974 resultados para Estética facial
A-Nperp, Pg-Nperp e mandibular plane). Thirty patients (male or female), with age varying from 19 to 48 years old were analyzed. All patients were diagnosted with mandibular retrognathism and submitted to bilateral sagital mandibular advancement. All tracings were performed in lateral cephalometric radiographs obtained one week before surgery. The intraclass correlation coefficient analysis (ICC), the t test adjusted for Tukey-Kramer test and Schuirmann test were applied. The results showed that the manual tracings and Nemotec® tracing had excellent reliabilities for all measures (ICC > 0.98). The Dolphin Imaging® showed low reliability in anterior facial height (value of ICC = 0.70), Co-A (value of ICC = 0.47) and Co-Gn (ICC value = 0.49). In A-Nperp, Pg-Nperp, Mandibular plan, SNA and SNB there were no differences between the 3 tracings (p > 0.05), for the anterior facial height measures differences were found between the Dolphin Imaging® and Nemotec® tracings, but no differences were observed as compared to the manual tracing (p > 0.05), in Co-A and Co-Gn measures t Dolphin Imaging® presented a significantly lower mean than the other methods (p > 0.05). The manual tracings were equivalent in 6 of 8 measures (A-Nperp, Pg-Nperp, md Plan, SNA, SNB and Co-A), there was no equivalence between the methods in the anterior facial height and Co-Gn measures (p < 0.01). The Dolphin Imaging® method was not equivalent in any of the 8 measures. It was concluded that in the manual tracing only the Co- Gn, Pg-Nperp and SNB measures confirmed the diagnosis of mandibular retrognathism, and the Nemotec® software showed better results than the Dolphin Imaging® software.
Although one cannot prevent the birth of human beings with cleft palate lesions one can adopt attitudes and various procedures entirely viable to rehabilitate and recuperate these persons through a team work composed of the facilities of a hospital, physician, dentist, psychotherapist, epeech pathologist, pedagogue and a social worker. In order to reduce the suffering of these patients we took up this work to prove that even if not in an ideal manner nevertheleses in an acceptable one we can reintegrate these persons to their families, friends and social milieu, offering them more security in their social, psychic and human relationships. We have made a review of the literature during the last three decades where we found many possibilities of prosthetic recuperations which concerns esthetics, mastication and maxillomandibular relationships beyond allowing these pacients conditions to perform satisfactory the functions of deglution and speech. We have selected and executed 5 clinical cases out of 15 pacients formely choosen looking to different prosthetic plannings. We have also shown the major contribution that the osseous integrated implants can offer to the rehabilitation and recuperation of pacients whith congenitall labio palatal lesions. To simplify the understanding we tried to discuss the most varied types of prosthesis in well defined subjects having a separate approach for each of them and we still showed that the specificity of each case leads to a specific type of rehabilitation founded om esthetics, occlusion, osseous suport, edentulous space, and above all based in the common sense and Professional integrity
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
Individuals with facial paralysis of 6 months or more without evidence of clinical or electromyographic improvement have been successfully reanimated utilizing an orthodromic temporalis transfer in conjunction with end-to-side cross-face nerve grafts. The temporalis muscle insertion is released from the coronoid process of the mandible and sutured to a fascia lata graft that is secured distally to the commissure and paralyzed hemilip. The orthodromic transfer of the temporalis muscle overcomes the concave temporal deformity and zygomatic fullness produced by the turning down of the central third of the muscle (Gillies procedure) while yielding stronger muscle contraction and a more symmetric smile. The muscle flap is combined with cross-face sural nerve grafts utilizing end-to-side neurorrhaphies to import myelinated motor fibers to the paralyzed muscles of facial expression in the midface and perioral region. Cross-face nerve grafting provides the potential for true spontaneous facial motion. We feel that the synergy created by the combination of techniques can perhaps produce a more symmetrical and synchronized smile than either procedure in isolation.Nineteen patients underwent an orthodromic temporalis muscle flap in conjunction with cross-face (buccal-buccal with end-to-side neurorrhaphy) nerve grafts. To evaluate the symmetry of the smile, we measured the length of the two hemilips (normal and affected) using the CorelDRAW X3 software. Measurements were obtained in the pre- and postoperative period and compared for symmetry.There was significant improvement in smile symmetry in 89.5 % of patients.Orthodromic temporalis muscle transfer in conjunction with cross face nerve grafts creates a synergistic effect frequently producing an aesthetic, symmetric smile.This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors at www.spinger.com/00266.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The following work had as one of major goals to summarize everything that was learnt and experienced during the Geography Graduation Course and doing it the beginning of a journey towards understanding the phenomena relevant to individuals in society and the urban space over the nature. This work has the background one of the poorest places in South America, but that comes up reflections and interpretations regarding the life and geographical science. To understand this, it was necessary to rescue the local historic process, report their specificities, thus, drawing a parallel with the geographical theories. There was an attempt, therefore, to encompass the theoretical knowledge to understand the different socio-spatial identities, territories and socioeconomic contexts
INTRODUÇÃO: A paralisia facial periférica (PFP) consiste no acometimento do sétimo nervo craniano, de forma aguda, podendo ser precedida por dor na região mastoidiana e resultando em paralisia completa ou parcial da mímica facial. É, na sua grande maioria, de causa idiopática ou apresenta diversas etiologias como diabetes mellitus, hipertensão arterial, herpes zoster, viroses, otites médias, infecções (lepra, sífilis, doença de Lyme), sarcoidose, traumatismo e tumores. Apesar da paralisia facial periférica ter sido descrita em 1821, por Sir Charles Bell, ainda hoje existe muita controvérsia a respeito da etiologia e tratamento. A incidência da PFP encontra-se entre 20 a 30 casos por 100 mil habitantes, com prevalência ligeiramente maior entre as mulheres. Baseado nessas premissas, este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a evolução de pacientes com paralisia facial periférica submetidos a um protocolo de reabilitação. METODOLOGIA: No estudo foram incluídos 30 pacientes com diagnóstico de paralisia facial periférica idiopática, atendidos no Centro de Estudos e Reabilitação em Fisioterapia (CEAFIR), da FCT-UNESP, campus de Presidente Prudente. O presente estudo adotou como procedimento fisioterapêutico os protocolos I, II, III e IV. Antes de realizar qualquer técnica, abaixo mencionada, foi explicado ao paciente cada passo, para evitar surpreendê-lo. Conforme os pacientes apresentassem melhora e evoluções nas reavaliações elétricas, foram feitas recomendações de exercícios para mímica facial, em frente ao espelho. As repetições eram aumentadas gradativamente, posteriormente os mesmos exercícios, mas agora ativos resistidos. RESULTADOS: Os valores das variáveis reobase, cronaxia e acomodação, nos garantem que o protocolo usado permite avaliar a condução nervosa do facial, o grau de evolução da condução nervosa, bem como acompanhar... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A crise ecológica, considerada reflexo de uma crise social por vários autores, tem na Educação Ambiental (EA) um dos caminhos possíveis na reversão desse quadro. Para isso, acreditamos que ela deva contemplar três dimensões (conhecimentos, participação e valores) que se articulam e se complementam. Particularmente interessadas na dimensão dos valores, voltamo-nos à questão da valorização estética da natureza. A dimensão estética, com destaque aqui para sua associação com a arte em geral, pode contribuir para a construção de uma visão de mundo menos fragmentada, na medida em que propicia ao educando a construção de novos valores e o desenvolvimento da sensibilidade, ampliando a perspectiva desenhada pela cultura em que ele está inserido. Reconhecendo o desafio que significa a abordagem da dimensão estética em projetos de EA, objetivamos com esta investigação, de caráter qualitativo, identificar os entendimentos e práticas de professores e de arte-educadores interessados no trabalho com EA, analisando os limites e possibilidades para o trabalho com essa dimensão. A pesquisa envolveu quatro professores de escolas públicas da cidade de Rio Claro-SP, participantes de um curso de formação docente cujo tema foi a EA e o trabalho com valores, e quatro arte-educadores que realizam trabalhos de EA. Os dados foram coletados a partir das transcrições de filmagens e de relatos das reuniões ocorridas ao longo do referido curso, da análise documental dos Planos de Ensinos e diários dos professores, observação das práticas dos professores, entrevistas e questionários respondidos pelos arte-educadores. Um dos principais aspectos que emergiu da análise dos dados refere-se à necessidade de se romper com o modelo racionalista adotado por nossa sociedade, o qual, dentre outras coisas, nega a sensibilidade a ponto de tornar a dimensão estética... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
This essay aims to drive the paths of Frederico Barbosa’s poetry to experience the refusal of the effortless. The dimensions of the emptiness, of the about and the nothing, are here under investigation as a style of expression that builds the structure of the poem. The utopian response to these themes could be in the deviation of the effortless by a refusal gesture of the language that mimetically works the paths of a style that refuses the easy way of making poetry itself.