1000 resultados para Estruturas de Suporte de Terras


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RESUMO A macieira apresenta duas fases que caracterizam seu ciclo anual: a de repouso hibernal e a de crescimento vegetativo e reprodutivo. A importância em se conhecer ainfluência das condições climáticas sobre os processos reprodutivos das plantas e em desenvolver tecnologias que minimizem os possíveis efeitos aumenta à medida que as projeções de aquecimento global se tornampreocupantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o comportamento dos principais eventos fenológicos da macieira, da brotação à colheita, nas diferentes estruturas de frutificação, sob as condiçõesclimáticas do Sul do Brasil. O estudo experimental foi conduzido na Estação Experimental da Epagri (26°50’S, 50°58’W, altitude 950 m), durante os ciclos de 2011/12 e 2013/2014. As cultivares estudadas foram Gala e Fuji,com nove anos de idade, ambas sobre o porta-enxerto M9. O desenvolvimento fenológico foi observado nas diferentes estruturas de frutificação da macieira: gema de esporão, gema terminal de brindila e gemaaxilar de brindilas. As mesmas foram comparadas através dos dias e da exigência térmica necessários para a transição dos estádios, sendo contabilizados a partir do tratamento de quebra de dormência. As diferençasencontradas no início da brotação e do florescimento, entre as estruturas, dependeram consideravelmente das condições climáticas do ano em questão. Sob condições de altas temperaturas após o tratamento de quebra dedormência, houve maior sincronia fenológica entre as estruturas, sendo que sob baixas temperaturas se observou maior variabilidade dos estádios entre as mesmas. A partir do tratamento de quebra de dormência,gemas de esporões necessitam de menor acúmulo térmico para brotar, principalmente esporões de ‘Gala’ e gemas terminais de brindilas necessitam de maior acúmulo térmico que gemas de esporões para dar início aoflorescimento.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a freqüência de identificação das estruturas músculo-ligamentares do assoalho pélvico por meio de exames de ressonância magnética e avaliar o índice de concordância entre os observadores. MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo em 20 voluntárias assintomáticas, idade de 20 a 80 anos (média de 50 anos). Realizados exames de ressonância magnética pélvica (1,5 T) nas seqüências turbo spin-eco ponderadas em T1 e T2 nos planos axial e sagital. Os exames foram avaliados por dois observadores independentes, que procuraram identificar os músculos levantador do ânus (músculos coccígeo, pubococcígeo, iliococcígeo e puborretal), obturador interno e compressor da uretra e os ligamentos pubovesical e pubouretral. Os resultados foram comparados com base na freqüência de identificação das estruturas anatômicas e na concordância entre os observadores (índice kappa -- kapa). RESULTADOS: A freqüência de identificação das estruturas variou de 50% a 100%, sendo pouco inferior para os ligamentos. A concordância interobservador na identificação das estruturas foi a seguinte: músculos levantador do ânus e obturador interno (kapa=1), pubococcígeo (kapa=0,62), iliococcígeo (kapa=0,86), puborretal (kapa=0,27), coccígeo (kapa=0) e compressor da uretra (kapa=1), e ligamentos pubovesical (kapa=0,50) e pubouretral (kapa=0,58). CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância magnética de pelve permite identificar as principais estruturas músculo-ligamentares do assoalho pélvico na grande maioria dos indivíduos, com boa concordância interobservador.


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OBJETIVO: Neste artigo são descritas a implementação e avaliação de um sistema de gerenciamento de imagens médicas com suporte à recuperação baseada em conteúdo (PACS-CBIR), integrando módulos voltados para a aquisição, armazenamento e distribuição de imagens, e a recuperação de informação textual por palavras-chave e de imagens por similaridade. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O sistema foi implementado com tecnologias para Internet, utilizando-se programas livres, plataforma Linux e linguagem de programação C++, PHP e Java. Há um módulo de gerenciamento de imagens compatível com o padrão DICOM e outros dois módulos de busca, um baseado em informações textuais e outro na similaridade de atributos de textura de imagens. RESULTADOS: Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as imagens são gerenciadas e armazenadas corretamente e que o tempo de retorno das imagens, sempre menor do que 15 segundos, foi considerado bom pelos usuários. As avaliações da recuperação por similaridade demonstraram que o extrator escolhido possibilitou a separação das imagens por região anatômica. CONCLUSÃO: Com os resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que é viável a implementação de um PACS-CBIR. O sistema apresentou-se compatível com as funcionalidades do DICOM e integrável ao sistema de informação local. A funcionalidade de recuperação de imagens similares pode ser melhorada com a inclusão de outros descritores.


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OBJETIVO: Quantificar a hiperplasia neointimal em artérias ilíacas após stent, correlacionando fatores clínicos, arteriais e materiais dos stents. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: De junho de 2003 a agosto de 2005, 60 pacientes realizaram angioplastia transluminal percutânea e stent. Desses, 30 foram reestudados com ultrassonografia intravascular. Os dados foram analisados no laboratório de análise quantitativa. RESULTA-DOS: Dezesseis pacientes eram do sexo masculino (53,3%) e 14 (46,7%), do sexo feminino. A média de idade foi de 60,3 anos. Apresentaram hipertensão arterial 22 pacientes (73,3%), tabagismo, 18 (62,1%), hiperlipidemia, 20 (66,7%), e diabetes, 9 (30%). Foram implantados 20 stents de nitinol (66,7%) e 10 de aço inoxidável (33,3%). Quatro pacientes eram TASC A (13,3%), 15 eram TASC B (50%) e 11, TASC C (36,7%). O volume da hiperplasia variou de 49,02 mm³ a 112,87 mm³ (média de 80,33 mm³). O percentual de obstrução intra-stent variou de 18% a 47% (média de 27,4%). Os resultados clínicos obtidos com stent se mantiveram até o reestudo. CONCLUSÃO: A hiperplasia neointimal sempre ocorre após a angioplastia transluminal percutânea e stent, porém os percentuais de obstrução não foram superiores a 50% em nenhum caso. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante dos percentuais de obstrução intra-stent quanto aos materiais dos stents, aos fatores clínicos e aos fatores arteriais.


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The FTIR spectroscopy has been used to quantify the secondary structures of proteins, using amide I band (1600 - 1700 cm-1). The resolution enhancement methods have been used to resolve the individual components of this band that correlate to the secondary structure. In this paper we discuss the methods of derivative, Fourier deconvolution and fitting with simulated spectra. The results shows that they have serious problems and can be used only as a qualitative or semiquatitative method.


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The influence of the presence of hydrogen on Pt/TiO2 catalysts submitted to reduction treatment has been studied by FT-IR at room temperature. After submitting to LTR treatment, the hydrogen spillover has been detected and the presence of hydrogen at the bulk is shown to produce a strong absorption in the infrared spectral region. After HTR treatment, the hydrogen is strongly chemissorbed.


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This paper describes the construction of a kit of molecular model for illustration of molecular structure in chemical class using cheap materials. The atoms were represented by plastic spheres and the bonds between the atoms were made from plastic straws which were cut in the required length using a scale of 1.6 cm corresponding to 100 pm. Examples of adaptations made in this kit for didactical application are given.


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In the last decade, many method has been developed to obtain oxysufides. However, theses materials were obtained by reaction involved gaseous toxics, CO, CS2, H2S and S. In the present work, the synthesis of lanthanum oxysufides actived by europium (III) through an alternative method has been made. This method involve the rare earth sulfate reduction under an atmosphere of argon contained 10% hydrogen using the thermogravimetric technique. The results showed the formation of the phase TR2O2S (TR = La and Eu) at temperatures which depend upon the heating rate, respectively 650 - 830ºC at 5ºC min-1 and 680 - 800ºC at 10ºC min-1. The oxysufides obtained are characterized by infrared spectroscopy. The method developed is more economic than the usual industrial methods and the environmental problems during the synthesis are also better controled.


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Today satellites propulsion is based on the use of monopropellant and/or bipropellant chemical systems. The maneuvering of satellite is based on the hydrazine decomposition micropropulsors catalyzed by metallic iridium supported on g-alumina. This reaction is a surface reaction and is strongly exothermic and implies that the operation of the micropropulsor is controlled by the mass and heat diffusions. For this reason and for the fact that the propulsor operation is frequently in pulsed regime, the catalyst should support high pressure and temperature variations within a short time period. The performance and the durability of the commercial catalyst are jeopardized by the low thermal conductivity of the alumina. The low thermal conductivity of the alumina support restricts the heat diffusion and leads to the formation of hot spots on the catalyst surface causing the metal sintering and/or fractures of the support, resulting in loss of the activity and catalyst destruction. This work presents the synthesis and characterization of new carbon composite support for the active element iridium, in substitution of the commercial catalysts alumina based support. These supports are constituted of carbon nanofibers (30 to 40 nm diameter) supported on a macroscopic carbon felt. These materials present high thermal conductivity and mechanical resistance, as well as the easiness to be shaped with different macroscopic shapes. The mechanical stability and the performance of the iridium supported on the carbon composite support, evaluated in a laboratory scale test in hydrazine decomposition reaction, are superior compared to the commercial catalyst.


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The aim of this work was to optimize the preparation of electrodes with riboflavin (RF) immobilized on a silica surface modified with niobium oxide and carbon paste. Electrode preparation was optimized employing a factorial design consisting of two levels and three factors. The electrochemical properties of immobilized RF were investigated by cyclic voltammetry. The factorial analysis was carried out analysing the current intensity (Ipa). It was possible to optimize the electrode to get the best reversibility in the redox process, i. e. the lowest separation between anodic and cathodic peak potentials and a current ratio close to unity. The concentration of supporting electrolyte has a small effect. The proportion has the highest effect and the interaction factor between proportion and mixture has also a significant effect on the current intensity.


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The aim of this work is to present the principal properties and applications of supporting electrolytes (SE) to students, teachers and researchers interested in electrode processes. Different aspects are discussed including the importance of SE in maintaining constant the activity coefficients and the diffusion coefficients and reducing the transport number of electroactive species. Its effect on the electrochemical kinetic parameters is also presented.


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The history of the rare earths is rich in innovation and these elements have been the object of study of a number of scientists. Rare earths are used practically in almost all aspects of life and these applications are due to their outstanding properties, mainly spectroscopic and magnetic. In industry, the applications of rare earths are many, such as in catalysis, phosphors, magnetism, glass and lasers. In biological systems, rare earths are used, for example, as luminescent probes in the investigation of binding sites in proteins, labels in immunoassays and in noninvasive tests.


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The influence of natural aging furthered by atmospheric corrosion of parts of electric transformers and materials, as well as of concrete poles and cross arms containing corrosion inhibitors was evaluated in Manaus. Results for painted materials, it could showed that loss of specular gloss was more intensive in aliphatic polyurethane points than in acrylic polyurethane ones. No corrosion was observed for metal and concrete samples until 400 days of natural aging. Corrosion in steel reinforcement was noticed in some poles, arising from manufacturing faults, such as low cement content, water/cement ratio, thin concrete cover thickness, etc. The performance of corrosion inhibitors was assessed by many techniques after natural and accelerated aging in a 3.5% saline aqueous solution. The results show the need for better chemical component selection and its concentration in the concrete mixture.


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The fact that alpha- and beta-chitin adopt different arrays in the solid state is explored to emphasize their different properties and distinct spectral characteristics and X ray diffraction patterns. The methods for their extraction from the biomass in view of the preservation of their native structures and aiming to fulfill the claims of purity and uniformity for potential applications are discussed. The different arrays adopted by alpha- and beta-chitin also result in distinct reactivities toward the deacetylation reaction. Thus, the deacetylation of beta-chitin is more efficient owing to the better accessibility to amide groups due to the lower crystallinity of this polymorph.


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The efficiency for immobilizing microbial Candida rugosa lipase on a hybrid matrix of polysiloxane polyvinyl alcohol, by adsorption, covalent coupling and encapsulation was compared. The activities of immobilized derivatives were evaluated using p-nitrophenylpalmitate (hydrolysis) and butyric acid and butanol (esterification) as substrates. Operational stability and storage tests were also performed. Among the procedures tested, the proposed matrix was efficient for immobilizing C. rugosa lipase by adsorption and covalent coupling techniques and unsuitable for encapsulation purposes. The results reveal that better catalytic properties in both aqueous and organic media were demonstrated by the covalent coupling POS-PVA immobilized lipase, including also satisfactory half-life and good storage stability.