1000 resultados para Fluxos de energia
Microeconomic impacts of the mergers and acquisitions of energy industries in the World: an analysis for the 1990's. The energy industries have witnessed a significant growth of global mergers and acquisitions (M&A´s) process in the 1990´s. According to Unctad statistics, the total amount of global M&A deals (domestic and cross borders) on the electric, oil and gas sectors has recorded US$ 329 billions on the 1990-1999 period. The present paper sheds light on M&A process occurred on the energy industries during this period and, based on a sample of 248 transactions carried out by 18 big energy enterprises, develops an empirical microeconomic analysis about the impacts of these transactions over the performance of the firms involved. Overall, the results show significant improvements on the firms' performance after M&A operations, regarding the following variables: sales, net profits, assets, dividends, and, to a less extent, the ratio (net profits/sales).
Capital Flows, External Fragility and Currency Regimes: A Theoretical Review. The major integration and deregulation of the international financial markets increased the degree of interdependence and risk of incompatibility between the financial and monetary policy adopted by different countries. The consequences of these facts are the financial instability and the currency crisis. In this article we develop arguments advocating that independent of the currency regime adopted the national policy makers should take into account, between other factors, the major capital mobility and the integrations of markets. One of the corollaries of our analyses is that countries should pursue policies that reduces the degree of short-term capital volatile by the adoption of capital controls or though measures of prudential supervision.
Starting from Evangelista Torricelli's pneumatic discoveries, we try to show that the crucial discoveries in pure science associated with the Scientific Revolution, although they may not have found immediate practical applications, have markedly impelled technological progress in the medium term - contrary to the diffused notion which states that the links between science and technology during the modern period have been tenuous, at best. Torricelli's ideas have turned into one of the privileged research areas for then newborn experimental program, actively participating in a process of reformulation in scientific research's epistemological base, which have culminated in steam power productive application.
Foreign direct investment flow, competitiveness and technological structure of foreign trade in China in the beginning of the 21st century. China's government introduced open market reforms in 1979, mediated by industrial policies improving the ability of attracting higher quality FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), which helped China's economy developing its technological capabilities. As a result, China's share in international trade rose impressively becoming third-largest trading nation in the world, by 2004, also its export structure is significantly more sophisticated. Facing the importance of understanding the determinants of developing word specialization patterns, this paper focuses on the competitiveness and technological structure of exports and imports by China for 1994-1998 and 2001-2005.
The flows of foreign investments in Brazil starting from the 1990s have called attention due to the magnitude of the invested value, the prevalence of properties acquisitions as a preferential way of carrying out these investments, and for the primacy of the operations involving rivals companies. This article searches for an explanation for the cycle of foreign direct investment flows, which is happening in Brazil. Arguments were reconsidered on the existence of sole assets and the advantages of property and control as a basis for carrying out overseas investments, and to explicit their link with the M&As.
Opinions sobre el projecte de línia de molt alta tensió a les comarques gironines i anàlisi de l'impacte ambiental
Disseny d’una instal·lació d’energia solar fotovoltaica per als edificis públics del municipi d’Albanyà (Alt Empordà) per connectar-la a la xarxa i amb un estudi sobre la substitució dels actuals fanals de l’enllumenat públic per fanals alimentats amb energia solar fotovoltaica
Projecte de la instal•lació de calefacció i agua calenta utilitzant energia solar tèrmica i ajudant-se d’ una caldera de biomassa en un edifici en construcció situat a Colera (Alt Empordà). Es tracta d’un bloc de quatre vivendes distribuïdes en dues plantes, soterrani i terrassa superior
L' objectiu d' aquest projecte és crear un sistema de càlcul per estudiar el desplaçament dels amortidors al llarg del cicle de pedalada, que són la causa de la dissipació d' energia. Tot el projecte s' ha desenvolupat de forma teòrica i l' estudi que s' ha dut a terme ha estat estàtic. Els resultats obtinguts són una aproximació del que seria de s' hagués estudiat dinàmicament
Estudi de viabilitat de climatització de la Facultat de Ciències de la UdG per energia solar. Estudi de costos i comparació de l’estalvi respecte al sistema actual
Resumen tomado de la propia revista
Con motivo de la celebraci??n del centenario de la electrificaci??n de Mallorca, el CP Sant Bartomeu de Alar??, primer municipio de la isla en gozar de luz el??ctrica, recopila recursos y propuestas para indagar en este momento hist??rico de la localidad. Algunos se publicaron en la revista escolar local, Es Castell, y otros forman la colecci??n de materiales did??cticos de la epxosici??n Los a??os el??ctricos, Cien a??os de electricidad en Mallorca que se aloja en la antigua f??brica de Can Beia. Adem??s se cuenta con un c??mic sobre la llegada de la electricidad.
Resumen tomado parcialmente de la revista
El presente trabajo de grado busca definir cuál es el mejor método para determinar el valor en riesgo del contrato de futuro de energía eléctrica que se transa en Colombia, para cumplir con este objetivo se toma como referencia el marco histórico del VaR y de los futuros seguido de las características de la fijación de precios, la estructura del contrato, que políticas y métodos hay para cubrirse del riesgo y como se realiza en otros países, realizando algunos cálculos de los modelos más tradicionales del Var para luego incorporarlo al marco colombiano y al ente supervisor en este caso la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia.. Además de revisar las diferentes teorías de internacionalización económicas, de proceso y redes aplicadas al sector energético en Colombia., evaluando su proceso, alcance y posibles mercados futuros.