874 resultados para Federal High Performance Computing Program (U.S.)
This talk explores how the runtime system and operating system can leverage metrics that express the significance and resilience of application components in order to reduce the energy footprint of parallel applications. We will explore in particular how software can tolerate and indeed exploit higher error rates in future processors and memory technologies that may operate outside their safe margins.
Hyperspectral instruments have been incorporated in satellite missions, providing data of high spectral resolution of the Earth. This data can be used in remote sensing applications, such as, target detection, hazard prevention, and monitoring oil spills, among others. In most of these applications, one of the requirements of paramount importance is the ability to give real-time or near real-time response. Recently, onboard processing systems have emerged, in order to overcome the huge amount of data to transfer from the satellite to the ground station, and thus, avoiding delays between hyperspectral image acquisition and its interpretation. For this purpose, compact reconfigurable hardware modules, such as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are widely used. This paper proposes a parallel FPGA-based architecture for endmember’s signature extraction. This method based on the Vertex Component Analysis (VCA) has several advantages, namely it is unsupervised, fully automatic, and it works without dimensionality reduction (DR) pre-processing step. The architecture has been designed for a low cost Xilinx Zynq board with a Zynq-7020 SoC FPGA based on the Artix-7 FPGA programmable logic and tested using real hyperspectral data sets collected by the NASA’s Airborne Visible Infra-Red Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) over the Cuprite mining district in Nevada. Experimental results indicate that the proposed implementation can achieve real-time processing, while maintaining the methods accuracy, which indicate the potential of the proposed platform to implement high-performance, low cost embedded systems, opening new perspectives for onboard hyperspectral image processing.
In this paper, we develop a fast implementation of an hyperspectral coded aperture (HYCA) algorithm on different platforms using OpenCL, an open standard for parallel programing on heterogeneous systems, which includes a wide variety of devices, from dense multicore systems from major manufactures such as Intel or ARM to new accelerators such as graphics processing units (GPUs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), the Intel Xeon Phi and other custom devices. Our proposed implementation of HYCA significantly reduces its computational cost. Our experiments have been conducted using simulated data and reveal considerable acceleration factors. This kind of implementations with the same descriptive language on different architectures are very important in order to really calibrate the possibility of using heterogeneous platforms for efficient hyperspectral imaging processing in real remote sensing missions.
Abstract not available
The evolution and maturation of Cloud Computing created an opportunity for the emergence of new Cloud applications. High-performance Computing, a complex problem solving class, arises as a new business consumer by taking advantage of the Cloud premises and leaving the expensive datacenter management and difficult grid development. Standing on an advanced maturing phase, today’s Cloud discarded many of its drawbacks, becoming more and more efficient and widespread. Performance enhancements, prices drops due to massification and customizable services on demand triggered an emphasized attention from other markets. HPC, regardless of being a very well established field, traditionally has a narrow frontier concerning its deployment and runs on dedicated datacenters or large grid computing. The problem with common placement is mainly the initial cost and the inability to fully use resources which not all research labs can afford. The main objective of this work was to investigate new technical solutions to allow the deployment of HPC applications on the Cloud, with particular emphasis on the private on-premise resources – the lower end of the chain which reduces costs. The work includes many experiments and analysis to identify obstacles and technology limitations. The feasibility of the objective was tested with new modeling, architecture and several applications migration. The final application integrates a simplified incorporation of both public and private Cloud resources, as well as HPC applications scheduling, deployment and management. It uses a well-defined user role strategy, based on federated authentication and a seamless procedure to daily usage with balanced low cost and performance.
The present paper is a report on progress in the simulation of turbulent flames using the Cray T3D and T3E at the Edinburgh parallel computing centre, using codes developed in Cambridge. Two combustion DNS codes are described, ANGUS and SENGA, which solve incompressible and fully compressible reacting flows respectively. The technical background to combustion DNS is presented, and the resource requirements explained in terms of the physic and chemistry of the problem. Results for flame turbulence interaction studies are presented and discussed in terms of their relevance to modelling. Recent work on the fully compressible problem is highlighted and future directions outlined.
Multilevel algorithms are a successful class of optimisation techniques which address the mesh partitioning problem for mapping meshes onto parallel computers. They usually combine a graph contraction algorithm together with a local optimisation method which refines the partition at each graph level. To date these algorithms have been used almost exclusively to minimise the cut-edge weight in the graph with the aim of minimising the parallel communication overhead. However it has been shown that for certain classes of problem, the convergence of the underlying solution algorithm is strongly influenced by the shape or aspect ratio of the subdomains. In this paper therefore, we modify the multilevel algorithms in order to optimise a cost function based on aspect ratio. Several variants of the algorithms are tested and shown to provide excellent results.
In many areas of simulation, a crucial component for efficient numerical computations is the use of solution-driven adaptive features: locally adapted meshing or re-meshing; dynamically changing computational tasks. The full advantages of high performance computing (HPC) technology will thus only be able to be exploited when efficient parallel adaptive solvers can be realised. The resulting requirement for HPC software is for dynamic load balancing, which for many mesh-based applications means dynamic mesh re-partitioning. The DRAMA project has been initiated to address this issue, with a particular focus being the requirements of industrial Finite Element codes, but codes using Finite Volume formulations will also be able to make use of the project results.
In parallel adaptive finite element simulations the work load on the individual processors may change frequently. To (re)distribute the load evenly over the processors a load balancing heuristic is needed. Common strategies try to minimise subdomain dependencies by optimising the cutsize of the partitioning. However for certain solvers cutsize only plays a minor role, and their convergence is highly dependent on the subdomain shapes. Degenerated subdomain shapes cause them to need significantly more iterations to converge. In this work a new parallel load balancing strategy is introduced which directly addresses the problem of generating and conserving reasonably good subdomain shapes in a dynamically changing Finite Element Simulation. Geometric data is used to formulate several cost functions to rate elements in terms of their suitability to be migrated. The well known diffusive method which calculates the necessary load flow is enhanced by weighting the subdomain edges with the help of these cost functions. The proposed methods have been tested and results are presented.
This paper presents a new dynamic load balancing technique for structured mesh computational mechanics codes in which the processor partition range limits of just one of the partitioned dimensions uses non-coincidental limits, as opposed to using coincidental limits in all of the partitioned dimensions. The partition range limits are 'staggered', allowing greater flexibility in obtaining a balanced load distribution in comparison to when the limits are changed 'globally'. as the load increase/decrease on one processor no longer restricts the load decrease/increase on a neighbouring processor. The automatic implementation of this 'staggered' load balancing strategy within an existing parallel code is presented in this paper, along with some preliminary results.
Elasticity is one of the most known capabilities related to cloud computing, being largely deployed reactively using thresholds. In this way, maximum and minimum limits are used to drive resource allocation and deallocation actions, leading to the following problem statements: How can cloud users set the threshold values to enable elasticity in their cloud applications? And what is the impact of the applications load pattern in the elasticity? This article tries to answer these questions for iterative high performance computing applications, showing the impact of both thresholds and load patterns on application performance and resource consumption. To accomplish this, we developed a reactive and PaaS-based elasticity model called AutoElastic and employed it over a private cloud to execute a numerical integration application. Here, we are presenting an analysis of best practices and possible optimizations regarding the elasticity and HPC pair. Considering the results, we observed that the maximum threshold influences the application time more than the minimum one. We concluded that threshold values close to 100% of CPU load are directly related to a weaker reactivity, postponing resource reconfiguration when its activation in advance could be pertinent for reducing the application runtime.
The recently reported Monte Carlo Random Path Sampling method (RPS) is here improved and its application is expanded to the study of the 2D and 3D Ising and discrete Heisenberg models. The methodology was implemented to allow use in both CPU-based high-performance computing infrastructures (C/MPI) and GPU-based (CUDA) parallel computation, with significant computational performance gains. Convergence is discussed, both in terms of free energy and magnetization dependence on field/temperature. From the calculated magnetization-energy joint density of states, fast calculations of field and temperature dependent thermodynamic properties are performed, including the effects of anisotropy on coercivity, and the magnetocaloric effect. The emergence of first-order magneto-volume transitions in the compressible Ising model is interpreted using the Landau theory of phase transitions. Using metallic Gadolinium as a real-world example, the possibility of using RPS as a tool for computational magnetic materials design is discussed. Experimental magnetic and structural properties of a Gadolinium single crystal are compared to RPS-based calculations using microscopic parameters obtained from Density Functional Theory.
Advances in FPGA technology and higher processing capabilities requirements have pushed to the emerge of All Programmable Systems-on-Chip, which incorporate a hard designed processing system and a programmable logic that enable the development of specialized computer systems for a wide range of practical applications, including data and signal processing, high performance computing, embedded systems, among many others. To give place to an infrastructure that is capable of using the benefits of such a reconfigurable system, the main goal of the thesis is to implement an infrastructure composed of hardware, software and network resources, that incorporates the necessary services for the operation, management and interface of peripherals, that coompose the basic building blocks for the execution of applications. The project will be developed using a chip from the Zynq-7000 All Programmable Systems-on-Chip family.
Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado constituye el primero en una línea de Trabajos con un objetivo común: la creación de una aplicación o conjunto de aplicaciones que apoye a la administración de un cluster de supercomputación mediante una representación en tres dimensiones del mismo accesible desde un navegador. Esta aplicación deberá ser de fácil manejo para el personal que haga uso de ella, que recibirá información procedente de distintas fuentes sobre el estado de cada uno de los dispositivos del cluster. Concretamente, este primer Trabajo se centra en la representación gráfica del cluster mediante WebGL, el estándar para renderizado 3D en navegadores basado en OpenGL, tomando como modelo de desarrollo el SCBI (Centro de Supercomputación y Bioinnovación) de la Universidad de Málaga. Para ello, se apoyará en la creación de una herramienta con la que describir texualmente de forma intuitiva los elementos de una sala de supercomputadores y los datos asociados a los mismos. Esta descripción será modificable para adaptarse a las necesidades del administrador de los datos.
Presentaciones de la asignatura Interfaces para Entornos Inteligentes del Máster en Tecnologías de la Informática/Machine Learning and Data Mining.