668 resultados para Estado nutricional


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Introduction: childhood obesity is a major public health problem, affecting children even at early ages. Objective: to assess the impact of dietary intervention and relatively simple physical activity on the nutritional state of preschoolers. Method: this was an intervention study in public daycare centers targeting children from 2 to 4 years of age, in the State of São Paulo. The sample consisted of 9 daycare centers covering 578 children, with 264 children in the intervention group (IG) and 314 in the comparison group (CG). Intervention was focused on modifications in diet and physical activity, avoiding overloading the routine of daycare centers, for duration of one year. A zBMI score > 1 (zBMI) and < 2 was considered risk of being overweight, and > 2 zBMI was considered excess weight (overweight and obese). Analysis was done by frequency calculations, comparisons of proportions by χ2, mean comparisons by t-student and calculations according to Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Results: IG showed an inverse correlation between the initial zBMI of the children and the difference with the zBMI at the end of the intervention (rP = -0.39, p <0.0001). The mean difference of zBMI of the overweight children in IG between the beginning and the end of the study period was negative (-0.46 z score), indicating weight reduction, while the children in the CG was positive (+0. 17 z score) (p = 0.0037). Conclusion: intervention in diet and physical activity in overweight preschool children in daycare centers could have a favorable impact on the evolution of their nutritional state.


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Children with cerebral palsy due to movement and posture disorders might have an injured nutritional state. This study's objective was to classify the body mass index of children with cerebral palsy and verify its relation with the injury level of gross motor function. Twenty children, male and female sex, with cerebral palsy with ages between 2 and 14 years participated in the study. They were chosen from a rehabilitation center with physiotherapy, occupational and speech therapy accompaniment. Children were classified according to the gross motor function classification scale. The anthropometric measures of each child weight, heel-knee length, estimated stature and body mass index were gauged. The body mass index was classified according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's body mass index percentile calculator for children and teenagers. The obtained data didn't show any relation between the gross motor function and body mass index. The reduced number of participants and the fact of all children be accompanied in dysphagia clinics and, when necessary, nutrition clinics, might have influenced these results.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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PurposeTo characterize and compare the performance of malnourished children and normal children in auditory processing. MethodThe sample comprised 30 children from five to ten years old, both genders, being 15 malnourished children (G1) and 15 children with adequate nutritional status, as a control group (G2). The groups were paired according to gender, age and grade level. Both groups underwent peripheral and central auditory assessment, noting that malnourished children had higher changes in the skill of sequencing score for verbal and nonverbal when compared to normal children, and the same occurred in closing skills and background figure. ResultRegarding the degree of auditory processing disorder, it was more severe in malnourished children. ConclusionChildren with malnutrition have higher frequency alterations in auditory abilities when compared to normal children, being the temporal ordering skills, auditory memory, selective attention, figure-ground and closing the most affected skills.


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A leishmaniose é uma doença causada pelo protozoário do gênero Leishmania, possuindo uma variedade de formas clínicas. A mais severa é a Leishmaniose visceral, que no Brasil é causada por L. chagasi e transmitida pelo flebotomíneo Lutzomia longipalpis. O cão, tanto o doméstico como o selvagem, é o principal reservatório no ciclo zoonótico da doença, que no Brasil ocorre principalmente na região nordeste. Através de estudos epidemiológicos realizados em áreas endêmicas, notou-se que apesar do elevado número de pessoas infectadas, poucas manifestavam a doença. Isso pode ser explicado pelo estado nutricional e imunológico do paciente, infecção por HIV e variabilidade das cepas, visto que a heterogeneidade genética e diversidade clonal estão relacionadas a variações nos fatores de virulência do parasita. A lectina que se liga à manose (Mannose-Binding Lectin), ou MBL, é uma proteína que pode estar relacionada ao desenvolvimento da doença, uma vez que pode se ligar a carboidratos na membrana externa de patógenos, agindo como uma opsonina e facilitando assim a ação de macrófagos. Altas concentrações desta proteína podem ser desvantajosas, uma vez que pode facilitar a infecção por LV. Genes mutados podem contribuir para a variação do nível sérico da proteína diminuindo as taxas de transcrição do gene. Concluindo, o projeto tem o intuito de identificar e genotipar mutações específicas no promotor e no exon 1 do gene que codifica a MBL em humanos. A realização do estudo permitirá também, a consolidação de uma base de dados para estudos posteriores envolvendo a genética populacional da Lectina Ligante de Manose


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV