808 resultados para Firm market value


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Las organizaciones en la actualidad deben encontrar diferentes maneras de sobrevivir en un tiempo de rápida transformación. Uno de los mecanismos usados por las empresas para adaptarse a los cambios organizacionales son los sistemas de control de gestión, que a su vez permiten a las organizaciones hacer un seguimiento a sus procesos, para que la adaptabilidad sea efectiva. Otra variable importante para la adaptación es el aprendizaje organizacional siendo el proceso mediante el cual las organizaciones se adaptan a los cambios del entorno, tanto interno como externo de la compañía. Dado lo anterior, este proyecto se basa en la extracción de documentación soporte valido, que permita explorar las interacciones entre estos dos campos, los sistemas de control de gestión y el aprendizaje organizacional, además, analizar el impacto de estas interacciones en la perdurabilidad organizacional. ​


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This investigation proposes to explore the existing link between a strategic conception of philanthropy and innovation. Indeed, the nature of the research question relies on an unexplored field in the CSR and Innovation management academic literature. It starts with the interest to know which the benefits are for a firm encouraged to invest strategically in philanthropy. In this regard, the analysis contributes in fitting this gap by following different objectives in an exploratory perspective. Throughout the research it will be analyzed the concept and the current and past contributions on the different branches of innovation (product innovation, managerial innovation, technological innovation), to accentuate the relation between an accurate strategic approach to philanthropy and the impact on the organizational value. Indeed, analyzing philanthropic innovation may provide insights about business opportunities and notions related to social investments and profit. That aspect includes the link between those strategic decisions that a firm can use to maximize those investments as it was part of their core business. It also proves the existing link between CSR and innovation, and the possibilities that the enterprises have towards this subject.


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Siguiendo un marco teórico integrado por varios autores entorno a los sistemas de control de gestión a lo largo de varias décadas, este trabajo pretende estudiar y contrastar la relación entre el desarrollo de dichos sistemas y los recursos y capacidades. Para tal fin, se desarrolló un estudio de caso en Teleperformance Colombia (TC), una empresa dedicada a prestación de servicio de tercerización de procesos o business process outsourcing. En el estudio se establecieron dos variables para evaluar el desarrollo de sistema de control de gestión: el diseño y el uso. A su vez, para cada uno de ellos, se definieron los indicadores y preguntas que permitieran realizar la observación y posterior análisis. De igual manera, se seleccionaron los recursos y capacidades más importantes para el desarrollo del negocio: innovación, aprendizaje organizacional y capital humano. Sobre estos se validó la existencia de relación con el SCG implementado en TC. La información obtenida fue analizada y contrastada a través de pruebas estadísticas ampliamente utilizadas en este tipo de estudios en las ciencias sociales. Finalmente, se analizaron seis posibles relaciones de las cuales, solamente se ratificó el relacionamiento positivo entre uso de sistema de control gestión y el recurso y capacidad capital humano. El resto de relacionamientos, refutaron los planteamientos teóricos que establecían cierta influencia de los sistemas de control de gestión sobre recursos y capacidades de innovación y aprendizaje organizacional.


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We set-up a two-sided market framework to model competition between a Prefered Provider Organization (PPO) and a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). Both health plans compete to attract policyholderson one side and providers on the other side. The PPO, which is characterized by a higher diversity of providers, attracts riskier policyholders. Our two-sided framework allows to examine the consequences of this risk segmentation on the providers’ side, especially in terms of remuneration. The outcome of competition mainly depends on two effects: a demand effect, influenced by the value put by policyholders on providers access and an adverse selection effect, captured by the characteristics of the health risk distribution. If the adverse selection effect is too strong, the HMO gets a higher profit in equilibrium. On the contrary, if the demand effect dominates, the PPO profit is higher in spite of the unfavorable risk segmentation. We believe that our model, by highlighting the two-sided market structure of the health plans’ competition, provides new insights to understand the increase in the PPOs’ market share observed during the last decade in the US.


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El presente trabajo intenta estimar si las empresas emplean estratégicamente la deuda para limitar la entrada de potenciales rivales. Mediante la metodología de Método Generalizado de Momentos (GMM) se evalúa el efecto que tienen los activos específicos, la cuota de mercado y el tamaño, como proxies de las rentas del mercado, y las barreras de entrada sobre los niveles de endeudamiento, a nivel de empresa para Colombia, durante 1995-2003. Se encuentra que las empresas utilizan los activos específicos para limitar la entrada al mercado y que el endeudamiento decrece a medida que las empresas aumentan su cuota en el mercado


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We use a large firm level data set to investigate the determinants of foreign direct investment(FDI) in Colombia. We estimate econometric models for the determinants of the probabilitythat a firm receives FDI, as well as for the factors that help to explain the foreign share in afirm’s capital. The results show that firms listed on the stock market, involved in foreign tradeactivities, and operating in sectors with greater capital intensity are more likely to be recipientsof FDI. Also, the probability of a firm receiving FDI is directly related to its size.


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La globalización de mercados ha generado una serie de cambios en la estructura del comercio internacional, como el surgimiento de áreas de libre comercio, que son el resultado de las integraciones económicas, las cuales han facilitado los flujos de capital, recursos y personas. La internacionalización no solamente se ha convertido en una estrategia para aprovechar las oportunidades que se dan en los mercados internacionales, sino también en un medio de diversificación del riesgo para reducir la dependencia del mercado doméstico. Sin embargo, para emprender un proceso de internacionalización, es necesario conocer muy bien el contexto dentro del cual se desarrollan los clientes, puesto que la falta de conocimiento del entorno puede perjudicar la salud financiera de la empresa. De ahí la importancia de utilizar una definición de comunidad y unas estrategias comunitarias con las cuales se identifiquen las necesidades, objetivos e intereses de la comunidad, para establecer un relación a largo plazo que procure el desarrollo de ambas partes. La relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing impactan positivamente la salud financiera de la empresa, en la medida en que este desarrollo mutuo, tanto de la comunidad como de la empresa, no solamente incrementa el interés y el compromiso por seguir interactuando; también crea vínculos afectivos entre ambas partes, lo cual consolida aún más la perdurabilidad de la relación, logrando así una fidelización de los clientes y por ende aumentando la rentabilidad de la empresa.


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This paper shows how instructors can use the problem‐based learning method to introduce producer theory and market structure in intermediate microeconomics courses. The paper proposes a framework where different decision problems are presented to students, who are asked to imagine that they are the managers of a firm who need to solve a problem in a particular business setting. In this setting, the instructors’ role is to provide both guidance to facilitate student learning and content knowledge on a just‐in‐time basis


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El treball que s'ha dut a terme es centra en la recerca d'agents modificants per a fibres cel·lulòsiques capaços de reduir la polaritat de les funcions alcohol de la seva estructura per formació de funcions ester. Les fibres de jute se sotmeten a reacció en un sistema tancat provist d'atmòsfera de nitrogen a fi d'evitar reaccions laterals que no són del nostre interés.L'obtenció dels resultats perseguits està lligat a les condicions experimentals aplicades durant les reaccions. La influència de les diferents variables escollides facilitarà en major o menor grau la reacció entre les molècules d'agent d'acoblament i cel·lulosa vinculades. Una gran part de l'atenció es centrarà en l'estudi de l'etapa de modificació, sobretot en l'efectivitat dels reactius addicionats per la reacció amb els grups hidroxil. Un cop comparats els experiments realitzats tant amb clorur d'oleïl com amb anhídrid metacrílic, es conclou que la majoria de condicions provades permeten assolir valors de modificació prou significatius. L'excepció ve donada quan la temperatura utilitzada és de 20ºC, llavors les mateixes condicions que a una temperatura de 60ºC condueixen cap a resultats poc satisfactoris. La reactivitat per part dels dos agents d'acoblament utilitzats no ha estat la mateixa. Els resultats per condicions experimentals del mateix tipus han conduït cap a valors força diferents. Pel que fa a la determinació dels paràmetres òptims es conclou que les variables amb les que el grau de modificació millora considerablement són: una temperatura de 60ºC, 10% de catalitzador respecte la quantitat de clorur d'oleïl o anhídrid addicionada, relació OH reactiu estequiomètrica 1:1 i 40mL de solvent. Un cop modificada la fibra, se sotmet a reacció amb el monòmer estirè. Es comprova que el grau de polimerització segueix el valor de modificació prèviament obtingut, a menor quantitat de funcions alcohol lliures major interacció amb el monòmer estirè. Les propietats inicials de la fibra no es corresponen amb les obtingudes després del tractament, l'increment de la resistència a l'atac de microorganismes i a l'absorció d'humitat s'explica per una reducció de la presència de funcions alcohol polars i per la capa d'estirè polimeritzat per unió amb els dobles enllaços introduïts amb els agents d'acoblament. Pel que fa referència a les dues tècniques de caracterització més utilitzades, l'anàlisis elemental permet quantificar d'una manera precisa la reacció de la fibra amb els agents d'acoblament i la posterior reacció de la fibra modificada amb el monòmer estirè. La caracterització per espectroscopia d'infraroig permet comprovar qualitativament la reactivitat del clorur d'oleïl i qualitativament-quantitativament la de l'anhídrid metacrílic amb les funcions alcohol de la cel·lulosa present en les fibres de jute. Els pics més característics apareguts seran utilitzats per avaluar la reactivitat de la funció carbonílica del reactiu modificant amb l'estructura cel·lulòsica i del doble enllaç de la cel·lulosa modificada amb la matriu polimèrica.


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The cost of tendering in the construction industry is widely suspected to be excessive, but there is little robust empirical evidence to demonstrate this. It also seems that innovative working practices may reduce the costs of undertaking construction projects and the consequent improvement in relationships should increase overall value for money. The aim of this proposed research project is to develop mechanisms for measuring the true costs of tendering based upon extensive in-house data collection undertaken in a range of different construction firms. The output from this research will enable all participants in the construction process to make better decisions about how to select members of the team and identify the price and scope of their obligations.


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Generally poor productivity, delays, low profitability and exceeded budgets are Common problems in modern construction management, however it seems that a basic obstacle lies far deeper in the understanding of a firm's fundamental mission, its existence. The main objective of this paper therefore is to examine the operational living of a construction firm and by doing that to reveal the key problem or the solution for a construction firm - its organization. A firm as a social system in which interactions between its constitutive components (employees) are surordinated to its maintenance (keeping a system alive) is an autopoietic social system. Two domains of external perturbations are uncovered to which a construction firm has to adapt (market driven and project driven perturbations). Constructed conceptual model of an autopoietic organization is based upon two necessary and sufficient operational domains that a firm has to create in order to become an autopoietic, adaptive social system. The first one is a domain of interactions between employees and other operationally external systems, which is representing an idea-generating domain of interactions. The second is employee's autonomous operational domain, which embodies employee's autonomy and individuality and represents a necessary condition for the establishment of an idea-generating domain. Finally, it is recognized that interactions within these four domains keep a construction firm alive.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to offer an exploratory case study comparing one Brazilian beef processor's relationships supplying two different distribution channels, an EU importer and an EU retail chain operating in Brazil. Design/methodology/approach - The paper begins with a short review of global value chains and the recent literature on trust. It gives the background to the Brazilian beef chain and presents data obtained through in-depth interviews, annual reports and direct observation with the Brazilian beef processor, the EU importer and the retailer. The interviews were conducted with individual firms, but the analysis places them in a chain context, identifying the links and relationships between the agents of the chains and aiming to describe each distribution channel. Findings - Executive chain governance exercised by the domestic retailer stimulates technical upgrading and transferring of best practices to local. suppliers. Consequently, this kind of relationship results in more trust within the global value chain. Practical implications - There are difficulties and challenges facing this Brazilian beef processor that are party related to the need to comply with increasingly complex and demanding food safety and food quality standards. There is still a gap between practices adopted for the export market and practices adopted locally. The strategies of transnational retailers in offering differentiated beef should be taken in account. Originality/value - The research outlines an interdisciplinary framework able to explain chain relationships and the kind of trust that emerges in relationships between EU importer/retail and a developing country supplier.


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Economic mechanisms enhance technological solutions by setting the right incentives to reveal information about demand and supply accurately. Market or pricing mechanisms are ones that foster information exchange and can therefore attain efficient allocation. By assigning a value (also called utility) to their service requests, users can reveal their relative urgency or costs to the service. The implementation of theoretical sound models induce further complex challenges. The EU-funded project SORMA analyzes these challenges and provides a prototype as a proof-of-concept. In this paper the approach within the SORMA-project is described on both conceptual and technical level.


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There are a number of challenges associated with managing knowledge and information in construction organizations delivering major capital assets. These include the ever-increasing volumes of information, losing people because of retirement or competitors, the continuously changing nature of information, lack of methods on eliciting useful knowledge, development of new information technologies and changes in management and innovation practices. Existing tools and methodologies for valuing intangible assets in fields such as engineering, project management and financial, accounting, do not address fully the issues associated with the valuation of information and knowledge. Information is rarely recorded in a way that a document can be valued, when either produced or subsequently retrieved and re-used. In addition there is a wealth of tacit personal knowledge which, if codified into documentary information, may prove to be very valuable to operators of the finished asset or future designers. This paper addresses the problem of information overload and identifies the differences between data, information and knowledge. An exploratory study was conducted with a leading construction consultant examining three perspectives (business, project management and document management) by structured interviews and specifically how to value information in practical terms. Major challenges in information management are identified. An through-life Information Evaluation methodology (IEM) is presented to reduce information overload and to make the information more valuable in the future.


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This paper compares a number of different extreme value models for determining the value at risk (VaR) of three LIFFE futures contracts. A semi-nonparametric approach is also proposed, where the tail events are modeled using the generalised Pareto distribution, and normal market conditions are captured by the empirical distribution function. The value at risk estimates from this approach are compared with those of standard nonparametric extreme value tail estimation approaches, with a small sample bias-corrected extreme value approach, and with those calculated from bootstrapping the unconditional density and bootstrapping from a GARCH(1,1) model. The results indicate that, for a holdout sample, the proposed semi-nonparametric extreme value approach yields superior results to other methods, but the small sample tail index technique is also accurate.