876 resultados para Fairclough, Norman
OBJECTIVE: To study whether antioxidant supplementation will reduce the incidence of preeclampsia among patients at increased risk.METHODS: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial was conducted at four Brazilian sites. Women between 12 0/7 weeks and 19 6/7 weeks of gestation and diagnosed to have chronic hypertension or a prior history of preeclampsia were randomly assigned to daily treatment with both vitamin C (1,000 mg) and vitamin E (400 International Units) or placebo. Analyses were adjusted for clinical site and risk group (prior preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, or both). A sample size of 734 would provide 80% power to detect a 40% reduction in the risk of preeclampsia, assuming a placebo group rate of 21% and alpha=.05. The a level for the final analysis, adjusted for interim looks, was 0.0458.RESULTS: Outcome data for 707 of 739 randomly assigned patients revealed no significant reduction in the rate of preeclampsia (study drug, 13.8% [49 of 355] compared with placebo, 15.6% [55 of 352], adjusted risk ratio 0.87 [95.42% confidence interval 0.61-1.25]). There were no differences in mean gestational age at delivery or rates of perinatal mortality, abruptio placentae, pre-term delivery, and small for gestational age or low birth weight infants. Among patients without chronic hypertension, there was a slightly higher rate of severe preeclampsia in the study group (study drug, 6.5% [11 of 170] compared with placebo, 2.4% [4 of 168], exact P=.11, odds ratio 2.78, 95% confidence interval 0.79-12.62).CONCLUSION: This trial failed to demonstrate a benefit of antioxidant supplementation in reducing the rate of preeclampsia among'patients with chronic hypertension and/or prior preeclampsia.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The sixty-four known species of Ceraeochrysa Adams, 1982 are described, illustrated, and GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTIONS given. A preliminary phylogeny of the species is presented. Eleven species are newly described (C. achillea, C. angusta, C. beliaensis, C. bitacornua, C. chiricahuae, C. curvabilis, C. digitata, C. derospogon, C. diverticula, C. forcipata, and C. panamensis). Two species are returned to this genus (C. laufferi and C. placita). Three names are synonymized: Chrysopa silvestrina Navas, 1929 = Ceraeochrysa cincta (Schneider, 1851); Chrysopa gradata Navas, 1913 = Ceraeochrysa effusa (Navas, 1911); and Chrysopa aroguesina Navas, 1929 = Ceraeochrysa laufferi (Navas, 1922). Two new lectotype designations are indicated: Chrysopa cincta Schneider, 1851 and Chrysopa valida Banks, 1895. New status is given to Ceraeochrysa parvula (Banks, 1903).
The Araguaia-Tocantins geosuture, which separates the Araguaia Fold Belt (AFB) from the Archean Amazonian Craton, was active in the late Middle Proterozoic. The Baixo Araguaia Supergroup was deposited, consisting of the Estrondo Group (lower quartzites with intercalated schists), Xambioá Formation (schists), and Canto da Vazante Formation (upper feldspathic schists); and the Tocantins Group consisting of the Couto Magalhaës Formation (phyllites, quartzites, slates, limestones, and metacherts) and Pequizeiro Formation (upper chlorite schists); and associated mafic-ultramafic bodies. The deformational history includes four regional phases of deformation within this supracrustal sequence: recumbent folds with vergence to the west; refolding with a N-S trend; an intense crenulation episode; and late thrusting from east to west. Metamorphism is of intermediate or intermediate-high pressure type with garnet, biotite, chlorite, and sericite isograds succeeded by a slightly or non-metamorphosed zone, from east to west. Rocks surrounding sparse gneissic-cored domes contain isograds of staurolite, kyanite, and fibrolite. These isograds are believed to be associated with the 1100 Ma Uruaçuano event. The Brasiliano Orogeny strongly affected the AFB with displacements due to transcurrent reactivation of great and old faults of the basement, slight folding in the supracrustal sequence, intrusion of small granite bodies, and development of domes with associated normal faults. The area underlain by the Estrondo Group was uplifted at this time, causing the deposition of the Rio das Barreiras polymictic conglomerate of the central area. K-Ar and Rb-Sr analyses date this thermo-tectonic event at 550 ± 100 Ma. The Archean basement is exposed in the cores of domes as a granite-gneiss association, the Colméia complex, which shows thermo-tectonic features that may be interpreted as polycyclic imprints (Jequié, Transamazonian?, Uruaçuano, and Brasiliano Events). © 1989.
To evaluate the relationship between carotenoid concentrations in serum and breast tissue, we measured serum carotenoid concentrations and endogenous carotenoid levels in breast adipose tissue of women with benign breast tumor (n = 46) or breast cancer (n = 44). Before extraction, serum was digested with lipase and cholesterol esterase, and breast adipose tissue was saponified. Serum and tissue carotenoids were extracted with ether/hexane and measured by using HPLC with a C30 column. Serum retinoic acid was extracted with chloroform/methanol and measured using HPLC with a C18 column. There were no significant differences in serum carotenoids [lutein, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin (both α- and β-), α-carotene, all-trans β-carotene, 13-cis β-carotene and lycopene], retinoids (retinol, all-trans and 13-cis retinoic acids), and α- and -γ- tocopherol concentrations between benign breast tumor patients and breast cancer patients. A substantial amount of 9-cis β- carotene was present in adipose tissue and was the only carotenoid that had a significantly lower level in benign breast tumor patients than in breast cancer patients. Correlations between carotenoid concentrations in serum and in breast adipose tissue were determined by combining the data of the two groups. Concentrations of the major serum carotenoids except cryptoxanthin showed significant correlations with breast adipose tissue carotenoid levels. When the concentrations of serum carotenoids were adjusted for serum triglycerides or LDL, correlations between serum carotenoid concentrations and breast adipose tissue carotenoid levels markedly increased, including that of cryptoxanthin (P <0.001). The strong correlation between serum carotenoid concentrations and endogenous breast adipose tissue carotenoid levels indicate that dietary intake influences adipose tissue carotenoid levels as well as serum concentrations, and that adipose tissue is a dynamic reservoir of fat-soluble nutrients.
To determine lycopene uptake and tissue distribution in ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) and F344 rats, we supplemented orally 4.6 mg/(kg body wt-d) lycopene in a tomato oleoresin-com oil mixture (experimental groups). After 9 wk of supplementation, the animals were killed and blood and organs were collected. Plasma and tissue carotenoids were extracted and measured using HPLC. Mean concentrations of lycopene (nmol/kg wet tissue) in saponified tissues of ferrets were as follows: liver 933, intestine 73, prostate 12.7 and stomach 9.3. Levels of lycopene (nmol/kg wet tissue) in saponified tissue of rats were as follows: liver 14213, intestine 3125, stomach 78.6, prostate 24 and testis 3.9. When these organs were extracted without saponification, the lycopene levels were lower, except for rat testis. All-translycopene was the predominant isomer found in tomato oleoresin and in the majority of rat tissues, whereas cislycopenes were predominant in rat prostate and plasma. This pattern was reversed in ferrets. The results show the following: 1) lycopene from tomato oleoresin is absorbed and stored primarily in the liver of both animals; 2) saponification generally improves the extraction of lycopene from most tissues of both animals; 3) cis-lycopene and all- translycopene are the predominant isomers in ferret and rat tissues, respectively; and 4) rats absorb lycopene more effectively than ferrets.
Using the post-mitochondrial fraction of rat intestinal mucosa, we have investigated lycopene metabolism. The incubation media was composed of NAD+, KCI, and DTT with or without added lipoxygenase. The addition of lipoxygenase into the incubation significantly increased the production of lycopene metabolites. The enzymatic incubation products of 2H10 lycopene were separated using high-performance liquid chromatography and analyzed by UV/Vis spectrophotometer and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectroscopy. We have identified two types of products: cleavage products and oxidation products. The cleavage products are likely: (1) 3-keto-apo-13-lycopenone (C18H24O2 or 6,10,14-trimethyl-12-one-3,5,7,9,13-pentadecapentaen-2-one) with lambdamax = 365 nm and m/z =272 and (2) 3,4-dehydro-5,6-dihydro-15-apo-lycopenal (C20H28O or 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-2,4,6,8,12,14-hexadecahexaen-l-al) with lambdamax= 380 nm and m/z = 284. The oxidative metabolites are likely: (3) 2-ene-5,8-lycopenal-furanoxide (C37H50O) with lambdamax = 415 nm, 435 nm, and 470 nm, and m/z = 510; (4) lycopene-5, 6, 5', 6'-diepoxide (C40H56O2) with lambdamax = 415 nm, 440 nm, and 470 nm, and m/z =568; (5) lycopene-5,8-furanoxide isomer (I) (C40H56O2) with lambdamax = 410 nm, 440 nm, and 470 nm, and m/z = 552; (6) lycopene-5,8-epoxide isomer (II) (C40H56O) with lambdamax = 410, 440, 470 nm, and m/z = 552; and (7) 3-keto-lycopene-5',8'-furanoxide (C40H54O2) with lambdamax = 400 nm, 420 nm, and 450 nm, and m/z = 566. These results demonstrate that both central and excentric cleavage of lycopene occurs in the rat intestinal mucosa in the presence of soy lipoxygenase.
An involvement of the transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) 1 channel in the regulation of body temperature (T b) has not been established decisively. To provide decisive evidence for such an involvement and determine its mechanisms were the aims of the present study. We synthesized a new TRPV1 antagonist, AMG0347 [(E)-N-(7-hydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalen-1- yl)-3-(2-(piperidin-1-yl)-6-(trifluoromethyl)pyridin-3-yl)acrylamide], and characterized it in vitro. We then found that this drug is the most potent TRPV1 antagonist known to increase T b of rats and mice and showed (by using knock-out mice) that the entire hyperthermic effect of AMG0347 is TRPV1 dependent. AMG0347-induced hyperthermia was brought about by one or both of the two major autonomic cold-defense effector mechanisms (tail-skin vasoconstriction and/or thermogenesis), but it did not involve warmth-seeking behavior. The magnitude of the hyperthermic response depended on neither T b nor tail-skin temperature at the time of AMG0347 administration, thus indicating that AMG0347-induced hyperthermia results from blockade of tonic TRPV1 activation by nonthermal factors. AMG0347 was no more effective in causing hyperthermia when administered into the brain (intracerebroventricularly) or spinal cord (intrathecally) than when given systemically (intravenously), which indicates a peripheral site of action. We then established that localized intra-abdominal desensitization of TRPV1 channels with intraperitoneal resiniferatoxin blocks the T b response to systemic AMG0347; the extent of desensitization was determined by using a comprehensive battery of functional tests. We conclude that tonic activation of TRPV1 channels in the abdominal viscera by yet unidentified nonthermal factors inhibits skin vasoconstriction and thermogenesis, thus having a suppressive effect on T b. Copyright © 2007 Society for Neuroscience.
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