721 resultados para Fierz-Pauli


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The splanchnic circulation has an important function in the body under both physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Despite its importance, no reliable noninvasive procedures for estimating splanchnic circulation have been established. The aim of this study was to evaluate MRI as a tool for assessing intra-abdominal blood flows of the aorta, portal vein (VPO) and the major intestinal and hepatic vessels. METHODS: In nine healthy volunteers, the proximal aorta (AOP) and distal abdominal aorta (AOD), superior mesenteric artery (SAM), celiac trunk (CTR), hepatic arteries (common and proper hepatic arteries, AHC and AHP, respectively), and VPO were localized on contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography images. Volumetric flow was measured using a two-dimensional cine echocardiogram-gated phase contrast technique. Measurements were taken before and 30 min after continuous intravenous infusion of somatostatin (250 microg/h) and were independently evaluated by two investigators. RESULTS: Blood flow measured by MRI in the VPO, SAM, AOP, AHP, and CTR significantly decreased after drug infusion. Flows in the AOD and AHC showed a tendency to decrease (P>0.05). Interrater agreement on flows in MRI was very good for large vessels (VPO, AOP, and AOD), with a concordance correlation coefficient of 0.94, as well as for smaller vessels such as the CTR, AHC, AHP, and SAM (concordance correlation coefficient =0.78). CONCLUSION: Somatostatin-induced blood flow changes in the splanchnic region were reliably detected by MRI. MRI may be useful for the noninvasive assessment of blood flow changes in the splanchnic region.


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Conventional debugging tools present developers with means to explore the run-time context in which an error has occurred. In many cases this is enough to help the developer discover the faulty source code and correct it. However, rather often errors occur due to code that has executed in the past, leaving certain objects in an inconsistent state. The actual run-time error only occurs when these inconsistent objects are used later in the program. So-called back-in-time debuggers help developers step back through earlier states of the program and explore execution contexts not available to conventional debuggers. Nevertheless, even back-in-time debuggers do not help answer the question, ``Where did this object come from?'' The Object-Flow Virtual Machine, which we have proposed in previous work, tracks the flow of objects to answer precisely such questions, but this VM does not provide dedicated debugging support to explore faulty programs. In this paper we present a novel debugger, called Compass, to navigate between conventional run-time stack-oriented control flow views and object flows. Compass enables a developer to effectively navigate from an object contributing to an error back-in-time through all the code that has touched the object. We present the design and implementation of Compass, and we demonstrate how flow-centric, back-in-time debugging can be used to effectively locate the source of hard-to-find bugs.


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Human behavior is a major factor modulating the consequences of road tunnel accidents. We investigated the effect of information and instruction on drivers' behavior as well as the usability of virtual environments to simulate such emergency situations. Tunnel safety knowledge of the general population was assessed using an online questionnaire, and tunnel safety behavior was investigated in a virtual reality experiment. Forty-four participants completed three drives through a virtual road tunnel and were confronted with a traffic jam, no event, and an accident blocking the road. Participants were randomly assigned to a control group (no intervention), an informed group who read a brochure containing safety information prior to the tunnel drives, or an informed and instructed group who read the same brochure and received additional instructions during the emergency situation. Informed participants showed better and quicker safety behavior than the control group. Self-reports of anxiety were assessed three times during each drive. Anxiety was elevated during and after the emergency situation. The findings demonstrate problematic safety behavior in the control group and that knowledge of safety information fosters adequate behavior in tunnel emergencies. Enhanced anxiety ratings during the emergency situation indicate external validity of the virtual environment.


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In the present study, the oral health-related quality of life of 18 patients (13 men and 5 women) was evaluated using validated questionnaires as proposed by the European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). The patients belonged to a cohort of 48 patients, whose prosthetic treatment was performed during the years 2004-2007. In the course of tumor resection, 12 patients underwent graft surgery and 14 patients radiotherapy. One patient required a nasal epithesis since resection of the nose became necessary. Five patients underwent a full block resection of the mandible, and tumor resection in 3 patients resulted in a large oronasal communication. Prosthetic rehabilitation was performed in all patients, and the follow-up period with regular care covered a minimum of 3 years. Eleven patients received dental implants for better support and retention of the prostheses. In spite of compromised oral conditions, functional restrictions, and some difficulties with the prostheses, the answers to the questionnaire were quite positive. The majority judged their general health as good or even excellent. The subjective perception of the patients may contradict the objective view by the dentist. In fact, the individual patient's history and experience provide a better understanding of the impact of oral tumors on daily life. The overall assessment identified 4 items that were perceived as major problems by all patients: swallowing solid food, dry mouth, limited mouth opening, and appearance. Prosthetic rehabilitation has only a limited influence on such problems.


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The present study reports on the surgical and prosthodontic rehabilitation of 46 patients, 31 male and 15 female, after resection of oral tumors. The treatment was carried out from 2004 to 2007 at the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Bern, with a follow-up time of 3 to 6 years. The average age at diagnosis was 54 years. 76% of all tumors were squamous cell carcinoma, followed by adenocarcinoma. Resection of the tumors including soft and/or hard tissues was performed in all patients. 80% of them additionally underwent radiotherapy and 40% chemotherapy. A full block resection of the mandible was perfomed in 23 patients, and in 10 patients, the tumor resection resulted in an oronasal communication. 29 patients underwent grafting procedures, mostly consisting of a free fibula flap transplant. To enhance the prosthetic treatment outcome and improve the prosthesis stability, a total of 114 implants were placed. However, 14 implants were not loaded because they failed during the healing period or the patient could not complete the final treatment with the prostheses. The survival rate of the implants reached 84.2% after 4 to 5 years. Many patients were only partially dentate before the tumors were detected, and further teeth had to be extracted in the course of the tumor therapy. Altogether, 31 jaws became or remained edentulous. Implants provide stability and may facilitate the adaptation to the denture, but their survival rate was compromised. Mostly, patients were fitted with removable prostheses with obturators in the maxilla and implant-supported complete dentures with bars in the mandible. Although sequelae of tumor resection are similar in many patients, the individual intermaxillary relations, facial morphology and functional capacity vary significantly. Thus, individual management is required for prosthetic rehabilitation.


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The genes for the dopamine transporter (DAT) and the D-Amino acid oxidase activator (DAOA or G72) have been independently implicated in the risk for schizophrenia and in bipolar disorder and/or their related intermediate phenotypes. DAT and G72 respectively modulate central dopamine and glutamate transmission, the two systems most robustly implicated in these disorders. Contemporary studies have demonstrated that elevated dopamine function is associated with glutamatergic dysfunction in psychotic disorders. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging we examined whether there was an interaction between the effects of genes that influence dopamine and glutamate transmission (DAT and G72) on regional brain activation during verbal fluency, which is known to be abnormal in psychosis, in 80 healthy volunteers. Significant interactions between the effects of G72 and DAT polymorphisms on activation were evident in the striatum, parahippocampal gyrus, and supramarginal/angular gyri bilaterally, the right insula, in the right pre-/postcentral and the left posterior cingulate/retrosplenial gyri (P < 0.05, FDR-corrected across the whole brain). This provides evidence that interactions between the dopamine and the glutamate system, thought to be altered in psychosis, have an impact in executive processing which can be modulated by common genetic variation.


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Abstract Inhalation of ambient air particles or engineered nanoparticles (NP) handled as powders, dispersions or sprays in industrial processes and contained in consumer products pose a potential and largely unknown risk for incidental exposure. For efficient, economical and ethically sound evaluation of health hazards by inhaled nanomaterials, animal-free and realistic in vitro test systems are desirable. The new Nano Aerosol Chamber for in-vitro Toxicity studies (NACIVT) has been developed and fully characterized regarding its performance. NACIVT features a computer-controlled temperature and humidity conditioning, preventing cellular stress during exposure and allowing long-term exposures. Airborne NP are deposited out of a continuous air stream simultaneously on up to 24 cell cultures on Transwell® inserts, allowing high-throughput screening. In NACIVT, polystyrene as well as silver particles were deposited uniformly and efficiently on all 24 Transwell® inserts. Particle-cell interaction studies confirmed that deposited particles reach the cell surface and can be taken up by cells. As demonstrated in control experiments, there was no evidence for any adverse effects on human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) due to the exposure treatment in NACIVT. The new, fully integrated and transportable deposition chamber NACIVT provides a promising tool for reliable, acute and sub-acute dose-response studies of (nano)particles in air-exposed tissues cultured at the air-liquid interface.


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BACKGROUND Epidemiological studies show that elevated levels of particulate matter in ambient air are highly correlated with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Atmospheric particles originate from a large number of sources and have a highly complex and variable composition. An assessment of their potential health risks and the identification of the most toxic particle sources would require a large number of investigations. Due to ethical and economic reasons, it is desirable to reduce the number of in vivo studies and to develop suitable in vitro systems for the investigation of cell-particle interactions. METHODS We present the design of a new particle deposition chamber in which aerosol particles are deposited onto cell cultures out of a continuous air flow. The chamber allows for a simultaneous exposure of 12 cell cultures. RESULTS Physiological conditions within the deposition chamber can be sustained constantly at 36-37°C and 90-95% relative humidity. Particle deposition within the chamber and especially on the cell cultures was determined in detail, showing that during a deposition time of 2 hr 8.4% (24% relative standard deviation) of particles with a mean diameter of 50 nm [mass median diameter of 100 nm (geometric standard deviation 1.7)] are deposited on the cell cultures, which is equal to 24-34% of all charged particles. The average well-to-well variability of particles deposited simultaneously in the 12 cell cultures during an experiment is 15.6% (24.7% relative standard deviation). CONCLUSIONS This particle deposition chamber is a new in vitro system to investigate realistic cell-particle interactions at physiological conditions, minimizing stress on the cell cultures other than from deposited particles. A detailed knowledge of particle deposition characteristics on the cell cultures allows evaluating reliable dose-response relationships. The compact and portable design of the deposition chamber allows for measurements at any particle sources of interest.


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The research on which this text is based has been financially supported by the Berne University Research Foundation (2009–2011) as well as by an Ambizione Research Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation (2012–2014). During my stays in South Africa, the Departments of Anthropology at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and the University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, provided me with welcoming and inspiring research environments. This article benefitted greatly from engaged discussions around its presentation at various occasions, notably our ECAS 2011 panel Transition and Justice: Negotiating the Terms of New Beginnings in Africa, held in Uppsala. I am particularly grateful to my co-convener and co-editor Gerhard Anders as well as Laurens Bakker, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Ben Cousins, Julia Eckert, Marion Fresia, Vinodh Jaichand, Steffen Jensen, Tim Kelsall, Hanri Mostert, Johanna Mugler, David O'Kane, Julia Pauli, Mats Utas, Julia Zenker and the anonymous referees of Development and Change for their critical engagements.


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Close similarities of various physiological parameters makes the pig one of the preferred animal models for the study of human diseases, especially those involving the cardiovascular system. Unfortunately, the use of pig models to study diseases such as viral hemorrhagic fevers and endotoxic shock syndrome have been hampered by the lack of the necessary immunological tools to measure important immunoregulatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Here we describe a TNF-bioassay which is based on the porcine kidney cell line PK(15). Compared to the widely used murine fibroblastoid cell line L929, the PK(15) cell line displays a 100-1000-fold higher sensitivity for porcine TNF-alpha, a higher sensitivity for human TNF-alpha, and a slightly lower sensitivity for murine TNF-alpha. Using a PK(15) bioassay we can detect recombinant TNF-alpha as well as cytotoxic activity in the supernatants of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated porcine monocytes at high dilutions. This suggests that the sensitivity of the test should permit the detection of TNF in biological specimens such as pig serum.


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The loci of the porcine tumour necrosis factor genes, alpha (TNFA) and beta (TNFB), have been chromosomally assigned by radioactive in situ hybridization. The genomic probes for TNFA and TNFB yielded signals above 7p11-q11, a region that has been shown earlier to carry the porcine major histocompatibility locus (SLA). These mapping data along with preliminary molecular studies suggest a genomic organization of the SLA that is similar to that of human and murine major histocompatibility complexes.


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We have analyzed the chromatin structure of the porcine tumor necrosis factor gene locus (TNF-alpha and TNF-beta). Nuclei from porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells were digested with different nucleases. As assessed with micrococcal nuclease, the two TNF genes displayed slightly faster digestion kinetics than bulk DNA. Studies with DNaseI revealed distinct DNaseI hypersensitive sites (DH-sites) within the porcine TNF locus. Four DH-sites could be observed in the promoter and mRNA leader regions of the TNF-beta gene. Two DH-sites could be observed for the TNF-alpha gene, one located in the promoter region close to the TATA-box and the other site in intron 3. This pattern of DH-sites was present independently of the activation state of the cells. Interestingly in a porcine macrophage-like cell line, we found that the TNF-alpha promoter DH-site disappeared and another DH-site appeared in the region of intron 1. Additionally, the DH-site of intron 3 could be enhanced by PMA-stimulation in these cells. TNF-beta sites were not detected in this cell line. However, DH-sites were totally absent in fibroblasts (freshly isolated from testicles) and in porcine kidney cells (PK15 cell line) both of which do not transcribe the TNF genes. Therefore, the pattern of DH-sites corresponds to the transcriptional activity of analyzed cells.


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In order to detect a large spectrum of small ruminant lentiviruses, primers for PCR were chosen in conserved parts of the LTR and GAG genes of Icelandic Visna virus 1514 and of the POL gene of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus. This set of primers was tested in six different caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV)- and Maedi-Visna virus isolates of Dutch, American and Swiss origin. The LTR primers allowed the detection of the corresponding fragments of all isolates. The GAG primers allowed amplification of the corresponding fragments of all but the Swiss Maedi-Visna virus strain OLV. Using the POL primers, one Maedi-Visna- and two caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus strains were detected after one round of amplification. Sequencing of the GAG and POL amplification products and comparison to Icelandic Visna virus and CAEV strain CO revealed total heterogeneity of 38% for the GAG- and 28% for the POL fragment. The virus strains studied fall into two groups which are more closely related to one another than to Icelandic Visna virus.