998 resultados para Escuela Especial de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Madrid)


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This paper reports the studies carried out to develop and calibrate the optimal models for the objectives of this work. In particular, quarter bogie model for vehicle, rail-wheel contact with Lagrangian multiplier method, 2D spatial discretization were selected as the optimal decisions. Furthermore, the 3D model of coupled vehicle-track also has been developed to contrast the results obtained in the 2D model. The calculations were carried out in the time domain and envelopes of relevant results were obtained for several track profiles and speed ranges. Distributed elevation irregularities were generated based on power spectral density (PSD) distributions. The results obtained include the wheel-rail contact forces, forces transmitted to the bogie by primary suspension. The latter loads are relevant for the purpose of evaluating the performance of the infrastructure


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When an automobile passes over a bridge dynamic effects are produced in vehicle and structure. In addition, the bridge itself moves when exposed to the wind inducing dynamic effects on the vehicle that have to be considered. The main objective of this work is to understand the influence of the different parameters concerning the vehicle, the bridge, the road roughness or the wind in the comfort and safety of the vehicles when crossing bridges. Non linear finite element models are used for structures and multibody dynamic models are employed for vehicles. The interaction between the vehicle and the bridge is considered by contact methods. Road roughness is described by the power spectral density (PSD) proposed by the ISO 8608. To consider that the profiles under right and left wheels are different but not independent, the hypotheses of homogeneity and isotropy are assumed. To generate the wind velocity history along the road the Sandia method is employed. The global problem is solved by means of the finite element method. First the methodology for modelling the interaction is verified in a benchmark. Following, the case of a vehicle running along a rigid road and subjected to the action of the turbulent wind is analyzed and the road roughness is incorporated in a following step. Finally the flexibility of the bridge is added to the model by making the vehicle run over the structure. The application of this methodology will allow to understand the influence of the different parameters in the comfort and safety of road vehicles crossing wind exposed bridges. Those results will help to recommend measures to make the traffic over bridges more reliable without affecting the structural integrity of the viaduct


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In this work a methodology for analysing the lateral coupled behavior of large viaducts and high-speed trains is proposed. The finite element method is used for the structure, multibody techniques are applied for vehicles and the interaction between them is established introducing wheel-rail nonlinear contact forces. This methodology is applied for the analysis of the railway viaduct of the R´ıo Barbantino, which is a very long and tall bridge in the north-west spanish high-speed line.


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An experimental and numerical study of ballistic impacts on steel plates at various temperatures (700ºC, 400ºC and room temperature) has been carried out. The motivation for this work is the blade‐off event that may occur inside a jet engine turbine. However, as a first attempt to understand this complex loading process, a somewhat simpler approach is carried out in the present work. The material used in this study is the FV535 martensitic stainless steel, which is one of the most commonly used materials for turbine casings. Based on material test data, a Modified Johnson‐Cook (MJC) model was calibrated for numerical simulations using the LS‐DYNA explicit finite element code (see Figure 1). To check the mesh size sensitivity, 2D axisymmetric finite element models with three different mesh sizes and configurations were used for the various temperatures. Two fixed meshes with 64 and 128 elements over the 2mm thick plate and one mesh with 32 elements over the thickness with adaptive remeshing were used in the simulations. The formation of adiabatic shear bands in the perforation process has been found critical in order to achieve good results. Adiabatic shear bands are formed by the temperature rise due to the accumulation of plastic strain during impact (see Figure 2). The influence of the thermal softening in the plastic model has hence been analyzed for the room temperature impact tests, where the temperature gradient is highest


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En el presente trabajo se presenta un modelo del continuo para un fieltro denso. Igualando la densidad de potencia de un elemento del continuo a la densidad de potencia mecánica que actúa sobre el conjunto de las fibras se obtiene una expresión del tensor de tensiones en la configuración de referencia. El modelo se completa mediante la inclusión de un modelo de daño para modelar fenomenológicamente los mecanismos de extracción (pull-out) y rotura de las fibras. Se ha implementado el modelo como una subrutina de material de usuario para un código de elementos finitos (ABAQUSExplicit), formulado en grandes deformaciones. Los resultados obtenidos se han comparado con experimentos realizados sobre un fieltro comercial (geotextil) de fibras de polipropileno y muestran que el modelo es capaz de reproducir el comportamiento del material hasta la localización del daño y pérdida de capacidad portante del mismo.


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La capa exterior de óxido en la vaina de combustible nuclear es un factor clave en el estudio de su comportamiento en rotura. En esta ponencia se utiliza el ensayo de compresión diametral (RCT) para estudiar el comportamiento en rotura de vainas oxidadas. Para ello se prepararon muestras con una capa exterior de óxido de circonio de 85 µm de espesor y se sometieron a RCT a 20 y 135 ºC. El ensayo de compresión diametral ha demostrado ser muy sensible a la presencia de óxido en el exterior de la vaina para ambas temperaturas


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Se estudia la peligrosidad sísmica en la Península Ibérica con una metodología no paramétrica basada en estimadores de densidad kernel; la tasa de actividad se deduce del catálogo, tanto en cuanto a su dependencia espacial (prescindiendo de zonificación) como en relación con la magnitud (obviando la ley de Gutenberg-Richter). El catálogo es el del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, complementado con otros en zonas periféricas, homogeneizado en su cuantificación de los terremotos y eliminando eventos espacial o temporalmente interrelacionados para mantener un modelo temporal de Poisson. La tasa de actividad sísmica viene determinada por la función kernel, el ancho de banda y los períodos efectivos. La tasa resultante se compara con la obtenida usando estadísticas de Gutenberg-Richter y una metodología zonificada. Se han empleado tres leyes de atenuación: una para terremotos profundos y dos para terremotos superficiales, dependiendo de que su magnitud fuera superior o inferior a 5. Los resultados se presentan en forma de mapas de peligrosidad para diversas frecuencias espectrales y períodos de retorno de 475 y 2475 años, lo que permite construir espectros de peligrosidad uniforme


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Railway bridges have specific requirements related to safety, which often are critical aspects of design. In this paper the main phenomena are reviewed, namely vertical dynamic effects for impact effect of moving loads and resonance in high-speed, service limit states which affect the safety of running traffic, and lateral dynamic effects.


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Several chemical reactions are able to produce swelling of concrete for decades after its initial curing, a problem that affects a considerable number of concrete dams around the world. Principia has had several contracts to study this problem in recent years, which have required reviewing the state-ofthe-art, adopting appropriate mathematical descriptions, programming them into user routines in Abaqus, determining model parameters on the basis of some parts of the dams’ monitored histories, ensuring reliability using some other parts, and finally predicting the future evolution of the dams and their safety margins. The paper describes some of the above experience, including the programming of sophisticated nonisotropic swelling models, that must be compatible with cracking and other nonlinearities involved in concrete behaviour. The applications concentrate on two specific cases, an arch-gravity dam and a double-curvature arch dam, both with a long history of concrete swelling and which, interestingly, entailed different degrees of success in the modelling efforts.


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The Kariba dam is undergoing concrete expansion as a result of an alkali-aggregate reaction. The model adopted to simulate the process is explained in the paper; it is based on the model first proposed by Ulm et al, as later modified by Saouma and Perotti. It has been implemented in the commercial finite element code Abaqus and applied to solve the benchmark problem. The parameters of the model were calibrated using the data recorded up to 1995. The calibrated model was then used for predicting the evolution of the dam up to the present date. Apart from this prediction the paper offers a number of conclusions, such as the fact that the stress level appears to have a major influence on the expansion process; and it presents some suggestions to improve the formulation of the benchmark, such as providing temperature data and widening the locations and conditions of the data employed in the calibration


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1. Moticacion Nuevos puentes 2. Efectos Dinámicos (¿Puentes Seguros?) 3. Requisitos de Servicio (¿Traco Seguro?) 4. Modelos y Normas (¿Cómo saberlo?) Modelos de Cálculo Normas Técnicas 5. Observaciones finales


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1. Motivacion 2. Respuesta dinámica y modelos de cálculo Cargas de Tráfico Comprobaciones y modelos 3. Normatica reciente Trenes reales, HSLM y trenes tipo Eurocódigos EN1991-2, EN1990/A1 Interoperabilidad en la Red TransEuropea: ETI-INF Instrucción Española IAPF-2007 y Anejos Naconales 4. Investigación sobre dinámica de estructuras Dinámica transversal de vehículos ferroviarios sobre viaductos 5. Comentarios finales


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Definir el riesgo de rotura de un aneurisma, se considera un factor básico para elegir el momento adecuado de la intervención quirúrgica. Uno de los parámetros clásico utilizados es el diámetro del aneurisma (Ley de la Place). Sin embargo, otro factor mecánico como es el cociente entre la tensión máxima que soporta la pared (depende del diámetro de la aorta y de la morfología) y de la resistencia del material (pared de la aorta) es un elemento poco conocido. La razón estriba en comparar aortas “sanas” con “patológicas”. Este estudio lo hemos realizado en colaboración con el Departamento de Ciencias de Materiales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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A research has been carried out in two-lanehighways in the Madrid Region to propose an alternativemodel for the speed-flowrelationship using regular loop data. The model is different in shape and, in some cases, slopes with respect to the contents of Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). A model is proposed for a mountainous area road, something for which the HCM does not provide explicitly a solution. The problem of a mountain road with high flows to access a popular recreational area is discussed, and some solutions are proposed. Up to 7 one-way sections of two-lanehighways have been selected, aiming at covering a significant number of different characteristics, to verify the proposed method the different classes of highways on which the Manual classifies them. In order to enunciate the model and to verify the basic variables of these types of roads a high number of data have been used. The counts were collected in the same way that the Madrid Region Highway Agency performs their counts. A total of 1.471 hours have been collected, in periods of 5 minutes. The models have been verified by means of specific statistical test (R2, T-Student, Durbin-Watson, ANOVA, etc.) and with the diagnostics of the contrast of assumptions (normality, linearity, homoscedasticity and independence). The model proposed for this type of highways with base conditions, can explain the different behaviors as traffic volumes increase, and follows a polynomial multiple regression model of order 3, S shaped. As secondary results of this research, the levels of service and the capacities of this road have been measured with the 2000 HCM methodology, and the results discussed. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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En el presente trabajo se presenta un estudio experimental y numérico de impactos balísticos sobre placas de acero inoxidable martensítico a altas temperaturas (400ºC y 700ºC), que pone de manifiesto la importancia del ablandamiento térmico en simulaciones de impactos a altas temperaturas. Mediante un estudio metalográfico de la zona de impacto, se ha observado la aparición de bandas adiabáticas de cortante formadas por el aumento brusco de la temperatura debido a la acumulación del trabajo plástico en el interior del material. La correcta predicción en la formación de estas bandas durante el proceso de penetración es crítica a la hora de obtener resultados representativos de los experimentos realizados. Basándose en datos experimentales de ensayos previamente realizados, se ha calibrado un modelo de material de Johnson-Cook (JC) para su uso con simulaciones numéricas en el código no lineal de elementos finitos LSDYNA. Mediante estas simulaciones numéricas se demuestra la importancia del ablandamiento térmico en el proceso de perforación de placas, al igual que la incapacidad que un modelo tipo JC tiene para representar el dicho ablandamiento para material estudiado. Esta investigación presenta, finalmente, una modificación a un modelo tipo JC programado como subrutina de material de usuario para LS-DYNA que permite simular correctamente estos procesos de impacto a alta temperatura.