contratuais. A indefinição que resulta da ausência de legislação e regulamentação eficaz ao nível da fiscalidade e do regime de prestação de contas da atividade do agente de execução coloca graves questões de segurança jurídica e de transparência. Por sua vez a Comissão para Eficácia de Execuções deve proceder à fiscalização prévia da atividade do agente de execução, e esta tarefa está irremediavelmente hipotecada enquanto não houver um modelo contabilístico que permita de imediato dar a conhecer todos os seus movimentos da conta-cliente de forma a dar um plano real dos processos/ações executivas/clientes e as fases em que os mesmos estão. Procurar este relatório imediato como uma fotografia em tempo real da situação dos processos em mãos e do volume de negócio do escritório foi motivação suficiente para encontrar uma solução para este problema, que em rigor é um problema que o legislador deixou em aberto, porque não resolveu a questão do que entende por “dispor de contabilidade organizada obrigatória” deixando que o profissional das ações executivas preenchesse essa lacuna no dia-a-dia, através de uma gestão doméstica da sua atividade.


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In a crescent connected and image-made society in various online social networks, each user taking pictures of him/herself and posting them on social online network, makes a self-registration that emerges in self-representation by aggregated daily practices of various themes. This research aims to study the dynamics of the relations of this photographic self-representation relations with agency, technology, affectivity, and consumption that goes beyond narcissism, composing a being integrated with the visual power and its reverberations, which I hereby call as Being -Image. The goal of this paper is an anthropological look over these practices. In this sense, I carry out the research developed in the field of image and cyber antropology with various interlocutors established in dialogues, analysis and virtual meetings. I tried, besides conversations and interviews, to analyze the profiles on the social network as well as daily posts, photo albums available on online network , sharings and mainly selfies.


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Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a potentially malignant disorder which affects the lip vermilion and results from chronic exposure to sunlight. Currently, it is not possible to predict which cases of AC may progress to squamous cell carcinoma, and therefore, some biomolecular markers have been researched. Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) is an enzyme associated with inflammatory response which is overexpressed in oral cancer; however, little is known about the role of this protein in actinic cheilitis. About the treatment of this lesion, currently available therapeutic modalities to AC may cause cytotoxic effects and deleterious results to patients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the immunoexpression of COX-2 in AC of different risks of malignant transformation and analyse, through clinical follow-up, the efficacy of diclofenac sodium 3% gel in the treatment of this condition. Epithelial immunoexpression of COX-2 was analysed semi-quantitatively in 90 cases of AC classified as low risk (n = 55) and high risk (n = 35) of malignant transformation, in which the scores were assigned: (0) 0 to 5% of positive cells - Negative; (1) 6 to 30% of positive cells - Low expression; (2) 31 to 100% of positive cells - High expression. The chi-square test of Pearson was conducted to verify possible associations between immunoexpression of COX-2 and histologic grade of actinic cheilitis. The weighted kappa coefficient denoted a good interobserver agreement (0.677). Nineteen patients diagnosed with AC were instructed to perform topical application of the gel three times a day for a period of 90 days. In each biweekly visit, a follow-up record was accomplished through digital photographs and after treatment was completed, two researchers analysed all the images to assess clinical aspects of the lip. Furthermore, tolerability to the drug and patient satisfaction after treatment were evaluated. COX-2 was overexpressed in 74.4% of AC cases. Both low and high-risk groups revealed predominance of score 3, followed by scores 2 and 1. There was no significant association (p = 0.315) between COX-2 expression and histological grading. Among the total number of participants of this clinical study, ten showed total remission of all clinical features of the lesion and three had partial improvement of these characteristics. One participant presented worsening of the clinical condition. In five cases, the treatment was discontinued due to development of mild adverse effects at the site of gel application. Regarding analysis of satisfaction and tolerability to the drug, most patients were fully satisfied with the therapy (n = 11) and reported that the drug was not irritating to the lips (n = 9). Our study demonstrates that high expression of COX-2 is common in AC; however, this protein was not associated with malignant transformation risk of the analysed cases. Topical application of diclofenac sodium 3% gel provided a convenient and well tolerated approach in most cases, and may be a promising alternative for the treatment of actinic cheilitis.


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The postcard is a medium that has gained popularity at the time that the picture was linked to its support. It circulated favoring mainly the views of the cities and composed a triad between landscape, photography and tourism. The visuality that loads is among signs of representations, relationships, forms of collective consciousness and ways of seeing the world. In Natal, the photographer Jaeci Emereciano Galvão registered urban and social transformations focusing on interventions that emphasized urban centres as social space and progress and nature as a space for contemplation and enjoyment. They are images with social and cultural issues very clear, since the picture is from a process of creation that is all about choices and decisions about what deserves to be photographed. Therefore, the aim of this research by investigating the role of photographs evidenced in Jaeci’s postcards, with a view to inclusion of tourism in the spaces of Natal and the visuality assumed in the context of their own identity. The theoretical framework that makes up the discussions about the landscape, the city's tourism and photographic representation in postcards emerged from the literature of Schama (1996), Corbin (1989), Cosgrove (1998), Benjamin (1987), Kossoy (2003; 2006; 2009) and Souza Martins (2009), which gave grants to interpret and understand the symbolic construction presented in the postcards. Methodologically the work was done through research in archives, newspapers, postcards of the survey, interviews, iconographic and iconological analyses proposed by Kossoy. At the end, it was concluded the Jaeci Galvão’s postcards established themselves as essential elements for symbolic landscapes of tourism in Natal.


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The thesis presented is committed to a poetic reading that results in the creation of meaning and images of the death from the various cultural practices and symbolic representations exposed in urban cemeteries in some Brazilian cities, aiming to give visibility to new understandings about the imaginary of the in the contemporary scene. Death, therefore, will be seen as a imagining condition of anthroposwhen starts itself from the prerogative of the human consciousness of death (MORIN, 1970), in other words, this awareness that man has he will die and that triggers reflections about their existence allows the emergence of a number of practices such as: mourning, funeral rituals and the creation of several impregnated representations of human emotions emerged from the death facing the man and present, in a more evident form in cemeterial spaces. For this, it focuses on the conflictuous dimension that man establishes with death, because the cultural practices and symbolic representations observed in the research field are the result of this conflict and allow the expansion of the senses about this issue, to the extent that these are coated with a fantastic aura, mystical, secret, spooky, fearful, religious, building a complex imagination. The general plan of this study is to discuss and create, from a phenomenology of imagination and materials / dynamics imagination, as well as along the lines treated by Gaston Bachelard, images of death, from a field experience in cemeteries in Brazil. For this, it is assumed, to observe the cultural practices and symbolic representations in these spaces, a posture able to make the experience into the search field a moment of symbolic exchanges and creation. Thus, it was used observation, conversations with visitors and employees of the cemeteries and the capture of photographic records. The data produced as a fragment of a conversation, a tearful outburst about the loss of a relative, a melancholic epitaph, a flower on the grave or a cry captured by photography were seen as detonators of meanings and a poetic of the imagination.


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The thesis presented is committed to a poetic reading that results in the creation of meaning and images of the death from the various cultural practices and symbolic representations exposed in urban cemeteries in some Brazilian cities, aiming to give visibility to new understandings about the imaginary of the in the contemporary scene. Death, therefore, will be seen as a imagining condition of anthroposwhen starts itself from the prerogative of the human consciousness of death (MORIN, 1970), in other words, this awareness that man has he will die and that triggers reflections about their existence allows the emergence of a number of practices such as: mourning, funeral rituals and the creation of several impregnated representations of human emotions emerged from the death facing the man and present, in a more evident form in cemeterial spaces. For this, it focuses on the conflictuous dimension that man establishes with death, because the cultural practices and symbolic representations observed in the research field are the result of this conflict and allow the expansion of the senses about this issue, to the extent that these are coated with a fantastic aura, mystical, secret, spooky, fearful, religious, building a complex imagination. The general plan of this study is to discuss and create, from a phenomenology of imagination and materials / dynamics imagination, as well as along the lines treated by Gaston Bachelard, images of death, from a field experience in cemeteries in Brazil. For this, it is assumed, to observe the cultural practices and symbolic representations in these spaces, a posture able to make the experience into the search field a moment of symbolic exchanges and creation. Thus, it was used observation, conversations with visitors and employees of the cemeteries and the capture of photographic records. The data produced as a fragment of a conversation, a tearful outburst about the loss of a relative, a melancholic epitaph, a flower on the grave or a cry captured by photography were seen as detonators of meanings and a poetic of the imagination.