994 resultados para Enzyme kinetic


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Laser-induced fragmentation of C-60 has been studied using a time-of-flight mass spectrometric technique. The average kinetic energies of fragment ions C-n(+) (n <= 58) have been extracted from the measured full width at half maximum (FWHM) of ion beam profiles. The primary formation mechanism of small fragment ion C-n(+) (n < 30) is assumed to be a two-step fragmentation process: C60 sequential decay to unstable C-30(+) ion and the binary fission of C-30(+). Considering a second photo absorption process in the later part of laser pulse duration, good agreement is achieved between experiment and theoretical description of photoion formation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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L-shell X-ray spectra of Mo surface induced by Xe25+ and Xe29+ were measured. The X-ray intensity was obtained in the kinetic energy range of the incident ions from 350 to 600 keV. The relationship of X-ray intensity with kinetic energy of the projectile and its charge state were studied, and the simple explanation was given.


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T he total secondary electron emission yields, gamma(T), induced by impact of the fast ions Neq+ (q = 2-8) and Arq+ (q = 3-12) on Si and Neq+ (q = 2-8) on W targets have been measured. It was observed that for a given impact energy, gamma(T) increases with the charge of projectile ion. By plotting gamma(T) as a function of the total potential energy of the respective ion, true kinetic and potential electron yields have been obtained. Potential electron yield was proportional to the total potential energy of the projectile ion. However, decrease in potential electron yield with increasing kinetic energy of Neq+ impact on Si and W was observed. This decrease in potential electron yield with kinetic energy of the ion was more pronounced for the projectile ions having higher charge states. Moreover, kinetic electron yield to energy-loss ratio for various ion-target combinations was calculated and results were in good agreement with semi-empirical model for kinetic electron emission.


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A phenol-degrading. microorganism, Alcaligenes faecalis, was used to study the substrate interactions during cell growth on phenol and m-cresol dual substrates. Both phenol and m-cresol could be utilized by the bacteria as,the sole carbon and energy sources. When cells grew on the mixture of phenol and m-cresol, strong substrate interactions were observed. m-Cresol inhibited the degradation of phenol, on the other hand, phenol also inhibited the utilization of m-cresol, the overall cell growth rate was the co-action of phenol and m-cresol. In addition, the cell growth and substrate degradation kinetics of phenol, m-cresol as single and mixed substrates for A. faecalis in batch cultures were also investigated over a wide range of initial phenol concentrations (10-1400 mg L-1) and initial m-cresol concentrations (5-200 mg L-1). The single-substrate kinetics was described well using the Haldane-type kinetic models, with model constants of it mu(m1) = 0.15 h(-1), K-S1 = 2.22 mg L-1 and K-i1 = 245.37 mg L-1 for cell growth on phenol and mu(m2) = 0.0782 h(-1), K-S2 = 1.30 mg L-1 and K-i2 = 71.77 mgL(-1), K-i2' = 5480 (mg L-1)(2) for cell growth on m-cresol. Proposed cell growth kinetic model was used to characterize the substrates interactions in the dual substrates system, the obtained parameters representing interactions between phenol and m-cresol were, K = 1.8 x 10(-6), M = 5.5 x 10(-5), Q = 6.7 x 10(-4). The results received in the experiments demonstrated that these models adequately described the dynamic behaviors of phenol and m-cresol as single and mixed substrates by the strain of A. faecalis.


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A flow injection system for the determination of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides is described. A sensitive fluorescence probe was synthesized and used as the pH indicator to detect the inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (ACNE). The percentage inhibition of enzyme activity is correlated to the pesticide concentration. Several parameters influencing the performance of the system are discussed. The detection limits of 3.5, 50, 12 and 25 mug/l for carbofuran, carbaryl, paraoxon and dichlorvos, in pure water, respectively were achieved with an incubation time of 10 min. A complete cycle of analysis, including incubation time, took 14 min. The detection system has been applied to the determination of carbofuran in spiked vegetable juices (Chinese cabbage and cole), achieving recovery values between 93.2 and 107% for Chinese cabbage juice and 108 and 118% for cole juice at the different concentration levels assayed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Desorption/ionization on silicon mass spectrometry (DIOS-MS) is a matrix-free technique that allows for the direct desorption/ionization of low-molecular-weight compounds with little or no fragmentation of analytes. This technique has a relatively high tolerance for contaminants commonly found in biological samples. DIOS-MS has been applied to determine the activity of immobilized enzymes on the porous silicon surface. Enzyme activities were also monitored with the addition of a competitive inhibitor in the substrate solution. It is demonstrated that this method can be applied to the screening of enzyme inhibitors. Furthermore, a method for peptide mapping analysis by in situ digestion of proteins on the porous silicon surface modified by trypsin, combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-MS has been developed.


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It has been generally agreed that pyridine can be effectively mineralized in aerated TiO2 slurries using near-UV irradiation. The knowledge on the kinetics of the system possesses both practical and theoretical values. The present study, on the base of Langmuir-Hinshewood mechanism, illustrates a pseudo first-order kinetic model of the degradation with the limiting rate constant of 3.004 mg l(-1) min(-1) and equilibrium adsorption constant 2.763 x 10(-2) l mg(-1), respectively. The degradation efficiency in alkali is a little higher than that in acid with a minimum at about pH = 5, which is explained by the formation of acid-pyridine in acidic surrounding together with the amphoteric nature of the TiO2 surface. The promotion of H2O2 on the photo-degradation ties in its supplying proper amount of (OH)-O-. radicals for the inducement stage before surface redox reactions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Colorimetric assay based on the unique surface plasmon resonance properties of metallic nanoparticles has received considerable attention in bioassay due to its simplicity, high sensitivity, and low cost. Most of colorimetric methods previously reported employed gold nanoparticles (GNPs) as sensing elements. In this work, we develop a sensitive, selective, simple, and label-free colorimetric assay using unmodified silver nanoparticle (AgNP) probes to detect enzymatic reactions. Enzymatic reactions concerning adenosine triphosphate (ATP) dephosphorylation by calf intestine alkaline phosphatase (CLAP) and peptide phosphorylation by protein kinase A (PKA) were studied.


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In this paper, we attempt to construct a simple and sensitive detection method for both phenolic compounds and hydrogen peroxide, with the successful combination of the unique property of quantum dots and the specificity of enzymatic reactions. In the presence Of H2O2 and horseradish peroxidase, phenolic compounds can quench quantum dots' photoluminescence efficiently, and the extent of quenching is severalfold to more than 100-fold increase. Quinone intermediates produced from the enzymatic catalyzed oxidation of phenolic compounds were believed to play the main role in the photoluminescence quenching.


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Capillary electrophoresis (CE) with electrochemiluminescence (ECL) detection was used to explore the kinetics ofthe enzymatic reaction. The different effects ofreaction conditions including the concentration of Mn2l, incubation temperature and pH on PFOlidase (PLD, EC activity in erythrocyte lysates against three different substrates, Gly-Pro, Val-Pro and Leu-Pro were investigated. Also, the effects of colchicine which can prevent or delay cancer ofliver on the PLD activity were studied.


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Lipopolysaccharide ( LPS) is a major component of the outer membrane of all gram-negative bacteria. It is a heat-resistant toxin which can cause toxic shock in animals. LPS interacts with some biomolecules and triggers its toxic reaction. In this study, the interaction between LPS from Salmonella Minnesota and some biomolecules using syrface okasnib resibabce ( SPR) biosensor. biomolecules were imobilized on CM5 sensor-chip suing amion coupling method and LPS was injected over the immobilized surfaces.


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The oxidation of formic acid at the Pd/C catalyst electrode is a completely irreversible kinetic process with the reaction order of 1.0. The oxidation rate of formic acid is increased with increasing the concentration of formic acid and is decreased with increasing H+ concentration. The apparent negative reaction order with respect to H+ is about -0.18 or -0.04 in H2SO4 or HClO4 solution respectively, because bisulfate anions would inhibit formic acid oxidation at some extent. The kinetic parameters, charge transfer coefficient and the diffusion coefficient of formic acid were obtained under the quasi steady-state conditions.