965 resultados para Forestry extension


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The Long Term Acute Care Hospitals (LTACH), which serve medically complex patients, have grown tremendously in recent years, by expanding the number of Medicare patient admissions and thus increasing Medicare expenditures (Stark 2004). In an attempt to mitigate the rapid growth of the LTACHs and reduce related Medicare expenditures, Congress enacted Section 114 of P.L. 110-173 (§114) of the Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP Extension Act (MMSEA) in December 29, 2007 to regulate the LTCAHs industry. MMSEA increased the medical necessity reviews for Medicare admissions, imposed a moratorium on new LTCAHs, and allowed the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to recoup Medicare overpayments for unnecessary admissions. ^ This study examines whether MMSEA impacted LTACH admissions, operating margins and efficiency. These objectives were analyzed by comparing LTACH data for 2008 (post MMSEA) and data for 2006-2007 (pre-MMSEA). Secondary data were utilized from the American Hospital Association (AHA) database and the American Hospital Directory (AHD).^ This is a longitudinal retrospective study with a total sample of 55 LTACHs, selected from 396 LTACHs facilities that were fully operational during the study period of 2006-2008. The results of the research found no statistically significant change in total Medicare admissions; instead there was a small but not statistically significant reduction of 5% in Medicare admissions for 2008 in comparison to those for 2006. A statistically significant decrease in mean operating margins was confirmed between the years 2006 and 2008. The LTACHs' Technical Efficiency (TE), as computed by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), showed significant decrease in efficiency over the same period. Thirteen of the 55 LTACHs in the sample (24%) in 2006 were calculated as “efficient” utilizing the DEA analysis. This dropped to 13% (7/55) in 2008. Longitudinally, the decrease in efficiency using the DEA extension technique (Malmquist Index or MI) indicated a deterioration of 10% in efficiency over the same period. Interestingly, however, when the sample was stratified into high efficient versus low efficient subgroups (approximately 25% in each group), a comparison of the MIs suggested a significant improvement in Efficiency Change (EC) for the least efficient (MI 0.92022) and reduction in efficiency for the most efficient LTACHs (MI = 1.38761) over same period. While a reduction in efficiency for the most efficient is unexpected, it is not particularly surprising, since efficiency measure can vary over time. An improvement in efficiency, however, for the least efficient should be expected as those LTACHs begin to manage expenses (and controllable resources) more carefully to offset the payment/reimbursement pressures on their margins from MMSEA.^


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An extension of k-ratio multiple comparison methods to rank-based analyses is described. The new method is analogous to the Duncan-Godbold approximate k-ratio procedure for unequal sample sizes or correlated means. The close parallel of the new methods to the Duncan-Godbold approach is shown by demonstrating that they are based upon different parameterizations as starting points.^ A semi-parametric basis for the new methods is shown by starting from the Cox proportional hazards model, using Wald statistics. From there the log-rank and Gehan-Breslow-Wilcoxon methods may be seen as score statistic based methods.^ Simulations and analysis of a published data set are used to show the performance of the new methods. ^


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It is well known that an identification problem exists in the analysis of age-period-cohort data because of the relationship among the three factors (date of birth + age at death = date of death). There are numerous suggestions about how to analyze the data. No one solution has been satisfactory. The purpose of this study is to provide another analytic method by extending the Cox's lifetable regression model with time-dependent covariates. The new approach contains the following features: (1) It is based on the conditional maximum likelihood procedure using a proportional hazard function described by Cox (1972), treating the age factor as the underlying hazard to estimate the parameters for the cohort and period factors. (2) The model is flexible so that both the cohort and period factors can be treated as dummy or continuous variables, and the parameter estimations can be obtained for numerous combinations of variables as in a regression analysis. (3) The model is applicable even when the time period is unequally spaced.^ Two specific models are considered to illustrate the new approach and applied to the U.S. prostate cancer data. We find that there are significant differences between all cohorts and there is a significant period effect for both whites and nonwhites. The underlying hazard increases exponentially with age indicating that old people have much higher risk than young people. A log transformation of relative risk shows that the prostate cancer risk declined in recent cohorts for both models. However, prostate cancer risk declined 5 cohorts (25 years) earlier for whites than for nonwhites under the period factor model (0 0 0 1 1 1 1). These latter results are similar to the previous study by Holford (1983).^ The new approach offers a general method to analyze the age-period-cohort data without using any arbitrary constraint in the model. ^


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A numerical ice-sheet model was used to reconstruct the Late Weichselian glaciation of the Eurasian High Arctic, between Franz Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya. An ice sheet was developed over the entire Eurasian High Arctic so that ice flow from the central Barents and Kara seas toward the northern Russian Arctic could be accounted for. An inverse approach to modeling was utilized, where ice-sheet results were forced to be compatible with geological information indicating ice-free conditions over the Taymyr Peninsula during the Late Weichselian. The model indicates complete glaciation of the Barents and Kara seas and predicts a "maximum-sized" ice sheet for the Late Weichselian Russian High Arctic. In this scenario, full-glacial conditions are characterized by a 1500-m-thick ice mass over the Barents Sea, from which ice flowed to the north and west within several bathymetric troughs as large ice streams. In contrast to this reconstruction, a "minimum" model of glaciation involves restricted glaciation in the Kara Sea, where the ice thickness is only 300 m in the south and which is free of ice in the north across Severnaya Zemlya. Our maximum reconstruction is compatible with geological information that indicates complete glaciation of the Barents Sea. However, geological data from Severnaya Zemlya suggest our minimum model is more relevant further east. This, in turn, implies a strong paleoclimatic gradient to colder and drier conditions eastward across the Eurasian Arctic during the Late Weichselian.


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La provincia de Mendoza, ubicada en el centro-oeste de la Argentina, tiene una extensión de 150 830 km2. Prácticamente todas las actividades agropecuarias y forestales están concentradas en el 3 % de su territorio que es posible irrigar. Al oeste, en el límite con Chile, está la cadena montañosa que forma parte de la región fitogeográfica del Desierto Andino que se extiende por más de 500 km, con un ancho promedio de 100 km. El objetivo del trabajo fue introducir algunas especies de coníferas y evaluar su comportamiento en dicha región fitogeográfica, con la finalidad de lograr un aprovechamiento forestal, proteger el suelo contra la erosión hídrica y/o eólica, modificar el paisaje y desarrollar áreas de explotación turística. Las especies seleccionadas en esta primera etapa fueron: Cedrus deodara, Cupressus arizonica, Cupressus macrocarpa, Juniperus virginiana, Pinus griffithii, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra, Pinus pinaster, Pinus pinea y Pinus radiata. Las experiencias se llevaron a cabo en dossitios, separados por más de 150 km, y situados a 1 050 y 2 000 msnm, respectivamente. Se tomaron datos de supervivencia, altura y diámetro de los individuos, y se efectuaron observaciones sobre su hábito de crecimiento y condiciones fitosanitarias. Las principales conclusiones fueron las siguientes: 1. Todas las especies mostraron buen estado fitosanitario sin haberse detectado ninguna plaga o enfermedad de importancia. 2. El hábito de crecimiento fue el correspondiente a cada especie; sólo hubo fustes bifurcados en algunos individuos de Pinus pinea. 3. Las especies que evidenciaron mayor aptitud fueron: Juniperus virginiana, Cupressus arizonica, Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster y Cupressus macrocarpa.


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La provincia de Mendoza, que se ubica en el Centro-Oeste de la República Argentina, posee una extensión de 150.830 km2. Prácticamente todas las actividades agropecuarias y forestales están concentradas en el 3% de su territorio que es posible irrigar. Al Oeste, en el límite con la República de Chile, está la cadena montañosa que forma parte de la región fitogeográfica del Desierto Andino que se extiende por más de 500 km, con un ancho promedio de 100 km. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la supervivencia y el comportamiento de distintas procedencias de Pinus nigra en zonas del piedemonte mendocino. Para ello se instaló una parcela experimental en el Dique Yaucha, ubicado en el Departamento de San Carlos a 34°00’ S y 69°07’ O, a una altura de 1.213 msnm. Las procedencias del ensayo fueron: Pinus nigra var. clusiana (Francia), Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Livo - Italia), Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Lasa - Italia), Pinus nigra var. knin (ex Yugoslavia) y Pinus nigra var. pyramidalis (Turquía). Se llevaron plantas de aproximadamente 0,30 m de altura que se instalaron a una distancia de plantación definitiva de 3 x 3 m y se regaron superficialmente por surcos. Se tomaron periódicamente datos dasométricos de diámetro altura de pecho (DAP) de todas las plantas, altura total de los árboles promedio de cada procedencia, registrándose además las fallas producidas y el estado sanitario. Los resultados obtenidos a la edad de 17 años son: Pinus nigra var. clusiana (Francia): diámetro promedio 12,1 cm, altura 5,2 m y 10% de fallas; Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Livo -Italia): diámetro promedio 13 cm, altura 4,6 m y 25% de fallas; Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Lasa - Italia): diámetro promedio 13,9 cm, altura 5,60 m y 0% de fallas; Pinus nigra var. knin (ex Yugoslavia): diámetro promedio 14,1cm, altura 6,2 m y 15% de fallas y Pinus nigra var. pyramidalis (Turquía): diámetro promedio 11,6 cm, altura 5,8 m y 40% de fallas. Las plantas presentan una gran variabilidad de formas desde porte abierto a muy fastigiado. Todas las procedencias presentan un buen estado sanitario, no registrándose hasta la fecha plagas o enfermedades que hayan afectado el desarrollo del ensayo.


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Thecosome pteropods (shelled pelagic molluscs) can play an important role in the food web of various ecosystems and play a key role in the cycling of carbon and carbonate. Since they harbor an aragonitic shell, they could be very sensitive to ocean acidification driven by the increase of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The impact of changes in the carbonate chemistry was investigated on Limacina helicina, a key species of Arctic ecosystems. Pteropods were kept in culture under controlled pH conditions corresponding to pCO2 levels of 350 and 760 µatm. Calcification was estimated using a fluorochrome and the radioisotope 45Ca. It exhibits a 28 % decrease at the pH value expected for 2100 compared to the present pH value. This result supports the concern for the future of pteropods in a high-CO2 world, as well as of those species dependent upon them as a food resource. A decline of their populations would likely cause dramatic changes to the structure, function and services of polar ecosystems.


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This data was collected during a cruise to the Kuroshio Extension Front in October 2009. Several chemical and biological parameters were measured: dissolved nutrients, picophytoplankton (by flow cytometry), microphytoplankton (by light microscopy) and phytoplankton pigments (HPLC).


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After the collapse of the centralized Soeharto regime, deforestation caused by over-logging accelerated. To tackle this problem, an IMF/World Bank-led forestry sector reform program adopted a market-friendly approach involving the resumption of round wood exports and raising of the resource rent fee, with the aim to stop rent accumulation by plywood companies, which had enjoyed a supply of round wood at privileged prices. The Indonesian government, for its part, decentralized the forest concession management system to provide incentives for local governments and communities to carry out sustainable forest management. However, neither policy reform worked effectively. The round wood export ban was reimposed and the forest management system centralized again with cooperation from a newly funded industry-led institution. In the midst of the confusion surrounding the policy reversal, the gap between the price of round wood in international and domestic markets failed to contract, although rent allocations to plywood industries were reduced during 1998-2003. The rents were not collected properly by the government, but accumulated unexpectedly in the hands of players in the black market for round wood.